
Rebirth; Lost In Oblivion

It's already known that the world is headed for two ends; an evolution or an extinction. Well, for this fantasy world, there is a little bit of both and a third one included in the equation; this is none other than REBIRTH. Read as the humans of that world-changing era, with a group of individuals as the center of the story navigate the whole era as they try to grasp the new changes being dumped on them while also trying to survive through the perils of the world-changing era. On top of these, there's also an otherworldly being who narrates the whole ordeal and gets their life influenced by the lives of the group of individuals from a first point of view and not the usual third point of view.

K1ngRox1E · ファンタジー
36 Chs


At that moment Saanvi walked into the room, her presence commanding attention.

Her striking features and captivating beauty took Dae-su Han aback, leaving him momentarily speechless.

Saanvi, was a stunning woman with a skin that had a warm, golden undertone, and was smooth and unblemished, like porcelain.

Jackson and Chimsy turned to her, their faces filled with a mix of curiosity and wariness.

I nodded in greeting.

I was the only one who actually knew who Saanvi was.

"What do you know about our situation?" Saanvi asked, her eyes scanning our faces. "What's going on in this world?"

I narrated the whole situation to her.

Saanvi's eyes narrowed.

They were deep and expressive, with an alluring shade of dark brown that seemed to hold a world of wisdom and kindness within them.

"Well, that changes a lot of things. " she said as she paused to gather her thoughts. "This building you speak of. Where can we find it?"

"I don't know. But I know that its our escape out of here. "

Chimsy eyes were closed as she battled sleep.

Dae-su Han's gaze was still fixed on Saanvi, his expression a mix of fascination and awe.

His eyes scanned her from head to toe with unbridled admiration.

The leather armor she wore, crafted by her own skilled hands, hugged her curves in all the right places, showcasing her stunning physique.

The armor's dark brown hue complemented her golden skin, accentuating her natural beauty.

As his eyes traced the contours of her body, Dae-su Han's mind struggled to comprehend the sheer magnitude of her loveliness.

Her curves were a masterpiece, a symphony of femininity that left him awestruck.

Her eyelashes were long and luscious, adding a dramatic flair to her already striking gaze.

Her nose was small and slightly upturned, giving her an endearing and playful appearance.

Her lips were full and plump, painted a natural deep shade of red that added a pop of color to her already vibrant complexion.

Her facial structure was a masterpiece of elegance, with high cheekbones and a defined jawline that spoke about her strength and resilience.

Dae-su Han's gaze lingered on her shoulders, strong and broad, yet feminine and graceful.

As his eyes continued their journey, they traced the curves of her hips and the swell of her thighs.

The armor's leather seemed to mold itself to her body, highlighting every subtle contour and curve.

Dae-su Han's breath caught in his throat as he realized he was holding his breath.

He exhaled slowly, his eyes never leaving Saanvi's captivating form.

Even on this forsaken planet, surrounded by danger and uncertainty, Saanvi's beauty shone like a beacon.

Then he felt his face flush with a mix of embarrassment and admiration.

Realizing he was staring, he quickly turned his gaze away, his eyes dropping to the ground.

He took a deep breath, attempting to compose himself.

He cleared his throat as if he had been caught gazing too intently at Saanvi.

"No matter how i look at this, its better than nothing. I'm really glad that we stumbled into you guys. " Saanvi said and then realised what she hadn't done.

She suddenly remembered she hadn't introduced herself.

A gentle smile spread across her face as she took a step forward, her hand extended in greeting. "I'm so sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Saanvi," she said, her voice warm and confident.

Dae-su Han's face flushed as he sheepishly stepped forward to shake her hand. "I'm Dae-su Han," he said, the smile on his face as wide as his face could accommodate.

I followed suit, introducing myself with a nod " I'm Walker,"

Jackson Lee flashed a bright smile as he extended his hand. "And I'm Jackson Lee. Nice to meet you, Saanvi."

Saanvi's handshake was firm, and as she released their hands, her eyes crinkled at the corners. "Likewise, it's great to meet all of you. I have to say, I'm impressed by the information you've brought us." Her gaze flickered to me and then Sophia. "Is that your baby? "

"No. She is just a survivor we met on the way. " I said

"Wow. The youngest here is fourteen." She said as she stared at Sophia , concern not evident in her face but in her heart.

She wondered how the child could survive in such a situation.

"What is your ability? " Dae-su Han asked wanting to find out more about the breath taking woman.

Saanvi's eyes sparkled with a hint of wistfulness as she spoke of her abilities. "I can build whatever I can imagine, but it comes at a cost. For example everything in this house including the house itself was built by me but my energy is drained after each creation, leaving me weak and vulnerable. It's a double-edged sword, really. I'm grateful for my ability, but sometimes I wish I had a more combat-oriented power, something that would allow me to defend myself without relying on others."

Dae-su Han's expression turned thoughtful, his brow furrowed in understanding. "I can see how that would be challenging. But your ability is incredible, Saanvi. You've built an entire house, a sanctuary in this desolate place. That's no small feat."

Saanvi's smile was tinged with a hint of sadness. "Yes, but it's not just about building things. It's about being able to protect myself. I feel...vulnerable, relying on others to keep me safe."

Jackson Lee nodded in understanding, recognizing the desire for self-sufficiency. "We all have our own strengths and weaknesses, Saanvi. Maybe your ability isn't about combat, but about creating a sense of security and comfort in a place that offers neither."

Saanvi felt a sudden surge of awkwardness as the conversation shifted from an informative one to a heartfelt pep talk.

She hadn't intended to reveal her insecurities about her ability, and now that they were out in the open, she felt vulnerable and exposed, especially since she had never let anyone in her group know about how she felt and how vulnerable she really was.

As I and Dae-su Han offered words of encouragement, Saanvi's face grew hot with embarrassment.

She fidgeted with her hands, her eyes darting around the room in search of an escape from the uncomfortable spotlight.

But as she listened to our words, something inside her began to shift.

She realized that we didn't mean any harm or trying to offer empty platitudes.

We were genuinely trying to help her see her ability in a new light.

As much as she could appear as a jovial, light hearted person she was a very suspicious person.

She was very stingy with her trust and that trait became even worse when she entered the scenario.

It was a surprise to herself how she opened up to us.

Saanvi's awkwardness slowly gave way to a sense of gratitude.

Her face softened, her eyes shining with gratitude. "Thank you," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

She took a deep breath, her shoulders squaring as she regained her composure. "Welcome, again. I'm glad you're here." Her gaze swept across our faces, her smile warm and genuine. "I'll go brief Ethan on what you've told me. He needs to know about the building " She turned to leave. "I'll be back soon. We have a lot to discuss." With that, she walked out of the room.