
Rebirth of a Business Tycoon

The story centers around Zhou Ming, a shrewd and insightful financier, who successfully navigates a major stock market crash in Hong Kong. Set against the backdrop of a financial crisis, the novel details Zhou Ming’s strategic foresight and financial acumen.

Ahmed_Helmy11111 · 都市
1223 Chs

Chapter 22: Throwing a brick to attract jade

Just this morning, the Fugue Bank encountered an unprecedented run on the bank. The reason why this run is unprecedented is because there was only one person who went to the Fugue Bank to run on it, and he was Joe Roth, an investor in the Quantum Fund. Just this morning, George Soros presented a cheque for a total value of 10 billion francs to the Fugue Bank for encashment, saying that this was just the beginning and that in the following days he would continue to bring in more cheques for encashment.

As we all know, George Soros' Quantum Fund has just beaten the Bank of England and is currently buying francs. Only God knows how much wealth he has in his hands, but it is foreseeable that Vouge Bank will be greatly affected.

It is reported that following the run on the bank, the shares of Fugro Bank have fallen by more than three percentage points in an hour, which is a significant drop for Fugro Bank. It is obvious It is clear that all investors believe that by doing so, George Soros may be shorting VZug Bank, and that the sensible thing to do is to abandon VZug Bank shares. In fact, that is what investors are doing.

I think that in the next few days, if George Soros continues his squeeze, he will not only make more investors sell sell their shares in Fugger Bank, but could also trigger a massive run on the bank, which would cause even greater stock market turbulence and plunge the country into a nightmarish downward spiral.

This was the news broadcast on the radio, and hearing this news, Andre was shocked, because the Fugger Bank was the core industry of the Harburg family that he controlled.

But Andre clearly wasn't going to give in so easily: 'Do you really expect me to believe what you're saying just because you're holding this?'

Zhou Ming laughed: 'Are you saying that you don't believe it's real, Count, and that you think I'm just playing a recording on a tape recorder to scare you? I'm very sorry, but I'm not that kind of person. I think only you, Count, would do such a thing.'

As Zhou Ming spoke, Andre's face grew increasingly red, because he knew very well that Zhou Ming would never bring out a recorder. would achieve nothing but make him a laughing stock. Besides, there was no way he could fake such news. All he had to do was call the bank himself and everything would be revealed.

God seemed to hear André's thoughts. At that moment, a servant rushed into the hall and kept shouting at André, 'Sir, there's been an accident at the Fugger Bank!'

The servant caused a sudden uproar, and Andre also felt dizzy. No one expected that this seemingly reckless and barbaric Chinese would actually release this news.

However to Zhou Ming, of course, it was not enough just to release the news. He then added, 'If Mr. Andre pays attention to the news regularly, he should know that I hold the controlling interest in this quantum fund. I think you understand what I mean by saying this, don't you?'

In fact here, Zhou Ming has set a linguistic trap. Zhou Ming did invest in the Quantum Fund, but his actual shareholding is only a part of it. In fact, if you really want to be serious, Zhou Ming can't even completely influence the decisions of the Quantum Fund.

However , it feels too exaggerated to explain it like this. However, here Zhou Ming only said that he is the controlling shareholder, and to Andre, it is only natural to think that it was absolute control, and that he had even helped to establish it. This was simply a subconscious mind-set, but the consequences of the two ideas were worlds apart.

'Are you saying that you manipulated the run on Fugger Bank?' Andre asked, clearly not noticing the verbal trap Zhou Ming had set, which was actually impossible for him to notice.

Zhou Ming snapped his fingers: 'That's what I meant!'

'You think I'll believe you if you say that?' Andre said with gritted teeth.

Zhou Ming smiled. 'I'm asking you, Count, if you could say it differently. I'm tired of hearing you say the same thing over and over again. If you don't believe me, fine, just throw me out and see how long your Vulgabank lasts.'

Andre's face turned very ugly. 'So you do have an agenda!'

'I I say, Mr. Andre, you are a count after all, can you say something nutritious? Of course I have an aim, otherwise what would I do with the radio? To broadcast the news to you?' Zhou Ming said meaningfully, 'So, Mr. Andre, are you still going to kick me out?'

Zhou Ming This rhetorical question was like a sledgehammer, pounding Andre's chest so hard that he almost coughed up a mouthful of old blood.

What a slap in the face! ! This is definitely a slap in the face, and it is even more intolerable that he has to do it himself.

You should know know that just now, Andre just said he wanted to kill Zhou Ming and throw him into the Rhine, but now he has to retract these words. Not only can't he beat him, he has to keep him in the castle. This is not just a slap in the face, but also a more serious loss of his prestige.

But... ...if not, what else can be done?

In the end, Andre bowed his head to Zhou Ming and said, 'For now, you can stay at Harburg, but don't think you've won. I'll get it all back!'

Zhou Ming advised with all the sincerity he could muster: 'My lord Count, how can you forget again? You must never say such things. What if you get slapped in the face again in the future?'

At Zhou Ming's words, behind Andre, someone couldn't help but laugh out loud, and Andre felt that his face had already been swollen by Zhou Ming. He was now frantically trying to kill Zhou Ming. So in the end, Andre chose to turn around and walk away directly, because he felt that as long as he was still in the lobby in front of Zhou Ming, his face was going to be pressed to the ground and rubbed at will by Zhou Ming.

After Andre After Andre left, Ming and Caitlin left as well. The difference from before was that this time, all the family members consciously made way for them, rather than leaving in a swarm and no one paying any attention to them.

This was a very inconspicuous little gesture, but it shows that at least for now, these people no longer think of them as just there for a laugh, as they once did. Through the series of events just now, they realised that Ming and Caitlin at least had the strength to compete with Andre, even if only temporarily. As members of the audience, they did not want to be involved.

At noon, Ming Zhou Ming and Caitlin left Harrogate. After all, Andre had not even arranged for everyone to stay overnight, so naturally he had not arranged for dinner either. Therefore, Zhou Ming and Caitlin needed to find a hotel in the city on their own.

On the way, received a phone call from Louise. The content of the call was nothing special, just that Louise hoped to have lunch with them at noon and discuss the afternoon together.

After hanging up with Louise Louise's phone call, Caitlin said with emotion, 'Zhou Ming, you were absolutely right. In the morning, when Andre bullied us like that and deliberately turned off our microphones, she could have helped but said not a word. Now that she has seen that you are capable of making Andre bow to you, she has taken the initiative to contact us. In any case, we must have the strength to take action ourselves, and we cannot pin our hopes on others, no matter who they are!'

Zhou Ming smiled and told her, 'That's for sure, because only equal strength can be called cooperation, otherwise it's just one-sided begging for alms from others. And almsgiving has always been seen as a matter of character, so it's hard to have any credibility, even if you really have something the other person wants in your hands.'

'But now the situation is different now,' Zhou Ming added, "We have already made a move. If Princess Louise doesn't do something, it would be too much to ask. This is called "throwing a brick to attract jade'.

An hour later, Zhou Ming and Caitlin arrived at the Violet Hotel in downtown Harrodsburg, which was the dining venue chosen by Louise or the royal family behind her.

It has to be said that the royal family is very particular. The Violet Hotel was actually converted from a castle and is a very luxurious hotel. However, due to the elegant surroundings, it looks very tasteful, and the food here is also the most famous in the entire Harburg City, so many wealthy people also come here to eat.

Here, Zhou Ming and Caitlin ordered a private room. They only had to wait less than ten minutes before the door to the room was knocked on and Louise and her servant entered.

'Caitlin I am very happy to be dining with you. God knows we haven't done so since I married into the royal family, have we? I can still remember when my brother, your father, was there too, but things have changed since then!'

Louise came in and said to Caitlin with emotion, as a noblewoman, she is very good at putting on a show, if Zhou Ming hadn't helped Caitlin sort out the key points, she would have almost believed it.

Since they had to put on an act, Caitlin also recalled together, 'Yes, my dear aunt, if my father were still here, he would be very happy.'

After a while of sighing and feeling sad, they sat down together. Louise also understood that her acting was just a joke in front of Zhou Ming and Caitlin, so she then got to the point: 'Recalling an hour ago in Harburg, your performance was really amazing. I can't believe you guys control an institution like Quantum Fund and that you were able to pull off a run on Fugro on this scale.


'Of course, we wouldn't have come to this meeting in Harburg so easily,' Caitlyn explained.

'But here have to criticise you. Why didn't you tell me in advance? Do you know how worried I was about you?' Louise said in a feigned anger.

Zhou Ming of course understood that she was still putting on an act, and played along with her: 'I'm very sorry, Your Royal Highness, it was our mistake to hide it from you, but we weren't sure what the effect of the run on the quantum fund would have an effect, and we were even worried that it would disrupt some of your plans, so we kindly kept it from you.'

Although this explanation was full of holes, Louise accepted it: 'I understand your good intentions, but this is a one-off. If there's a next time, I'll be really angry.'

Zhou Ming and Caitlin nodded with a smile, and finally Louise said, 'But since you have already made your move, it would be inappropriate for me, as the elder, not to do something in return, so I will also help you this afternoon.'

Zhou Ming had been waiting for this sentence, and immediately pulled Caitlyn's head and nodded, 'Then I'll leave it to Her Royal Highness!'