
Rebirth of A heartless empress

When everyone she loves is taken from her, her only will to survive is revenge but she can't even have that. Mocked and ridiculed by the man she once loved and a woman she thought was her sister. She paid for it with her heart, her life. But life isn't over yet and she lives a second life in the modern world. She is happy and has a real family that loves her and doesn't see her as a tool but she dies again. Now, she's back to where it all started, six months into her marriage and empress, she vows to destroy anyone who is a threat to her life or anyone she loves, starting with her husband. Watch Nectar as she defiantly tramples her enemies while living a double life as a beautiful drunkard. She doesn't believe in love that makes her vulnerable, so she loves but refuses to be loved, but when Luscious comes into the picture, he could break that resolve. See as she solves the mystery behind her death in the first life, makes money while eating and drinking with friends and protecting those she cares about all while not trying to fall in love with a persistent shameless king while somehow fighting a war between men and gods. DISCLAIMER : Original photo not mine, all credit goes to original owner. Though edit done by me. ( UPDATES on SUNDAYS, TUESDAYS and THURSDAYS )

Kik1_Yijaa · ファンタジー
201 Chs

Chapter 128 : Believable lies.

Archie carefully turned what Nectar made him in his hands. He tried his best to be quiet and not wake his mother, not knowing she was blushing seriously underneath the blankets surrounding her.

Archie was more than happy when Axis asked after what Nectar made him and talked happily at the window, " Sister Qidu calls it an earpiece ". Archie stuck out his tongue as he put it on.

Nectar had carved it into some sort of check mark that fit him perfectly. It had carvings of ship sails on it and what appeared to be some sort of initial in the middle. Axis was honestly surprised, " Very impressive " but what does the Issi stand for "?

Archie ran his small hand over it and shrugged, " I'll ask Sister Qidu later ". Axis raised an eyebrow, " Who said anything about letting you see her later "? Archie simply smirked, " No problem father, you can just ride up and ask her. It'd be a lot better ".

Archie didn't give him anytime to argue as he disappeared back into the carriage. Axis laughed as he looked ahead at Nectar, " Reminding me of her, is that good or bad ".

Luscious blinked a few times as he followed Nectar's hand which was turning over what she just made. It seemed like some sort of fish bent over. In fact, it was like the fish were swimming out of some sort of rabbit hole in the center.

Nectar rubbed her chin, still turning it over " Ironic how cats hate water but love fish ". Luscious frowned slightly, " How do you know that "? Nectar tilted her head to the side calmly while she internally scolded herself.

Animals like birds and horses were common in Lishflour and Actso, but not on a scale comparable to Nisrag. In fact, most basic knowledge she had about animals was from her second life in the modern world. Animals were dangerous and their weaknesses hard to identify.

" You wouldn't believe me even if I told you ", Luscious raised an eyebrow " Try me ". Nectar shrugged as she looked at him, " This is actually my third life and I've transmigrated to an alternate dimension were information like this is easily accessible ".

Luscious looked at her in a daze, " I wasn't expecting that and besides, that seems pretty far fetched ". Nectar smiled faintly, looking ahead " That's the thing about life, the lies are always so believable ".

Before it could sink in, Nectar tossed him the now curved mana stone, " I hope Lucia likes it. Just have her place that on her wrist and it'll take care of itself ". Luscious nodded and then frowned internally [ She's so good at changing the topic ]

Nectar shooed him away with a smile, " Go get it to her ". Nectar smiled to herself as she thought of the snake Luscious himself was stuck with," I just hope he keeps his word " [ Make my work a lot easier too ]

Luscious was truly surprised by the skill and detail Nectar had put into the carving and it seemed the fish were covered in grass instead of scales " I must have really distracted her then ".