
Reborn as a Chaos God of Carnage

MC reborn as Chaos God before 40k is fleshed out as he rises as the first of now five Ruinous Powers the galaxy shall burn. Mature content, Evil MC Overpowered and a Harem of Oc Daemons

Overlord_Bloodfall · SF
376 Chs

Tzeentch's Obsessions

(Tzeentch/Change God POV)

Location the Immaterium-Deep in the Warp, the Realm of the Sorceror

The Impossible Fortress was almost complete an intricate and complex maze of levels, hallways, stairs, rooms, and much more already some of my Horrors and Fluxing Eyes have taken residence inside my Impossible Fortress not only that but my knowledge continues to grow along with my understanding and power.

Within the deepest bowels of the fortress my cocoon was safely secured and hidden, my horrors were tasked to be my helper and makeshift librarians as I'd gained an appetite...no an obsession with collecting knowledge these mortals known as humans, have served as a great source of entertainment and information, apart from being my primary source of power and worship...thou not intentionally that mortal Napoleon Bonaparte served as a great source of change and delicious morsal once that little pawn perished of old age.

If I wasn't still not fully born I'd would have help him rise again, so he can bring another era of Change, and convert many to my worship but at last all humans are just pieces of the board for me to manipulate, corrupt, lead, and depose at my ledger.

But I'm grateful their worship has awaken more understanding, and sentient into my being I'd even learn my true name...I am Tzeentch the Chaos God of Change.

While I'm still not ready to be born, or start my changing everything into a constant evolution, progress, and motion I also crave to know it all, as I began to connect and start bending the strands of fate, I was still immature or strong enough to make all my whism true.

So for now I'll grown in power and knowledge, as my minions started scowering the Materium in search for all knowledge and secrets that can be mine to horde and record as my home...my citadel

(Laharl/Carnage God POV)

Location the Nethervoid-Castle Neo Oblivion, the Rooftop Garden.

Sitting in Chi's rooftop statue garden, enjoying a most needed moment of peace and respite, as a couple of succubi handmaidens were attending to me, serving me ambrossia and some small snacks, nothing major as I start to reminisce of all the things I've managed to do in the spand of a week...no that he thinks of it maybe he should make a clock of something, to have some semblance of time, being in the Warp is soo confusing at time...regardless, I thought on all I've got done.

All the things I'd managed to do, from created new Artifacts for my brothers, and a new protection for myself, the Magni'manta.

As well as gain another Elder Daemon, in Lady Dimitrescu who was beyond grateful that I not only saved her from her fate against Ethan Winters but also freed her from the psychopath Mother Miranda...which I'd punished with my Curse divinity triggering at her oathbreaking, and to insure her undying loyalty that even surpassed the previous one to Miranda, I'd took and revived her daughters remaking them into daemons under her command, and also made Castle Dimitrescu apart of the Nethervoid.

Looking over to the west I saw my newest daughter's castle as she desired to be close to me, and refused having a cloister...

She is completely inlove with me, and I see her as a daughter so things are going to annoying as we interact with one another, I sighed as I ate some bread and cheese spread...okay maybe my current snacks were more fancy than simple, but for a God this is simple.

Then I'd went to Nurgle giving my brother a "Warp Tersarract" to create his Queen and Fiancee, Aiikila.

I've felt his loneliness and wanting and decided to hook my little brother up, now he has someone to spend his time and infecting the multiverse with, that actually returned his affections...now that I think about creating Nurgle an actual bride, what would happen to Isha in the end...I suppose her fate to be Slaanesh bitch for a while until Nurgle takes her from our future sister wouldn't change.

The only change would be the actual treatment of the Eldar Goddess, especially with Nurgle already having a loving wife and possibly more, who know?

Should I actually steal Isha...nah, let the simp-maker of my brother in various alternatives reality suffer, plus eff eldars, I'm only interested in those that align with me, the rest can be mine or Slaanesh's subtinance for all I care, but it might be fun corrupting Isha to become a new Chaos Goddess, the question should I play matchmaker, and make a bride of Nurgle, or claim her from my own?

Or could I be a major troll and corrupt her into being my little sister's willing slave, to score some brotherly points with Slaanesh?

Regardless I have time in deciding Isha fate later...

I'd continue to think about all I've done in the last weeks, not only that I've created several spawning grounds from the Iron Gallow City to the Everdark then I'd made Twisted Castle for Varimathras and the Nathrezim in the cloister I gifted to my newest elder daemon and his race, plus I've gave my second wife, Kiira several gifts a new theater for her and daughter to enjoy, but a Greater Daemon ascension for the succubi, the Lujuria Dancers, which I gained as a gift from Absolute Chaos.

I could hardly believe that I've gain power over WOW dark magic of the Warlocks, by consuming, not only the two fools Detheroc and Balnazzar, along with the fel daemonic, essence of the Twisted Nether I took that infernal realm as my own, tearing it from the now imprisoned, Sargeras, I'm basically the God of the Twisted Nether now and Fel magic surge and is produced from my very essence, I could feel this.

Soo to confirm this I contacted Aillia to bring up everything my Stats, Skills, Divinity, and Pantheon Lists, and like always Aillia presented me with all the transperent screens to see my status and gains that I'd acquired from my latest indevors.


Name: Laharl

Other Aliases-Na'nag Othah, Adrak'Maal, Alka'lkarnak, Valboga, the Dark One, the Dark Harbinger, the Shadowking, the Bat, the Nether Titan, the One that Dwells in the Void.

Titles-The Dark Emperor of Daemonkind, Warp Bender, Keeper of Oaths, Breacher of Realities, Cultor of the Universe, the Great Seductor, the Void Lord of the Shi'lanorai, the Defiler of Reality, the Dark Creator, the Sacred Creator, the Father of the Neverborn, the Arch-Daemon of Chaos, the Throne Giver of Infernal Princes, the First of the Chaos Gods of the Immaterium, the Lord of the Twisting Nether, the Force Within the Void.

Major Divinities: Carnage, Infernals, Abyss, Oblivion, Condemnation, Creator, Oaths Lust & Love

Dark Divinities-Greater: Terrors, Desacration, & Fel

Lesser: Curses, & Madness

Noble Divinities-Greater: Relics & Domination.

Lesser: Trust & Hierarchy.

Sacred Number # 13

Chaos Colors-Dark Purple, Maroon, Burgundy & Black

God-Tier: Primordial Force of Creation (Mid-High) Next: High-Low/Lesser Multiversal

FON: The Void

Army Size-5.78B

Soul Collection-3.90B

Strength: 530M

Durability: 519M

Psychic: 531M

Resistance: 505M

Domination: 439M

Worship: 667M


Magic: 297M

Leadership: 233M

Instinct: 400M

God Artifacts-1.The Sword of Darkness, Ragnarok.

2.The Claw of Hades, the Blades of the Abyss.

3.Iron Maiden 666, the Void Guardian.

4.The Chains of Insanity, Gleipnir.

5.Magni'manta, the Divine Fortitude.

I've gained a new sub-stat, "Instinct" despite being the newest amongst the Sub-Stats, it was the highest of them all.

Before continuing inspecting the other screen lists, I called for Aillia as she quickly responded to me, (Right away, my Lord!!! Instinct or Fighting Ability is basically that the skill, ability, proficiency, and talent of martial combat. I think that regardless not being associated with actual combat, your desire to lead from the front and actually face your enemies in battle must be the reason it's soo high. Also I'm pretty sure it was unlocked, as a progress reward from one of your siblings or in-laws.)

Just as Aillia said aside from video games, I'd never fought anyone in my former life, I was a nerd, but one thing I always remembered from my Old Man, was "Son. You don't fight to win. You fight so they respect you." regardless of losing or getting your ass kicked, as long as fought with your all that, your opponent thinks twice before messing with you than you truly fought.

Cause of that I fought at the head of my armies, soo that not only my own followers respect me but soo do my enemies, along with them fearing my very presence.

Enough with the sappy crap of the past, I then started to inspect my other list screens, starting with my Skills and Abilities.


1.Warp Manipulation-Lv: 120

Manipulations-Lesser Daemons Success 100%

Higher Daemons Success 100%

Greater Daemons Success 81%

Elder Daemons Success 40%

Lesser Daemon Constructs Success 50%

Higher Daemon Constructs Success 23%

Lesser Warp Items Success 100%

Higher Grade Warp Items Success 100%

Greater Grade Warp Items Success 73%

Chaos Ambient Success 8%

Low-Level Chaos Realm Structure Success 98%

Mid-Level Chaos Realm Structure Success 74%

High-Level Chaos Realm Structure Success 40%

Ancient-Level Chaos Realm Structure Success 14%

Lesser Daemonworld Construction Success 6%

2.Daemon Creation-Lv: 120

Lesser Daemon Boost Rate 100%

Higher Daemons Boost Rate 100%

Greater Daemon Boost Rate 75%

Daemon Prince Boost Rate 100%

Exalted Daemon Prince Boost Rate 60%

Daemon King Boost Boost Rate 25%

Lesser Daemonic Construct Boost Rate 70%

Greater Daemonic Construct Boost Rate 65%

Ancient Daemonic Construct Boost Rate 55%

Lesser Beasts of Chaos Boost Rate 100%

Greater Beasts of Chaos Boost Rate 100%

Ancient Beasts of Chaos Boost Rate 30%

Lesser Daemonic Spirit Boost Rate 35%

High Daemonic Spirit Boost Rate 20%

Lesser Daemonic Elemental Boost Rate 5%

Daemonic Mutations Boost Rate 74%

Daemonic Over-Mutation Boost Rate 45%

3.Daemonic Convertion-Lv: 15

Effect on Chaos-Corrupted 100%

Effect on Human 85%

Effect on Beasts 35%

Effect on Monsters 3%

4.Kingmaker-Lv: 1

5.Daemonic Reinforcement-Lv: 25

6.Daemonic Resilience-Lv: 25

Resistance to Physical Weapons 35%

Resistance to Psyker Energies 30%

Resistance to Magical Energies 20%

Resistance to Holy Energies 10%

Resistance to Elemental Energies 5%

Resistance to Opposing Corruption 15%

7.Physical Shift-Lv: 60

Forms-1.Laharl, Chaos God Base Form.

2.True Chaos God Colossal Form/The Arch-Daemon, Valboga.

3.The Shadow of Despair. 4.Dark Spirit of Corruption.

5.Visage of Atrocities.

6.The Embodiment of Truth.

7.The Void Hydra.

8.Supernatural Catastrophes.

8.Avatar Possession+ 9.Avatar Operation Bonus+

10.Ascension-Lv: 45

11.Greater Ascension-Lv: 42

12.Dark Bolt+-Lv: 41

13.Darker Rip-Lv: 25

14.Black Haze-Lv: 29

15.Calling of the Void-Lv: 15

16.The Grasp of Laharl-Lv: 15

17.Void Vortex-Lv: 5

18.Maw of the Arch-Daemon-Lv: 5

19.Soul Rend-Lv: 10

20.Smite-Lv: 22

21.Mechanomancy-Lv: 30

22.Chaotic Architect-Lv: 10

23.Warp-Devastation-Lv: 12

24.Warp-Ray-Lv: 32

25.Chaos Strike-Lv: 20

26.Daemon Cleave: Shadow Cutter-Lv: 8

Chaos Damage Boost +9%

27.Magic Core of Void/Laharl-Lv: 30

Magical Darkness/Void Damage + 32%

Magical Darkness Resistance + 35%

Magical Darkness/Void Absorption + 10%

Laharl Spell Range + 24%

28.Magic Core of Fire-Lv: 20

Magical Fire Damage + 23%

Magical Fire Resistance + 25%

Magical Fire Absorption + 10%

Magical Fire Manipulation + 5%

Fire Spell Range + 17%

29.Magic Core of Metal-Lv: 4

30.Magic Core of Fel-Lv: 25

Magical Fel Damage + 28%

Magical Fel Resistance + 30%

Magical Fel Absorption + 13%

Fel Spell Range + 20%

31.Summon the Nether-Lv: Max: Open a breach in either Real/Warpspace at will, flooding a place in the corruptive and violitile force of the Fel, unfiltered.

32.Fear Drinker-Lv: 1: None can hide their fears, their doubts, their worries in your presence, all fear restores a meager part of lost strength and power.

God Abilities

1.Materium Manipulation.

2.Materium Communication+.

3.Materium Breaching.

4.High Chaos Dominion.

5.Daemonhood Bestowing+.

6.Magical Core.

7.Second Lesser Magical Core.

8.Lesser Magical Manipulation.

9.Bestow Blessings Blessings-Bestow the Mark of Carnage.

Bestow the Horns of Ruination.

Bestow the Influence of Carnage+.

Bestow the Embrace of Chaos+.

Bestow the Essence of Darkness+.

Bestow the Arms of the Nethervoid+.

Bestow the Dark Knowledge of Chaos+.

Bestow the Desire of Slaughter+.

Bestow the Madness of Atrocities+.

Bestow the Voice of Convertion.

Bestow the Idea of Utter Desacration.

Bestow the Thrill of Desire.

Bestow the Joys of True/False Love.

Bestow the Bliss of Lust.

Bestow the Release of Fear.

Bestow the Release of Fear: A blessing to the most worthy followers, turn the greatest chosen into embodiments of Fear, and free them from the shackles of their own terror as long as they serve productively.

10.Blessing Manipulation.

11.Mutation Manipulation Punishments.

12.Immaterium Senses/Detection.

13.Daemon World Domination+.

14.Infernal Worship.

15.The Ancient Moniker.


17.Maker of Daemonic Kings.

18.Soul Bound: Iron Maiden 666.

19.Unbreakable Promise+.

20.Words of Truth+.

21.Bounds of Divine Oath

22.Bounds of Heinous Curses.

23.Bounding of Promises.

24.The Bind of Love.

25.Final Decider of Love.


27.End of Ways of Life.

28.The Fire Against Extablishment.

29.Divine Punishment.

30.Wave of Madness.

31.The Whisperer of the Mad.

32.Consuming Void+.

33.Relic Connection.

34.Empowerment of Artifacts.

35.Artifact Detection.

36.Fel Domination.

37.Source of the Twisting Nether.

38.Bringer of the Realm of Fel.

39.Reader of Terrors.

Prime Divinity: Carnage

Greater Divinities

1.Love-Max Level

2.Lust-Max Level

3.Infernals-Max Level

4.Creator-Max Level

5.Oblivion-Max Level

6.Oaths-Max Level

7.Abyss-Max Level

8.Condemnation-Max Level

9.Desecration +4

10.Domination +7

11.Relics +5

12.Fel: The power of daemons of the Twisted Nether, by absorbing and actually taking true control over the corruptive and violitile force of the Fel, you've become the true God that governs and make the fel-energy across the multiverse, all Warlocks, daemon worshipers, and slave of the Nethers are your to command and decide their or even judge the worth of obtaining the power and knowledge of the Fel, cause your the God of this new source of magic only by your will can other Gods wield or use it.

13.Terrors: Ascended form of Horror the creeping and crippling fear, that drives even the strongest and bravest souls to panic, the terror, horror, and fear of everything and anything is your to govern, feast, and cause across all reality, no soul can hide their fears and nightmares from you, praying to you out of devotion or fear it matter not for you are the physical form of Fear forever more.

Lesser Divinities

1.Madness +4

2.Trust +7

3.Hierarchy +1


I whistled impressed at the hull of skills and abilities I've gained especially since I'm basically the true God and Ruler of the Twisting Nether, so regardless not yet invading the world of Azeroth, all Warlocks will indirectly worship and fall into my thrall regardless, along with my new ranked up [Horror] divinity to [Terrors] along with bestowing the skill to consume fear for added strength, basically I gained my own drain skill, which will be useful from when I lead a daemonic invasion, with my Infernal Destroyer Avatar.

Not only that I'll gain even greater amount of worship and power from not only Phobos terrorizing the battlefields, but all souls that feeling dread and fear in the Galaxy, once again I gained a mayor boon.

Next I checked the last list, my Pantheon List, which gained a update which means while not official yet Aiikila has practically become the wife of Nurgle, I smiled as I shaken my head and start reading the last screen.


Chaos Gods

1.Laharl, Chaos God of Carnage, Abyss, Lust, Love, Trust, Oaths, Curses, Infernals, Fel, Condemnation, Terrors, Domination, Hierarchy, Desacration, Oblivion, Madness, Creator & Relics.

Worshipers-Carnage Daemons, Neverborn, Adhuman-Gobos, Shi'lanorai, Norscans, Conquerors, Warlock, Carnage Corrupted, Chaos Cultists of Carnage, the Insane, the Demented, Builders, Makers, Designers, Unjusted & Oathbound.

Rank: Mid-High

Faction: Chaos/Carnage

God Artifacts-Ragnarok, Claw of Hades, Iron Maiden 666, Gleipnir, Magni'manta.

2.Khorne, Chaos God of Blood, War, Wrath, Hatred, Rage, Murder, Strength, Courage, Glory, Combat, Pride, Honor, & Martial Honor.

Worshipers-Blood Daemons, Warriors, Spartans, Berserkers, Conquerors, Blood Corrupted, & Chaos Cultist of Blood.

God Artifacts-Unmaker, the Angra Stone of Bloodsoaked Destruction.

Affection Level-Respected Sibling Rival 100%, Ally 10%, Submission Progress 99%

Rank: Mid

Faction: Chaos/Blood

3.Valkia, Lesser Chaos Goddess of War-maidens.

Worshiper-Blood Daemons, Blood Valkyries, Warriors, Women, Blood Corrupted, & Chaos Cultists of Blood.

Affection Level-Respected Brother-in-law 100%, Enemy 5%, Submission Progress 90%.

Rank: Lesser/Daemon Queen

Faction: Chaos/Blood

God Artifacts-Slaupnir, Loceplex Daemonshield.

4.Nurgle, Chaos God of Plague, Disease, Pestilence, Decay, Death, Sloth, Filth, Despair, Rebirth, Renewal, Stagnation, Life.

Worshiper-Plague Daemons, Sick, Diseased, Plague, the Suffering, Plague Corrupted, & Chaos Cultists of Plague.

Affection Level-Respected Sibling Rival 98%, Enemy 2%, Submission Progress 88%

Rank: Mid-Low

Faction: Chaos/Decay

God Artifacts-Worldblighter, Phthisis.

5.Aiikila the Lesser Chaos Goddess of Swarms.

Worshipers-Insects, Insect-Hosts, Plague Daemons, Plague Corrupted, & Chaos Cultists of Plague.

Affection Level-Respected Brother-in-law 20% Enemy 80%, Submission Progress 0%

Rank: Lesser/Daemon Queen (Not created & we'd yet)

Faction: Chaos/Decay

God Artifacts-None.

Highest Deities of the Carnage Pantheon

Ruler of the Carnage Pantheon: Laharl, Chaos God of Carnage, Abyss, Lust, Love, Trust, Oaths, Curses, Infernals, Fel, Condemnation, Terrors, Domination, Hierarchy, Desacration, Oblivion, Madness, Creator & Relics.

Brides of Carnage-1.Chi Aahtahg, Lesser Chaos Goddess of Corruption of Nature.

Worshipers-Dark Druids, & Dark Florrah

2.Kiira Blakenroze, Lesser Chaos Goddess of Dark Desires.

Worshipers-Succubi & Lust Corrupted.

3.Scalpel Bleedinhart, Lesser Chaos Goddess of Bio-crafting of Life.

Worshippers-Biocrafters, Medics, Scientists, God Complexed & Unhinged.

4.Jade Emerlhyde, Lesser Chaos Gobo Goddess of Anarchy.

Worshippers-Gobos, Rebels, & Opressed.

5.Cassandra Crimsontear, Lesser Chaos Goddess of Bloodstained Majestry.

Worshippers-Soldiers, Nobles, Chaos Guardsmen, & Prideful Souls.

6.Ruu, Lesser Chaos Slime Goddess of Twisted Innocence.

Worshippers-Slimes, Lost Children, Broken Innocent, & Carnage Daemons.

7.Ragna Kaalika, Lesser Chaos Goddess of Rampage.

Worshippers-Brutes, Carnage Daemons, Carnage Corrupted, & Terrorists.

8.Crystallyl Shik'Adammine, Lesser Chaos Goddess of Bloodstained Winter.

Worshippers-Shi'lanorai, Carnage Daemons, Barbarians, & Tribesmen.

Low Deities of the Carnage Pantheon

Elder Daemons-1.Ba'al Allseer, the Great Seer.

Worshipers-Carnage Daemons [Void Wraiths mostly], Carnage Corrupted & Chaos Cultists.

2.Mordred Deathharbinger, the Ultimate Slaughterer.

Worshippers-Carnage Daemons, Carnage Corrupted & Chaos Cultists.

3.Nidhog, the Destroyer.

Worshippers-Carnage Daemons, Chaos Spawns, Forsaken/Half-Spawns, Carnage Corrupted & Chaos Cultists.

4.Beelzalbub, the Fly of Ruin & Gluttony.

Worshippers-Flies, Carnage Daemons, Carnage Corrupted & Chaos Cultists.

5.The Morrigan Triarch, the Tree Sides of Fall to Madness and Insanity.

5-A.Clo'thoa Dementa, the Wailing Daemon Witch of the Nethervoid.

5-B.Hather Pandamonica, the Madame of the Locusts and Dementia.

5-C.Monica Madwhisper, the Twisted Seiren of Madness.

Worshippers-Carnage Daemons [Succubi mostly], Carnage and Lust Corrupted & Chaos Cultists.

6.Phobos the Equinox of Unimaginable Horrors.

Worshippers-Carnage Daemons [Nucklelavee mostly], Abandoned of Battlefields, Carnage Corrupted & Chaos Cultists.

7.Varimathras, the Arch-Warlock of the Warp.

Worshippers-Carnage Daemons [Nathrezim mostly], Warlocks, Carnage and Fel Corrupted & Chaos Cultists.

8.Alcina Dimitrescu, the Duchees of Bloodstained Madness & Immortality.

Worshippers-Blood Duchesses (basically like Elizabeth Báthory), Mothers, Lesser Vampires/Thralls, Carnage Daemons, Carnage Corrupted & Carnage Cultists.

Low Deities of the Blood Pantheon

1.Skarbrand, the Rage Incarnate.

Worshippers-Blood Daemons, Greater Blood Daemons, Khornate Berserkers, Blood Corrupted & Blood Cultists.

2.Karanak, the Apex Hunter Beast of the Blood God.

Worshippers-Blood Beasts, Monsters, Apex Predators, Blood Corrupted & Blood Cultists.

3.Zsash, the Lord of Burning Shadows.

Worshippers-Blood Daemons [Balrogs mostly], Blood Corrupted & Blood Cultists.

4.Wrath, the Molten Lord of Anger.

Worshippers-Blood Daemons, Blood and Wrath Corrupted & Blood Cultists.

5.Kratos, the Daemon of Sparta.

Worshippers-Spartans, Warriors, Blood Daemons, Blood Corrupted & Blood Cultists.

Low Deities of the Plague Pantheon

1.Ku'gath Plaguefather, the Foul Lord of the Eternal Swamp.

Worshippers-Plague Daemons [Nurglings mostly], Dark Apothecaries, Plague Corrupted & Plague Cultists.

2.Tsathogga, the Frog God of the Evil Swamps.

Worshippers-Plague Daemons, Frogs, Toads, Plague Corrupted & Plague Cultists.

3.The Glottkin, Otto, Ethrac, and Ghurk Glott, the Brothers of Pestilence.

3-A.Otto Glott, the Reaper Plaguebringer.

Worshippers-Rotbringers, Putrid Blightking, Plague Corrupted & Plague Cultists.

3-B.Ethrac Glott, the Daemon Sorceror Lord of Plague.

Worshippers-Plague Daemons, Plague Sorcerers, Plague Corrupted & Plague Cultists.

3-C.Ghurk Glott, the Titanic Monster of Decay.

Worshippers-Decay Chaos Spawns, Plague Daemons, Plague Corrupted & Plague Cultists.

With everything said and done, I have greatly grew in strength and power thanks to Absolute Chaos boosting me, and also with the adsorption of those weak Nathrezim from before, and not only me but my brothers have also grown in personal and military power with Lady Dimitrescu and Varimathras for me, Wrath and Kratos along with his Spartan to Khorne, and lastly Tsathogga and the Glottkin for Nurgle...and his Fiancee by his side, Nurgle has grown in power a lot.

Swiping away the screen, I'll have some time of peace and I'm going to enjoy it...taking a drink of Ambrossia, and eating more snacks, as a succubus served me more ambrossia.

I have to enjoy the rare moments especially since I could sense Tzeentch much more clearly even from my castle, this was a sign that my new little brother's birth was fast approaching and also meant that my and my brothers clash against him is close at hand..

(Anathema POV)

Location the Realspace, the Feudalworld Earth-Pass the Era of Napoleon Bonaparte/the Lands of Egypt

Napoleon fell, and now Louis XVIII, the brother of Louis XVI, was installed as king and France was granted a quite generous peace settlement, restored to its 1792 boundaries.

Such a great man brought down by ambition, I left the French lands and headed south to the ancient lands of the Pharaohs, to Egypt for I sensed a unnatural disturbance emenating from that land.

After arriving I found a vile cult of Egyptian under the service of some cresent moon Warp filth!!! (Changecaster)

Around the skies blue, daemonic manta rays were flying as I felt the foul stench of Chaos, while it was unfamiliar I struck as my sword ignites in psychic fire, I struck down all those vile cultists that forsake their humanity and freedom to become nourishment to Daemons and Abominations!!!!

My power and blade struck these horrors with true death, and I caught the moon headed daemon that struggled in my grip, it tried to manipulate me with false promises of power, immortality, and forbidden knowledge but that only angered me, as I tighten my grip around its neck.

Seeing as this daemon had absolutely no idea who I was, or why I was able to not kill but resist the daemonic temptations of another entity called Tzeentch?

This clearly meant that this Warp fiend was not from Khorne, Nurgle, or Laharl's vile thrall but one called Tzeentch, since I've sensed the changes occurring in the Warp, but hadn't had the opportunity to investigate this disturbance, knowing that I wouldn't gain any truthful answers from this filth, I did to it what I did to that vile knightmare, centuries ago.

Focusing my psychic power and dominance over the daemon, cleansing and absorbing its knowledge and essence into myself.

(This is my interpretation of the Emperor learning of Tzeentch and the fall of Napoleon, also learning just how naive he is of the corruptive power of Chaos, plus this also fixes my error several chapters ago, just imagine that when he did this to a knightmare he also cleanse the taint of corruption and wasn't affected even a smidgen amount.)

The Changecaster as it called, struggled, screamed, and pleaded for mercy as I safely absorb it and destroy the vile taint of Chaos from it.

Surging through my mind was all its knowledge and memories of the approaching birth of another vile Chaos God, the Chaos God of Change, Tzeentch whose rage affected even a man as Napoleon Bonaparte into a paranoid, power hungry fool, overwhelmed by Ambition and desire to Change the world to a doomed society.

Another enemy was reveal to me, and regrettably this Changecaster didn't know what was responsible for the barrier that has prevented me access to the depths of the Immaterium, but it seems that Tzeentch's still forming, hellish realm was unshielded, this offer opportunities to me to learn more of my enemies, for Chaos is more violitile that I could ever imagine.

But first I must cleanse tzeentchian filth from my world, starting with Egypt that has become Tzeentch's den of power on Earth, seem this Changer of Ways has a hunger for knowledge and the occult as it was sending his minions to ruined civilizations to collect all knowledge and secrets that these cultures have, I'll never let my home become a Daemon God's playground!!!

Walking through the blazing Egyptian desert with my massive greatsword ablaze, I'll hunt down and exterminate all the cults on Earth and I'll start eradicating all lore and knowledge of the Gods and Daemons from the Earth!!!!

(This is when the Emperor starts his purge of ancient history and site, and starts making his numerous secrets that involves Chaos, and the truths of Old Religions, enjoy the chapter.)