MC reborn as Chaos God before 40k is fleshed out as he rises as the first of now five Ruinous Powers the galaxy shall burn. Mature content, Evil MC Overpowered and a Harem of Oc Daemons
(Alderi Prince, Alaeden POV)
Location Realspace-Outside of Eldar Space, the Alderi Fleet Flagship, the Naham'Asuryan Bridge
Our ships have died the navigators and psykers operating on my bridge couldn't do anything to save my ship, Naham'Asuryan named after the mighty God, Asuryan himself.
This mighty ship that has been within my bloodline's possession for centuries is falling, this cosmic impossibility of two opposing Warpstorms merging affected my ship and the entire fleet, no ship was responding to any sort of command...while is frustrating there was no other choice but to accept our ships are dead in space at the mercy of these warp entities that not be the imagination of panic alderi, these beings the Blood God, Kjorn (Khorne in alderi tongue like Slaanesh is Sai'lanthresh) and the Shadow, Alka'lkarnak (Laharl in alderi tongue) as I pray to the gods and Asuryan himself for strength and guidance through this struggle I watched from the bridge where the ships where heading for.
As we were being pulled to the targeted planet where the Great Rage and possibly this entity, the Blood God, Kjorn is waiting for us.
Holding tight my gold and silver great spear reacting to my surge of emotions, it began to emenate a transperent blue aura as I quickly commanded the Urlthawai to brace their warriors for a crash landing, as the Naham'Asuryan and the other ships were picking up speed and heading straight toward the largest planet!
(General POV)
Location the Khorne Corrupted Daemonworld-Mudus Kars, Alderi Crashsite
From the red skies above Mudus Kars came several figures piercing through the clouds, as a massive dragonship the Naham'Asuryan was falling coated in flames as the speed it was crashing combusted the very air of the Eldar flagship, soon after more ships started to burst through the cloud coverage and all freefall these massive ships range from Eclipse Class, Kurnous Class and Naiad Class Space-Cruisers even smaller ships that didn't withstand planet fall not only burning up but tearing themselves apart as they were crashing.
From afar several countless neverborn from the depth of the Blood Gods domain look to the sky in excitement, their prey has finally come as they begin marching forward to the crashsite.
Several legions of khornate daemons from Bloodletters, Bloodcrushers, Blood Valkyries, Juggernauts, and Khornate Giants marched right behind a Greater Daemon of Khorne, a Bloodthirster Ka'bandha, Ghalh'kra, An'ggrath and Storm Prince all exuding with giant amount of bloodlust and hunger for battle.
Hundreds of daemonic engines of Skull Cannons were driving from the back-line of the army with three bloodletters operating each daemon engine, as they swing their hellblades in the air eager to arrive in the battlefield and let loose havoc upon their enemies with burning skull projectiles.
Karanak was leading all the Flesh Hounds of Khorne in another force that can be considered a legion in its own right, following right behind the leader of the entire Blood Legion.
Scyla Anfingrimm was stomping his way through the daemonic world, under command of his dark masters to slaughter Eldar, snarling and panting as the rage and bloodlust was overflowing from the Norscan Chaos Spawn as he was right behind Skarbrand acting as his bodyguard and beast.
At the head of the entire legions of blood daemons was the Rage Incarnate, the most favored Bloodthirster of Khorne, Skarbrand as they marched through the corrupted red semi-volcanic landscape covered in a mutated forrest Skarbrand and the other saw the alderi ships crash upon the planet surface as a huge inferno of an explosion was saw and heard even from their location, Skarbrand then suddenly stomped hard against the red earth, stopping the march as he yelled, "BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!!!! SKULLS FOR THE SKULL THRONE!!!!" and started running forward as all other daemons yelled the same chant to their Dark God and rushed behind Skarbrand as the battle...the slaughter shall begin soon.
Location Mudus Kars-Alderi Fleet Crashsite
The fleet crashed and destroyed a mountain, changing the terrain into more of a canyon with a twisted feeling forests some distance away for much of the plantlife was destroyed and burned from the crash.
Alaeden survived along with the Urlthawai Farseers using their psychic abilities to protect themselves and those around them at the moment of the crash, but they did not survive completely unscaved this includes Alaeden himself his helmet was broken and discarded, his chest armor was greatly damage and his red cape tossed aside after it caught on fire.
His face was injured, and he refused aid as he ordered all his warriors to help those still alive and trapped within the crashed ships, he lost his right eye in the crash as blood stained his face and his wound stung, he covered up with a simple piece of cloth, while still feeling pain allover his body he removed what was holding his ponytail letting his hair fall freely as he left the wreckage of what once the Naham'Asuryan, seeing all his warriors and non-combatants scramble all over the area, as he took command and control of the chaos by focusing his power through his heavy, great spear and smash the bud of his weapon against the red earth.
Leading and organizing them all, telling them the first priority of all was rescuing those trapped inside the wrecked ships, treating the wounded, and start to organize those that can move and fight.
All the while, some distance away, the daemons under Skarbrand were fast approaching to their forced main base as the blood legions were knocking and destroying everything in their way to fight their enemy.
With them getting closer and closer to the enemy, the rage, bloodlust, and eagerness for combat, conflict, fury, and bloodshed as the most bloodiest battle in the alderi ever experienced since the War of Heaven, all this time the Blood God was only giving these xenos a meer taste of his wrath and power, now they'll his unrelenting, unbridled anger by the hands of his loyal daemonic legions.
Location Eldar Space-Planet Wagxin Luna
At the same time, in another world in the Alderi Empire...the daemons of Khorne were still ravaging and slaughtering most of the population in Wagxin 4, that many decided to escape to a planetoid that acts like a small moon that circles Wagxin 4, simply called Wagxin Luna.
The planet was flourishing with life, endless forest, that reached the cloud along with all matter of flora and clean fresh water, within this "moon" was various small settlements that use the natural stone mineral along with wraithbone to make these towers and building, Wagxin Luna is classified a Agri and Pleasure World in the Empire.
As the refugees and survivors of the Wagxin 4 massacre started to move into the settlements to relax and recuperate from the atrocities they've went in the main world, a small Warp-rift opened on top of cliff edge that overlooked one of the settlements on the moon.
The rift was violet, purple, and black as a massive winged she-daemon crossed over from the Warp, this a special succubus with massive dark violet wings that she uses to move herself as she has a giant violet and copper jug with amethysts crystals entrusting the edges of said jug, this jug was strapped to her body by transperent, elegant, pristine violet and burgundy colored sashes tied to both herself and her jug.
This succubus was a short light-skinned beauty with pink colored eyes, she has short white and pink hair in a short hime-style cut with her long pointed ears being in plain view without her hair obstructing them, she has a pair of mismatch burgundy colored horns on top of her head with right one being long and curved inwardly while her left was broken and she place a small ornamental copper brace on it with a huge dark amethyst encrusted on the front.
She was quite short in height, almost that of a young girl with a sensual body, a common trait shared by the daughters of the Succubus Queen, she has large round breasts, delicious thighs, incredible curves and ass with her really long violet colored devil like tail lightly swaying in the air.
This is the succubus named L'litha, and soon to be known as the Brew Mistress of Carnage, she wore a black tight chocker, a black and pink colored short sleeved leotard tied with multiple violet and burgundy sashes those sashes, a long split, straight black leather skirt that holds several of her vials, jars, glass flasks, and other things to which she'll use to make her cocktails, a pair oflong black leather fingerless gloves, and a pair of thigh high black leather high-heels.
L'litha flew to the edge of the cliff, admiring the scenery as she smiled and laugh happily thinking on countless of plants, fruits, creatures, and many other ingredients she can harvest and mix into various brew on this planet, after she left her dark masters realm and flew across the Warp she found a small breach between the Immaterium and Materium as she sneaked back to the Nethervoid and unto the Palace of Deprivaty of Matriarch Kiira, L'litha took all she needed to start harvesting this world for ingredients.
Speaking of ingredients, she saw some little critter on a tree eating some massive green and brown nuts, and though those would be great starting ingredients as she flew up and caught the creature it tried to escape her grasp as she smiled and spoke with a mad sweet voice, "Don't worry. There, there furry critter. Don't be afraid soon you and these nuts will make a delicious brew" saying the last part in an almost singing tone as she used her strength to snap its neck as it went limp on her hands.
With a smile, she collected some of the large green and brown spherical nuts, she started her brew placing her jug onto the grass as she started by pouring ground up nuts and the entire body of the critter into the boiling ambrossia as she used her tail to mix the newest cocktail.
After some time, it was finished taking out an empty flask and scooping up some her of her brew taking a quick sniff admiring the nutty, sweet aroma just when she was about to taste she heard the rustling of plants, and saw two xenos, eldars she believes without armor or weapons looking at.
L'litha smiled as she pulled out another flask and filled it with her first brew, and spoke in childish sick manner "Ohh my I'm lucky. For the Dark Gods have sent me, my taste-testers...and maybe newer ingredients if they don't survive."
Location the Immaterium-Nethervoid, Castle Neo Oblivion/Throne Room
After Laharl finished all his crucial errands, helping Khorne win the upcoming battle not only by creating or better re-creating an entire race and early spawing of the Hound of Khorne to reenforce his entire army, he took it further by using around 26K souls to create a Warpstorm, stronger and more stable than the ones that have banished from western regions of the Alderi Empire, the Dark One was exhausted.
As he immediately entered his castle and headed straight to the throne room, he greeted and kissed his wives, telling them that he had done all he could do the rest was up to Khorne's daemons.
They hugged him with as much love and have expressed that they still a bit worried as Laharl kissed them each on the lips and told them to relax and watch the upcoming battle for their hands are tide, if Laharl and his Wives could do it they just send their daemons to aid Skarbrand and insure the slaughter of Alaeden's army but as their beloved husband is the God of Promises, and his proud wives they to are bound by his oath.
The eight of them to sit on their respected throne, as Kiira called her succubi to come and bring ambrossia she noticed something and ask a succubus "Hey, where is L'litha I made her exclusively a server in the Castle where is that girl?" all the succubi responded they didn't know as the mention of said succubus made Laharl remember as he asked his wives about L'litha and how she is becoming a Herald?
This confused them all especially Kiira as she thought of L'litha as too newborn, to be allowed in invasion into the Materium and was quite shocked to hear her husband say she was growing so powerful to become a herald of Carnage.
That when they heard a praise directed to all of them coming from Realspace, specifically from a daemon on a Eldar World, seeing that the battle Mudus Kars was yet to begin they decided to look on who was praising their names, and were surprised to see the succubus they were talking about not but meer seconds ago.
As the succubus was smashing a glass flask filled with green swirled violet liquid over a Eldar head as she forced said xeno's mouth open and pour the contents of the flask into it mouth as they watched the eldar choke and start to spew bile and blood, they saw the look of anger in L'litha's face yelling, "Failure! Failure!! Need something else to not make the brew fatally poisonous. No matter." as she walked towards the other Eldar a male as well, bound in unbreakable transperent sashes terrified of what he just witnessed as L'litha was in front of him with a sharp knife as she spoke again, "With failure comes possibilities. Let's see when I add Eldar blood...and maybe a heart as well to the mix." grabbing the eldar by the throat with her knife close to his face as she spoke again, "Be happy you'll be apart of my next brew, and maybe the most important ingredients for the perfect ambrossia for the Dark Gods!!!" laughing as she started stabbing at the Eldar's chest.
This impressed Kiira seeing her young daughter's in action but she still shared the same thoughts as her husband and sister-wives "What happened to that Succubus?" at that moment, a lilim came into the throne room telling them that she had something important to report, gaining all the Chaos Gods of the throne room attention.