

It has been an entire week since the countries meet had started and with few days more each one would return back to their homeland. These days the envoys were just touring around, eating and lots of drinking.

But on the surface the truth was each envoy were like hawks keeping eye and taking account on everything. Like a spy they were analyzing huajin's sources. Shiyou and the emperor were looking for the right oportunity to strike while being a great host.

Xiuzhi and his party were anxious about their next step. Xiuzhi too was looking for an opportunity to have a private chat with Pei Jin where he was hoping to land a deal.

While the ones from Nanling were carefree and even eager for the opposite party to start the game only to be defeated quickly. According to Yushengs calculation and guess today was supposed to be the day when they would poison Pei Jin.

Thus to make it easy for them they decided to separate of their own. Qingfeng and Chen Yi became a group who were going to meet the other envoys and keep them in place. Yusheng and Pei Zhang were going to market area for shopping spree and tasting delicacies. Pei Jin would be staying alone in the residence on pretext of having some matters.

With their destination set all of them set in motion. At the sacred tower all of the envoys had arrived and were having their normal discussion related to political matters and so on.

Xiuzhi who had been waiting for Pei Jin was disheartened to know about his absence but was excited after Chen Yi encouragement to visit him if he had important matters to settle.

Thanking profusely he slips out of the tower with a reasonable excuse. Shiyou who was kept busy by all the other envoys and anxious about his plan for latter had no time to worry the whereabouts of his eldest brother.

Inside the palace the emperor was feeling weak but after getting checked by the physician was diagnosed that it was just stress piling on his body and just needed rest was assured. He was tempted to eat the rejuvenating pill given by Yusheng but was greedy as only two out of three remained.

After experiencing the effect of the first pill he had the pills clutched and secured inside his pouch. Unknown to the fact that his body had already started to deteriorate from inside.

Pei Jin who was reading some reports and current happenings in Nanling was informed by Zhu geng of the persons arrival. As Tao was ordered to follow Yusheng zhu geng took the role of serving Pei Jin.

With Pei Jin's instruction Xiuzhi was brought inside the study who was at the receiving hall. Walking inside he sees Pei Jin had several scrolls with Nanling's mark. Clever he was he turns blind eye towards the scrolls and greets Pei Jin.

Zhu geng after placing tea leaves the room to let them have privacy. Pei Jin takes the cup and slightly blows away the steam using the lid while speaking "Anything of important matter eldest prince?...be at ease and if possible straight to point...as you can see I have lots of matter to tend to...and it wouldn't be good for you to be found having private chat with benwang.."

Xiuzhi felt relief as Pei Jin was agreeing to hear him out. Thus without any hesitation he starts "your highness...this prince has shamelessly come to your doors for help or your advice...as you know for this prince to live ones brother must die...with imperial father biased no matter what this prince does...have learnt that...it's of no use and with time slipping this prince's head along with family is close to being chopped...

This prince won't hide the fact that this prince with ones supporters have decided for a coup..and has done preparation..this prince wanted to use the countries meet as the opportunity to do so...but didn't want for you to be offended...though this prince have given instructions to not harm any of the envoys...yet during the midst of chaos one cannot give full guarantee...thus have come here to seek your assistance and advice.."