
Diagnosis.. the way

Song hui was suprised at change in hermit which had him firmly believe that though eccentric he was indeed a skill man. Thus obeying gives his hand for his pulse to be checked. Inside he felt thousand of ants nibbling.

Finally after few minutes the hermit take his hand back and very solemnly shares his findings "mister your woman was indeed very cruel for you to have poisoned with such ferocious drug.

It has managed to seep in the nerves and curently is just two fingers away from effecting the root. You can count yourself lucky to have met me before that happened or no one in this world could have cured you.

Though you can be cured the method is very difficult and strange will take a month or more for the treating cycle to complete. The drug used on was not only potent but also mixed with a curse.

Because of this curse the antidotes will not work as it should. While you take antidotes you must also work to have this curse lifted little by little until you are completely cured."

Song hui felt very nervous and fear from hearing all this curse stuff his hatred reaching to new level. But learning that he has the way he was happy no matter how hard or strange he was willing to try it.

He even cursed previous doctors as quacks for failing to diagonise the curse. He bravely asks the way to his cure assuring that no matter what he will go through it.

The hermit nods at song hui "well as long as you are determined till the end you definetly will be cured. First you have to bring your woman that has placed this curse on you."

Song hui hurriedly interjects that it was not possible making the hermits face more grave.

"Well.. there is other way.. you have to find a female that has blood relation with your woman. Though longer but will still work."

Again song hui replies as how her entire family was exterminated or exiled. He himself getting frustrated along with the hermit.

"Umm... doesn't she have distant cousins or relatives that share blood relation with her. Though very thin still connected by blood. Unless you bring someone that has blood relation with her it is impossible to start your treatment" explains the hermit.

Song hui was feeling headache the only remaining that shared Zhou xuan's blood was her nieces that were on exile, her cousin a princess impossible to touch and..

As if enlightened his heart jumps in joy. How could he forget the concubine mu who was trapped in the monastery and with the prince gone she will remain there till death.

As in the ears of public she along with the consort and concubines had commited suicide to follow the prince. He quickly shares this information to the hermit.

"Oh!.. an aunt.. umm.. will somehow work. Okay then you bring that person here. I already have the pill that you need to take.

After you take the pill it will force open your nerves and help your rod stand to its full but it's only temperory. It will function well for about two hours and after that will revert its limp state.

Each day you can only take two in the morning and night. Then after taking it you will have to perform the bed activities with her aunt.

Now while having the intercourse you have to be very fierce, drawing out blood from her private parts on your rod. Each time your rod is soaked with her blood will the curse disperse a little.

And with time you will be cured as before. Untill the end of your treatment you cannot have intercourse with anyone else beside her. The treatment once started cannot be stopped in middle or you will face a backlash from the curse damaging your rod entirely.

This is the way and only one for your cure. After you finish performing make sure that women is treated for her injuries as she cannot die or be infected."

Song hui didn't know how to feel. To have intercourse with a women who was someone's wife and had already beared children. Also to be firece enough to draw blood... it was unheard treatment.

But to be a impotent till death was much worse than this. Hence he agreed to the hermit and even begged him to stay till his treatment was over.

It was after a long begging and persuasion that the hermit agreed to stay. Sending him to room to rest song hui immediately called for his attendant to hire an assassin to kidnap the concunine mu from the monastery.