
Reborn as a Chaos God of Carnage

MC reborn as Chaos God before 40k is fleshed out as he rises as the first of now five Ruinous Powers the galaxy shall burn. Mature content, Evil MC Overpowered and a Harem of Oc Daemons

Overlord_Bloodfall · SF
376 Chs

The First Daemons of Carnage

(General POV)

The Chaos God of Carnage, still checking his Skills, God Abilities and indepth capabilities and benefits of his Lesser Divinities once he was satisfied with what he learned he dismissed the final blue screen representing his Skills he decide to do exactly as he planned before checking his rewards and stats he stood from his throne which was later known as the "Throne of the Abyss" by all his followers and future daemonic legions.

He walked out his castle, passing his Black Forest as the daemonic plants welcome their creator and master, as he rub his Claw of Hades and his other hand on his plants and trees eventually leaving his forest making his way to most opened area in Nethervoid but before he began creating his first daemons he decided he desperately needed clothes, using his Physical Shift skill to retract his wing back into essense and the nameless Chaos God began manipulating and bending the warp to create his new clothes while basic it was better than nothing plus he can eventually can improve them when he needed.

The warp surrounded the Chaos God forming a sleeveless grey hooded vest with a large zipper he made it from his memories of his mortal life, light dark purple and black light power armor on his right arm, based of the future traitors Dark Angels Legion/Chapter, the Fallen the difference is its the gauntlet is fingerless so his claws are free and on the black gauntlet bares his mark.

A Terminator Paldron on his left shoulder baring the eight-point star, a special massive sword sheath as he re-summoned his Ragnarok and sheathed it on this sheath hanging sideways on the back of his waist,, covering his legs with deep dark pants with daemonic silhouettes design on them on his right knee a massive power-knee guard in the shape of a horned fanged skull moving with his knee.

Appreciating his new clothes which Aillia questioned him on his choice, he answered her that it serves to hide his true form to weak mortals that will soon meet him and it brings some good memories of his past self, understanding her Lord she asked if he'll begin creating his neverborn he answered with confirmation as he begun.

Once again he bended the warp to his will while using a part of his essense to give life to these warp entities, knowing exactly what to create first not lesser daemons but lesser beasts of carnage to roam this land that shall become his spawning pit for these daemons.

As the warp bended and twisted to his desire he based these beasts after partly the Old World to ridicule the work of the dead Old One based after the Cold Ones aka Games Workshop name for Velociraptors perfect hunters and future mounts for other daemons of his creation, the warp energies started to give life and form to these beasts resembling purple and black toned Cold Ones/Velociraptors with the exception of sharper and longer claws and talons, stingers on their tail and the ability to spit fireballs to give these beasts he name Darkstalkers some range options.

Witnessing the several dozen Darkstalkers standing before him as they bowed their heads to their master, father, creator Aillia spoke <Congratulations my Lord your first daemon servents I've taken the liberty to register them to the system and Nethervoid so they can spawn and multiple naturally. Also you have passed another quest, care to see the rewards my Lord?> after he thanked Aillia for doing that he told her he'll claim the reward later he wasn't done yet with his pets.

Telling Aillia to continue spawning Darkstalkers until several hundreds roam his realm which she did as command he called forward mentally one of the original Darkstalkers which it did without question or hesitation he placed his massive clawed gauntlet hand on top the head of the daemon beast and began surging more warp energy into it as he was making a second stronger variant of the Darkstalker to lead as a pack and be a reward for his future Chaos Astartes that will serve him.

The Darkstalker grew in size easily doubling a average Darkstalker adding curved horns that serve to thrust and rip into its prey, splitting it tail into three separate stingers and adding a violet fin on top of its head and trailing down the neck and instead of fireballs he took inspiration on his future brother Tzeench and granting this beast the ability to breathe warp-fire, this is the alphas of his Beast of Carnage, the Greater Mounts to Chaos Marine of Carnage, these shall called the Apexstalkers.

Now with two variants of Stalkers under his command he dismissed them with the Apexstalker immediately taking charge and leading the Darkstalkers across the open lands of Nethervoid, he asked Aillia to register the Apexstalkers as well and create half as many than the Darkstalkers confirming my command she began working now he had to create a special spawning pit and territory for his stalkers to thrive and multiply rubbing his chin he started thinking about this pit when Aillia screamed in his ear that she sensed another divine entity enter the Materium hearing her I immediately use my Physical Shift to sprout my black wing and fly back to my castle.