
335. Letter of Challenge

The next day at the Koryo High, the principal gave sinful news that Tirawit has transferred back to Thailand due to family issues. It was sobeful due to the fact that he had been crying when he delivered the message as it would mean one less foreign student.

The days passed as there was a small lull. Yomi was preparing its next step, so it allowed Kenichi some time to train his self created styles and once again time to talk with Chikage, who seemed receptive about it and why wouldn't she after all Kenichi did help her in finding a way to eat chocolate without feeling bad about it. Though anther reason for it was because she was fishing information on Kaede and Honoka since the time the two girls had beaten her in their games Chikage looks at the two of them as their rival.

Thank fully the two had just started to learn from Shigure so she didn't thought of those as he rival in martial arts but only in board games. Though she may have forgotten about the fact that her enemy was supposed to be Kenichi due to the fact that those two girls hurt her pride. Of course, with Kenichi bribing Chikage with sweets and even taking her to cafe specialized in sweets not to mention her age, it was easy for Chikage to even forget why she was there. Miu and Saeko baking sweets to also tempt her didn't help her case either.

Kenichi's training was going good as well, he has stopped using all the other styles and was currently only focusing on the Gentle Fist style and his progress was obvious as day after day he was able to stand against his masters in spar for longer period of time and that too without Kaio-Ken.

The others at Shinpaku base were stepping up their training. Ukita began to spar with Takeda more often to allow Takeda deal with grappling techniques while Ukita tried to counter his anti-grappling techniques, Tsuji immediately began sparring with a singing Hibiki whenever he is at the base. Kaname had decided to head back to her grandfather for more in-dept training.

Meanwhile, at a Yami base, several of the One Shadow Nine Fists had gathered to debate on who would fight Ryozanpaku's Strongest Disciple, though he wasn't a disciple anymore and a master himself. Knowing the facts none of the masters found themselves reluctant to send their disciples to fight someone like him. Even Kushinada, who boasted about her disciple being a prodigy, was not too keen on having Chikage fight.

"kekeke, so boring" yawned Jenazad, "If there's no other ground agenda, than I propose we disband this meeting for now as nobody has made a decision."

He had other things to do such as plotting how t nab Kenichi.

"Sound's good to me" nodded Agaard.

"No objections," said Hongo

The other masters nodded in agreement. Not to mention One Shadow himself wasn't here he couldn't order anyone to have their disciples fight. In fact, if he did, they would have volunteered to have his disciple, Satomi, to go if he was so wager to have someone fight Kenichi.

"Well, Well, Well, if it isn't the loser club!" exclaimed a voice.

The others directed their attention and annoyance towards the stranger that had just barged into their meeting.

"What's with those looks? Can't decide which one of your weakling disciples are going to fight and cry?" taunted Mihai, the scythe wielder

"Mihai Stirbey, your presence is neither welcomed nor warranted. Why are you here?" demanded Kushinada.

"Don't be sourpuss hag, I just came by to say hi" crackled Mihai causing Kushinada to twinge in anger, "Heard you pussies couldn't decide and were having trouble deciding who to go next. Man, I bet if my disciple went, he would bring that so-called 'Strongest' Disciple's head without the body!"

"In that case why don't you have your disciple go next?" offered Hongo

"Huh?" blanked Mihai

"You seem so eager to volunteer, so go ahead" nodded Ogata. "We can expect great things from your disciple if he's as strong as you praise him to be."

"Uhh... yeah!" stammered Mihai, "I mean, he's obviously stronger than your disciples!"

"Perfect!" grinned Diego holding up an invitation, "Then perhaps you would like to prove it to the world in a Master Disciple Tag match battle on my cruise boat that I had planned for the next DIEGO QUALITY! Lots of witnesses to see your victory!"

"You know, I know you are all playing me... but fine. I will show you that you unarmed division masters are just weaklings as are you disciples!" Mihai as Diego tossed the invitation, "Just tell me the date and my disciple and I will bring back the head of a master and disciple!"

Mihai left in a huff, not knowing what he had landed himself into.

"You know despite his obious boasts, I like him" mused Jenazad, as he could see Mihai wasn't a Satsujinken, but rather someone who followed the path of a demon, like him.

"Anyone feeling any guilty just making a stage for him to humiliate himself?" asked Agaard "Cause I sure don't"

"His own actions will be his downfall" hummed Cyril, "But out of curiosity laughing Fist, why do you have such an invitation on hand already? Were you planning a preemptive challenge if your disciple wasn't chosen?"

Diego laughed before replying, "If Ryozanpaku's disciple wasn't that monstrously strong for his age, then yeah, i would admit I would have done that. I just happened to have several jabs here that need to do but I AM AN ENTERTAINER! One of the invitations just happened to be on my hands."

"And perhaps it was you who told Mihai about this situation without giving him certain relevant details? asked Ogata, "Hoping for an outcome an outcome like this."

Diego looked to the side and whistled innocently before sending a jet black smoke up in the air to signify the meeting was over.


Kenichi was sparring with Shigure but instead of Gentle Fist he was using a Bo-Staff. Shigure had decide to teach Kenichi another weapon to use and since he was good with a 3 sectional staff the next thing she decided to teach him was Bo-Staff.

"Hello is someone there!"



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