
Leaving Japan and New Pet Demon.

After a few hours that Kokushibo had left the noodle shop, the man felt it was long enough for him to call the number. He got his cellphone and dialed the number they showed on the tv. Kokushibo's mother picked up the moment he called as she always had hr phone for any news about her son.

"Hello, this is Kanna, do you have any news about my son?"

The old man sighed.

"He was here a few hours ago. He was coming to eat and he saw your interview. He did not seem to plan to go back, he had a sword at his side and was wearing a hoodie."

Kanna and Toshiro both looked at each other as they did not know why their son had run away. They thought he was happy and they never had the thought to abandon him, so why? Kanna felt her tears run down her face, while the old man sighed.

"I am sorry, but he was here just a few hours ago. He could not have gone far.

Toshiro hugged his wife and thanked him.

"No, thank you for helping us. We will find our son no matter what."

Once they hung up the man hung up thinking of what a pitty it had been. As for Kokushibo he had not left and was on the roof of the building listening to the call. The old man kept his word but hearing the pained and determined voice of his mother was painful.

He sighed and left for real, he would not return. He squinted his eyes and he pulled up his hoodie and left. After he left his parents drove toward here and the police searched around for him in the prefecture. He was long gone, and a few days later he was walking through the dead of night on a harbor.

On his shoulder was a big fat Gambian Pouch Rat, that he had turned into a demon as a joke and test. He named him Muzan as an insult to the original.

The rat-like him could eat human and normal food. Still, it did not get quirks from the scraps of the people he ate. In this short amount of time he had gained a few useful quirks like one that reduced the impact of hits taken, skin harder to pierce, and even a way to make his blood poisonous for his blood demon art.

One thing is that his pet also could use a blood demon art that turned the rat's blood into a toxic mist. At the moment he had given the rat a lot of his blood and by some miracle, the rat had assimilated it all.

He felt that Muzan his pet rat could become a demon moon if he ate more people. He saw a freighter that was going to America and he jumped on. He climbed on top of the freighter and hid among the cargo which seemed to be cars. He got into one of them and laid down in the back seat.

He pulled out a sour lollipop and popped it into his mouth. His near-perfect night vision and endless stamina meant he did not need to sleep to survive. He had not slept since he left his parent's home, and now he was leaving Japan until he could take on All For One. He would either kill and eat him, or recruit him.

"One should be bold when they can right?"

Muzan nodded while he cleaned his fur. Gambian Pouch Rats were quite clean animals and this guy was no exception. Even though he was now a demon he still was like him with no weakness to the sun. To kill him you would have to incinerate him, just like Kokushibo.

The rat moved up his chest and curled into a little ball on his chest. Kokushibo gave one last look and closed his eyes to force himself to sleep. He slept for about 6 days and when he heard the horn of the freighter he knew he has arrived.

He had kept Muzan around to alert him if anyone found them, but no such thing happen. When he knew he arrived he got up and pulled out another lollipop and put it in his mouth. Muzan got on his shoulder and he sneaked out of the car to the deck of the freighter.

Kokushibo knew he was in San Fransico where he had died in his past life. He wondered why the bridge had collapsed when it was just fine hours ago. He knew Naomi was not at fault as she was much too busy with her hobby to mess with him.

Plus he knew her well for 80 years and she never focused on mortals unless it was to steel anime, games, and manga. He snuck off the freighter and jumped off before he walked toward the city.

"Well, Muzan here we are. Still can't get used to that name."

It made him laugh every time he said it, and he looked at his sword at his side. He made it shrink until it looked like a knife he could hide at his side like a switchblade. As he walked around the city he decided to go to the Golden Gate Bridge to check out the site of his death.

He looked at the bridge and carefully walked on the bride ready to jump back. Even if he was now a demon and a jump from here would not even hurt him he still was worried the bridge would just break like last time.

When he was halfway he looked at it and sighed in relief that he was fine. Muzan the cute rat pulled on his long hair making him look at it.


He made a few cute sounds trying to ask him what was wrong. One thing he found was that just like Muzan, anyone he turned he could control their cells and read their minds. He saw that the rat was asking why he was scared of the bridge.

"No reason, let's go."

He left the bridge and one thing he was annoyed about was he was still a kid at only 4 years old. He considered going to an orphanage, but that meant going to school and having the chance of being found out.

As he was walking through the city he got surrounded around by a few things. Muzan squeaked at them while Kokushibo glanced at them with his hoodie up.

"Can I help you?"

One of the thugs walked up to him and grinned.

"Yeah, we know a guy who thinks children taste divine. You look like you could suit his tastes."

'I thought I was the demon. Where did this guy come from?'

He ignored his joke while he glanced at his pet.

"You can eat these guys. Make sure not even bones remain."

They all laughed at his joke, but before the thing could react he had a hole in his chest. He looked down and saw that Muan had entered his chest and was already eating and absorbing the man.

Once the guy was gone Muzan eyes glowed red and he stood up looking quite cute and cute.

'Blood demon art, Toxin Mist.'

His blood left his pores and filled the area with toxic poison that the moment they breathed in the spores their faces turned purple. However the rat was not going to kill them with poison, it was too quick. Why waste good fresh human?

Slowly, but surely Muzan the rat ate these guys limb by limb and left not even a drop was left. he started to groom himself cleaning so, Kokushibo kneeled down and opened his hand.

His pet got on his hand and up his shoulder making him smile at his pet. Having a friend was nice even if that friend was a blood-thirsty demon rat. Now he had to find this cannibal guy as the guy was an eyesore.

As he left the scene of the crime he noticed a hero on patrol. The guy was dressed in a stupid spandex outfit that looked so cringe that he had the urge to kill him just out of spite. He controlled himself and kept walking, but this guy just could not keep to himself.

He walked up to Kiokushibo and put his hand on his shoulder.

"Why are you not in school? You know it is a school day right? No biggie I the hero Starry Night will help you."

Kokushibo swatted the guy's hand off him and walked away.

"Don't just touch someone without permission hero. Leave me alone."

"I know school is not fun, but you still got to go. It is the law."

He ignored the hero, but the guy was persistent.

"Come on kid. I got to do my job, and you have your responsibility to go to school."

Kokushibo glanced around to see how many people were around and fuck his luck it was packed. He kept walking and glanced at his pet.

"If he tried to touch me, bite him with some of your poison. The weak and slow one."

Muzan nodded and got some of his toxic blood on his teeth and the hero got in front of Kokushibo and kneeled down to try and reason with him. He tried to pat him on the head, but at that moment the rat bit him making the hero flitch.

He looked at his finger and saw that it broke the skin.

"Ow, damn what kind of rat is that?"

Kokushibo took off his hood showing his 6 eyes ad that he was Japanese. He bowed and apologized.

"Sorry for my pet. he gets annoyed if people try to touch me."

When the hero saw his eyes he flinched and he shook his head trying to calm down. Yet his vision got all blurry and he felt his chest get tight. He stumbled making Kokushibo hold him up.

"Sir, are you alright."

"Just fine, just dizzy."

"You should go get that checked out. Bye."

He left the hero who decided to stop bothering him. As the hero walked away he kept feeling a tightening feeling in his chest and it got harder to breathe.

"I say he has just a few hours to live. Your poisons are incredible Muzan."

The rat squeaked in joy and asked for more of Kokushibo's blood.

"No, you need to eat more humans before I can give you more. I gave you the max amount you could take at that moment."

The rat slumped and looked at the people walking by licking his lips and rubbing his hands.

"No. Don't eat at random or you will draw too much attention. Pick out your targets for the ones that people will take longer to notice. The homeless, criminals and unwanted."

The rat nodded at the wisdom of his master. When it squeaked again asking about heroes, Kokushibo grinned.

"Heroes will be fine prey, but I am too weak as I am. Even if I am strong there are others who crush me. We will be going to Mexico soon, plenty of good to eat there. Maybe recruit some people while I am at it."

Muzan nodded at the idea while he rubbed his little rat hands thinking about it. First, he had to get some money so he went to a money exchange to switch out his Yen to dollars. In his time killing criminals in Japan he had gotten quite a lot of pocket change.

When he exchanged it, he acquired about 1,500 dollars which were enough. He did not need to eat and his body break down all he ate perfectly so he did not even excrete anymore. He decided to stick around in san Fraisnico for a while to hunt for a while.

In a big city like this, there would be plenty of Homeless and Criminals he could feast on and grow his collection of quirks. Plus, he had to find more preys for his pet too as his demon art was useful.

Plus he had to find a way to practice his sword and breathing technique more. He missed a few days on the way to America and he had to make up for it.