
Chapter 1 : My name is Astaroth?

A warm breeze blew through the simple house with the smell of blooming flowers infused within.

Clark smelling the scent of lavenders was awoken from his slumber. Stretching lazily on the bed Clark began to will his eyes to open however he underestimated the lazy within him. He turned and mumbled but his mind only sunk more into the sweet embrace of the gods of sleep.

'Wait! Lavenders?!' Clarks brain immediately went into overdrive.

'why is it smelling like lavenders in my apartment? Did I leave the door or a window open? Its summer! Why am I not feeling hot? Did someone break in?!'

With the last thought he immediately bolted upright. However, the sight that he witnessed before him was one that he would not have thought of even if he were the most creative mind on the planet.

He was standing atop the simplest bed he had ever seen, in a house that was small enough to be called a hut. 'A mud hut?' even the kitchen and a small table with short legs were all within this one room hut. It truly gave him the sense of travelling back in time to a more simpler age.

Something was wrong, and Clark had no idea what it was. 'Okay. First things first! Who am I? Clark Devon, British, 93 born, attributing to a lack of motivation I joined the military at 18, later upon the urging of my commanding officer who recognized this glib tongue and sharp mind of mine sent me to become a military attorney, present day: I should have come back from the pub after the celebration party of the toughest case I've had and I just barely managed to win… so what am I doing in this shabby place?'

Just then the door opened letting in blinding rays of sunshine. A woman in a light blue dress with hazelnut brown hair walked in through the door with a basket in one hand filled to the brim with pear's. She seemed ethereal to the dazed Clark. "Mum!" he blurted out as if this was the basest reflex that was ingrained into him upon seeing this woman.

The woman looked at him with a mixture of shock and an apologetic tone. "Ah! Sorry Asta I woke you up! Good morning." Her lips curving into the gentlest of smiles. She walked over slowly and gave him a kiss on the forehead. Then proceeded to the short table to place the basket.

A gentle warmth rose like a boiling pot of tea threatening to overflow. Being the heir to nobility he had never felt anything but cold and snobbish arrogance from his family leading the singular urge to leave his family. This feeling thus came as a huge surprise. "Asta… Astaroth". Bang! It was as if an explosive had gone of in his head. Clark felt as though needles were poking the insides of his brain as well as his skull trying escape the confines of his brain. The pain slowly grew till he was unable to bear it and before he could make a sound his eyes rolled over and he fainted.

Hours or maybe it was just a few minutes later he woke up. 'My name is Astaroth!'. He felt as though his soul had fused and he could not differentiate one from the other. There was no need to because they were now one and the same. 'Astaroth, age 14, born in old holy city, son of Jack and Phoebe'.

'From what I can gather everything is pretty primeval. There are two possibilities: 1) I've been sent into the past to the ages of religion wars or 2) I'm in a completely different timeline or world entirely.' Clark had always considered himself a man of sophisticated hobbies as such reading novels about rebirth were not unfamiliar to him. His current situation as such did not come as a complete shocker. He adjusted himself quickly. He was never one to sit by when opportunities presented themselves to him. He completely took this new life as an opportunity of a new adventure.

Deciding to call himself Astaroth from now on he opened his eyes. His mothers worried face presented itself as soon as he did. "Are you okay Asta! Talk to me! Don't worry mother like this." Tears welling up in her soft eyes.

"I'm fine mother. Don't cry. I just didn't sleep well" Lying truly came to him as naturally as breathing.

"Ok." She wiped her eyes with her long sleeves. "you're still growing so you're bound to fall sick but no more staying up late!"

That is when Astaroth realized his first earth shattering problem that sent him into a spiraling hole of despair!

'HOLY SH*T! I've got to go through puberty again.'

Ive always thought the RTW world is a pretty dark place... So in my writing i plan to do my best to add more colour as well as a bit of humor to hopefully lighten it up a bit :D

i hope everyone will go easy on me >.<

enjoy !

Abeinicreators' thoughts