
Rebirth; Lost In Oblivion

It's already known that the world is headed for two ends; an evolution or an extinction. Well, for this fantasy world, there is a little bit of both and a third one included in the equation; this is none other than REBIRTH. Read as the humans of that world-changing era, with a group of individuals as the center of the story navigate the whole era as they try to grasp the new changes being dumped on them while also trying to survive through the perils of the world-changing era. On top of these, there's also an otherworldly being who narrates the whole ordeal and gets their life influenced by the lives of the group of individuals from a first point of view and not the usual third point of view.

K1ngRox1E · ファンタジー
39 Chs

Soul energies

The healers collapsed onto the ground, their bodies exhausted and drained from the intense energy expenditure.

They had given it their all to save Chimsy, and it showed.

Their faces were pale, their eyes sunken, and their breathing laboured.

The tall lanky male healer, who had been the most energetic and enthusiastic of the trio, lay on his back, his arms splayed out to the sides.

His chest rose and fell with each shallow breath, and his eyes were closed as if he was savouring the momentary peace.

One of the female healers sat with her back against a nearby rock, her head in her hands.

She looked like she was about to collapse at any moment, her body swaying precariously to one side.

Her eyes were closed, and her breathing was slow and deliberate.

The burly, rugged-looking male healer lay on his stomach, his head resting on his arms.

He looked like a felled beast, his massive body sprawled out across the ground. His eyes were closed, and his breathing was heavy and laboured.

They had given everything to save Chimsy, and it showed.

They had poured all their energy into her, leaving themselves drained and exhausted.

But they had done it, they had saved her, and that was all that mattered.

As they lay there, they knew that they had made a difference.

They had saved a human life, and that was the greatest reward of all.

They knew that they would have to rest and recover, but for now, they could bask in the glow of their triumph.

Ethan approached the healers, his face filled with concern. "You all need to rest," he said, his voice firm but gentle. "You've given everything to save the two of them, and it's clear that you're exhausted."

The healers nodded, their eyes still closed. They knew that they had pushed themselves to the limit and that they needed to replenish their energies.

"Come on," Ethan said, his voice encouraging. "Let's get you all to rest. You're the most vital members of our team, and we need you at full strength."

The healers slowly got to their feet, their bodies swaying precariously.

Ethan and the people nearby helped them, supporting their weight as they made their way to a nearby clearing.

Jackson Lee lifted the tall lanky male healer and one of the female healers on his both arms as he followed Ethan and the others.

They were taken to one of the fourteen sections and the three female healers rested on the bed in that section.

Then the remaining healers were guided into another room where they rested on the bed.

As I watched the healers rest, I couldn't help but think about the intricacies of energy replenishment.

It had been figured out by many people already.

You see, energy replenishment was not only done after killing creatures that were found in these various scenarios.

It also had to do with allowing the body and mind to recharge, to replenish the vital forces that drove the humans forward.

In this new world, energy was everything.

It worked hand in hand with the energy that drove the body; the energy in all the cells of the human body, to the extent that they almost were continuous.

But the two energies weren't continuous.

This energy was the force that drove the humans' new abilities, willing them to life.

And when they used their abilities, they depleted that energy, draining their reserves and leaving them vulnerable even to the point of death.

This energy originated from the souls of the humans channelling into their bodies and only giving the bodies the abilities they showed.

The bodies already transformed by the sudden evolution could then bear the weight of the abilities.

So aside from the reward gotten from killing the creatures, the humans had another way of replenishing their soul energies.

It was a slow process, one that required patience and rest.

But it was also a powerful one, one that could restore us to full strength and beyond.

As I watched the healers sleep, I could see their energies slowly replenishing.

It was a subtle process, one that was hard to see with the naked eye.

But I knew that already because of my status.

Ethan turned to us with a warm smile, his eyes shining with kindness. "Hello everyone," he said, his voice firm and clear. "I know it's too late to do this but still... My name is Ethan Thompson, and I'm the leader of this group. I'm glad that we found you guys."

Dae-su Han stepped forward, supporting Chimsy as she walked and stood. "I'm Dae-su Han," he said, his eyes locked onto Ethan's. "And this is Chimsy. We're grateful for your help back there."

Ethan nodded, his smile widening. "It was our pleasure. We're just glad we could help."

Jackson Lee spoke up next, his voice deep and smooth. "I'm Jackson Lee. Nice to meet you, Ethan."

I smiled, holding Baby Sophia close. "And I'm Walker and this is Baby Sophia. We're thankful for your help too."

Ethan's eyes crinkled at the corners as he smiled at us. "Well, it's nice to meet all of you. We're a diverse group, but we work well together. It's always a pleasure to see more people join us. "

He led us through the winding paths of the House, his feet sure and steady. We followed closely behind, our eyes fixed on his back.

Finally, we arrived at a small section, nestled in a quiet corner of the semicircular House. Ethan turned to us, his eyes serious. "This is it," he said. "This is the last section available for you guys to rest. We're lucky to have it, considering the House is already at capacity. "

Jackson Lee looked around, taking in the small space.

It was cosy, with one bed nestled in the corner; the bed wasn't as big as the healer's but it was okay for at least two people, although it wasn't long enough to accommodate Jackson Lee's giant form.

A small chest sat in the center of the room for belongings but we had nothing to put in it. There were soft luminescent orbs placed on small pedestals, casting a calming glow over the bed.

"How many people are in the House?" Jackson Lee asked, his eyes curious.

"Thirty-nine," Ethan replied. "We have three people assigned to each section, but it's rare to find all three occupants sleeping at the same time.

Except for the healers, of course. They need more rest than the rest of us, and their beds are larger to accommodate their needs."

Jackson Lee nodded, understanding. It made sense that the healers would need more rest, considering the energy they expended to keep others alive.

"Get some rest," Ethan said, his voice soft. "You'll need it for what's to come."

And with that, he turned and left us, disappearing into the darkness of the House.

We settled into our new room, our bodies exhausted from the recent events.

Dae-su Han helped Chimsy onto one of the beds, her eyes already closing in exhaustion.

Jackson Lee took a seat on the ground, the room wasn't that big but it was big enough to accommodate him and the rest of us.

I sat down beside him with baby Sophia still in my arms observing the room with a detached look.

The whole ordeal had turned her childlike countenance into a bit more mature one.

She almost looked as if she was thinking about her life but she wasn't.

She just had the detached look and was yawning from time to time.