
Great forest

As smith moved more to the west he started to see less and less gaints.

He came to a quick conclusion that they were most likely situated by the sea, and that they hadn't explored the land that deep.

A few days later Smith could see some trees and they were gigantic. And they were so big that he still had to travel for around 1 day before he was only a thousand meters away from them.

But a river separated Smith from reaching the trees, the river was also huge as it was around 300 meters wide and had a raging current.

So he started to move upstream. As he started traveling next to the river, he felt that he was being watched.

Smith didn't start to look around, he just kept on following the river. After some time he saw a tree that had fallen over the water.

He walked towards it, and evantually climbed on it.

After walking on it for 2 seconds his muscles all started to bulge, he then dashed forward, reaching the end of the log in a second and jumping of it, in to the woods.

The one's who we're watching him also all sprang into action, they all started chasing Smith.

Smith sometimes felt killing intent, and when he felt it he jumped behind one of the tree's and changed his direction of running, but he still generally moved deeper into the forest.

Smith felt that this type of terrain wasn't really that handy to run in as his humaniod form so he wanted to change it.


As smith thought that he jumped in to the air. And transformed, this transformation took only a second.

He changed back in to his 7 meter long form and dashed off, this time it felt more comfortable to run.

The things chasing him all felt surprised, but the glimmer in their eyes quickly changed into greed.

Smith felt the sudden change in the air, which went from hunting to capturing.

Smiths demeaner also changed as he felt that a few stronger precenses started to chase him at the moment.

Smith pushed his body to the limit and after 5 more minutes he saw a village, if he even could call it that, there was a huge type of cathedral made out of wood which seemed to pierce the sky, and houses as far as the eye could see.

Smith felt shocked for a moment, but then he became angry, 'those fuckers led me here'.

Smith heard some bells ring, it came from the wooden like cathedral.

'let's see how smart you are now.'

He dashed of towards the cathedral, the smiles on the things chasing him quickly vanished.

As he got closer towards the cathedral he could see hundreds of thousands of humanoids with long ears standing in front of a few which looked the same but had completely different type of clothing, and they also felt way more dangerous.

Smith didn't give them a second look as fire started to form inside of his mouth.

The one on the podium eyes went wide as it saw a huge lizard running towards his fellow people, it immediately stood up and started to chant something.

Smith felt that the ground under him started to shake, greenary and wood started shoot out of the ground a second later.

He couldn't outrun it, a dome made out of wood and plants formed around him.

All the humanoids standing around the cathedral were startled.

They all looked at the wooden dome which had just formed.

And then they all started to hear a cracking sound. And slowly a hole started to form, a black and red fire started to make its way trough the wood a plants.

The humanoid who had cast the spell looked with surprise at his mana reserve, it was going down at a fast pace.

Evantually the humanoids could see 2 glowing eyes behind the fire, filled with killing intent, everyone who saw the eyes immediately shrinked back. The humanoids close to the dome started to run away.

Smith changed back to his humanoid form and went trough the hole that he had made.

The one who had cast the spell eyes lit up with greed. He attacked again and this time the the wood and plants started to circle around Smith.

Binding Smith a few seconds later, wood and plants also binded his mouth, closing it, so that he couldn't release any fire.

The humanoid moved closer towards Smith, and it started to inspect him.

Smith tried to break free but it didn't work, the restraints were to hard to break. So he eventually gave up as it didn't look like he could get free.

Not much later the humanoid started to transport him to somewhere.

After a while they reached a hill. Smiths instincts started to scream at him, both the hunger and his fear instincts started to clash.

A few seconds later Smith saw that the hill moved , it started to slowly turn into a huge lizard with wings.

Smiths eyes wident. 'what the fuck is that'

The beast before him was around 30 meters in length and 10 meters in hight which was huge, it had a long neck which made it that tall.

"What do you want elf?"

Smith didn't know what language the beast was talking but he could still understand it for some reason.

The elf responded, "I've brought a gift for you, it's an Paraginion Elite."

The beast looked a bit intrigued now and focust its attention on the Elite which the elf had held captive.

The beasts face came very close to smith's face. It's eye slowly scanning Smith.

"hmm, I have no use for this one, his bloodline isn't pure, but you could trade him for something I want."

The elf was a bit disappointed at first but now he was happy again.