
Rebirth of a Dynasty [Warhammer 40k Isekai Necron Overlord OC SI]

I woke up in a galaxy at war in a body that doesn't belong to me, I don't understand how it happened, but I'm in the body of a Necron Overlord in a crumbling tomb, with my dynasty dead and surrounded by enemies on all sides. I don't know where I am, I don't know what my goal is, but I'm sure of one thing, to survive I need to restore the dynasty I'm a part of. Maybe I'll end up creating mine along the way? That only time will tell.

VonLeporace · アニメ·コミックス
22 Chs

Chapter 11 - Partying All Night

"...That's how my family became one of the most influential in Hidrus Quintus" A noble boasted to Marquis Rahon, puffing out his chest and swinging the wine in his hand.

"I see, that was an interesting story…" Rahon replied automatically, not paying attention to what the nobleman was saying, but rather watching the movement in the ballroom.

"I agree, it has been told in my family for generations and I intend to make myself worthy of being remembered by future generations. But you? What is your family history?"

"My family serves Lord Utaniel."

"Oh! The young noble accompanied by the minister? He must trust you to invite you and your wife, probably for years of service well done."

"A few millennia you could say."

"HAHAHA! I see you have a sense of humor." The noble chuckled, placing a hand on Rahon's shoulder.

Slowly Rahon looked at the noble's hand on his shoulder and then looked the noble in the eyes, the noble sweating nervously due to the cold look Rahon gave him.


A noise of breaking glass echoed through the hall, taking advantage of the distraction, the noble removed his hand from Rahon's shoulder, all the nobles turned towards the source of the noise, five servants dropped their trays carrying drinks and snacks and walked towards the elevator with a fixed gaze, all these actions performed in perfect synchrony.

Any noble who tried to stop them was pushed to the ground with enormous strength; the servants entered the elevator and went up.

"Governor Mathias should be careful who he allows into his palace, this inappropriate display will tarnish his reputation. Hump! As if it wasn't already stained." The nobleman spoke.

"What do you mean?"

"That stays between us, but there are rumors that Governor Mathias contacted unreliable people, the dregs of society, a few days ago, a ship from Hidrus visited our planet, nothing to worry about, just the Mechanicus checking if the machine spirits of Hidrus Quintus were happy, but from this ship came a group of strange people, they dressed like the crew, but we all felt that there was something wrong with them, I don't know how they contacted the governor, but after they left, the governor acted in a different way."

"I see, anything else?"

"Unfortunately not. And you? Any interesting tidbits to share?"

"Hm… Did you hear about the remains of the ork fleet?" Rahon said.

"Yes, something really earth-shattering. Who knows what would have happened if the storm hadn't destroyed it?"

"Yes… The storm…"

"Changing the subject. What do you think of the party? The drinks are wonderful, aren't they?

"I am not a drinker."

"It doesn't surprise me, you haven't even touched yours." The nobleman pointed to the wine in Rahon's hand.


Five more servants dropped their trays, walked in unison to the elevator and ascended. Amidst the commotion, Rahon threw the wine from his goblet out the window.

"Where is Governor Mathias? He must know about what's going on here." The noble asked.

"I wonder the same thing." Rahon spoke, facing the elevator.

Looking around the room, Rahon's eyes met Marchioness Thassiana's; the two gave a quick nod and returned to their conversations.

Marchioness Thassiana found herself in conversation with noble women.

"You know, I wonder why Governor Mathias keeps that woman around." A noblewoman said to Thassiana.

"What woman?" Thassiana asked.

"An astropath, Jacqueline, I know she's important to communication between planets, but to keep a psyker so close, I can't help but worry. Who knows when that witch will lose control?"

"Witch? Why do you think that?"

"Who wouldn't? That woman talks about absurd visions and terrible futures!"

"Wouldn't it be better to hear what she has to say? If Jacqueline is that important to the planet, then wouldn't it be better to treat her with the respect that her role demands?"

"HAHA! As if that were to happen, out-of-control psykers have doomed planets throughout the Imperium's history, they need to be kept in check."


Five more servants entered the elevator.

"But what is…" Thassiana spoke.


A scream heard only by Rahon and Thassiana echoed in their heads, the surprise making them jump and crush the goblets in their hands.

The couple of marquises faced each other and walked towards the elevator, accompanied by three more servants, ignoring the nobles in their path. The group entered the elevator, there was a metallic insect stuck to the button panel, green lines covered the panel and the elevator went up.

Halfway across, the group of humans disappeared in a flash of light and in their place where two Lychguards, two Warriors and an Immortal.

"Thaszan, what do you think happened?" Rahkikh asked, teleporting his sword and shield into his hands.

"I don't know, but from the tone of his voice. Something unforeseen came up." Thaszan replied as his scythe appeared in a flash of green.

"It doesn't matter; those who stand in the way of our Lord will be eliminated." The Immortal muttered monotonously, readying his Gauss Blaster.

The elevator stopped and the doors opened, only for a purple-skinned creature to squeal at the Necrons, the creature did not last long as its head was split in two by Rahkikh sword, its torso severed from its waist by Thaszan's scythe, before the sliced creature could hit the floor, the Lychguards exited the elevator.

Giving room for the Immortal to deatomize the creature's remains with his Gauss Blaster.

"What was that thing?" Thaszan asked.

"Any unknown Xeno species?" Rahkikh completed.

"No, there was no blood when it was cut; this creature was not made of flesh." The Immortal continued.

However, the Necrons did not continue talking, as sounds of battle echoed through the windowless corridors of the tower.

Walking down the hall, the necrons spotted barricades in the way, a door beside them was kicked off its hinges, and Warriors came carrying tables, sofas, armchairs and bookshelves.

They placed furniture in the way, blocking the passage, then positioned themselves in a line behind the barricade and fired at something further ahead.

Thaszan approached a group of Necrons behind a barricade, two Warriors and an Immortal.

"What's going on here? Why not help our Lord?" Thaszan demanded.

"Orders from our Lord, we will not allow these creatures to leave the tower." The Immortal replied monotonously.

"What is the status of your defenses?" Rahkikh asked the Immortal.

"This floor of the tower forms a perfect circle, with the elevator behind us, our Lord is in a room on the other side of the tower, with Haratek, we have four defense points, two on the left and right, with three units in each, these creatures must not leave the tower, but they do not stop advancing, our Lord is trying to close their way of entry." The Immortal spoke.

Rahkikh and Thaszan exchanged a glance.

"Hold your positions; we will advance towards our Lord." Rahkikh spoke.

"Fail not; failure to carry out our lord's bidding will bring shame to his name." Thaszan completed.

With a nod from the Immortal, the Lychguards passed the first barricade on the left, accompanied by two Warriors and an Immortal, but several purple creatures blocked the way.

With a mixture of screams, groans and laughter, the creatures rushed forward in a display of inhuman speed, one of the purple creatures extended its claw towards Rahkikh, intending to pierce him through the chest, and Rahkikh blocked the blow with his shield, a sound metallic echoing through the hall.

The purple creature made a face of pain and pleasure, the blow doing more damage to its own claw than to the shield, with that opportunity, Rahkikh advanced, swinging his sword towards the creature, in a trail of green light left by the sword, the creature's claw was severed from its body.

Not a drop of blood came out of the wound, just a small explosion of multicolored lights, the creature tried to slash Rahkikh with its second claw, the Lychguard stepped to the side, letting the blow go straight and swung his shield, hitting the creature in the side face, disorienting her.

The creature let out a cry of pain that turned into a gurgle as Rahkikh slashed its throat, with a second blinding blow the creature's head was severed from its body, a green trail being the only proof that a blow had been delivered.

The creature's body disappeared in a burst of energy.

A second creature advanced down the hall, leaping towards Rahkikh, the Lychguard raised his shield to block the impending blow, but the creature used Rahkikh shield as a springboard and leapt over the Lychguard, landing in a crouch right behind the Necron.

The creature extended its claws forward, preparing to strike before the Necron turned, but it didn't, the creature screamed in pain as a great green blade slashed it from groin to head, its halves falling to the ground and disappearing.

It was Thaszan with his War Scythe, the two Lychguards advanced, cutting down all the creatures in their path, the Warriors and Immortals accompanied them in support, shooting the creatures that tried to attack through the blind spot of the Lychguards, and eventually they reached the second barricade.

Where two Warriors and an Immortal had trouble holding back the oncoming crowd of purple creatures.

Thaszan ran towards the fight, stepping on the barricade, Thaszan used it to propel himself into the group of creatures, the Lychguard landed, smashing the head of one of the creatures against the ground, then swinging his scythe, slashed one of the creatures in the shoulder, the scythe sinking into the creature and nearly splitting the body in two.

Thaszan ripped his scythe from the creature and swung it, slicing off the legs of another approaching creature, then stomping on its head, one of the creatures managed to get close to Thaszan, the Lychguard blocked the creature's claws with the hilt of his scythe, unfortunately more creatures approached and piled up against the Lychguard.

"Get out of the way!"

Someone shouted behind Thaszan, looking back, the Lychguard saw Rahkikh running with his shield raised in front of him, struggling, Thaszan pushed the group of purple creatures away and moved out of Rahkikh way.

The Necron collided with the group of purple creatures, clearing its way like a battering ram, the creatures were thrown away, slamming into the walls, Thaszan seizing the opportunity, swung his scythe faster and faster, turning it into a hurricane of green slashes, as he advanced, he slashed at the creatures in his path, slicing through arms, legs, and heads.

His feet moving with grace and precision akin to a deadly dance, cutting the creatures to pieces on the floor, all that was left were the seething gashes left on the floor, wall and ceiling, evidence of the massacre carried out in the hallway.

Eventually the Lychguards accompanied by the Warriors and the Immortal reached a large wooden door, breaking down the door the Lychguards found their Lord delivering the final blow to a large quadruped creature.

"My lord!" The Lychguards screamed.

"Rahkikh, Thaszan! Listen, I don't have time to explain, I need you to help me here! Haratek, go back to the tomb and activate the Pylon!" The Overlord shouted to his subordinates.

"Yes, my lord!" Haratek shouted, opening an eternity gate and preparing to enter.

Until a distorted scream echoed through the room.


The medallion that Governor Mathias wore floated out of his neck and stopped in front of the portal where the purple creatures came out, energy came out of the portal and accumulated in the medallion, the entire tower shook, lightning ran through the room, hitting everything around it, the energy reached its peak, there was a big flash of light, then…



Few Minutes Before The Explosion

Overlord's POV

"Come, join us."

"Enjoy the greatest pleasures our Goddess has to offer."

"All we ask is that you tell us your name."








The voices disappeared, my mind became clearer, that was dangerous, I deactivated my Ankh to enter the party without any problems, and it almost cost my soul. Soul? Do I still have one? If chaos tried to corrupt me, then maybe I have.

"AAAHHH!" A Daemonette that approached me screamed in pain before being banished to the Imaterium by the Ankh's null field. The thing disappears in a shower of color.

The Daemonettes are the basic daemons of Slaanesh, so the Ankh is deadly to them. I believe that the strongest daemons can approach me, but they would have to fight having the worst headache of their lives.

"My Lord, what are these things?" Haratek asked, smacking a Daemonette across the head with his Rod of Night, then touching the tip of the rod to the Daemonettes chest, electrocuting her to death. The daemon thrashed and screamed as insane voltage fried its body.

"Daemons, beings created by the Gods of Chaos, born from the negative feelings generated during the War in Heaven. But in the case of the Daemonettes, blame the Eldars."

I swung my Staff, hitting the chest of a Daemonette who threw herself into the null field, the daemon's body falling apart as she got closer, even though she knew it would be deadly, she attempted a suicidal attack.

The Daemonette darted across the room, ice coating her torso and shattering as she collided with the floor.

"Daemons? Gods of Chaos? What are you talking about, My Lord? And what did the damned Eldars do?"

Haratek asked, dodging a Daemonettes claw and striking her arm, slamming it to the ground then hitting her repeatedly in the sides of the head with powerful blows, each of them throwing the daemon's head to the sides thanks to Haratek's increased speed.

Haratek raised his rod and brought it down hard on the daemon's head, a bone-crunching sound echoing through the room before the daemon disappeared.

Let me analyze the situation. The psyker on the other side of the room is the one keeping the portal open, if I can get close I'll use my Ankh to cancel her powers and close the portal, the problem was the Daemonettes in my way.

"Haratek, I need you to help me get to the portal." I said to the Cryptek as I teleported a sword in my left hand.

"You can count with me, My Lord." Haratek responded, lightning flowing from his rod.

"So let's go."

We ran towards the portal, simultaneously the Daemonettes came out of the portal and advanced.

Haratek went ahead quickly, the Cryptek advanced towards Daemonette who was leading the group, the daemon pushed her claw forward with the intention of piercing Haratek, Haratek leaned to the side, dodging the blow, raised his rod covered in energy and slashed at Daemonettes face, the speed being such, that the shock wave released hurled Daemonette away, her neck broken, nearly decapitated.

Two Daemonettes advanced, each coming from one side, intent on surrounding Haratek, both daemons leapt towards the Cryptek, claws ready to slash,

Quickly, Haratek dodged Daemonettes blow to his left and hit the Daemonettes head on his right, then swung his rod hitting Daemonettes face on his left.

Haratek alternated between the two daemons, deflecting blows with precision and attacking at the opportune moments, swinging his rod again, Haratek hit the top of Daemonettes head on the right and the Daemonettes chest on the left.

The Daemonettes charged again, Haratek did the same, with a burst of speed he hit the Daemonette from the left under the chin with the tip of his rod, throwing the Daemonette in the air, as the Daemonette fell, Haratek hit her in the stomach and kept her in the air with the tip of his rod.

Haratek energized his rod, electrocuting the Daemonette with deadly voltages; the daemon thrashed and screamed, the energy coursing through its body causing it to spasm, in a flash of color the daemon was gone.

The second Daemonette tried to hit the Cryptek, but he was faster, spinning his staff at absurd speeds, Haratek hit the Daemonettes legs with a sickening sound of bones breaking, the Daemonette fell to the ground, screaming in pain.

Haratek approached the daemons "If you weren't an inconvenience to My Lord, I would keep some of you for study and experiments, but I believe I have time for a little test. How much energy can your body hold before it is sent back to wherever you came from?"

Haratek placed the end of his rod into the Daemonettes stomach and energized his weapon, electricity ran through the daemon's body, it started with low power, but Haratek gradually increased the power, with each increase in power, the Daemonette screamed more and more, the daemon futilely tried to slash at Haratek, but the Cryptek stayed out of reach.

The daemon's form flickered and distorted, the energy of the Imaterium that made up its body being banished as it took damage, it reached the point where the electricity torturing the daemon was visible to all, and eventually the creature couldn't take anymore and disappeared, banished to the realm of their Goddess.

"Unsatisfactory results, more specimens needed for experimentation." The Cryptek muttered in disappointment.

Fortunately, for the Cryptek, test subjects for his field experiments were not lacking that night. More Daemonettes came out of the portal and advanced against Haratek.

I stayed behind, not being as fast as Haratek, but there was no shortage of Daemonettes in my path, even with most of them being banished upon entering the null field's range, there were those that would take a while to disappear, for the Daemonettes, it was enough time to try to kill me.

I energized my staff and hit a Daemonettes head, freezing it, its head shattered as it hit the ground, a second Daemonette advanced, leaping towards me, I swung my sword at its neck, the daemon's eyes widened as he felt the sword piercing his flesh.

Daemonettes body was caught in my sword, I shook the sword trying to remove it, but the thing was stuck, another Daemonette advanced, I swung the sword with Daemonettes body towards the approaching daemon.

With the blow, the daemon's head was severed from its body, freeing my sword; I simultaneously slashed horizontally across the other daemon, its halves falling to the ground.

A group of Daemonettes advanced, but before they could approach, I aimed my staff and shot lightning in an arc, hitting the daemons and leaving jagged and burning marks on the ground. Some survived the attack, but before they recovered, I advanced towards the group.

I pointed my gauntlet at the daemons and released a wave of incandescent green fire, the daemons screamed amidst the flames their forms being reduced to ash and banished to the Imaterium, the beautiful rug that covered the room was now ruined and on fire in some parts .

I walked through the flames towards the portal, some Daemonettes tried to stop me, I hit one on the top of the head, when it hit the ground I crushed its frozen head with the butt of my staff, another jumped at me from my right.

I turned the sword in my hand, turned its blade upwards and pierced Daemonettes stomach, keeping her in the air, the daemon's weight brought her down against the blade, severing her body from stomach to head, another Daemonette tried to hit me in the legs.

I jumped, letting the Daemonette pass under me and when I landed I stepped on its back, crushing its spine, the daemon struggled, trying to get me off, I lifted my foot and stepped with my heel, crushing the head of the daemon.

The portal was close, at this rate, Haratek and I will be able to close it before anyone knows what's going on. A group of Daemonettes placed themselves between Haratek and me, blocking our path.

We engaged the creatures, slashing and crushing heads, incinerating with fire and frying with lightning, but in the midst of the fight, I caught a glimpse of something.

The Daemonettes did something disturbing; the ones near the portal grabbed some of the nobles and servants thrown to the ground.

The sight of the creatures in front of them were enough to take them out of their ecstasy, the nobles screamed and kicked, trying to escape the creature's clutches, but it was in vain, the Daemonettes dragged the humans close to the portal and cut their throats with their claws.

From each human a ball of light with a face in pain was sucked through the portal, the humans had their souls sacrificed. Nevertheless, for what purpose?

I had my answer when the psyker screamed in pain and the portal expanded, the tear in reality becoming larger, more figures emerged from the mass of colors and faces in agony, I saw a legion of Daemonettes, as if that wasn't enough, creatures different ones came out of the portal.

Hate-Angel, winged Daemonettes came out of the portal and flew above their demonic sisters.

As if that wasn't enough, a larger figure came out of the portal, it was a large, pink-skinned, quadruped creature, its body covered in scales, a long tail, and in front of its body a humanoid torso similar to a centaur, the thing had an elongated face with a long tongue protruding from its thin mouth, horns on top of its head, and large claws for hands.

"Haratek, take care of the flying things, I'll take care of the centaur!"

"Yes, my lord!" Haratek responded as he took flight to face the Hate-Angel.

"I will call our infiltrators, the situation is getting worse!" Before the Fiend decided to advance, I sent a command to my hidden units.

"Come to me, set up defenses and do not allow the creatures to leave the tower."

With the command given, I can only hope that my units arrive in time, as the normal Daemonettes ignored Haratek and I, and ran towards the only exit in the room, I didn't waste time trying to stop them, it would be useless to try at the moment, I need to focus on closing the portal, with its connection to the Imaterium severed, the daemons will disappear immediately.

The Fiend decided to act, with a whine he rode towards me. When he got close, he tried to decapitate me with his left claw. I ducked and swung my staff towards his ribs, the Fiend jumped back, dodging the blow.

Then he turned his body, his tail came towards me like a whip, I put my staff in front, but the blow was strong enough to make my feet slip a little, the Fiend advanced again, delivering a series of blows with his claws.

I took a step to the left avoiding a blow to the chest, another step to the right, avoiding a blow to the neck; I jumped back, avoiding the "hug" that the Fiend tried to give me with his claws.

I swung my staff, hitting Fiend in the left shoulder, covering him with ice, the Fiend whinnied in pain, he quickly grabbed my staff with his right claw, pulling me close, and putting his face in front of mine, the long tongue of the Fiend retreated into his mouth and shot towards my face like a spear.

I tilted my head to the side, but the Fiend's long tongue scraped across my face, leaving a cut in the Necrodermis, sharp tongue. I tried to slash the Fiend with my sword, but he caught my wrist with the other claw.

We stood in an awkward position with our arms crossed, Fiend's tongue pulled back and darted towards my face again, and I tilted my head, Fiend's tongue leaving another slash across my face.

The tongue retreated, this time I let go of my staff, leaving it in the Fiend's grip and with my free hand, I grabbed the daemon's tongue, turned my hand, curling the creature's tongue and pulled hard, the daemon roared in pain when his tongue was violently torn away.

I threw the piece of the daemon to the ground, the creature's piece flailed like a severed lizard's tail before disappearing, the pain was enough for the Fiend to let go of my wrist and drop my staff to the ground.

The Fiend backed away, without his tongue, he used his tail to try to hit me, as the tail closed in, I swung my sword, slicing off the Fiend's tail, the daemon screamed as his tail thrashed to the ground.

I approached the Fiend while picking up the staff on the ground, the Fiend tried to hit me with his claws, I swung my staff, hitting his left claw, freezing it, then the Fiend used his other claw, with a swing of my staff, the claw it was freeze.

With both claws frozen, Fiend climbed up on his hind legs and tried to stomp me with his front legs, I aimed my gauntlet at it and released a blast of fire, Fiend backed away, trying to escape the blazing flames, but due to his soaring position, he landed sideways on the floor.

My flames forced the Fiend to the center of the hall, looking up, I saw the great golden chandelier hanging from the ceiling, I pointed my staff at the chain that held the chandelier and sent a wave of lightning, the chain was broken and the great chandelier fell in on top of the Fiend, pinning him to the ground.

Now how was Haratek doing? Scanning the room, I saw the Cryptek fighting the Hate-Angel in the air.

Haratek pointed his rod at one of the Angels and unleashed a shower of lightning, the Angel flew out of the way with grace, closing in on Haratek, the daemon tried to slash the Cryptek with his claws, but Haratek left

The Angel removed his body from the wall and advanced, simultaneously another Angel of Hatred approached from behind Haratek, when the two got close, it seemed that the daemons could reach the Cryptek, but Haratek spun in the air, letting a daemon pass over and another underneath.

When the daemons were above and below Haratek simultaneously, the Cryptek unleashed a mighty kick, knocking one daemon to the ground and slamming his rod into the stomach of another daemon, pinning him against the ceiling.

Haratek electrocuted the demon, the being of the Imaterium screamed, trying to fight, its bat wings burning with the electricity destroying its body, when the daemon disappeared, Haratek dove towards the daemon that was on the ground, and hit its back with his staff, the impact cracking the ground and making the daemon disappear.

Haratek had no problems, time to finish off Fiend, I approached the trapped daemon, stopped in front of his body and raised my staff with both hands, energy flowing through the hilt and covering the ornament.

The daemon glared at me and let out a snarl, trying to break free, but it was no use.

I brought my staff down on its head, the blow was enough to shatter the daemon's head, crack the ground and create a small shock wave, and then the daemon disappeared.

"My lord!"

Looking back, I saw Rahkikh and Thaszan; they can't imagine how happy I felt seeing them.

"Rahkikh, Thaszan! Listen, I don't have time to explain, I need you to help me here! Haratek, go back to the tomb and activate the Pylon!" He said to the Lychguards.

"Yes, my lord!" Haratek shouted, opening an eternity gate and preparing to enter.

Until a distorted scream echoed through the room.


The medallion that Governor Mathias wore floated out of his neck and stopped in front of the portal where the purple creatures came out, energy came out of the portal and accumulated in the medallion, the entire tower shook, lightning ran through the room, hitting everything around it, the energy reached its peak, there was a big flash of light, then…


What happened? I felt like I was lying down. Did the explosion throw me? I think so. I was seeing static, but the lack of warnings from my systems indicated that no damage was done.

I got up, but with each flash of static, I saw something in the middle of the smoke created by the explosion. It was a gigantic figure, bigger than the Fiend was. When the smoke cleared, I realized how serious the situation had become.

The thing in front of me had purple skin and four arms, its upper arms ended in large metallic blades, its lower left arm held a spear and its right arm a circular shield.

The thing wore a purple loincloth with the symbol of Slaanesh and a pink cape around its hips, the thing was adorned in jewels, bracelets, necklaces and piercings, all gold and encrusted with precious stones.

It also wore a long high collar around its neck and on its head a crown made of long colored feathers, the thing had an elongated face with horns protruding from the sides of its head and a long tongue protruding from its mouth.

It was a Greater Demon of Slaanesh.

A Keeper of Secrets.

Looking around, I could see the sky, the roof and walls of the tower were destroyed, creating a flat, circular arena, out of the rubble, I saw my Warriors, Immortals, Lychguard and Cryptek rising, not a Daemonette was in sight, probably destroyed by the explosion, but there will be more.

Fifteen Warriors, five Immortals, Rahkikh, Thaszan, Haratek and I against a Keeper of Secrets, the chances of us winning are slim.

"Greetings mortals, I bring you the wonders of Slaanesh!" The Keeper of Secrets shouted, its voice distorted, sounding like a man and a woman speaking simultaneously.

The Keeper pointed its spear upwards and released a bolt of chaotic energy, the sky turned pink and opened up, releasing screams of pain and suffering. From that sky, balls of energy rained down and hit the ground. When one of them hit the floor of the tower, a Daemonette appeared.

Moreover, these balls of energy rained down around the island, the screams started, I could hear the screams of the population of Hidrus Quintus from here.

"Haratek, go back to the tomb and activate the Pylon." I told the Cryptek.

Without answering, Haratek opened an eternity gate and jumped inside.

"Not so fast!" The Keeper fired a beam at the gate of eternity, right after Haratek entered; the gate took on a pink hue and closed.

"What did you do?!?" I asked the Keeper.

"Don't worry, your friend is alive, for now, one of my friends would like to have some fun with him. She feels lonely, you know?" The Keeper said sadistically.

"If you think she's going to win, you are wrong. You don't know what Haratek is capable of." I replied.

"Better still, the more the prey resists, the more pleasant its death will be. However, you will be my partner tonight. Don't let me down; I'd rather leave the pathetic mortals of this planet to my subordinates." The Keeper said, approaching.

I didn't want it to get to this point, but I had no choice, I commanded my units to form a line between me and the Keeper, Warriors in front and Immortal behind.

"Rahkikh, Thaszan, protect me!"

"Yes, my lord!" The Lychguards responded.

Unfortunately, I still can't do hundreds of things at once like a Necron, so I need to stop and focus on what I want to do.

I "closed" my eyes and the world disappeared.























