
the beggining

 So I'm dead was a man with a gray beard i asked him who are you he finally spoke. Hello, I am Rob, yes you are but as compensation and you will be getting 8 wishes I will grant anything within reason, but why and why am I so calm James asked extremely confused by the circumstances of his death as he was the type of guy who would curse someone who made a door if he stubbed his toe.

Rob said this happened to my son an angle accidentally sent you a heart attack, and my omniscience was deactivated because I was bored and I was trying to watch a video and kept getting spoiled I apologize and I erased your anger and panic so we could speak without the crying or denying and know my son will be punished and is going to be stripped of his wings and sent to hell as a fallen angle 

so I am just dead how did the angle even mess up for your sake I said and he then cringed like he heard something weird I just said don't look at me like that it was a joke rob sighed and said what are your wishes wait let me think does the place I reincarnate count as a wish and how about my looks no it does not count says rob ok let me thin got it I want to reincarnate in Teen Wolf and be the same age as Scott and his pack can you read my mind and see what I want to look like, rob replied ok is this correct you want dark hair that is short to medium length green eyes a swimmer build with a chiseled face yes I replied what is your first wish.

My first wish is to be a dragon with power over the elements fire earth wind water ice light darkness and my blood and a full and hybrid dragon form that can also change size he has golden scaly wings orange eyes and sharp pupils other than that just taller and more strength. His dragon form is gold with orange eyes and horns.

(a/n link of pic of his hybrid form(https://pixai.art/artwork/1755045864486661229?_cursor=gqJpZNcAGPTj6uk3Lvalc2NvcmVg&lang=fr)

Rob says ok it granted what else, I wish to have the power of runes, it is granted, I wish to have immortality and Deadpool power healing, and can give away immortality and create a pack I refuse I can give you the ability to turn back aging or stop it but only with consent ok but then can I get a small side wish fine rob said even though he new it was a scam for mor wish's and I just grined and said a genius with eidetic memory, I wish for a mate bond where we see each other in our dreams with lydia martin but we can not speak and she sees all my forms once we meet she will have a crush on me, granted continue and lastly I wish to be the only child of a trillionaire and inherit all his money when he dies granted and I wish my family moves to beacon hills when I turn 16 and we live in a mansion after dad sells his company and my final wish is that my ancestor is a clone of myself who gives runes to the agents and it can only be used by the agents all but kate and Gerard.

Okay, but your powers will all be much weaker. And you must train control. You will now start. Goodbye. You will get your powers at age 10 and they fully turn on age 15, and your family is a family of hunters he says while I fade away.

this is just the first chapter i ever made so its short and its just a side project so dont expect to much

khalif_alicreators' thoughts