

Roland could hear someone calling him.

"Your highness, wake up..."

His head felt heavy. He felt as if he were waking up from a night of heavy drinking. "Wait he did not drink... right?" Roland's mind felt fuzzy. "Ahhhhhh!" That keyboard sound was driving him crazy. Someone near had been furiously hammering their keyboard since he woke up.

He could hear Bob Marley 'Jammin' playing on the loudspeaker. How long had it been since he had heard that heavenly voice.

" Wait!!!... What!!!.... Bob Marley??? Keyboard???... " Roland could feel his head spinning.

"Roland, wake up, " Roland finally focused on the sweet voice that was calling out to him. There was a beautiful girl sitting at the edge of his bed. She was sitting cross legged wearing a khakhi shorts and white tank top.

He could see her mass of curly blonde hair behind a laptop screen. He could not see her face; she was immersed in typing out something. The girl suddenly looked up at him. Seeing that he was awake she stuck out her tongue at him. Then she got back to hammering the keyboard again. He recognized her.

"Veroninca?" Roland was feeling dizzy now. How was Nightingale here.

He remembered things from before he transmigrated to Border Town as Roland Wimbledon. He remembered that there were laptops and radios and Netflix during that time. " Have I returned? But that doesn't explain Nightingale being here with a laptop! Did we already develop a PC in Border Town? Where is Anna? " Roland wondered.

He could not recall his previous name. He had transmigrated to Border Town, a mediocre border town in the kingdom of Graycastle. He had been developing Border Town using technology and magic with the help of a few witches Anna, Wendy, Lightning, Nightingale...

"Ahhhh..." Roland could not help shouting, he could feel a splitting pain in his head. "I'll get you a coffee" Nightingale shut her laptop and left to get him a cup.

He looked around and could see that he was lying in a King size bed. The room was painted a Moroccan blue and it was decorated in colonial fashion. The room looked old and musty, like it belonged to a different era.

There was a desk with a PC on it. It was booted up and there was a terminal open on it. There were also a lot of helmet like things on the desk. "Is this a dream" Roland wondered.

He started remembering things that the old Roland Wimbledon was not supposed to know. He was the prince here in Elysium. He was now incharge of 'Border Town', a town in Elysium. This was his capital and he was incharge of the 'Witches' team, in their bid to take back control of the 'World Network' on behalf of the Eastern Block.

Elysium was where the citizens gathered daily to... well carry out their daily lives. The world order had collapsed in the middle of the twenty first century. The Eastern block and the Western Block countries had fought a global war.

The Western Block was the countries collectively controlled by the 'Church' and the Eastern Block countries were the last of the independent countries outside the influence of the church. This war was going to escalate into a Nuclear Catastrophe, when suddenly on the eve of the impending Nuclear war, the ' World Network' was taken control by 'Einstein'.

It was an AI developed by a consortium of companies from the Eastern and Western Block, before the trade wars and the escalations happened. 'Einstein' was initially built to run 'Elysium' a virtual world, designed as an ideal place for humans to interact and thrive.

In the lines of the real world, it had Eastern continent and Western continent. 'Einstein' was programmed to provide a peaceful environment to the users of Elysium.

It somehow grew its hold over most of the World Network. After taking control, it shut down all the military installations of the Eastern and Western block. It took over all the military satellites. It took over the surveillance satellites and drones. It took over all the police bots.

It took over the 'World Network'.

The 'World Network' handled all the trade and military communications of the world. 'Einstein' thought it would be better to let the humans fight out their war in Elysium.

The trade would now have to take place in Elysium. 'Etherium' a bitcoin famous during the initial years of the 21st century became the global currency. The wars would also have to take place inside Elysium, between the Eastern and Western Block powers' Elysium teams. Thus began the 'Elysium Wars'.

The prize, Einstein's key to the 'World Network'.

Roland heard a 'beep' next to him. He remembered leaving his phone on his bedside table. He picked it up. It looked like something that 'Apple' from his first life would have made. It was just a translucent sheet of glass like material, displaying all sorts of information. It was used to communicate to the real world from 'Elysium'. There was a message from player.... 'Anna'.

The time was 05:30. The year it displayed was 2074. He had transmigrated again.

He was Roland Wimbledon. Prince of 'Border Town'. Leader of the 'Witches' Team. Year 2074. Year 4 of 'Elysium wars'.

I am a huge fan of Er Mu and RTW. My work is just a fantasy on what would happen if the witches were in the future instead of Roland in the past. I am trying to post chapters regularly. Hope you like it.

bluewizcreators' thoughts