
Rebirth of Aron Blackthorn: A Pokémon Odyssey

In the world of Pokémon, Aron Blackthorn was a visionary who dedicated his life to bridging the gap between humans and Pokémon, aspiring for harmonious coexistence. His journey was filled with adventure, mediation, and moments of profound connection. But in a world plagued by ceaseless conflict driven by humanity's hunger for power, Aron's efforts to unite both species met a tragic end on the battlefield. As Aron faced his untimely demise, his final thoughts were consumed by a desperate desire: a chance to rewrite history and bring redemption to a suffering world. Suddenly, a new opportunity arises—a second life—beckoning him to embark on a journey of reparation. "Rebirth of Aron Blackthorn: A Pokémon Odyssey" is a fanfiction that explores the depth of Aron's commitment to unity and the consequences of relentless warfare. It follows his second chance at life as he strives to fulfill his vision of a world where humans and Pokémon live in harmony. With unexpected twists, profound encounters, and the enduring spirit of hope, Aron's odyssey promises to be a captivating and heartwarming adventure for Pokémon fans and enthusiasts of storytelling alike. “I do not own Pokémon, or any of the related characters. The Pokémon series is created by Satoshi Tajiri and owned by Nintendo, Game Freak, and Creatures. All rights to the original Pokémon world belong to Nintendo, Game Freak, and Creatures. This story is fanfiction and is meant only for fun.”

Silent_stiele · アニメ·コミックス
62 Chs

The Enigma

The clash of eight legendary stage Pokémon at the same time was an extraordinary spectacle, a rarity in the Pokémon world. Arthur, standing at the pinnacle of human skill and experience, had honed his abilities through countless battles. At this level of combat, even the slightest mistake could lead to defeat.

Infusing his aura into his strongest Pokémon, Kanaghaskan, Arthur took the lead. Lance's eyes narrowed as he witnessed Arthur's Pokémon suppress their own four legendary counterparts. Trapped within the barrier, the battle had escalated into a fight to the death, and Lance was willing to employ any means necessary to emerge victorious. In such a high-stakes battle, deploying any Pokémon below legendary level would be futile, but Lance decided to test his luck and simultaneously released his Seviper and Rhyperior to attack Arthur.

"Tch, it seems like you've forgotten how battles at this level are fought, Lance," Arthur taunted as the two Pokémon rushed at him with ferocity, unleashing their respective domains. Though not legendary stage Pokémon, they were of the epic stage.

However, just as they closed in to a dozen or so meters, Medicham, locked in battle with Nidoqueen, used teleport and intercepted the two epic Pokémon. With one powerful Psybeam, it obliterated Rhyperior's defense, leaving a gaping hole in its body. The Seviper hissed and challenged, but another Psywave struck it squarely, sending the serpent Pokémon reeling back.

Originally, Arthur hadn't needed to release all his legendary Pokémon because Kanaghaskan was more than capable of handling Nidoking and Nidoqueen simultaneously. Proving its strength, Kanaghaskan stood unshaken, a defiant look in its eyes as the two Pokémon closed in.

With a thunderous roar, Nidoking charged forward, its horn crackling with energy as it unleashed a devastating Megahorn. The ground quaked as its massive form barreled toward Kanagaskan, aiming to pierce through its legendary opponent. But Kanagaskan stood firm, its eyes gleaming with determination. With a swift sidestep, it narrowly avoided the brunt of Nidoking's attack, causing the earth to erupt in its wake.

Not to be outdone, Nidoqueen launched herself into the fray, her imposing figure casting a shadow over the battlefield. With a deafening roar, she summoned the power of her Megahorn, aiming to crush Kanagaskan beneath her immense strength. The impact reverberated through the air, sending shockwaves rippling across the terrain as the two legendary Pokémon clashed.

But Kanagaskan was not so easily bested, for he was a veteran of a thousand battles. With a mighty roar of its own, it met Nidoqueen head-on, their horns locking in a titanic struggle for dominance. The sheer force of their collision sent shockwaves radiating outward, causing fissures to spiderweb across the ground. Rocks and debris were sent hurtling through the air as the two behemoths grappled for supremacy.

Amidst the chaos, Kanagaskan unleashed a powerful sucker punch, its fist engulfed in a shroud of aura. With blinding speed, it struck Nidoking squarely in the face, sending the poison-type behemoth reeling backward with a bellow of pain. The force of the blow created a shockwave that rippled through the air, sending nearby boulders tumbling in its wake.

Meanwhile, Nidoqueen, undeterred by Kanagaskan's assault, unleashed a barrage of attacks, her tail lashing out with deadly precision. Each strike sent shockwaves rippling through the ground, leaving deep furrows in its wake as the earth itself seemed to groan under the strain. But Kanagaskan, ever resilient, weathered the storm, its unyielding resolve shining through even in the face of adversity.

As the battle raged on, the very fabric of reality seemed to warp and twist around them. The clash of their domains created a dazzling display of light and energy, illuminating the battlefield in a kaleidoscope of colors. Arcs of electricity crackled through the air, while waves of psychic energy rippled outward, distorting the very fabric of space.

The clash between Kanagaskan and the Nidoking-Nidoqueen combo sent shockwaves reverberating through the battlefield. With each thunderous step, the ground beneath them trembled, cracks spreading like spiderwebs across the terrain. Kanagaskan, its towering form radiating with primal energy, faced off against the poison-type monarchs with unyielding resolve.

The clash between Scizor, Heracross, Swampert, and Dragonite was a clash of powerhouses, each Pokémon unleashing their full potential in a battle that would shape the fate of the Blackthorn domain. Dexter's Scizor and Heracross, legendary in their own right, faced off against Arthur's formidable Swampert and Dragonite, their auras pulsating with raw power.

As the two sides squared off, tension crackled in the air like electricity. Dexter, a cunning strategist, knew he faced an uphill battle against Arthur's legendary Pokémon. Yet he remained undeterred, his gaze locked on his opponents with steely determination.

"Let's show them what we're made of, Scizor!" Dexter called out, his voice echoing across the battlefield. "I am not backing down from this fight!"

Scizor and Heracross responded with a resounding cry, their determination matching that of their trainer's. With a flash of steel, Scizor launched itself forward, its blades gleaming in the sunlight as it prepared to strike. Heracross followed suit, its massive horn glowing with an otherworldly light as it charged headlong into battle.

But Arthur's Swampert and Dragonite were not to be underestimated. Swampert, a behemoth of water and earth, loomed over the battlefield with an intimidating presence. Dragonite, a pseudo-legendary Pokémon of unmatched power, spread its wings wide, ready to unleash devastation upon its foes.

With a roar that shook the very ground beneath them, Swampert surged forward, its massive fists clenched in readiness for battle. Dragonite soared through the air, its eyes locked on its opponents with unwavering focus. The clash between the two sides was imminent, with each Pokémon bracing themselves for the coming onslaught.

As Scizor and Heracross closed in, Swampert and Dragonite met them head-on, the impact sending shockwaves racing through the air. Scizor's steel claws clashed against Swampert's hardened fists, while Heracross's horn met Dragonite's mighty tail in a clash of titans.

Scizor and Heracross, under the command of Dexter, moved with precision and coordination; their movements synchronized as they sought to exploit any weakness in their opponents' defenses. With every slash of Scizor's razor-sharp claws and every thunderous blow from Heracross's mighty horn, they aimed to overpower their legendary adversaries.

However, Arthur's Pokémon, Dragonite and Swampert, proved to be formidable opponents even for legendary stage pokemon like Heracross and Scizor. Dragonite, with its immense strength and agility, soared through the air like a majestic dragon, its powerful wings creating gusts of wind that buffeted its foes. Meanwhile, Swampert, with its sturdy frame and mastery over water and earth, unleashed torrents of water and seismic waves that shook the very ground beneath their opponents' feet.

The battlefield echoed with the clash of elemental attacks, each strike sending shockwaves rippling through the air. Thunderbolts crackled and lightning danced across the sky as Dragonite and Scizor engaged in a fierce aerial duel, their attacks colliding in a dazzling display of power.

At ground level, Swampert and Heracross clashed with earth-shattering forces, their attacks causing the very earth to tremble beneath them. Swampert's Hydro Pump clashed with Heracross's Megahorn, creating a powerful explosion of water and energy that sent shockwaves rippling outward.

Despite their best efforts, Dexter's Pokémon found themselves struggling to keep up with the sheer power and resilience of Arthur's legendary duo. With each passing moment, it became increasingly clear that victory would not come easily, and Dexter's frustration began to mount.

The battlefield erupted into chaos as the four legendary Pokémon unleashed a flurry of devastating attacks. Water and earth collided with steel and fury, the very air crackling with the intensity of their clash. Rocks shattered, trees splintered, and the ground trembled beneath their feet as the battle raged on.

In the midst of the chaotic battle between Pokémon, the trainers themselves became active participants, their auras intertwining in a deadly dance of their own. Dexter's rage fueled his every movement as he swung his aura blade at Arthur with reckless abandon. Lance, though wounded, refused to back down, his own aura pulsating with determination as he launched his own attacks at his adversaries.

Arthur, however, remained unfazed, his aura shimmering with an almost ethereal glow as he effortlessly parried each blow thrown his way. Despite being outnumbered, he exuded an air of calm confidence, his movements precise and calculated as if he were merely toying with his opponents.

As the battle raged on, Medicham, Arthur's ever-watchful companion, flitted about the battlefield like a shadow, launching sneak attacks at the opposing Pokémon with deadly precision. Its strikes left gaping wounds in its adversaries, further tipping the scales in Arthur's favor.

"You guys should give up," Arthur taunted, his voice cutting through the chaos like a blade. "You already know that you stand no chance against me. Why prolong your suffering?"

But Dexter refused to yield, his determination unyielding in the face of Arthur's arrogance. With a primal roar, he launched himself at his nemesis, his aura blade gleaming in the moonlight as he sought to strike a decisive blow.

Suddenly, with a swift and expertly executed maneuver, Arthur severed Lance's wrist clean off, causing the device he held to clatter to the ground. Lance cried out in agony, but his resolve remained unshaken as he retreated, using his aura to seal the bleeding stump.

Arthur's casual dismissal of Lance's sacrifice only fueled Dexter's rage further. With renewed determination, he vowed to take down Arthur at any cost, even if it meant sacrificing himself in the process.


In the heart of the auction venue, chaos reigned supreme. What had begun as a targeted assault against the Blackthorn family had escalated into a full-blown war zone. The failsafes on the VIP boxes had failed, allowing the mob to breach the supposedly secure area. Friend and foe became indistinguishable as the conflict erupted, drawing in higher-level trainers who saw an opportunity to settle old scores amid the confusion.

The Blackthorn family, the primary target of the mob's ire, harbored a secret strength unbeknownst to their attackers. Four Epic rank trainers and a pseudo-legendary rank trainer stood amongst their ranks, ready to defend against any threat. By deliberately allowing the chaos to unfold, they maintained control within the chaos, ensuring their own safety amidst the turmoil.

Behind the chaos, Grandma Isabel's Pokémon stood as steadfast guardians, shielding the vulnerable children from harm. With a mere thought, Isabel could unleash untold devastation upon the venue, but such actions would disrupt carefully laid plans.

Meanwhile, I found myself being carried like cargo by a man in a white suit, his assumption of my unconsciousness a testament to his own arrogance. Little did he know, the nerve agent he had used was ineffective against me—I had prepared myself diligently for my future in Team Rocket. Feigning helplessness, I observed the unfolding chaos with psychic energy, acutely aware of the hidden machinations at play.

As the chaos unfolded, it became clear that the League had been deceived, with the blame for the chaos likely to be pinned on them. Even if the Blackthorns didn't root out the League in the aftermath, the repercussions would reverberate throughout the Pokémon world, shaking the foundations of power and influence.

Amidst the turmoil, I remained calm, knowing that this chaos played into our hands. With each passing moment, my advantage grew, and I bided my time, ready to seize control when the opportunity presented itself. In the midst of the chaos, my plans were set in motion, and nothing would stand in my way.

Meanwhile, in VIP Box 3, the Stone family was also engulfed by the chaos. Unlike the Blackthorns, they only had a single Epic rank trainer amongst them. The Elder now regrets his earlier decision to send out the family guards to eliminate a few opponents during the chaos. He quickly scanned the area, and suddenly, an ominous feeling gripped him.

"Where the hell is young Master Steven?" He roared, catching a man who was about to run past him and crushing his spine with sheer force. His entire eye turned blood red, unable to pinpoint their family's heir. The Epic Pokémon, responding to its trainer's anger, fired a powerful Hyper Beam despite being inside the venue.

However, the Elder did not care very much because Steven was special—not because he was the young heir to the family, but because of his special talent that had helped the Stone family grow in recent years by leaps and bounds.

"Kill them! Kill every one of them!" The Elder roared, and even the rest of the Stone family understood that something was wrong and started to kill people and Pokémon without holding back anymore. Originally, they had planned on turning public opinion against the Blackthorns for being too heavy-handed, as their box entrance was already filled with more than a hundred human corpses, but now he did not care anymore. Under his leadership, the Stone family trainers went on a bloody rampage.

Similar scenes unfolded throughout the venue as more than a hundred kids vanished during the chaos, all in the range of ages 3 to 6. However, most of the Team Rocket members who had fanned the flames had already retreated, and the Aura guardians were completely caught off guard because the Rockets used the League as a way to infiltrate the entire venue.

As the slaughter by the influential forces started, the rest seemed to understand that the tables had completely turned. Many people tried to run, beg for mercy, or feign ignorance as if they were not involved in the matter. But the ones who lost their progeny and descendants did not care; they simply tore through anyone who was present.

When the legacy families and other influential forces retaliated without caring for human life, blood flowed, Pokémon were torn to shreds, and Palladium and Aurora class Pokémon ran amok, chasing and killing. Even some epic-stage Pokémon appeared here and there, all targeting the mob.

Isabel wiped the blood from her face as she stepped over the corpse and moved to the corner of the room where the dozen Blackthorn children were huddled under the careful protection of two pseudo-legendary Pokémon.

Little Lance, unlike the others, stood in the front. He had already released his three Pokémon to defend themselves, and even Claire followed her brother's actions and released her Charmander and Espeon. Although these Pokémon could do nothing amidst such an all-out chaos, their presence comforted the rest of the children.

Suddenly, seeing Isabel approach, Lance and Claire rushed forward. "Grandma... Grandma... Aron, Aron is missing," Lance exclaimed, maintaining a facade earlier, but seeing Isabel made him immediately point out that his little cousin was missing.

Isabel, however, even though she knew exactly where I was, showed a panicked expression and played her part. We needed to make the whole world believe that I was kidnapped, just like the other children.

Could the Blackthorn family have prevented all this from happening? Yes, we could have. But then that would have crumbled all my plans. And what reason did the Blackthorn family have to safeguard the interests of other influential forces? There were none.

Every single force in here would plunge a dagger at our back if they got the chance. Even during the earlier commotion, when the mob was targeted at the Blackthorns alone, many of these forces wanted to take advantage of the situation and deal substantial damage to the Blackthorn family. In this world, showing compassion to your enemy is as good as painting a huge target on your back.

As panic surged through Isabel upon hearing of Aron's disappearance, the entire venue seemed to shudder under the weight of her distress and anger. With a deep, primal roar, she released her aura alongside her Pokémon, their combined power radiating outward in a palpable wave. Under this overwhelming pressure, the chaos that had engulfed the venue began to subside, quelled by the sheer force of Isabel's presence.

In the midst of this turmoil, a man dared to step forward, perhaps seeking to challenge Isabel's authority. But before he could utter a word, a Blackthorn guard moved with lightning speed, severing the man's head in a swift and decisive motion. The gruesome action froze almost everyone in their tracks, the sudden display of violence serving as a stark reminder of the Blackthorn family's power.

With her command over the situation established, Isabel's attention immediately turned to finding Aron. Her voice cut through the chaos, sharp and commanding, as she issued a series of orders to her Pokémon and guards. "Find him. Search every inch of this venue," she commanded, her voice ringing out with authority.

Her guards, fueled by a sense of urgency and duty, moved swiftly to carry out her orders. They spread out in all directions, their eyes scanning the chaotic scene for any sign of the missing child. Anyone who dared to impede their progress was met with swift and merciless retaliation. Those who attempted to block their path were cut down where they stood, their bodies serving as grim reminders of the consequences of defying the Blackthorns.

As the search intensified, the tension in the venue reached a fever pitch. The air crackled with electricity, the fear of retribution keeping even the most brazen of individuals at bay. Through it all, Isabel remained a beacon of strength and determination, her unwavering resolve driving her forward in her quest to find Aron.

As the entire venue descended into a frozen state, a few blocks away in a dark alley of Evergrande City, the broken form of Archer lay beside an empty trash bin. Earlier, he had believed he had succeeded in his mission and was about to retreat, unaware that Agatha had been following him since the start.

He was an anomaly that the Blackthorns couldn't let escape, as he knew a few things about Aron that might prove detrimental to his safety during his time with Team Rocket. Archer had just confirmed with his higher-ups that the mission was a success, and he even had the go-ahead to retreat and return to Team Rocket after laying low for some time. However, once the Aura Guardians started investigating this event, his cover would surely be blown.

"Cough! Cough!" Archer spat out blood as he felt difficulty breathing. His ribs were completely shattered, and even a limb was torn apart. His Pokémon were being torn apart by Agatha's famed ghost squadron. Now, he understood why the entire world feared Agatha. She showed no hesitation or mercy when dealing with her enemies. Although he was a peak-rank master trainer himself, he stood no chance against Agatha.

"You guys knew, you guys knew all from the start?" Archer couldn't help but chuckle as he felt his own end looming over him. However, he wanted to understand. Was this a freak coincidence because of his crappy luck, or was the entire thing under the Blackthorns' control from the start, with everyone else dancing on the Blackthorns' palm? This meant even the League was doomed; maybe even his own organization would not come out unscathed after this.

But even now, he held a faint hope of escape because he knew that a seat holder from Team Rocket was to arrive at his evacuation point. This entire mission of abducting these kids from influential forces was directed by two seat holders, and both of them were Epic-ranked trainers like Agatha. If even one of them made it here in time, he would have a way out of this mess. He just needed to stall for time.

However, Agatha's creepy chuckle put a stop to Archer's thoughts. "Are you waiting for your superiors to come to your rescue? Naive brat, you can forget about them. The monster I sent after them is not something they can ever hope to challenge, even in their dreams," Agatha laughed out as if she had figured out all of Archer's thoughts. She reveled in playing such mind games.

Just then, faint footsteps echoed from the entrance of the alleyway as Samuel Oak walked in, dragging two corpses, one in each hand, and casually tossing them in front of the broken form of Archer. Archer's face froze as he recognized the two bodies that Oak casually tossed in front of him; they were the two seat holders that Archer was banking his hope on, but now everything within him crumbled.

With tear-filled eyes, he sought a way out, turning to Oak. "Spare me! Spare me, sir! I may be an enemy, but I did work for you diligently all these years, and I have not harmed anyone while I was under your tutelage, I swear. I was just being forced by Team Rocket to work for them. They even have my family under their custody. Please, my family will be killed if I don't make it back." Archer started creating a scene with words that would drive anyone to believe him.

However, it was Agatha by the side who laughed out loud seeing the performance. She had seen hundreds, if not thousands, of people who desperately tried to survive when they knew all their way out was severed. "Sam, you are stupid as always. You have had a rat right under your nose for decades, and yet you did not know about it. It had to sort out the mess for you," Agatha taunted Professor Oak, who hadn't spoken a word since he had entered the alleyway. The betrayal of Archer had hit him hard; he had left such a dangerous character lurking right next to his family.

Seeing that Oak was not moved by his words, Archer knew his fate was sealed. So, he was to go out in defiance. He turned to where Agatha stood. "Ptui, you ugly old hag! Do you think that just because you have killed me, your family has won? Do you even know what exactly is going on at the venue? Do you know that just a few minutes before you cornered me, I sent a special package to my organization? Your genius, that little Aron kid—you will never find him again. He will truly become our greatest asset, and someday he might even be the cause of your family's downfall."

Archer kept watching Agatha to see her panic and shocked reaction at the grand reveal. But nothing of the sort happened. Even Oak was shocked that Archer had managed to lay his hands on the boy he had come to take a liking to; he had even entertained thoughts of taking Aron in as his disciple.

But contrary to what Archer wanted, Agatha laughed maniacally as if she had pulled off the greatest trick ever. "Hahahahaha!" She did not explain anything. Confusion gripped Archer, urging him to know why exactly the old hag was laughing, but he did not have the time as the blood loss took its toll and his life left him as he died with suspense in his heart.

Dear readers and fans,

I want to extend my deepest gratitude for your unwavering support on this exhilarating journey of storytelling. Your enthusiasm fuels my passion for crafting immersive worlds and unforgettable characters.

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Your support means the world to me, and it is your encouragement that propels me forward in this creative odyssey. Together, let's explore the depths of imagination and bring our wildest dreams to life.

Thank you for understanding and for being a part of this fanfiction adventure.

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With heartfelt gratitude,


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