
Rebirth of a Business Tycoon

The story centers around Zhou Ming, a shrewd and insightful financier, who successfully navigates a major stock market crash in Hong Kong. Set against the backdrop of a financial crisis, the novel details Zhou Ming’s strategic foresight and financial acumen.

Ahmed_Helmy11111 · 都市
1223 Chs

Chapter 29: Following the Sun's Path

As the monitor of the finance class, Chen Shu is very conscientious. Although he completely doesn't understand why Zhou Ming wants him to take the finance class and leave Brighton for the New York Consulate to avoid the disaster, he still carries out Zhou Ming order. The classmates in the finance class didn't dawdle either, and they left Harvard University in the shortest time possible. Four hours later, they were already at the Chinese Consulate in New York.

On the other hand, just an hour after the finance students left Harvard University, Zhou Ming saw the news that extremist groups had stormed the Harvard campus. Since the finance students had left early, which had caused many innocent other students to suffer. Apart from this, Ming also saw the news that the Wharton Insurance Company and the dormitory convenience store had been sealed off. Everything was just as Edward had said on the phone.

Zhou Ming let out a sigh of relief: it seems that there is still a need for trust between people. If he had even the slightest doubt about Edward's news, or if the finance class had the slightest doubt about him, then the result would have been different.

But before Zhou Ming could feel lucky, he received another phone call, from Tang Yu of the Tang family. This call was the last thing Zhou Ming expected. After all, he and Tang Ran contended for the Tang family inheritance. Although they had cooperated with each other during the Gulf War, Zhou Ming and Tang Yu did not have any friendship. How would he call? However, Zhou Ming was even more surprised after answering the call!

'Zhou Ming, you damned guy, you really are the most disgusting scoundrel! Let me ask you, what have you been doing out in the world? Have you been messing with the wrong people?' Tang Yu shouted in accusation.

Today was the second time Zhou Ming had heard those words. He remembered that the last time he heard them was when Governor Edward of Massachusetts informed him of the news. So now Tang Yu had also said those words?

Zhou Ming immediately realised what was going on and asked, 'Tang Yu, are you saying that there is also a problem with the Tang family?'

'So you still don't know?' Tang Yu said, a little surprised. 'It seems that our new family head didn't want to add to your pressure and kept the matter within the family, without telling you.'

'In fact, it's the Bank of Tang. Today, the Federal Reserve issued a US$10 billion fine to the Bank of Tang, saying that it had violated relevant Federal Reserve regulations and ordered all Bank of Tang branches to close for rectification. But the problem is that Tangren Bank has not violated any regulations. A friend of mine asked around and said that it was a plot set up by a certain sect, so I came to ask you.'

Tang Yu added, 'Although I don't have much to do with this damned bank anymore, I feel it is necessary to let you know because I am not under the jurisdiction of the new clan leader!'

Tang Yu had no need to deceive himself, so his words were completely believable, and Zhou Ming was also convinced that, given the personalities of Lin Muqing and Tang Ran, they would also bear the pressure of the the pressure of the Fed. Not only that, they would also persuade Tang Jingsheng and Tang Huiyin not to let these elders use this matter to contact them.

'I can only say I'm very sorry. I never thought that guy would find you to take revenge.'

Zhou Ming then told Tang Yu about the incident with Jefferson, and Tang Yu's reaction was the same as Edward's, and even more agitated.

'You bastard! Why didn't you tell us earlier? Do you know what kind of person Jefferson is? He is a devil as evil as Satan! This person does whatever he wants, but more importantly, he has the absolute power to crush us. Zhou Ming, you bastard, are you sure you really love those two women? If it were you, why would you be so brainless?'

Tang Yu roared loudly on the other end of the phone, and the anger in his voice made Zhou Ming believe that if he were standing in front of him right now, he would devour him alive.

Finally, after Tang Yu finished scolding him, Zhou Ming spoke up, saying, 'I do need to apologize for what happened today. This was an unanticipated mistake on my part, but I will make up for it as much as possible. Please believe that my feelings for Tang Ran and Lin Muqing are also genuine!'

Zhou Ming's tone was very assertive, but Tang Yu said disdainfully on the other end, 'What do your feelings have to do with me? As long as my arms business continues, I'll be happy to see you all go to hell!'

Tang Yu hung up the phone after saying this, which made Zhou Ming a little stunned on the other end, because Tang Yu's words were obviously very arrogant. Why hadn't he noticed this trait in him before?

Suddenly, Zhou Ming felt someone watching him. He immediately turned around and saw Caitlin standing behind him with two cups of tea. It was only then that Zhou Ming remembered what he had said on the phone. But before Ming could explain, Caitlin said, 'I don't want to hear about Lin Muqing and Tang Ran. The phone call just now was about the Tang family in San Francisco, wasn't it?'

Since Caitlin had directly skipped over the topic of Lin Moqing and Tang Ran, there was no reason for Zhou Ming to dwell on it, so he also replied, 'Yes, Jefferson has used his connections at the Federal Reserve to sanction the Tang Bank. Judging by the time, the stock market in New York has already opened, and it is estimated that the Dow family will suffer huge losses. I never thought that Jefferson would act so quickly and actually get the Fed to do his bidding.

'Jefferson is a strange character, perhaps because he is an illegitimate child. He basically does whatever he wants, and is not like the average aristocrat. As for the Federal Reserve, there is a different situation.'

Caitlin then explained to Ming Zhou, 'You should know that the Federal Reserve is actually a joint-stock company controlled by major US banks. Therefore, as long as Jefferson has a controlling interest in the major shareholders of the Federal Reserve, the right to speak, then he can rely on the energy of these major shareholders to manipulate the Fed. It so happens that the major banks in the United States are basically sectarian holdings, so it is not surprising that Jefferson can direct the Fed.'

'It seems that I really don't know much about the outside world, but I still don't regret what happened today!' Zhou Ming said.

Caitlin was surprised by Zhou Ming, because she could not see any negative emotions on his face. On the contrary, because of Jefferson's actions, he was a little...excited?

'So Caitlin, you know Jefferson better than I do, so what do you think he'll do next? I have a feeling he won't stop here,' asked Zhou Ming.

Caitlin shook her head: 'I don't think you should ask me this question, you should ask Zhou Ming yourself.'

Zhou Ming paused for a moment, as if he had thought of something. Caitlin then told him, 'From Brighton to San Francisco, Jefferson has always chosen to target the people or families that are closest to you, and they have all chased the sun's orbit. Then, going by this logic, the next place he might strike is either Port City or Huaxia, but given the current weakness of any sects in Huaxia, the most likely target is Port City.'

Zhou Ming's guess coincided with Caitlyn's, so after listening to Caitlyn's analysis, Zhou Ming immediately called Li Cheng's phone, but Li Cheng's phone was currently busy.

This made Zhou Ming feel very strange, because judging by the time, when it was night in Harburg, it was just the early hours of the morning in the harbour city. How could the phone be busy at this time? Of course, it is also possible that Li Cheng had something else to do at the last minute. After all, as the future Chinese tycoon, it is normal for him to have some early morning business to discuss. However, when Zhou Ming tried to call Li Cheng again after a while and found that the line was still busy, Zhou Ming suddenly had a bad feeling.

It was probably a coincidence the first time, but not the second or the third.

When Zhou Ming finally got through to Li Cheng's number for the fourth time, he heard Li Cheng's tired voice on the other end: 'I told you, we can talk about this tomorrow. There's always a way out.'

From his words, Zhou Ming knew that he was thinking of someone else, and also heard that something had indeed happened in the harbour city. So Zhou Ming immediately introduced himself: 'Brother Cheng, I'm Zhou Ming. I think I need to apologize to you. Is there a problem with your business in the harbour city?'

Li Cheng was stunned to hear this and then asked, 'So it really was you who had an accident in the outside world?'

'There was an accident, I'm afraid I'm going to have to face a man named Jefferson head-on. This is his revenge on me, but I didn't expect him to take direct revenge on everyone connected to me so quickly,' said Zhou Ming.

'I see. If it's him, it's understandable. This person is the craziest lunatic in the outside world,' Li Cheng said. 'And this time, not only did I have an accident, but even Teacher Tong's shipping company had a major problem.'

Li Cheng then told Zhou Ming that his Long River Industry had encountered problems with the ore business it had just acquired in Brazil. As a result of the impact on local businesses, the government had directly abandoned the transaction but would not refund the advance payments already received, directly resulting in losses of billions of dollars for Long River Industry. As for Tong Gang's Harbour City Shipping Group, all ten of his cargo ships registered in the Americas have been seized by the relevant local authorities, and the estimated loss will reach tens of billions of dollars.

'This damned guy is really quite generous!' Zhou Ming said helplessly, 'But Brother Cheng, please accept Chairman Tong's invitation. Since this matter started with me, I will bear the full responsibility for the losses you have suffered!'

Li Cheng said, 'Zhou Ming, although we have only known each other for a short period of three years, don't you know the character of Teacher Tong and I? We can afford this loss, but only if you can find a way to defeat that damned Jefferson. We can't lose for nothing! I think Teacher Tong thinks the same way as I do.'

'Well, since you've said so, Cheng, I'll do as you ask,' Zhou Ming said. "I do have a way to deal with Jefferson, but I'm waiting for some news. As soon as I get the news, I'll get started.'

'Then I'll wait for your good news in Port City!" Li Cheng said.

Some things always come when they are spoken. Just as Zhou Ming hung up the phone with Li Cheng, Louise's phone immediately rang. Zhou Ming answered immediately, and Louise told him, 'Congratulations, Mr. Zhou Ming. I'm calling to bring you very good news!'