
Reborn as a Bolton

A deeply hedonistic, perverse, sadistic and selfish man loses his life. And because of all the evil he did, he is sentenced to decades of torture. After a time in his prison, he manages to escape, and for such a feat he is awarded to reincarnate with five special talents. For Magic, Sex, Poison, Archery and Alchemy. Reincarnated in the world of Game of Thrones, as the brother of Roose Bolton in seek of immortality, to dont go back to that place. * It is based on GOT, not ASOIAF, but there are many characters not typical of the series by the timeline in which the events happen. So it ends up looking more ASOIAF than GOT. But I think it is unnecessary to read the books to understand * *The chapters have 1,200 words except for the first. But this is measured in the language I wrote which is Spanish. So when translating them it is normal for the number to vary* *Harem tag is not a normal harem. He doesnt love the girls, they are just sex toys. The only one that is kinda serious for him is (SPOILER) Ashara Dayne (SPOILER), the rest are, as i said, sex toys, or they have a important position and MC uses sex or feelings to manipulate* *WARNING: There is rap*(The Mc is the rapist) and sex with minors. So wait a, before reincarnating an evil MC. And after reincarnating a selfish and totally cold MC.

The_Ozymandias · 本&文学
59 Chs

Chapter 28: Arrival at Kings Landing

(1,200 words)

- Percival Bolton POV -

- Kingslanding - Crownlands - Westeros - 280 A.D -

I had arrived at Kingslanding for the royal wedding. I was accompanied by my brother and his minions. Since there was no problem getting his forces into my 10 ships with a capacity of 150 people. I only had 300 subordinates, so there was plenty of room to spare. And the ships were very imposing. Imagine 10 black pearls with a black eye flag only the design was not ramshackle like Jack Sparrow's ship, but had majestic Roman touches that made it easy to transport troops.

My ships were imposing and majestic, and, with my knowledge of the modern world, far better than the Greyjoy or Redwyne ships. My inferiority to them was only because my navigators and sailors could not compete with the Iron Born. As sailors they were extremely lethal, while mine were just inexperienced. More important than the weapon is who wields it. Unless the weapon gives you absolute power, which is not the case.

We got off the boats, and practically all the soldiers stayed on the boats as they did in Sunspear. All the people looked at my beautiful boats strangely. This was not a standard they were used to, not even the population who were not the flea-bitten trash who hopefully knew who their king was.

"It's a horrible, disgusting city" I said, and my bodyguards nodded.

"There is nothing as beautiful as Braavos My Lord" Syrio said to me with a smile, but his eyes showed repulsion to the city, as did mine. I was considering whether I should better stay quietly in Braavos. Maybe this pigsty wasn't worth it.

"Identify yourself!" shouted a group of Golden Capes, they were the Kingslanding guard. An organization that in the future would be led by Petyr Baelish himself. Fortunately I had already put them out of their misery.

My brother was standing behind me looking at me for me to speak. He had already known his place beneath me, and acted much more submissive than at the beginning of the journey. This was because it was already clear to him that I did not want his lordship, and he was willing to serve me, even if it hurt his pride, as long as he kept his position and power. Though I by no means trusted him as I did Qyburn. I just needed a little more to be able to perfectly read his emotions with my empathic magic. As a little boy I didn't have this ability, so the time we spent together in our childhood doesn't count.

"We come as House Bolton to the royal wedding" I said with an emotionless expression as I showed the letter.

"Are you Lord Roose Bolton?" he asked me already more respectful.

"My brother is" I said as I pointed at him, to which he nodded with a serious expression.

"No more than 30 soldiers per house are allowed to set foot in Kings Landing," the guard told me.

"As soldiers?"

"What do you mean?" the guard asked my question.

"I mean if they can enjoy their time in brothels or bars, instead of staying on the ship" I said. My men didn't need it, but in case of an emergency it was better to have them around.

"Oh, yes they can. But they can't enter Red Keep" he replied, and I gave him a nod as I tossed him a gold dragon which he received with a smile. "This way sir, we will escort them to Red Keep" he told me, and I nodded as I indicated to Silver who our bodyguards would be. 20 from me and 10 from my brother and his family. I did. Even though I didn't interact with them while I was in Dreadfort. My brother had married Bethany Bolton, formerly known as Bethany Ryswell of House Ryswell of the Rills. He also had a son, Domeric Bolton. Although he was only four years old.

The actual royal wedding itself would begin tomorrow, with a party at Red Keep. Red Keep is the fortress where the royal family lives as well as the members of the small council.

Before Aegon's Conquest it was nothing more than a hill without anything special, but at the time of the conquest, because of its strategic position both militarily and commercially, Aegon founded Aegonfort, a fortress that occupied the space. After that he built his capital around that fortress, finishing it 25 years after the end of the conquest. Or so the history books say.

But Red Keep was not built until the reign of his son, Maegor the Cruel. The third king of the Targaryen dynasty, with Aenys I Targaryen in the middle.

Maegor built the fortress, creating many passages as well as dungeons that to this day remain unfound, as once construction was complete, he ordered the execution of all involved. Quite an efficient and reasonable guy. It was a good move of his, although as I recall, Varys has access to all those passages, where he hides his little birds or where he himself moves through. That's why he was able to talk to Ned Stark when he was imprisoned, or to Tyrion Lannister in the same situation. He was also able to sneak Illyrio Mopatis into the fortress, a rather challenging task.

After that little feast and celebration, it would be the wedding proper at the Great Sept of Baelor, the center of religious worship for the Faith of the Seven, as well as the seat of the High Septon of the Faith. The structure was formerly known simply as the Sept, but it was destroyed by, once again, Maegor the Cruel, leaving its ruins in what is now known as the Dragonpit, where the dragons of House Targaryen were once kept.

But the thing is that some time later, Baelon I Targaryen built a new sept in honor of his name. Place where many important events have happened, as when Dorne voluntarily joined The Seven Kingdoms, riding as equals with the king from Red Keep to Sept of Baelor. It was also where Tywin Lannister had his marriage to Joanna Lannister. And now, it would be the marriage of Rhaegar Targaryen to Elia Martell. After that we would return to Red Keep to celebrate a feast in honor of the newlyweds, and in the evening, they would both perform the bedding ceremony. It would be fun to reveal that I fucked Elia Martell, but it's not a risk I need to take. It's not worth it.

"My lord," Syrio said to me as I entered the guest room I was staying in. We were not at Red Keep but at an inn that the kingdom had leased for House Bolton and House Manderly. All the houses that were not "The Big 7" had to stay at inns, except House Greyjoy who also stayed at an inn. Then they ask why they reveal themselves.... Although House Greyhoy, like House Tully, had inns all to themselves.

"Did they get the information?" I asked, and Syrio nodded. That's because he wanted the list of all the figures from the important houses, i.e. "The Big 7," who would be attending the wedding. Maybe Euron himself would show up and I could poison him without arousing suspicion. They would think I had no motive, but fear was.