
Rebirth: The Path of vengeance

Join discord server for novel discussion https://discord.com/invite/A8fVrq2d _______ What does every living creature desire more than anything else? The answer is rather straightforward: to persist, to endure, to cling to life for as long as possible. This universal desire was no different for a man in his mid-twenties named Ryan. Ryan found himself embroiled within a dangerous game, pursued relentlessly by the God of War faction. In this world, where magic reigns supreme and monstrous beasts of demonic origins roam free, the faction stood as the most formidable power. Struggling desperately to safeguard his life, Ryan succeeded in his endeavors, but only up until a gut-wrenching betrayal from the person he least expected - Noah, his best friend, his confidant. An act of treachery led to his downfall. Betrayal in this world was not a metaphorical stab in the back, but a literal one. The sword that Noah drove into his chest left him lying in a pool of his own blood, his life force slowly draining away. As he lay there, the bitter taste of anger and an insatiable thirst for revenge filled his heart. It was at this moment of despair when an ethereal, angelic female voice echoed in his ear. ._._._._._. [DING! DING!!] YOU HAVE FINALLY MET THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE GREAT DIVINITY SYSTEM. DO YOU ACCEPT THE GREAT DIVINITY SYSTEM? [YES] / [NO] ._._._._._. ***** In a twist of fate, Ryan finds himself reincarnated as Ethan Callahan, now imbued with the power of the Great Divinity System. A virgin path unfurls before him, a road yet untrodden. The question that hangs in the balance is this: will he choose the path of vengeance, a road that might lead to his ruin? Or will he opt for a life of peace, a path far removed from blood and betrayal? The choices lie before him, and only time will tell which path he will tread.

B_DRAG · ファンタジー
77 Chs

Chapter 1. The escape.

Nestled in the heart of a vibrant, verdant landscape, a cavern hid, concealed behind abundant foliage that rendered it nearly invisible to the untrained eye.

Abruptly, a young man of about 25 or 26 years of age appeared, wildly rushing toward the cave in a state of visible panic. He thrust aside the leafy barricade, a mix of bushes and weeds that blocked the cave's entrance, and bolted into the cave.

Inside the cave, the darkness was less oppressive than one might expect. A makeshift hearth had been established, its crackling fire casting a warm, yellow glow that suffused the whole cavern, chasing away the shadows.

A second man, also appearing to be in his mid-twenties, was seated near the fire. He sat so close that it seemed as if he were roasting himself, rather than simply seeking warmth. His hands cradled his jaw, his gaze fixed intently on the dancing flames as though he were searching for something precious lost within them, or perhaps a long-absent family member.

Upon entering the cave and witnessing his friend in this state, the first man shook his head in mild disbelief. "Ryan? I wonder how long it will be until you lose your eyesight," he mused aloud.

Ryan chuckled lightly, his voice untroubled. "That will never happen, I assure you. I'm an Awakened, after all. Such a trivial concern couldn't possibly harm my eyesight." His tone then shifted, becoming more serious as he posed a question. "You look panicked, Noah. Has something happened?"

Without a word, Noah moved closer, taking a seat beside his friend at the fire. His voice was grave when he finally responded. "They've found us. The people from the War God faction are already here. They'll reach this cave in about ten minutes."

Ryan wrenched away from the mesmerizing flames, his brows furrowing as he turned to face Noah, shock evident on his face. "That quickly?"

Noah nodded in silent confirmation.

Ryan returned his gaze to the fire, his expression contemplative. "They've been finding our hideouts too quickly lately. I suspect they've implanted something within us, something that lets them track us this efficiently." His voice was heavy with concern and dread.

He rose from his seat, his voice taking on a note of stern determination. "Things are becoming too dangerous. I advise you not to follow me. I'll figure out how to deal with this on my own."

With those words hanging in the air like a solemn promise, he turned toward the entrance of the cave, ready to leave.

As he was about to move towards the cave's entrance, a hand grasped his shoulder, spinning him around with a startling force. He was met with the furious visage of Noah.

"Do you see me as a friend who would abandon you in the face of danger?" Noah demanded, his voice seething with anger.

Ryan lowered his gaze, his heart aching at the rebuke. They had been through so much together—shared joys faced struggles, and always stood by each other's side. They'd weathered countless storms, never once voicing complaints.

But now, the situation had escalated to a terrifying degree, the shadow of death looming ominously over them. He had wanted to distance Noah from the impending doom.

After what felt like an eternity, Ryan finally found the courage to lift his eyes, only to be met by the intense, furious gaze of Noah. Noah's expression bore an unmistakable question, his anger palpable in the silence between them.

Ryan parted his lips to speak, but quickly reconsidered, swallowing the words that threatened to tumble out.

He knew his friend well enough to realize that anything he might say would fall on deaf ears.

Noah was resolute, his decision had already been made, and there was no turning back for him now. No words or arguments would sway him.

So, with a sigh of resignation, Ryan's shoulders drooped. "Alright, alright," he conceded, his tone heavy with the weight of their predicament. "If you're truly hell-bent on getting yourself tangled up in this disaster with me, then I won't stand in your way." He paused, his voice growing somber. "But understand this: I can't guarantee your survival. Hell, I can't even guarantee my own."

Noah took a moment to consider his friend's words before breaking the tense silence. "Well, normally, I'd argue that I'm far too young and handsome to kick the bucket just yet... But if you were to die, who else would be around to appreciate my good looks?" he jested trying to lift Ryan's mood.

Ryan chuckled in response, shaking his head in disbelief. "Even now, you still think it's appropriate to crack jokes?" he asked, a note of amusement in his voice.

Wearing a grin, Noah shrugged nonchalantly. "I don't see our situation the way you do. We've been evading capture for almost half a year now. I see no reason why this time should be any different."

Ryan considered Noah's optimistic outlook, his brows furrowing in thought. "You might be right, or you might not," he finally said, his voice filled with uncertainty. "But they've been growing increasingly relentless with each attempt these past few months. I'm not so sure we'll be able to slip away this time."

With a sudden flicker of urgency, Ryan added, "You said they'll be here in another ten minutes. I think we've wasted enough time here. We need to get moving if we're going to have any chance of escape."

Noah nodded, acknowledging Ryan's point. The two of them quickly extinguished their makeshift fire, doing their best to make it appear as though it had been out for some time. With that done, they rushed out of the cave into the dense, vibrant green of the surrounding forest.

Once they were outside, Noah spoke up. "I think I know a place where we could hide."

Ryan hesitated, mulling over Noah's suggestion before finally nodding his agreement. With Noah leading the way, they began to navigate through the lush underbrush, making their way toward their new hiding place.

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