
Reborn as a Diablos in fate?!

I am new but i will make this the best that i can make it. Jackson was going home from his work when the most cliche thing had happen, a child wanting to rush home had crossed the street not noticing the truck rushing down the street as though a mad man was behind the wheel, but Jackson noticed and reading those fanfic and novel had filled him in thought so he took his chance's in his belief and rushed to the child.

NUTTER_BUTTER · アニメ·コミックス
23 Chs

Finding New Spots For Food As A Diablos 1/2

As the Black Diablos munched on some cactuses he would not realize that he had eaten half of the cactus patch in his blind hunger.

"Oh damn it I ate too many cactuses, but well it doesn't matter much now that I think about it, I still have to find more spots with cactuses and most definitely find a water spot instead of risking going to Egypt's city again."

He would move his head away from the cactus and start to dig underneath the sand to find more cactuses causing the sand to once again, cover the cactus.

As The Black Diablos shift through the sands he begin to think " That camel, where did I see that camel again I know I was up in the sky before but maybe I could, nah I should just fly again but not too long it's not very cloudy today so sun is especially overbearing today."

He would begin to put more force into digging out the sand causing a small sinkhole to appear in the general spot he was underneath but soon he would fling himself out of the sand generating enough height to fly upward in a glide.

*WHOOSH* With a flap of his wings he would rise up into the sky and glide while occasionally flapping them to stay afloat in his glide, as the Black Diablos glided in the sky he would scan the ground below him for cactuses and maybe an oasis to drink from.

As he glided in the skies he would notice a group of werejaguar walking through the desert with a gazer leading them through the desert. " That is quite strange, but I'm not messing with that, that's just too strange for me."

He would keep on scanning while keeping the werejaguar and gazer in the corner of his eye and noted in his mind.

Flying through the skies he would finally find water to drink but it was from an oasis with a village already formed around it, he would slowly tilt his wings to decrease his speed of arrival as he thinks. " Damn I doubt I'll ever get water with no one around it but I should be fine they can't really call for help since they're all alone out here"

The Black Diablos would tilt his wings again this time arriving much faster than before and getting closer towards the ground and village. He would see the villagers running like chickens and ants, some towards they're home and not coming out while most just leaving the village altogether.

As the Black Diablos landed pushing sand into the water and causing a small sandstorm he would immediately look around seeing most of the humans had decided to run away rather than fighting something that was as dark as the night that had vicious horns.

Though I did say "Most", while some had decided to hide inside they're home holding their loved ones. A small group had formed with confidence and bravery flaming in their hearts, the Black Diablos would soon hear. "WE WON'T LET THIS WYVERN TAKE OUR HOME!! SO ARE YOU WITH ME" "YYYYEEEAAAAHHHH" "YYYYEEEAAHH".

The group of ragtag warriors would begin charging towards him wielding a staff and mostly just maces and daggers. The oldest one of the group seemed to be the one wielding the staff as he also wore one of those chimeras head, although it seemed to be a bit too large for him to wear.

The Black Diablos would see all of this happening as he drank from the Oasis not minding them mustering up a group of about 4 people to fight him. Though as soon as he seen them charge at him he would immediately stop drinking the water and look towards them waiting for the perfect moment to.

*WOOSH* A symphony of Cracks and screams filled the air as they cried out in pain from those who were still alive from the tail attack. The old man of the group was dead immediately from the attack having head his forcefully twisted in such a manner that it looked like a blanket being twisted and tossed on the ground, only able to keep his head because of the Chimeras head having an enchantment upon it.

Though the same could not be said for the rest. One had his head crushed and splattered like a watermelon with having only one rib tear through his skin to show itself to the world while the rest inside of him broke to pieces piercing his heart, his lungs and his liver. Killing almost instantly only allowing just glimpses of what happened to him before he went to the field of reeds.

While the last two would live but be forever reminded of the eternal wound they would have, if they received aid. But aid would never come for them as most had already left the village and those who stayed would not come out to suffer the same fate as them.

The Black Diablos would see his challengers lay defeated upon the sand and he would turn away immediately digging underneath the sand to find cactuses now not caring if they would live to see another day or die and be judged at the Duat.