
Reborn And Became A Wendigo

In a realm of magic and myth your typical average nobody get reborn in but there's catch, You see our mc won't be going around saving some damsel in distress. Watch as how a certain skill which is more like a curse take over the mc mind and body and warp it into a unholy abomination that is detested by the gods. A new god will rise, The god of Carrion and rot "Tis is I Who shall devour the Gods, men, women and even children shall not escape my maw as I shall become the end of all". (first few chapters are beyond garbage as I am writing this lil story as a hobby)

Drakonos_Drake · ファンタジー
24 Chs

Shifting Opinions

I pulled the arrow out my eye socket.

I felt no pain but now I was partially blind.

I let out a loud roar, which even shook urok who stood right besides me. I could feel my eye regenerating thankfully my minor regeneration could restore it.

"Who dares to strike my master" Urok roared towards my attacker.

It was a goblin with light green skin, grey hair, wearing a loincloth and a half torn cloth on its chest holding a wooden bow too perfect for a goblin to make maybe stolen form some adventurers.

[Race: Goblin ]

[Gender: Female ]

[Age: 16 ]

[Traits: Nightvision, clawed hands, Advanced healing, Beastial beauty]

[Strength: Average ]

[Endurance: below average ]

[Dexterity: Athletic ]

Is that reality a goblin because she looks like a perfect model for a (NSFW) game.

System what's that trait

[Beastial beauty: Enhances the charms and physical characteristics to appear more attractive ]

Wow give me a trait like that and I swear every other wendigo will die to lay with me........(Remembers something)


"Ha...haal..halt right there mooo...monsters"

She stuttered as she gazed towards my monstrous body.

"Chika you cant recognise me?" Urok asked the little goblin visible worried.

"I haven't seen any other Hobgoblin in this area besides our chieftain, state who you are" she replied

"I'm your little brother, remember I left some days ago to find a saviour for our tribe"

"Lil bruther why u so big and who dat scary guy( looks a little down) scary creature" she exclaimed


"Worry not sister , its my master who'll save us and through him I gained this new strength"

My eye was completely healed now, as chika who turned out to Urok's older sister led us towards her village.

Small huts about half my size were scattered around in a area the size of 4 basket ball courts with a large one in the middle. As chika led us to the biggest hut I could sense the nervous and scared looks of the goblins who cleared our path and sneaked a glimpse from their huts.

Compared to the other goblins at the village, Chika was absolutely gorgeous perfect for someone with a goblin fetish.

After reaching the big tent chika told is to wait here and went inside.

5 minutes later a hobgoblin, slightly shorter then urok came out with a short sword in one hand and dragging chika by her neck with the other.

"Chief want are you doing to my sister, let her go at this instance" Urok threatened the chieftain who replied

"Let her go??

Are you mad boy she brought a wendigo right into our village, do you even know what that thing truly is"

"Disrespect my master again and i'll shove your balls right into tour throat" Urok barked back

"Maybe your evolution has gotten to your head, A wendigo doesn't distinguish between a friend or foe for its a living incarnation of hunger and greed"

Urok had already thrown a flaming spear towards the chief who barely dodged it, letting go of chika in the process. I immediately snatched chika and clingwd her to my chest with tears going down her beautiful face. Seeing her sister cry enraged Urok further, he charged at the chieftain with flaming spears held in both hands. The chief parried Urok's blows and managed to peirce his shoulder with his sword.

But when he tried pull it out, it didn't even budged an inch as urok flexed his pecs so hard that the sword's tip actually came off.

(Urok gets an macho rating to 100%)

Urok coated both of his hands in flames which were bigger and brighter then i've even seen before. He managed to grab hold of the chief's head and plunged his sharp thumbs right into his eyes.

The chief roared out in pain and kept punching urok desperately but he didn't even flinched as he also possessed my pain dampening trait through our pact which definitely lessened his pain.

After a few more seconds of struggling the chief stoped resisting and urok finally let go of him and his body fell down dead.

All the onlooking goblins couldn't even process what happened in a span of a maybe 8-9 minutes as their chief was killed by another Hobgoblin and a monstrous wendigo stood right among watching the entire drama seemingly amused.

Then an old looking goblin stepped forward "all hail the new chieftain"

He chanted again and again afterwards the others also joined him.

Then urok loudly declared himself as the new leader of the tribe and then described me as some glorious saviour and how I was here the liberate them form the oppression of the orks and treat me like some god.

"All hail chief Urok"

"All hail might Cho'gath"

Chika who wasn't weeping anymore seemed dumbfounded at what just occured in a span of less then 15 minutes.

I also now put chika on the ground but she still seemed too shocked to what just occurred. Urok gently hugged her sister and they looked so wholesome and sweet that I forgot about my hunger for nearly 4 seconds.

"Your safe now sister and with master aid we'll be free from the orks soon"

"Brother it happened so quick I has no words fo---

" hush now and get some rest, Let your little brother handle things for the first time" urok comforted his sister.

I just stood there observing the whole deal and couldn't help but think why was urok so strong?

Yes the pact strengthened him but the previous chief was not a small fry himself. There is something more that the system is not revealing yet.

"You do not know what your doing boy, I was trying to prevent this tribe from being wiped out". The previous chief spoke, clearly not dead yet but now completely blind with a burnt skull and bones clearly visible.

" that thing will be your downfall *coughs*

You're already changed boy, It can name you and grant you strength but it'll always come at a cost something *coughs* none of you are ready to pay.

He went completely limp after speaking those last words. I could faintly sense some uncertainty form the surrounding goblins but the hope of being free from the orks overshadowed it.

Then I suddenly remembered what occurred before we entered this village.

I grabbed chika from Urok's arms and held her by the throat.

"No one can just walk away after sticking an arrow directly in my eye" I spoke menacingly in my deep guttural voice.

Urok's eyes also widened in horror and the onlookers hearts froze in place.

As I said before someone had a death wish and I was going to grant it >:}