

Song hui was having his time of life with mu lian when people bathed inside the room. He was about to shout at them but was rooted dumbly upon seeing investigating officers and guards.

They too were rooted where they were. The supposedly dead concubine mu was tied on the bed naked and was being raped by song hui.

Song hui fear reached to the peak and so did the confusion. His rod was still inside mu lian but he didn't take it out in fear of backslash from curse while mu lian shrieked for help.

At the officers orders two guards pull the struggling song hui apart from mu lian while a maid is called to help concubine mu. As the matter was related to emperors women they dare not lax or make rash decision.

Hence a messenger was sent to inform the matter urgently directly to the emperor. While waiting for instruction they had chained the lifeless song hui whose face was like the earth has ended.

Concubine mu was shut inside a room and they started questioning the servants. The maid earlier very willingly explained all the song hui's madness since he arrived. She cried and told how some of her friends were killed and dishonored by song hui and his man servants.

One after another all the guards were called who after threatening spilled the entire truth. Finally the attendant of song hui was brought and pressured till he spilled everything.

The officers were in shock to learn the truth they even felt fear that emperor might kill them to hide this incident. They cursed song hui for being a beast hence they took their rage on the guards and the attendant by giving good beating.

Song hui who was chained had become a statue. He couldn't understand why the officers had come out of the blue. His only chance of being a man had gone to drain. Now after being busted he will definetly loose his live even implicating the entire song clan.

He was lost in his thoughts when the messenger arrived with the news that both song hui and mu lian were to be left for qinwang to handle. And to maintain the secrecy of mu lian.

While an edict was send with feng Min along with guards in the song manor. "It has been proved with hard eveidences that song hui not only murdered a doctor but also performed heinous acts along with his man servants towards the maid servants in his current residence.

For his heinous crimes he is to be beheaded by qinwang whereas Marquis Song along with his family fooling the entire nation and Zhen to hide song hui's impotency, supporting song hui to perform such acts disrupting the peace time and again is to face capital punishment.

The females and their children are to be exiled for slaving in the stone mines never to return. From today the existence of song clan is to cease. Their land's and properties are to be seized until further notice." as the reading of edict ended the guards have captured all the people.

Marquis song couldn't even beg for mercy as he along with his sons soon were dragged and parades in the city and finally beheaded.

Up until his last moments he didn't knew what heinous crime had his son who he was once so proud of has committed.

While song hui and mu lian were shoved in the carriage and sent to qinwang manor, the guards and all the servants were killed on the spot.