
Destruction of the Olympians Part 1: The Beginning

(General POV)

Location the God of War World-Macedonia/Greece, Corrupted Plains Battlefield, Chaos vs Olympians

After Laharl struck first, his chain Gleipnir, knocking away the three strongest Gods of the Olympians, sending flying as the war began.

Immediately the legions of Laharl, Khorne and Nurgle charged forward at the army of various creatures of Greece, lead by the giant muscular man wielding a giant club, this man is Hercules, half mortal son of Zeus, and the strongest hero of all Greece.

Despite losing his greatest weapons the Nemean Cestus, he still possessed his super strength and courage.

Leading the mortal battle against the invading army, as bloodletters, bloodcrushers, alongside knightmares and slaughter calvary were leading the whole mix daemonic legion.

As Cursed charged straight at the daemons one cut down a bloodletter in half only for another to come and stab its hellblade to stab the undead like footsoldier creature, killing it, as the lesser daemon pulled back it daemonic blade it rise it blade and collected the Cursed skull for Khorne.

Once the price was taken the bloodletter join the rest of its kin, and the laharlish daemons as they admist a great clash, swords clashed as the khornate daemons were brutal, vicious and bloodthirsty not relenting their assault, killing all in the name of their Blood Gods.

As the lesser khornate daemons were engaged with the Olympians undead footsoldiers, Harpies of Lord Ares were flying overhead ready to dive down and attack they prey when...a swarm of violet, daemonic, giant bees started to swarm onto them, several of these bees were mounted by a she-daemon resembling the Goddess, Kiira, these are her daughters the succubi, or as they're known while mounting a death stinger, as Allure Stingers.

The harpies shrieked as the enemy was coming towards them, with talons ready as blades, stingers, and the weapons that the succubi are wielding struck.

A harpy attacked the side of a Death Stinger, only for the birdwoman's talons to be utterly ineffective against the carapace of the daemonic bee, as the Stinger's rider easily spun her ring blade and decapitated her flying prey.

Seeing that the bees weren't affected by the attacks of the harpies they focused on the riders, which was extremely difficult for these birdwomen, as they were swarmed in every sense as three harpies fell next, as six death stingers surrounded their prey, stabbing their large and sharp stingers that pierced through their withered bodies.

With the harpies falling dead or being picked off by the death stingers, that slash, stab, and impale their prey not releasing until the prey stops twitching, just like killer bees, if they don't fall from that the combine attacks from mount and rider, meaning that aerial superiority was lost for the Olympian, as the harpies still clashed with the daemonic bee swarm.

At the sametime, back on the ground, as a couple of knightmares were cutting and hacking away at some Cursed as a Greek chimera rushed at those lesser laharlish daemons, these knightmares saw the lion based monster roaring and charging at them soo they split open their helmets to show their true razor-sharp teeth covered mouth and Venom-like tongues.

With the black spears and harberts they charged the beasts as it roared and swiped it claw at them, but the madness and need to cause as much carnage, as possible made the knightmares completely immune to intimidation, just as one of the daemons was about to stab its prey when a giant cyclops with a huge wooden club came and crushed these knightmares, along with the chimera.

Letting out a roar, the lone cyclops started heading towards the khornate and laharlish forces slaughtering the Cursed and some Centaurs that joined the fight.

That's when a blackish red, clawed, gauntlet equipped hand grabbed the cyclops as it shrieked from pain of the gripping hand, slowly tightening around him.

Squirming and struggling as the Gorequeen, brought her catch up to her face, inspecting it for a moment she was admiring the Skull she was about to add to her pile, with a devilish smirk, she swiftly and brutally crushed the cyclops to death, covering her hand in gore and blood.

Before discarding the corpse, she was sure to tear the still intact bloodstained head of the cyclops with a simple flick of her index finger, once she claimed her newest skull, Valkia, she looked out the battlefield seeing the spear wielding blonde Goddess, (Athena) fighting alongside two weak War Gods while being supported by some slaaneshi like she-creatures (Empusas).

Valkia smiled as she ignited her hand in hellfire, seeting the headless, crushed body of the cyclops in daemonic fire.

Drawing back her right arm and she threw the burning cyclops corpse at the weak War Gods...

A Few moments before Valkia struck...

(Bellona POV)

Location Another Area of the Battlefield

Swinging my Scourge Chain, I slashed a couple of the red skined, blazing sword wielding creatures.

As the chain retracted I saw a red armored great beast (Juggernaut) rush towards me, as it crushed both the weak undead Cursed and even a couple of minotaurs as it charged towards me.

With a smile in my face, I banish my Scourge and summon my great hammer accepting the beast's challenge head on!!!!

Just when I was about to charge in and fight my damn brother Ares summoned his chains pulling my prey away and stabbing it through the neck.

He looked at me as if I was a bug, he never respected me and my favored Roman warriors, growling and grinding my teeth as he said to me, "Younger sister, shouldn't you be in the shadows unseen?" I wanted to crush that bastard, but I would not risk Zeus' wrath striking his "favored" son...

I spun smacking a couple of green small cyclopes, (plaguebearers) banishing my hammer and calling out my greatsword, my eyes focused on the damn Ares, as I turned to fight and kill more!!!!

I need no temple or shrine, I need no servents or slaves!!!

The battlefield are is my holy shrine, it's where I thrive and reign, I'm a warrior, a destroyer!!!

Rushing off to fight a massive red horned and wing creature that has a axe and whip for weapons, facing it on my own, (Bloodthirster) it roared to me as it swipe his whip at me, I leaped into a roll to evade this monsters lashes, clearly making it more frustrated and angry as it roared again and...spoke, "Fake War God!!! Your skull shall be offered to the Blood God, as a worthy sacrifice!!!!" temporarily stunned as this monster flapped it's wing gaining greater height as it swung down it axe at me.

Quickly summoning my shield I took the full brunt of the blow, and blocked as the red monster tried to use more of it's strength to break through my guard and kill me, but I held my ground with a smile, as I redirected the axe making it fall to my side allowing me to strike straight, at the opening I'd made.

Jumping with my shield held strong and firm, hitting and crushing the face of this monster (Bloodthirster), as he fell on it back I used the momentum of my Shield Bash, to launch myself into the air, spinning my sword as I pointed it down and stabbed my prey in the heart!!!

It screamed and thrash as it let out one final gasp of breathe, falling dead with lifeless eyes as blood splashed on me.

I was drenched in blood, never in my countless years have I had such a thrilling sastifying sensation of killing a enemy then now...

As I pulled out my sword from the...daemon...for some reason I knew a bit more of this creature...

Whatever, I lifted my sword over my head a let a mighty victory cry, which all my forces joined getting their morale heightened, as I saw my...siblings...Ares and Athena fighting more daemons, Ares was attacking everyone both the daemons and our Cursed, all were simple victims to his blind rage.

While Athena was fighting smarter and more controlled then the brainless brute...she blocked the green, horned cyclopes (plaguebearers) and the red-skinned, crimson sword wielding daemons, I sighed I'm ashamed of being the sister of these two weaklings and disgrace to war...one was a mindless brute, that doesn't deserves to be a military leader, whilst the other is a unfit warrior that cares more about weaklings, then actual warriors or the battlefield!!!

Groaning in frustration...I felt the anger, and bloodlust rise...it felt good.

Looking up I saw one of the invading War Gods, Valkia I believe she named easily crush and decapitate a cyclops, she then turned her gaze to our direction...

With a wicked smile on her face, Valkia ignited her fist in flames along with headless corpse of the Cyclops, she drew her arm back...realizing what she was planning, I first thought of warning my siblings but something was telling me to keep fighting...keep spilling blood...and I'll never be forgotten again...soo I rested my sword over my shoulders and just returned to battle.

Present Time...

(General POV)

Ares was hacking away at the bloodletters, knightmares, and plaguebearers that came in his way, along with killing his own troops, even when a squad of cursed and satyrs were pushing back the unknown creatures, all the God of War did was rise his shield and from the mouth of the shield, unleashed a deadly stream of magical fire.

He burned to death all of them, enjoying the slaughter and mayhem he wrought truly the God of Battlelust & Bloodshed.

All the while the Goddess of Wisdom, Athena, fighting alongside the forces of the Gods...despite her preferring to be accompanied by mortal heroes, she'll do what she must for the sake of Greece and Olympus, forming a shield wall guarding against the constant assault of these red creatures and now those same creatures were being reinforced by some riding armor beasts (bloodcrushers) and the black armored creatures riding on small legged lizards (slaughter calvary) they charged through their forces being trampled and crushed under these riders.

Rallying her strength she managed to find a weakpoint in these monsters, using her high intellect she commanded the cursed, satyrs, and damned empusas into a counterattack, but as she about to execute her strategy.

She sensed something soaring towards them, leaving the inside of the formed shield wall, she saw a couple of sensual creatures like the elemental nymphs (succubi) quickly cutting through all their forces, the satyr the lust driven beasts became easy prey to these women's claws, ring blades, and spiked flails.

Seeing another closing threat Athena prepared to battle against these empusa-like women, using logic and wisdom she correctly deduced that these women were spawns of Kiira.

But as the Goddess of Wisdom, ready her weapons she failed to warn her brother and forces of the upcoming flaming projectile, soaring straight at them.

As the daemons sensed the incoming attack of the Gorequeen they started to move back as the blast radius is going to big, Athena notice that these women and other creatures of these invading Gods were backing up, she turned her head toward the upcoming burning corpse that, was just over them all.

She and Ares saw the attack and took the full brunt of the blast and daemonic flames coming from the blast.

A great explosion of hellfire occurred, pleasing Valkia and Khorne, as they started walking towards their still breathing targets, every creature that tried to attack the daemonic War Gods, were crushed or became stains on their respected blade.

From the flames arouse a giant helmless, and bleeding Ares his crimson eyes filled with rage with his precious shield broken, rising up were his sisters Athena that have some burns on her dress and armor, and Bellona that pushed Athena to the side, as she pointed her sword at Khorne and Valkia as a clear sign of challenge.

Both Khorne and Valkia were interested in the lesser War Goddess, that was showing much promise and signs of falling into corruption of the Blood God.

Stopping before the three War Gods, Valkia struck her shield as she spread her wings and roared, while Khorne spun his blade, the Unmaker, a couple of times before gripping both his hands on it's handle.

He said in clear sounding challenging tone, "COME!!! OFFER YOUR LIVES AND SKULLS TO THE BLOOD GODS!!!!"

Before Athena could talk to her siblings on how to engage their stronger opponents, Ares and Bellona were already rushing in, she sighed as she too went ahead.

Seeing this Valkia, flapped her wings and took flight deliving a high-dive, hooven kick to Bellona hitting her sword as the Olympian Goddess, barely manage to block the attack as she was knocked away.

Valkia spun forward to deliver a wide vertical slash at Athena that blocked with her round shield, meanwhile Ares ignore Valkia and his sisters seeking to face and kill, Khorne himself as the Olympian swung his spiked blade at the Blood God.

Who easily blocked the lesser God's attack with his Unmaker as the battle between the War Gods was about to begin.

[Author Note: I know many are going to ask and wonder why Bellano was falling to the corruption of Khorne, while Ares was fine? Answer 1: it because Ares is already very Khorne-like and GW make a lot of factions act like khornate berserkers from orkz, space marines, and even sisters of battle but they don't fall to his corruption soo a God like Ares wouldn't be affected. Answer 2: strength of divinity, Ares is more worshiped and feared then Bellona, her lore and myth is that she is a forgotten Goddess, and Gods made mortals to sustain their power and divinity, soo logically she'll fall easier to Khorne than other Gods.]