
Camping and apology

The entire day beside stopping for lunch the carriage kept traveling with good speed and now had finally stopped inside a forest. With the sun down they took off path and entered the forest.

Beside the couple and Qingfeng everyone wondered why enter forest and not rest at a lodging house. As they alighted from their ride they were welcomed by servants quick hand and feet on erecting the tents and preparation for dinner.

Pei Zhang runs to Yusheng's side and questions her about the situation. "Sister in law..why are we staying here?...a hour more and we might have reached a lodging place"

Yusheng looks at the dissapointed Pei zhang and chuckling replies "oh..it's simple...to throw off any possible spies..Zhang'er we have to very careful on this journey..according to the report many spies have entered Nanling..if we travel through normal road and ways huajin may try something...though the possibility is low still better to be cautious...another thing is to give huajin element of suprise..with us appearing at borders suddenly will hinder some of their plans..."

Pei zhang after learning the matter despels his dissapointment. Not wanting to smell vinegar coming off from his brother he joins to sit beside Qingfeng.

Soon with their nimble hands and skill everything was prepared. With foldable tables and cushion in circular way with big fire in middle it was like they were on camping. The male servants were quick to catch several preys while females were already preparing for light dishes and soup. With the addition of skewered meat for roasting the air was son filled with fragnant smell.

Sipping on wine they waited for the dinner to be prepared. With light chat the awkward silence was lifted. Qinfeng was thinking hard to present his apology to Yusheng as not to be disliked further.

As he was preparing a nice speech in his mind Pei zhang was sharing his experiences on Jing and other places he had been to Yusheng. While Chen Yi and Pei Jin were having discussion about national matters.

With dinner served on table everyone's appetite also seemed to have increased. Eating to their fill everyone was now enjoying the warmth of fire and wine. Pei zhang was laying on the ground like a lazy cat.

Disgusted by his appearance Pei Jin orders him to head for his tent but was replied with "don't want to..." Before the brothers would start their bickering Yusheng stops them in time.

With more wine and from the heat both Pei Zhang and Chen Yi were feeling drunk and sleepy. After their departure only the servants on the other side and the three remains. Yusheng orders Zhu geng to place two jars of wine and that they can retire to take rest.

With the instruction all the servants clean up and head to their own tents to sleep. Feeling the timing was right Qingfeng speaks "Umm...lord ..no...sister in law...please forgive for my stupidity...it was never my intention to offend you..."

Pei Jin was stroking Yusheng's hand and couldn't help but smirk upon his apology. Yusheng sipping her wine replies "I know...because you didn't have such intention you were left with head attached...I wouldn't have spared you if you had such intention....about that day I have long forgotten and forgiven...Qingfeng it's not that I dislike you...I just hate that flirting nature of yours....

the difference between you and Zhang'er is while Zhang'er is indeed a bit mischievous with temper but he doesn't flirt around with women...you on other hand though not getting involved still prance around women...bask in their flattery...this lord hates men who are loose with women..."

Qingfeng could only gulp down the bitterness he was feeling. As it was true that he did like to flirt with ladies. Still to not be targeted by any of these couple he fawns to Yusheng "that..sister in law...though it is true that I flirt with ladies but never have I gotten involved with any of them...and I only flirt with the types who are of same mind...

I dare not act brazen with good ladies despite their status...and while flirting I never promise them of love or such things...mostly it's just about looks..."

Yusheng finally meets his eye pleased with his answer "well in that case...you aren't a loose man...Qingfeng as a women myself I give you a friendly advise...every women wants to have a good husband and warm family while some are lucky some are not...only the husband who as a man upholds righteousness and responsibilities is able to make his wife lucky while the man with loose morals and lustful nature makes his wife unlucky....

and when you make your wife unlucky your life also becomes unlucky...you will also gradually lose respect from your peers and juniors even family members...even gods fear from a scorned women hence I hope for you to not fall in such situation.."

Qingfeng could feel the sincerity in her words and her utter dislike to these type of men. He promises that he was not such man nor he will be in future and in reality had no interest in love or marriage. With both clear the atmosphere was more warm and friendly. After finishing the entire jars they finally went to sleep.