
Reborn as a Chaos God of Carnage

MC reborn as Chaos God before 40k is fleshed out as he rises as the first of now five Ruinous Powers the galaxy shall burn. Mature content, Evil MC Overpowered and a Harem of Oc Daemons

Overlord_Bloodfall · SF
376 Chs

The Brutality of the Last Battle

(General POV)

Location the Hiveworld Kolbaline, the Maxum Plains Battlefield

The Kolbaline Guard and the Forces of Carnage were locked in a brutal battle, as another biker was blown by a Gobo rocket shot engulfing the vehicle and driver in a small inferno, while the short dirty green skinned gobo celebrate his kill yelling and swinging the huge mad-max style rocket launcher over his head.

Only for a guardsman, to take notice and aim at the crazy Iron Kollar Gobo, shooting at the gobo's weapon, causing a chain reaction of several big explosions, killing said gobo and some nearby husks and other gobos.

Seeing this shocked some gobos, as they all turned towards the source of the rifle shot and saw a relatively small amount of guardsmen charging towards them.

This was met with an immediate response as a gobo yelled out, "Kill them all!!!" and started shooting high-speed rounds at the Guard, and this caused the other Iron Kollarz to react and charge against the Kolbaline Guard.

Along the gobos, some of the Flesh Horrors, husks, gorrs, and a couple of bio-crafters joined the charge, with the bio-crafters making mechanical grunts in a form of command at the other Flesh Horrors, as one of the bio-crafters she aim her high-powered laps-cannon arm at the commanding officers amongst the enemy, as a straight highly concentrated neon red laser was shot from the bio-crafter's laps-cannon, the target was to slow to react as a burning red laser slice through the highly armored high-ranking soldiers.

The burning sensation was quite short-lived, as the laps-laser slice right through the man, and went through said man killing some unfortunate guardsmen that were being the commander that was just killed.

Having just witnessed one of their commanding officers and some of their allies killed, the rest started to react scattering slightly in hopes of dodging the next wave of enemy laps-fire.

Once the Guard was in perfect range to retaliate, a lieutenant gave the order for all forces to fire at will, and as they were commanded, the men and women of the Kolbaline Guard began attacking.

Unleashing a hail of bullets, bolts rounds, lasers, and explosives upon the Chaos Force, with some Marauders providing aerial support to their attack.

The Gobos returned fire, with some Ravagers walkers providing them more heavier support fire, from heavy bolters or laps-cannons.

All the while, the Gorrs charged in taking some considerable damage from the guardsmen firing line, which gave the rest of the Flesh Horrors cover from the enemy attack, this allowed the husks to slowly advance because of their unique creation by the Daemon Nurse herself unless hit by powerful, precise shot in lethal areas these cybernetic like ghouls were the perfect troops for the flesh horrors, especially with the greenskin durability of the Flesh Gorrs backing them.

Seeing their enemy melee forces were getting closer and closer despite the losses and damage the Kolbaline Guard are dealing one of the commanders, tossed his laps-riffle to the side, unsheathed his power saber and bolter as he yelled out "Men!!! These abominations to life and humanity dare challenge us into the field of combat!!! And try to approach the righteous protectors of the glorious world!!!!? Nay!!! Follow me, into the thrall of battle, and show these mindless abominations our fury and mattel!!!!" as he finished speaking, many guardsmen cheered, letting out a battle cry!

The Commander charged into battle, with several guardsmen following behind, armed with bayonets, chainswords, power-mauls, and several side-arms all ready to meet the Flesh Horrors in melee.

While this engagement between the Guard against the united force of Iron Kollarz Gobos and Flesh Horrors, another battle was taking place between the vehicles of both armies.

The remaining bikes, and tauros were engaged in a high-speed vehicle battle, against the twisted cars, trucks, and bikes of the Iron Kollarz, all called the same rollers from Heavy Rollers (Trucks) armed with wheel shredders, spiked ramming grills/fronts, and various configurations of guns mounted on these crazy cars build from various vehicles that the gobos dismantled and forged together.

While the Shred Rollers were the unicycle motorbikes, one huge wheel connected to a powerful motor engine, twin mounted bolters on the side and a special site and handle bar perfect for the gobos height to drive, meant for pure speed with little to no armor they were currently chasing and shooting at the guardsman bikers, but with that roller weak defense all it took was a well aim shot to blow the bike and gobo to kingdom come.

And lastly, the Gasers, the main car of the Iron Kollarz Gobos the most, resembling the mad-max style meant for speed and offense, but in this case, the Gasers were used to form a barricade to allow the Chaos Guardsmen to get closer in their advance without danger from either the Kolbaline Guard's troops or vehicles, as several gobos also used the Gasers for cover to fire upon the Guard's vehicles even taking out one of the Tauros with unrelenting onslaught of bullets and rockets, this prevent the Kolbaline Guard from advancing or continuing their hit-and-run tactics unappead.

Back in the main force of the Guard, reports came that the enemy is blocking their ground vehicles assault, and as well the enemy has started to become more aggressive in their counter-assault.

Hearing this Grand Highlord, De'sanguine growled and smashed his fist against the edge of his tank's outer hall as he turned towards the still distant, as explosions, accompanied by the sound of gunfire and more.

He was overcome with rage, but as a veteran and leader, De'sanguine he calmed his emotions and started thinking of another strategy, knowing that without the heavy artillery, or more troops engaging the enemy the bombardment tactic wouldn't work especially with the main force of the enemy, still hiding behind the massive energy barrier.

As the old Grand Highlord, though of another plan against the enemy, he was knocking off his chain of thoughts when an explosion occurred just beyond their current position...

The smoke cleared, revealing a huge charging force of traitors (Chaos Guardsmen) accompanied by the dark knight looking monsters (Knightmares) armed with greatswords, spears, or glaives some even were exposing their unnerving mouths and long tongues.

Clearly, all out for blood, De'sanguine refuses to satiate these monsters and traitors, so he opened fire with the bolters attachments on the side of his tank while ordering the officer inside the tank to ready the main cannon, upon De'sanguine making the first move against the enemy all his forces responded in kind unleashing everything upon the enemy.

The Chaos Guardsmen were being shot/lasered down but yet refuse to stop their charge as the Chimeras and Siegfrieds rain hell upon them, the power of their weaponry was even able to harm the daemons of Laharl.

But because of the number of lesser daemons of carnage, their losses were less felt than the chaos guardsmen.

But that didn't stop them from firing their weapons ranging from standard guardsmen weaponry and daemonic forged weapons such as carnage-touched power-swords/maces, chainaxes, and even some blades bestowed to them by the Dark One himself.

Along with daemon infused firearms called "Hellmaws" currently, only the high-ranking officers, and the most favored by their Dark God, are blessed to wield one of these hellmaws, like the highly armored commander leading the advancing army.

He was downed in black and violet military clothing, with heavy armor platting all over him all baring the mark of Chaos and the mark of Carnage on them with pride, has some noticeable mutations on his body from curved sharp spikes pertruding from his arms, right knee, and helmet, speaking of the helmet it is a twisted combination between gas-mask of guardsmen with the rounded helm attached only for the front of the helmet has been replaced with a human skull with the eight-point star of Chaos edged onto the forehead which has curved violet tinted sharp horn pertruding there as well.

Armed with a violet malice emanating power-sword in hid left hand, and a chainaxe in the other roaring and sending praise to the Dark One, this fearless Chaos Commander, rushed straight at the enemy force, dodging all attacks coming towards him.

This act shocked the Kolbaline Guard as they resumed firing in hopes of taking down all their enemies, but this mutant traitor not only possessed superhuman abilities but also inspired the rest of the traitors, and dark knight monsters to charge in at full force.

All overcome with desire to slaughter and cause carnage empowered by the glory of their Chaos God, they managed to enter their enemy's frontline immediately the Chaos Commander, drove his axe into a poor guardsman as it reved, and bite into its victim's flesh, the crimson colored blood gushing in fury, as the chainaxe dug in deeper, mangled blood coated bone, muscle tissue, gore splashed everywhere covering the Carnage worshipping commander.

Enraptured by the screams of his victim, as the life quickly drained away from the guardsman, this brutal kill excited the forces of Carnage.

As they stormed their way to kill their enemy, in retaliation of the closing Chaos forces, some Flamer Guardsmen formed a way and unleashed fire upon their enemy as the screams of the chaos guardsmen echoed across the battlefield, burning alive as their inside melt, and their skin blacken.

Neither army is backing down, or allowing their enemy to continue as they desire unappead.

But unnoticed yet by the Kolbaline Guard, Corex Andamalas has entered the battlefield as the Sorcerer Lord, tightens his grip on his weapon, the Carnage Maker the leader of the mortal force of Carnage spread his psychic senses feeling the Observers slowly drifting towards the marauders, while Lord Kha'braxi was already closing in on the enemy's flank, all was progressing as plan.

As their forces all accupy one of the Kolbaline Guard's forces leaving them blind to the real plan.

Corex laughed with glee, as he send another psychic message to his kabal behind the barrier to press on the attack and let loose, more of their forces, turning this battle from a war, into a massacre.

All for the Dark One, as Corex can feel the gaze of his God focused on him and the battlefield, he shall not fail to appease him.

Slamming the end of his axe-scepter against the destroyed wasteland that is the Maxum Plains, he starts walking eager to satiate his bloodlust and win the last battle between his forces, and the nonbelievers of the Kolbaline Guard.


Location the Nethervoid, the sky above the Infernal Black Jungle

The Dark One, Laharl hs just arrived to the doorstep of his castle, even while not being focused completely on Kolbaline, he could still feel the surge of soul, Carnage, Atrocities, and more pleasing the Chaos God emencely.

The war, or better said, the battle for the soul of that Hiveworld was quickly ending and also ending in his favor, as Laharl soars through his maroon skies.

Thinking of his wives, before even re-entering the Nethervoid, he contacted them all to ease their possible worries, especially from Jade, Cassandra, and Scalpel which he was correct after he explained and calmed their worries involving his conversation with his younger brother Khorne, aka their brother-in-law.

I told them that he was on his way and for them to relax and wait for him to explain thing further directly.

With that settled, he could see his white castle, with various decorations from swirls of violet, black, and grey to the statue of himself in his true form surrounded by the statues of his current and yet to be corrupted wives.

Not only that, but the hellish majesty of the great burning eye of the Abyssal Watcher briefly focused upon Laharl as a form of welcoming its dark master.

Immediately upon getting close to the Castle Neo Oblivion, he felt the heartwarming emotions of the Daemon Queens all focused on him.

This made Laharl smile as he descended upon the open area, dividing Chi's jungle and the castle upon noticing him, the guarding knightmares stationed on the castle's entrance kneeled in respect and reverence towards their Dark God, as Laharl used his "Physical Shift" ability to retract his wings, he stood there looking at the maroon sky, as the Dark One spread his senses beyond his and Khorne's domains he felt little change occurring within the Warp.

This made Laharl relieved, this meant Nurgle was still some time away from being born and allowed him to plan for their upcoming battle in the Garden.

But that can wait another day, as Laharl is tired and wishes to be with his wives as he walks towards the entrance, and in immediate response the draw bridge lowered for him, as the Carnage God has returned home, eager to not only spend time with his five beloved wives but also witness the conclusion of the Kolbaline Wars from his throne...or bed whichever he is in the mood for...