
Reborn As A Baby Pokemon


Nyxio · アニメ·コミックス
6 Chs

Level up!

Gwen seems to be annoyed at being pulled back, "Why did you stop me, Soren? I can deal with them easily!"

"Listen to me Gwen, I think that that slightly bigger caterpie might be too strong for us, so I think we need a plan."

"So? What's the plan? Tell me quick!"

"Stay still for a bit Gwen, they are not running off, as for the plan, I think we should do the first attack sneakily and then start fighting. I will be using Bug Bite on the bigger one and you should use Tackle on the smaller one. After that, we will keep attacking our targets till they faint." I say with a serious look.

"Okay okay, I get it, now let's go!!!"

Thus we started creeping towards the two oblivious leaf-munching Caterpies and then in a split second I used Bug Bite on the level9 Caterpie and Gwen used Tackle on the other. The bugs get thrown away due to the impact and looked injured, mine was barely able to get up but it was in very bad shape. It was a Critical hit! Gwen's target seems to be better off but it seems that it can be defeated with just another tackle.

"Do it, Gwen! Use tackle and end your battle!"

Gwen used tackle! Caterpie level 4 was defeated!

I was not standing still while this was happening, I also used tackle with all my strength on the battered level 9 Catepie who was still dizzy and unable to grasp her surroundings.

Caterpie level 9 fainted!

After the battle, we first checked the caterpies to see if they really are fainted. After seeing them just lying there we relaxed our guard which was followed by our cheers!!

"Hahaha wasn't that fun Gwen? We totally overpowered them!"

"Yeah it was fun, and I think I am a bit stronger too, I guess they really were more powerful than the bugs I met before..." replied Gwen, a bit out of breath.

"Thanks to this, I feel that I am 2x or 3x stronger physically" I replied after seeing my level rise from level1 to directly level 7. Gwen too levelled up to level 3 which is quite good.

'System will I have to level up from level 1 if I take a new pokemon template's form?'

[Yes Host will have to level up again from the start after changing the template, but would keep your moveset]

'Hmm...I guess it's to be expected...It would be my wishful thinking to be able to keep my level as well, but it's not too bad. I just need to power level myself using the moveset I would've accumulated.'

[Host also had learned a new move 'Attract']

'Attract? Ah I remember, it is quite a good debuff move. Nice!'

'System can you describe what the moves Attract and Covet do?'

[Attract: If the target is the opposite gender of the Pokémon who launched the move, the target becomes infatuated. If the move is used on a Pokémon that is the same gender as the user, it will fail. It will also fail if used by or on a gender-unknown Pokémon (such as Magnemite).

Covet: Covet inflicts damage and steals the target's held item if it is holding any. If the target is not holding an item or the user is already holding an item, Covet cannot steal an item.]

UmU, I expected this. It's unexpected though that covet also inflicts damage, I guess I forgot about that as it's not a move I like much. I used to always replace it with a TM in my games. Attract is an alright move but I doubt I will use it. I will only use it in situations where nothing else works...

Anyways, it's getting dark, we better find some shelter...




After our first battle together, we found a nice hollow tree to make our temporary shelter in, it was in quite a large tree and was in a nice spot so I might be reluctant to move from here hahaha. In the first place, I am not that eager to run around the world. I think I will relax a bit in this place and live here with Gwen for a while...

And, that's what we did for a while, in the night we slept while Gwen cuddled with me giving the reason that she was feeling cold, and I had no problems with that, she just looked like an adorable fluffy ball with those cute pleading eyes!!! it was hard to refuse her request and so I allowed it. I would say, I quite enjoyed my new plushie hahaha or maybe I was the plushie? Hmm...

In the mornings we searched for some berries and since the forest was full of Razz berries, it wasn't too difficult and stored them in the tree hollow for our lunch and dinner as well. After feeding ourself we started our fight with the caterpies, with whom we kept fighting till lunchtime and then continued till evening. In the evening we played tag together or other games from Earth, like hide and seek or trying to do handstands and miserably failing at them, which was a lot of fun and relaxing time.

After which we would explore the forest for a while and try to find interesting places. All of this usually tired us out, which led to us returning to our hollow and snuggling each other to sleep.




This rough schedule of our kept going on for roughly a month. During this time we switched targets from Caterpies to Metapods. From Metapods to Weedles, then Kakuna. As for Butterfrees, we offered them food for a battle and they happily agreed.

We tried to talk to the Beedrills but they ignored us and kept attacking us but we somehow escaped and then as revenge, we would ambush them from time to time hahaha.

After we both reached level 20, we stopped and spent time relaxing in our house while practising our newly acquired moves. Gwen got a few new moves from levelling up and I got moves from levelling up and copying the templates of the best pokemon I met from their species till now along with copying Gwen's regularly.

Our status looked like this:

[ Name: Gwen

Age: 56d

Gender: Female

Lifetime: 40 years

Species: Eevee(Normal)

level: 20

Moves: Tackle, Covet, Growl, Tail whip, Helping hand, Sand Attack, Quick Attack, Baby Doll Eyes, Swift]

[ Name: Soren

Age: 135d

Lifetime: 40 years

Species: Skitty(Normal)

level: 20

Moves: Tackle, Covet, Growl, Tail whip, Helping hand, Sand Attack, Quick Attack, Baby Doll Eyes, Swift, String Shot, Bug Bite, Attract, Sing, Double Slap, Assist, Harden, Gust, Supersonic, Confusion, Poison Powder, Stun Spore, Sleep Powder, Psybeam, Whirlwind, Poison Sting, Fury Attack, Focus Energy, Twineedle]

There were a lot of new abilities and it might take a while for me to get used to them. Anyways, I am quite happy with this month's work and I am enjoying my days in this new world with my cute buddy. Right now I was checking my status while lying on the base of our home enjoying the sunshine when I saw Gwen rushing towards me with excitement.

"Soren! Hey!! hey!! I found someone! Come quick follow me!!!" She then turned around and started running towards the

"Huh? What is it, Gwen? Wait! I am coming!!! Slow down a bit" I shouted and started to chase after her. Seriously? Why is she in such a hurry? And she found someone? I wonder what's it about...

I started following her but quickly realised this path lead to one of the Routes that humans used to cross this forest.

I was just not interested in meeting humans before so I avoided that place but why is Gwen heading there? I am so confused...I hope it's nothing too troublesome...

Hehe, I hope you enjoy this chapter, It might feel like he levelled up too quick but I want Soren to be relatively safer before he ventures out of the forest.

Let me know your thoughts in the comments Cya!!! <3

Nyxiocreators' thoughts