
Reborn as a Chaos God of Carnage

MC reborn as Chaos God before 40k is fleshed out as he rises as the first of now five Ruinous Powers the galaxy shall burn. Mature content, Evil MC Overpowered and a Harem of Oc Daemons

Overlord_Bloodfall · SF
376 Chs

Frozen Wastes of Norsca Part 1: Upcoming Challengers

(General POV)

Location the Chaos Wastes Western Region-The Site of the Norscan Wars, the Shoreline to the Sea of Chaos

Enzium tore through the remnants of the ancient war between the mortal followers of Chaos, obeying the instructions of it dark masters, the colossal horned skull-like Chaos Daemons was heading for the corrupted and dangerous waters of the Sea of Chaos.

But Enzium was made to be able to traverse any sort of terrain, including water soo it will just be another march that Ixion/Warp Gods along with their forces have to wait for it to be finished.

As Enzium approach the waters, it roared as it charged right into said waters.

It spider like feet sinking into the cold, corrupted waves all the mutated aquatic life benighted the water were utterly afraid and swam away as Enzium easily swam through the Chaos Sea.

While the Living Daemon Fortress, made his way to the frozen shores of Norsca, Ixion/Warp Gods were preparing for the upcoming battles...

Location Within Enzium, Central Level/The Great Hall of Banquets and War

Deep in the central level of the Castle Fortress that is Enzium is a special hall were all can feast and meet.

Resembling a more gothic style, viking hall with Chaos artifact, encryptions, and decor adorn the hall which can accommodate countless of souls, several long black wood tables stretching from one side of the hall to the other, with metal plates, knives, utensils, and mugs placed on each of the tables.

Skull adorned torches and lanterns hanged from the walls, with a multi-colored fired chandelier hanging from the center, these flames were green, crimson, and violet representing the Warp Gods that are in united and in control of Enzium.

The stone floors were adorn with fur rugs of beasts and monsters that have been slain and hunted by the Dark Legion, during their month campaign in the Chaos Wastes.

Food and mead were serve as a great sideways table at the other side of the hall was a throne, and Ixion the avatar of the Warp Gods was waiting for his servents to come as he summoned them all not a few moments ago.

To feast, drink, and prepare for the battle ahead...plus this allowed Laharl an opportunity to show the joy of feast to his brothers more, they already experienced drinking albeit Ambrossia, but now they can eat and drink actual alcohol...and to tell the truth Laharl, miss beer but hard wine will still work...

The Warp Gods inside of Ixion, were not alone in this massive hall already the damn Speaker, Zxaie-xie was there floating beside them he was curious and spoke to them, "My Lord...what is this?" as the Speaker, gesture the hall and feast.

Without looking at Zxaie-xie's, direction Laharl made Ixion rest his right arm onto the avatar's chin, as his brothers told him to explain things to their spy/speaker.

And so the Dark One, spoke through Ixion, "Because Speaker...no army, can fight or progress without food, drink, and morale. And this banquet serves all those purposes, and this was also serve to strengthen the daemons under me, with all the coming debauchery that will soon commence. So. Does our answer sastify you, Speaker?"

No answering back the specter like being, stayed silent and floating beside the "Chosen of the Gods" still he believes that all the favor, and all of this should belong to the one and true herald of the Gods, Archeon.

Aside from some "small" interferences, he was forbidden from directly acting against the Daemonharts, unless their deeds seem to go against the will of the Dark Gods.

As Zxaie-xie steamed and thought anyway to interfere and maybe kill these pretenders, he remembered many mighty Champions, that make their home on Norsca, one which could challenge, or cripple the Dark Legion of the Damned, was the mighty Godslayer.

Excusing himself he floated away, to send a secret message to one of the servents to the mighty Daemon Prince that struck a fatal wound to the Bear God, Ursan.

(Quick Note, I'm giving Yuri/Daniel both mortal and daemon forces so the Warp Gods can have a better challenge, and to expand the roster of the Daemon Prince army.)

(Yuri Godslayer/Daemon Prince/Daniel POV)

Location the Doomkeep, Norsca

Kislev shall fall...

Exactly how almost Ursan did before me, if not for the damn kislevites the Bear God's power would have been mine.

But it was but a minor setback, at the moment my fortress is complete and legion of warriors and daemons of the Gods, gather to serve me.

I'm overseeing my army from the highest hill within this restored fortress, as the cold, frosted, northern winds blew on my flesh and wings.

As these daemons and warriors prepared to march onto Kislev in my command, a sorceror came escorted by some of my warriors...this reminds me of that damn tzeentchian seer that convinced me to go out and get my revenge on Be'lakor and claim the bear's power, I was not in the mood for any bad news, grumbling and tightening my claws into my hand, I spoke, "What do you want, sorceror. Speak now, or fall to my blade for wasting my time." the pathetic mortal, started to grubble behind me.

This annoyed me soo I yelled out, "I said, SPEAK!!!" I headed him apologize to me, before finally reporting, what he came to tell me.

He said, "Lord Godslayer. I and many of your magical servents, have received a message from a herald of the Gods. The message states that a mighty champion from another world, is approaching Norsca and has amassed a great army to gain the favor of the Gods. A favor that should only belong to you." I hummed, as my tail swung and I reached for my sword the Deathbringer Blade, slowly turning towards my mortal followers and said, "Go on..."

(Wulfrik POV)

Location the Howling Wastes, the Red Maw Battlefield-Norscan/World Walkers Vs. Ogres

Once again at the heat of battle, I was cutting down these gluttonous brutes of Ogres with my Torgald, another ogre came rushing at me with a massive club.

Swinging it down at me, only for me to easily parry with my shield breaking his guard as I stabbed my greatsword into the vital spot of these creature, the belly.

Cleaving it open, as the ogre fell dead, bleeding and vesorated...another offering to the Crow, Nurgle.

Thou my "Gift of Tongues" started this battle after insulting the Tyrant and sparking a glorious battle between my warriors and these imbecilic ogres.

The reason I'm here is because the Gods have commanded me to slay a tyrant name Olgarr the Bludgeoner, and using my enchanted longship Seafang, I arrive in this...the edge of the Mountains of Mourn, my warriors and beast were slaughtering these weakling, I expected a better challenge, but at least this will be some amusement for me.

As one of my mammoths swing it's armed tusks, killing another force of ogres a was finally able to find the Tyrant, Olgarr smashing one of my marauders, once again my blessing took affect, and I yelled to my target in Ogre-tongue, "You small, blubbering weakling!! Undeserving of being a Tyrant!!! You'd be better food for the gnoblars!!!!" and just like always, my target heard me and charge at me, with his giant hammer.

I smiled another great battle, that will earn me favor with my Gods.

Once I kill this Ogre, we shall drink and eat all night, before the next challenge that the Gods have in-store for me!!!

Once the Tyrant, was in my range he struke at me vertically with his hammer which I blocked with little effort.

Olgarr was all strength and no skill, I easily blocked his attacks, and countered the rest, I've easily landed some blows but the ogre showed some resilience, so we started clashing blade against hammer seeking the other's death.

All the while, my frost-wyrm came swooping down killing many of Olgarr's ogres, that along with my mammoths, warhounds and skin wolves were tearing through, the ogres while my marauders, warriors, and Chaos knights were not allowing any of the ogres' gnoblars, butchers, ironguts, leadbelchers, and even a few firebellies and a slaughtermaster.

All which were crushed and killed in the hand of real monsters and warriors, this battle turned out to be a disappointment in someways, but at least Olgarr was posing, some challenge.

But it was still not enough to beat me!!!

Our weapons were caught in a deathlock, with my strength against the larger brute!!!

I was laughing, thinking about how this Ogre, think that he can best me!?

Using all my strength, I pushed him back and struck at his face with my great-shield causing the glutton to spit out blood.

Taking advantage of Olgarr's disorientation, I thrust my blade towards his neck, before the ogre even realized I pierce his fat throat, as he immediately dropped his hammer, and gurgled blood from the wound, I'd caused.

Falling to his knees still choking and gurgling, I still hand my hand on my blade's handle, as I slowly pushed it in deeper until it pierced through the back of Olgarr's neck and he stopped squirming.

Another fallen opponent and another worthy offering to the Gods, as the still remaining Ogres saw me kill their leader they fell to disarray and panic, fleeing the battle heading back to their mountains.

I pulled my sword out the corpse of the former Ogre Tyrant, and kick the body to the ground, I stood over my fallen victim, rising my head to the heaven and letting out a mighty roar of victory!!!

All my warriors and followers praised me and just when I was about to announce my men to start a feast, when I received another task from the Gods.

I saw a vision of...snow...and many strong warriors marching through the snow, and then I saw a beast the likes I never saw before, almost like a skeletal scorpion (Enzium) following these warriors.

Then I saw him, a mighty Chaos Lord, wielding a greatsword and then I heard the voices of the Herald of the Gods speak to me, "Wulfrik!!! The Eternal Wanderer!!!! Hear me!!!! I am Zxaie-xie, herald and Speaker of the Gods. I've shown you, your next challenge, the false Chosen of the Gods, Ixion Daemonhart!!! Go to Norsca, and slay him!!!"

Seems at last a worthy challenge has come, I might not have time to enjoy the feast and mead, but I can still have my fill in battle.

I immediately yelled at my warriors to return to the Seafang, as we have another battle to prepare for, maybe at last I shall earn enough favor to be allowed in the halls of the Gods, once I kill this Ixion Daemonhart, as started to leave with the wind blowing on my face and wolf pelt cape, I felt excitement and a smile adorn my face.

(Throgg POV)

Location Troll Country/Throgg's Lair

Me was eating a horse and it's rider in my big cave lair, and me was eating the most cause me the Troll King!!!

My beasts, trolls, and mutants, were all eating the remains of another imperial raid to hunt me down, and stop the Troll King's reign over these mountains and snowlands.

Me find it funny, that they believe that they can hunt me down in my own domain, me the one that hunt puny humans down.

Which gets me more power and gifts from the Dark Gods, but lately me feel bored, no challenge or excitement has come to me.

Only snacks and food for me and me subjects, me sighed as me chump down on human head.

Then one of the Chaos humans that serve me came, to me lair.

He told me a powerful new Lord is coming here, me scratch chin thinking that's when me hear the mad human say that we should face the new lord...but me has an idea, a good idea.

Me stood up, and grab me Maul and roared gaining all me monsters and subjects attention, me spoke, "Listen, a new Chaos Lord is coming to Norsca, and we're going to him, you all gots that!?" they roared and bashed their hammers or claws down on the ground, as me started to leave the lair onto the snow, me prayers are answer, finally some fun for me and me Wintertooth.

(General POV)

Location the Sea of Chaos-Within Enzium, Central Level/The Great Hall of Banquets and War

The hall is full of daemons, Norscans, and Blood-Drinkers, and with the addition of the newer daemons that were knightmares, and succubi which were charming and sleeping with drunken marauders, it was clear that all were enjoying the feast.

The only one not invited were the Giants as they'll just eat their other follower, while the shartaks will be arriving with Kholek later, for now they enjoy then once Kholek their Daemon Prince Shaggoth comes they'll plan their next assault, cause surely not only would Zxaie-xie cause them annoyances, many tribes are going to attack them when they make landfall, regardless it will be entertaining for all three of them...just like this wine their "drinking" through Ixion, but in truth the wine is send into the "void-space" inside of Ixion.

Which allows Laharl, Nurgle, and Khorne to taste and experience alcohol...and to tell the truth, it was underwhelming, it was crap compared to Ambrossia...Laharl was the one most disappointed, seems being Gods means their pallet also change that only alcohol mixed Ambrossia could be the only way to enjoy and get drunk off liquor...

At least it was better than nothing, as the trio continue to enjoy their meal, and pass...barely...the alcohol...