
Rebirth in the Other World as a Dragon

【Rebirth+Giant Dragon+Western Fantasy+ System+Slow Pace+Bringing Sisters+Evil Keeping Order+ New Version of Western Fantasy Worldview】 Born again in a western fantasy otherworld as a red dragon, wearing a crown given by an old woman, twenty percent human nature, fifty percent dragon nature, and thirty percent divinity, constructing a peculiar red dragon who loves to collect tolls, loves to cook, and loves his sister.

SlNZL · ファンタジー
56 Chs

Chapter 42 - So I'll give you a name, okay?

  All eyes were fixed on the magic array.

  Only Leah, who was standing in the center of the spell, was still chanting in her mind with her eyes closed.

  The orange glow lit up.

  Then converge into a ball.

  What a strong magic wave.

  It's at least up to the middle order.

  Summoning a summoned beast of a rank far higher than one's own was not all good for the summoner.

  It's not easy to tame.

  Especially one like Leah...

  The eyes floated up and down Leah's body.

  Well, it's clean.

  Not a single magic item in sight.

  A hint of worry showed in his eyes.

  Worry was starting to set in in Erin's mind.

  This summoned beast might not be one that Leia could enslave.

  Orange magic coalesced into a three-meter-long drum kit.

  Or a big one.

  The magic collapsed away without warning.

  The magical beasts inside were revealed.

  Four robust, scaly claws lay steady on the ground, and his body was long and slender, with a scythe-like tail scythe at the end of his long tail.

  The cold glint on it left no doubt as to its sharpness.

  The neck was long, the head was broad, and a pair of red vertical pupils were filled with an icy color.

  A red scale looks thick and wide.

  This whole body of scales.

  Can't go wrong.

  It's a morodor!

  A magical beast so ferocious that its own kind will eat it.


  Morodo is notoriously arrogant.

  Erin wasn't worried about Morodo attacking Leia.

  Summoned beasts cannot attack the summoner.

  This is His covenant with the Fourth Coronation.

  Out of the gate Morodo swiveled his large head around scanning the surrounding area finally settling his gaze on the human in front of him.

  As the summoned, Morodo could sense a layer of connection between himself and the human before him.

  This human...

  The fiery red vertical pupils tightened violently.

  Morodo took a step back.

  His own call was answered.

  That's great.

  With anticipation rising in his heart.

  Leah opened her eyes.

  The first thing that came into view was a large head.

  It was densely covered with fine red scales.

  Looks a little rough.



  So mean.

  The calf took a step backward.

  Wait, calm down.

  Calm down.

  Summoned beasts don't attack their masters.

  At this moment Leah immediately remembered what Mentor Erin had taught her.

  Force yourself to calm down.

  Gathering his courage he surveyed his new companion before him.

  A fiery red scale was rough and thick.

  The claws look sharp too.

  The large head looks menacing.

  The fiery red vertical pupils were also fierce.

  As she looked at her new partner in front of her, only one thought remained in Leah's mind.

  It's mean!

  Can one get along with him?

  A new concern rose in his mind.

  No, at least... Should have tried.

  Yeah, try it.

  Get your courage back.

  Leah slowly raised her hand towards her new partner, who didn't recognize the breed in front of her.

  "That~ Hello."

  Seeing the human in front of him raise his hand.

  The color of struggle flashed in the eyes of Morodo, whose pupils had shrunk violently.

  Morodo didn't move.

  Leah kept moving.

  And so it was after a minute or so.

  Morodo closed his eyes.

  The next second it lifted a paw and took a step forward.

  The large head pushed up under the back of Leah's hand.

  The suddenness of the scene caused Leah to flinch.

  She was trying to shake paws with her new partner.

  How is it that this is...

  Pissing around?

  You're so mean, but you're so nice.

  The fear in his heart for his new partner faded a lot in this moment.

  Small hands turned over and gently stroked up the head of his new companion.

  A little rough to the touch.

  Same as your own hand.

  Thinking about it, Leah felt a new affinity for this new companion.

  Feel the stroking hand on the skull.

  Morodo's body swayed, but the next second it regained its composure.


  Is this submission?

  It's not right.

  This is very wrong.

  Erin had just never seen a Morodor who submitted so dryly.

  How could a human do such a thing except for the Fourth Coronation's Divine Favorites?

  Could Leah be a Divine Favorite?

  And no, if that were true the Fourth Church would have come to pick them up long ago.

  The more I think about it, the more complicated the problem seems to become.


  This Leah guy is so lucky.

  This Wraith is beautiful.

  Robust body, sharp claws.

  Slender sickle tail.

  Simply a combination of beauty!

  Bertha's gaze burned.

  Couldn't take my eyes off it at all.


  Though I don't know what the beast is.

  But looking at the shape it should not be a good magical beast.


  This magical beast actually submitted directly to Leah!

  It seems one must seize the opportunity to befriend this former little transparency.

  A common idea among ten students in the class.

  But the chances...

  They've been waiting for over a month.

  This little transparency gives absolutely no chance of any crossover.

  Leave every day after class, or just get called away by Tutor Erin.



  Hearing Mentor Erin's voice, Leah raised her head.

  In front of you is Mentor Erin.

  "Mentor Irene?"

  "Do you know why your summoned beast submitted directly to you?"

  Erin asked directly what was on her mind.

  Upon hearing Tutor Erin's question, the other students immediately perked up their ears.

  This question was also something they were curious about.


  Mentor Irene what did she say?

  What submissive.

  Looking at the little guy in front of him with a confused expression.

  Forget that the little guy misses a lot of school.

  A lot of not-so-important lessons were not made up.

  "A summoned beast's willingness to allow the summoner to place a hand on its head is a sign of complete sincerity~" Erin spoke up to narrate.


  Hearing Mentor Erin's words Leah was even more confused.

  So it's a sign of submission?

  But why?

  Why did it submit to itself.

  Looking at Leah who had become even more confused in front of her, her large round eyes had forgotten to blink for a while.

  It seems she doesn't know either.

  "You could try asking it."

  The Summoner can communicate with the Summoned Beast's mind.

  "Okay Mentor Erin, I'll try then."


  Looking down at the docile Wraith in front of him.

  It doesn't seem like it's all that aggressive.

  Seems kind of cute.

  Small hands lifted to rest on the massive head.

  Close your eyes.

  Orange magic lit up.

  Can you hear me?

  [Main... Man]

  Intermittent indistinguishable gender accents.

  It responded.

  [Why did you choose to submit to me?]

  [Main... Person... BODY... On... There are... Fear... Terror... ...of... Breath... [Gasps]

  Hearing the reply, Leah was confused.

  Scary breath?

  On your own?

  [On my body?


  Leah: ...

  A head of steam jpg.

  If you can't figure it out, you'd better ask Mentor Erin.

  I'm Ria. How are you?

  No... Yes... Name... [Word]

  [Then I'll get you one, okay?]


  Hear it agreed.

  Leah began to think.

  What should be a good name.

  But before that.

  [By the way, what's your gender?]



  What about Lysette?



  This time there was a little more volatility in the voice.

  Well, let's get along from now on, Lisette.


  Getting a response, Leah chose to disconnect the psychic communication.

  Leah opened her eyes.

  Looking at Mentor Erin in front of him.

  "Lisette says I have the scent of terror in me."

  "Mentor Erin do you know what's going on?"

  Terrifying breath.

  It seems to be something that can only be sensed between magical beasts.

  If we're going to talk about the ones that can leave a scent on Leah.

  There should only be one more.

  Her mysterious summoned beast.

  Bloodline suppression?

  It could terrorize Morodo, who had the potential for seven rings of growth.

  It has to be a Legendary Bloodline at least!

  This little guy is a lucky man indeed.

  A smile could not help but appear on his face.

  Looking at the little one in front of her, Erin spoke.

  "It should be your partner's contract."

  "Leah you're lucky."

  "Work hard ~ work hard to gain your partner's approval"

  "That way you can be the best summoner ever."

  It's the first time I've been complimented in any way.

  The little face couldn't help but become flushed.


  Heavy nodded his little head.

  "I will Erin-sensei~!"

  [I'm sure I'll get my partner's approval!
