
Rebirth Of The Diva!

Left her powerful and rich family and became "The Goddess of the Music Industry" but fell in love with the wrong person, was brutally murdered,but Gods gave her a second chance.She reincarnated and walked the same path to the top again but without making those stupid mistakes again and like always fell in love with the right person. :))

Saadat_Sansar · ファンタジー
21 Chs

Chapter-3 Mystery!

Emma still thinking about what was happening left the house sat in her car and was on her way to the venue, but her mind was still not at peace the words of Jay kept on dancing in her head. What was it that she heard? What was Jay hiding from her? All these mysteries made her mind so unstable she started worrying and came up with an idea. Very well she'll worry about that later right now she could eat her deliciously prepared snacks.

(Eating eases her mind)

Just as she was about to open her box of goodies she heard a weird sound. Strange what was that sound she turned her head behind only to hear another sound and a moment later she was having trouble breathing. What...What is happening? She touched her neck to see a lot of blood and then suddenly another bullet came and hit her just inside her heart and suddenly.....

Craaaaaaaaaaaasssssssshhhhhhhhh.......FFFFFFFFIIIIIIIIIIIRRRRRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEE she saw the last vision her car was in an accident and a strange sign on the other car and before she knew it there was darkness everywhere....

What was that sign? I have seen it before. Who was it? I'll surely tell Jay about this sign and he'll find that person for me who tried to kill me.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Saadat_Sansarcreators' thoughts