
Rebirth of Aron Blackthorn: A Pokémon Odyssey

In the world of Pokémon, Aron Blackthorn was a visionary who dedicated his life to bridging the gap between humans and Pokémon, aspiring for harmonious coexistence. His journey was filled with adventure, mediation, and moments of profound connection. But in a world plagued by ceaseless conflict driven by humanity's hunger for power, Aron's efforts to unite both species met a tragic end on the battlefield. As Aron faced his untimely demise, his final thoughts were consumed by a desperate desire: a chance to rewrite history and bring redemption to a suffering world. Suddenly, a new opportunity arises—a second life—beckoning him to embark on a journey of reparation. "Rebirth of Aron Blackthorn: A Pokémon Odyssey" is a fanfiction that explores the depth of Aron's commitment to unity and the consequences of relentless warfare. It follows his second chance at life as he strives to fulfill his vision of a world where humans and Pokémon live in harmony. With unexpected twists, profound encounters, and the enduring spirit of hope, Aron's odyssey promises to be a captivating and heartwarming adventure for Pokémon fans and enthusiasts of storytelling alike. “I do not own Pokémon, or any of the related characters. The Pokémon series is created by Satoshi Tajiri and owned by Nintendo, Game Freak, and Creatures. All rights to the original Pokémon world belong to Nintendo, Game Freak, and Creatures. This story is fanfiction and is meant only for fun.”

Silent_stiele · アニメ·コミックス
62 Chs


Dragonite's dragon domain soared, completely halting the momentum of the thunder domain, while it flapped its powerful wings to match the height of Zapdos. Pokémon of this level possess immense wisdom and can easily convey their thoughts and converse with each other. For more than a minute, the two Pokémon were immersed in a clash of minds and wills. Suddenly, as if negotiations had broken down, Zapdos reinitiated the thunder attack on the defense line it had halted earlier. However, Dragonite was not going to let the natural legendary have its way. With a primal roar, Dragonite ascended into the skies, wanting to attract Zapdos for an all-out brawl in the sky. However, Zapdos was too keen on getting rid of the nuisances below.

However, this disdain for its presence completely irked the ancient dragon. Lifting both its arms in the air, Dragonite channeled all its energy, connecting itself to the world's flow and initiating one of its strongest attacks: Draco Meteor. The entire night sky was lit up with fiery flames and magma. Zapdos, who had disregarded the challenge, now felt the massive threat from above. Just as it raised its head, it saw a massive, blazing meteor aimed right at its back, incoming at a terrible speed.

The old woman in charge of the Blackthorn defense line quickly realized that this was not their ballpark; it was the domain of the titans of the Pokémon world. Even staying in the vicinity would spell doom when two Pokémon of such caliber clash. "Everyone, retreat! Return back to the third defense line!" she commanded. Despite the incoming threat, she had the presence of mind to quickly assist trainers with no flying Pokémon. Within moments, dozens of flying Pokémon carrying hundreds of trainers retreated towards the third defensive line, almost fifty miles away from their current location.

Just as the trainers retreated in haste, Zapdos prepared itself to confront the massive meteor that came down. Simply dodging it was not an option, as it was under the control of the enemy Dragonite. Channeling its overwhelming aura, Zapdos unleashed its own super move, Tera Blast, while discarding its previous attack. The entire energy within miles surged towards the two Pokémon, and the sky itself split in two due to the pressure of their clash.

With a powerful wingbeat, Zapdos ascended and fired a massive pillar of lightning towards the descending meteor. Two super moves of unparalleled power, one of lightning and another of magma, clashed.


The attacks completely obliterated each other at the center of impact. The space itself trembled, groaning to break apart. Nature itself responded to the call of both Pokémon. However, before Zapdos could collect itself, due to the advantage of its earlier ascent, Dragonite simply fell into a free dive and chained it with a devastating Ice Punch, sending Zapdos reeling back in agony. A part of its body froze due to the impact, but it quickly melted under the influence of Zapdos's aura.

If compared by sheer strength, Zapdos might have a slight edge, but when it came to combat techniques, the ancient Dragonite was in a league of its own. Since being young, Dragonite has been involved in countless battles at the edge of life and death, unlike Zapdos, who has been an apex predator since birth.

The Zapdos screeched and fired a thunder attack on Dragonite, but Dragonite dodged the attack gracefully with a quick attack and countered it with a deafening Giga Impact using gravity to its advantage. Dragonite was clearly leveraging its heavier form to gain the upper hand.

The Zapdos, which had been majestically soaring the skies since the start of the tide, crashed to the ground with a resounding boom as Dragonite took the natural legendary for a toss. The crash of the two behemoths created a massive crater spanning hundreds of meters.

"Sceeeeech!!!" The Zapdos was beyond furious; it felt like its position in the natural order had been challenged. But it also knew that the foe it was facing was not easy to overcome, especially when it was intruding on its territory. Just as Zapdos was planning to lift itself back into the skies through the dust, Dragonite lunged at it and firmly bit its neck with a resounding crunch attack. If not for the thunder aura, Dragonite might have ripped out its neck, but the attack was not without damage. As Dragonite's fangs sank in, crimson blood started seeping out of the wound.

Zapdos was not going to let the enemy take a piece out of itself and retreat safely. So, despite the numbing pain, it directed a wild charge at close quarters. Zapdos's beak, imbued with lightning, pierced through Dragonite's leg, despite Dragonite's jaws firmly clamping down on its neck. Lightning channeled through Dragonite's body as it was forced to let go, but it did not back down in vain. In that split second, Dragonite infused its claw with its draconic aura and plunged it into the back of Zapdos.

"Roar!!!!" Dragonite's claw ripped through the feathers and skin and tore some flesh, leaving a deep gash on Zapdos's back. With a screech, Zapdos, not wanting to confront the clearly superior close combat fighter, took to the skies to confront Dragonite from a distance, which was Zapdos's specialty.

As Zapdos ascended into the air, Dragonite followed suit, the wound on its leg seeping blood, but the ancient dragon showed no signs of slowing down. With a roar that shook the very earth beneath them, Dragonite unleashed a dragon pulse, a surge of draconic energy aimed directly at Zapdos.

The legendary bird reacted swiftly, dodging the attack with a graceful twist in the air, but Dragonite was relentless, following up with a dragon claw imbued with its own aura.

Zapdos, sensing the danger, responded with a thunderbolt, crackling with electricity as it streaked towards Dragonite. But the ancient dragon was prepared, deflecting the attack with its powerful wings and countering with a Dragon Rush, its body enveloped in a swirling vortex of energy as it charged towards Zapdos with incredible speed.

The clash was intense, with Dragonite's claws and fangs meeting Zapdos's lightning-infused strikes blow for blow. Sparks flew as the two legendary Pokémon engaged in a fierce aerial battle, each refusing to yield an inch of ground. Zapdos, recognizing the strength of its opponent, unleashed a powerful thunder attack, aiming to overwhelm Dragonite with sheer force. But Dragonite countered with a Draco meteor, summoning a cascade of meteorites from the heavens to rain down upon Zapdos.

The sky erupted in a spectacular display of light and energy as the two attacks collided, sending shockwaves rippling through the air. Dragonite's Draco Meteor tore through the thunder, reducing it to scattered sparks, and the meteror rammed into the Zapdos, while Zapdos's second thunder struck true, enveloping Dragonite in a blinding flash of electricity. Both Pokémon roared in defiance while being sent hurling towards the ground like a broken kite, refusing to give ground as they continued their epic clash.

As the dust cleared, Dragonite emerged, battered but still standing, its draconic aura flaring with renewed intensity. Zapdos, however, showed signs of respect; its once recovered wing now tattered again and singed from the battle. However, even more than the two pokemon, the tide beneath them was suffering, as neither of the two legendary pokemon worried about the pokemon in the tide, which were being crushed with each passing moment. Some of the stronger pokemon had already scattered to the wind, not wanting to get involved in such a battle.

Seizing the opportunity, both Pokemon once again took to the skies. For pokemon of their caliber, they could go on for days with such high intensity battles before a clear victor was decided.

Zapdos retaliated with a powerful thunder wave, sending arcs of electricity crackling through the air towards Dragonite. The shockwaves rippled through the atmosphere, causing nearby clouds to churn and lightning to dance across the sky. But Dragonite was not to be deterred; channeling its inner strength, it unleashed a dragon dance, its movements becoming more fluid and graceful as its power surged.

"Draaaagonite!!!" it roared, a fierce determination in its eyes as it prepared to face its opponent.

With a deafening roar, Dragonite charged forward, its claws crackling with electricity as it performed a thunder punch, aiming to strike Zapdos with a devastating blow. But the legendary bird was quick to react, summoning a powerful gust of wind with its Air Slash, slicing through the air with razor-sharp precision. The clash of elemental forces created a whirlwind of energy, sending shockwaves rippling through the surrounding landscape.

As the battle raged on, the sky above crackled with lightning, illuminating the battlefield with an eerie glow. Dragonite and Zapdos circled each other warily, each waiting for the perfect moment to strike. Suddenly, with a burst of speed, Zapdos unleashed a powerful Thunderbolt, streaking towards Dragonite with blinding speed. But Dragonite, ever vigilant, countered with a Dragon rush, its body surrounded by a swirling vortex of energy as it charged towards Zapdos with unstoppable force.

The collision was catastrophic, sending shockwaves rippling through the air and shaking the very foundations of the earth below. Thunder rumbled ominously in the distance as the two legendary Pokémon locked horns in a battle of titanic proportions. With each thunderous blow, the surrounding environment bore the brunt of their power, with trees splintering and rocks shattering under the force of their attacks.

But amidst the chaos, Dragonite remained resolute, its eyes burning with determination as it faced off against its formidable opponent. With a mighty roar, it unleashed a dragon claw, its claws glowing with an otherworldly light as it slashed through the air towards Zapdos. The legendary bird responded in kind, summoning a powerful thunder attack to meet Dragonite head-on.

"Arceus above, save us! What kind of monstrous Pokémon are those? I've heard of powerful feats of legendary Pokémon in lore, but this... this was not something I was prepared for," exclaimed a young trainer from the Blackthorns, who was in charge of communication. Such long-range surveillance devices were a norm to be maintained at the borders for emergencies. Despite being in his late sixties, by the world's standards, he was considered juvenile. As an Elite class trainer, he was not privy to many of the secrets within the family.

"Where the heck did that monster of a Dragonite come from? He's one big ass, Bastard! And why is he fighting against the Zapdos?" He questioned in confusion. This question lingered in the minds of the majority. Although there were children's tales stating that the Blackthorns' Dragon Den ancient temple was home to a five-millennia-old Dragonite, only the core echelons of the family had the privilege to interact with it. For the rest, many believed it was just a bedtime story, even within the Blackthorn family.

However, before the young man could open his mouth again to badmouth the ancient Dragonite, the old lady smacked him hard on the back of his head, sending him sprawling to the ground. She swiftly retreated with the surveillance device. As a peak Epic class trainer and one of the elders from the family council, she knew the Dragonite was none other than their Guardian Deity, who had shielded the Blackthorns through countless storms.

What many did not know was that even their family name came from the nickname of this particular ancient dragon, which held the moniker "Blackthorn." For those who knew the entire history of the Blackthorns, they would understand that if not for this particular Dragonite, there might never have been an apex family in humanity.

"Damn you! old Woman, It hurts! Why did you smack me in the head? Do you... make me... end up stupid?" The young man screamed intermittently while rubbing his head against the grassy ground.

"That's our Guardian Deity; you are mocking you stupid Brat! Try that again, and I will personally rip off your tongue!" The old woman casually commented, but her words held a warning towards her own stupid descendant. The entire group who heard the revelation reeled in shock, while the ones who knew the truth simply smirked at their dumbfounded faces.

As the young trainer stumbled back, nursing his throbbing head, he realized the gravity of the situation. The ancient Dragonite, revered as a guardian deity by the Blackthorn family, was not just any children's bedtime story. It was the very embodiment of their lineage, the cornerstone upon which their legacy was built. The old lady's swift reprimand served as a stark reminder of the Dragonite's significance, silencing any further doubts or criticisms.

Gazing up at the fierce clash unfolding in the sky, the young trainer couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and reverence wash over him. Here he was, witnessing a battle of legendary proportions where the fate of entire generations hung in the balance. The sheer power and magnitude of the combatants left him speechless, humbled by their otherworldly strength.

As he picked himself up from the ground, the young trainer's eyes were drawn once again to the battle raging above. The Dragonite, with its majestic wings outstretched, clashed with the Zapdos in a display of raw power and determination. Each blow reverberated through the air, shaking the very balance of nature.

With a newfound sense of respect for the ancient guardian, the young trainer vowed to never underestimate the legends of old again. In this moment, he realized that their stories were not just mere fairy tales but a testament to the enduring spirit and resilience of the Pokémon world. And as the battle raged on, he knew that he stood witness to history in the making.


As the auction in Evergrande City dragged on, I found myself facing a new challenge. Jonathan, my stupid companion in this venture, seemed to have been possessed by the spirit of a reckless child stumbling upon a chest of treasure. With the funds I had provided at his disposal, he began bidding furiously on almost every item that came up for sale. His enthusiasm, while admirable, was rapidly draining his resources, which he should set aside for more meaningful items, and currently he was testing my patience to its limits.

Thankfully, Elder Theron, observing my growing frustration, intervened with decisive action. With a firm hand, he wrested the bidding card from Elder Jonathan's grasp and assumed control over any further purchases that Elder Jonathan sought to make. It was a relief to have someone level-headed take charge and rein in Jonathan's impulsive tendencies. With Elder Theron at the helm, I felt a renewed sense of ease that the moron would not go back home with just pure junk in his name and that my resources would be managed more responsibly. Just then, the auctioneers voices projected through speakers caught my attention.

"Next on the list, gentlemen, is a truly extraordinary specimen—a Pokémon shrouded in mystery and allure. We possess scant details about this enigmatic creature, but what we do know is enough to captivate even the most seasoned Pokémon enthusiasts," the auctioneer proclaimed, his voice carrying a hint of excitement.

"As you can see, this Pokémon exudes an aura of otherworldly elegance; its form is a testament to the boundless wonders of nature. Its iridescent scales shimmer with hues unseen in any known species, reflecting the light in mesmerizing patterns that dance across its body like a celestial symphony."

"Legend has it that this Pokémon hails from the deepest recesses of uncharted territories, where few dare to tread. It is said to possess powers beyond comprehension, capable of bending the very fabric of reality to its will. Its presence alone commands respect and reverence, making it a prized addition to any discerning collector's portfolio."

"Though we lack concrete information about its species or origin, one thing remains abundantly clear: this Pokémon is a treasure unlike any other, waiting to be discovered and cherished by its new caretaker. Who among you dares to seize this opportunity and unlock the secrets of this magnificent creature?"

As the auctioneer extolled the virtues of the mysterious Pokémon, my attention was completely fixated on the creature confined within the sealed cage. While the auctioneers and bidders remained ignorant of the Pokémon's identity, I recognized it immediately as a rare species from the Paldea region. Even in my past life, little was known about this elusive Pokémon.



Species: Ruinous Pokémon

Gender: Genderless

Status: Healthy

Level: 17

Stage: Bronze

Height: 1.8 m

Weight: 162.3 kg

Type: Dark/Ice

Potential: Dark Indigo

Ability: Sword of Ruin

Hidden Ability: Snow Cloak


HP: 475

Attack: 484

Defense: 370

Special Attack: 398

Special Defense: 326

Speed: 527


Night Slash, Ice Beam, Dark Pulse, Shadow Claw, Blizzard, Crunch, Ice Fang, Shadow Ball, Night Shade, Icy Wind, Assurance, Snarl, Frost Breath, Payback, Hail, Pursuit, Foul Play, Sucker Punch, Avalanche, Freeze-Dry.


My mind raced with possibilities. A Dark and Ice dual typing with Dark Indigo Potential—a formidable combination indeed. Although I had aided my grandma Alice in numerous ways, helping her acquire Pokémon was an area where I hadn't yet made my mark. She had a penchant for Dark types, and apart from her recent addition of Gengar, her team consisted solely of Pokémon she'd acquired through her own luck and discerning eye. If it weren't for me, she might never have considered a Ghost-type like Gengar for defense against sneak attacks.

Then came the auctioneer's announcement of the starting bid: "The opening bid will be 50 million Pokedollars, with each increment being a minimum of 1 million Pokedollars." The absurdly low starting price of fifty million Pokedollars elicited a laugh from me, drawing the attention of Isabel, Agatha, and a few other Blackthorns. For a Pokémon with Dark Indigo Potential and a bloodline strong enough to potentially ascend to legendary status, this price was laughable. But I wasn't about to complain. I had already made up my mind to acquire this elusive Pokémon and present it to Grandma Alice.

Even before the auctioneer's voice settled, the digital boards began flickering with bids, each one outdoing the last. The bidding showed no sign of slowing down, and even Elder Jonathan seemed eager to acquire the Pokémon. However, Elder Theron sharply reprimanded him.

"Aren't you specializing in grass types? This seems to be an ice-type Pokémon. Are you really going to waste your time on a Pokémon you have no affinity for? Quiet down and watch. We'll find you a grass Pokémon. The catalog still has plenty of options. Elder Theron reprimanded, his tone firm. Elder Jonathan couldn't refute it because they were both directly related.

Though I felt frustrated, I sympathized with Elder Jonathan's predicament. Being stuck while seeing his juniors surpass him was undoubtedly difficult. I flipped through the catalog, searching for a decent Grass Pokémon. After a couple of minutes, I found one.

"Elder Theron, item number #417. You should bid for that Pokémon," I suggested, closing the catalog and refocusing on the ongoing bidding. The amount had already skyrocketed to 217 million, and the competition showed no signs of relenting. Elder Theron understood my intent and quickly located the Pokémon in the catalog.

I grew impatient with the slow pace of the bidding. As the amount climbed to 282 million, I swiftly typed my new bid into the device. The bid appeared on the center screen, causing the entire venue to fall silent. Even Isabel and Agatha, by my side, gawked at my extravagant bid because they would have to fork out the money: 500 million Pokédollars, almost double the previous bid.

The auctioneer quickly regained his composure. "Well, ladies and gentlemen, we have a bid of 500 million from VIP Box Zero. Does anyone dare to challenge this bid? If not, I might have to sound the gavel," he announced, his delight evident. This bid was the highest of the night, surpassing the previous record of 302 million for an ancient potion recipe. With over 1000 items to be auctioned that night and already reaching the 317th item, the organizers were pleased with the potential profit.

Dear readers and fans,

I want to extend my deepest gratitude for your unwavering support on this exhilarating journey of storytelling. Your enthusiasm fuels my passion for crafting immersive worlds and unforgettable characters.

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Your support means the world to me, and it is your encouragement that propels me forward in this creative odyssey. Together, let's explore the depths of imagination and bring our wildest dreams to life.

Thank you for understanding and for being a part of this fanfiction adventure.

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With heartfelt gratitude,


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