
Banquet place guest before the host

Finally they reached the place decided to held the banquet, it was a famous high class restaurant for the nobles, royals, and merchants.

Unknown to any that it belonged to Yusheng.

Unlike other restaurants it was not storey building rather like a villa but having many courtyards. 5 villas were bought and was created to what it was today.

Each courtyard had the number of person that was allowed to enter. From small as for 2 people to big enough for 100. With delicious food, various entertaining stuffs and privacy, it had become famous to the point of people fighting for reservations.

The supposed guest physicians from asscociation had already gathered with humble posture and were waiting for them.

Though not sure about the lord but dare not slight the elders of the valley and actually have elders receive them.

Soon one by one all the elders came down from their carriage, the disciples and maid servants also came down and slowly standing on both side of yusheng's door waited for Yusheng. While the president following the carriage lined up infront of other physicians.

Seeing how the lord was respected the wise ones cleared their doubts towards the lord of valley, for one or two who had evil and cunning thoughts were nicely sorted out later.

Zhu mama came down then slowly helped Yusheng down from the carriage.

All the people from association caught by the aura and beauty of Yusheng had a momentary lapse while greeting, only when the elders and people of valley greeted, they hastily gave their full salutation " Physicians of association humbly greets grandmaster - lord of medicine valley, humbly greets elders of valley"

With a nod from Yusheng, they stood and started to walk towards the biggest manor or the place where the banquet was going to be held. With all others following her like a tail.

The place was very big as it used to be a manor, after reconstruction it was changed to a big hall. A platform was prepared for Yusheng and the elders and while below one person table with cushion mats have been prepared.

Though not rare like red wood sandle or golden chedar the place was still furnished by black dragon wood subtly hinting that the owner was someone with heavy pockets.

Beautiful glazed cups and plates were placed looking pleasant to eye.

On the platform was table and cushioned chair, one made from same wood just the designs were more beautiful hinting that the one sitting here is the boss placed in middle while being flanked two one person table on each side.