
Fireworks bloom so did the love.

Soon the eagerly anticipated time had come. Everyone looking all neat and clean now sat on their tables looking at their master on the platform to commence the feast.

" Let's eat with gusto, drink till drunk, sing till hoarse and dance till tired, for we are welcoming the new year. This lord has knowledge of all the effort you have all put into. The time to use what we have accumulated has come, fear not as I will always be ahead to map the road and cut through the path leading all of us to that peak which we dreamt long ago.

Though this lord may not be able to celebrate with you all like today in coming few years but it won't be for forever rather we will have more grand celebration where our songs and dances will be known to the entire world, for the victory we had achieved by then. But let's not dwelve for tomorrow and merry for today... begin" with that the feast officially started.

Soon the foods and wines entered, buzzes of sounds with the aromas spreading around. Some daring ones have began compete for drinking, poetry and dancing. For the coming years she would miss, she herself decided to sing and play her qin as to convey her current happiness.

Soon the time had come and several disciples from divine shadow came forward to present the firework show. One after another each firework boomed and bloomed in the sky, making everyone take a sigh at the beauty it created up in the sky.

Then the dumplings which everyone had made together earlier was now brought out cooked and steaming, though the shapes varied from good looking to funny but everyone felt the warmth and joy when eating it.

Heavy red packets were prepared in heaps for everyone. Among all these joy and bliss there was a part inside Yusheng where she still felt little empty. Because of poison art her ability to drink was far above. Her eyes still clear and mind sound even after being toasted hundreds of times.

May be because she was the most sober one she started to miss Pei Jin wondering where he would be and what was he doing. Slowly like that the feast ended.

Slowly she went towards the direction of waterfall with her heavenly gourd filled with wine and two cups. Reaching the destination looking at the things where it looked like the time had stopped as everything remained same.

She sat at the rattan chair, placed the cups and poured the wine on each cup. Then similarly like five years back she lifted her cup towards the moon to recite the poem without changing the words.

Beneath the blossoms with a pot of wine,

No friends at hand, so I poured alone;

I raised my cup to invite the moon,

Turned to my shadow, and we became three.

Now the moon had never learned about drinking,

And my shadow had merely followed my form,

But I quickly made friends with the moon and my shadow;

To find pleasure in life, make the most of the spring.

Whenever I sang, the moon swayed with me;

Whenever I danced, my shadow went wild.

Drinking, we shared our enjoyment together;

Drunk, then each went off on his own.

But forever agreed on dispassionate revels,

We promised to meet in the far Milky Way.

Finishing the poem she murmured to herself, "Ah Jin this time I recited without changing the words" then as she was about to drink, a big and rough hand but familiar to her wrapped her wrist then a deep voice answered..." I like it better when you change the words".

Turning her head she felt as she was seeing an illusion for infornt of her was standing the man with those same warm eyes and gentle smile whom she missed dearly. She dare not blink thinking the illusion would go away if she blinked.

Then slowly the hand that held her wrist moved towards her face. On each cheeks rested his hand, caressing gently though rough and felt itchy yet the warmth reached to her heart. Slowly his face inches forward finally resting his forhead on hers.

His natural body scent of fresh bamboo and mint with faint smell of wine coming from his mouth evaded her senses.

Finally with his ever so gentle and warm voice he said " Yu'er I missed you, Happy New Year" then placed a light kiss on her soft cherry lips.

Only after the kiss was Yusheng realized she was not having any illusion. Taking the wine from her hand Pei Jin has her now hugged her tightly, pecking her cheeks now and then.

All these years with him tasting her tofu now and then, she was used to his intimate advances. So right now she was not shy or suprised from these actions rather happy that he had come.

Raising her arms and hugging his waist, she returned the sentiments equally. His greed not sated yet, he once again placed his lips on hers.

Pressing her soft lips, slowly separating them he invaded inside, his tongue catching hers, wrapping overlapping and sucking as tasting the best delicacy of his life. One hand on the back of her head while other clasped tightly on her waist he glued her to him.

As both of them were in need of air, he very reluctantly left her lips. Seeing swollen lips, flushed cheeks and dazed eyes, he felt immensely happy.

Yusheng after inhaling the much needed air glared at him complaining through her eyes. But for him that glare made him itchy wanting to have more but knowing she would get angry somehow stopped himself.

Taking out a balm he so gently dabbed in her lips to reduce the swelling. While Yusheng controlling her emotions asks.."how come you are here? Isn't there supposed to be a banquet at the palace today?"

"There is... but I returned early, how could I stay any longer with those clowns rather than being beside you.".. replies Pei Jin.

With her ear tips red, she looks at the table then passes the cup of wine to him. After clinking and drinking they both were now enjoying the nature and it's sound with wine on their cups.

While Pei Jin had latched onto her hand refusing to let go questions Yusheng " Yu'er you will be entering the capital any day now for most of the things I have prepared well no need to waste your energy but before you leave this valley. I want to confirm the feeling's that we have, from then to now never I had the second thought on my feelings. Yu'er I really want to hear your confirmation"

She knew that it was definitely the time to clear the situation between them. Though they both knew the feelings they held for each other, even having her tofu eaten from time to time. She had yet to say the words he so desperately wanted to hear. She had always been straight forward with her thoughts, likes, dislikes and feelings.

Hence without cowering she replies " Until the day you wont betray and abandon, I will be with you till death and beyond". Then looking at his eyes " Pei Jin I Liu Yusheng love's you. This lifetime you can be only mine."

His happiness and contentment leaking from every pore of his body, held her once again kissing her madly then with breathless voice answers " Yes, only yours just like you being only mine, till eternity".

After clearing their emotions the air around them was more serene, calm and happy. Finally at unknow time Yusheng had her head on his shoulder falling asleep, while he was looking her so gently and adoringly that people would think he was not Qinwang they knew rather an imposter.

With slow movements he carries her princess style and head's to the courtyard where they were together once. Reaching the bed room he gently placed on her the bed, wipes her face, hands and legs with warm towel.

He wanted to pat his back for being able to restrain his unholy emotion to eat her up entirely, specially when he was wiping her fair and soft hands and legs. Though he had his hand restrained but a certain place was not so obedient. But still he managed to complete this difficult task and calming his emotions, he entered the blankets to join her and hugging her gently together as they went to dreamland.