

Alex a person living in modern earth has died and reincarnated into the world of shinobi he never wanted this all he wanted is to lazy around and enjoy life but the fate is cruel as the selected world for him became world of shinobi where the strong survive and weak perish as he exactly knows that let's see what he do

Killerarrow007 · アニメ·コミックス
18 Chs


soon Alex and company has reached a small town where Naruto and jiraya will be and as soon as they got they book themselves some inn and searched soon they got to their Target

Tsunade was drinking and gambling in a bar where the owners got headache as she doesn't pay and still want more booze Alex got in and say the supposed to be next hokage she was wasted there

Alex thought looks like my idiotic brother was still not here we must get to our work immediately soon he also saw shizune trying to stop Tsunade and now is the good time they don't have money she is drunk this is the perfect time I told kagura exactly what to do she paid for the shop telling only if she accepted her as her disciple soon some drama unfolded and she has folded the case perfectly I told her don't hide anything tell her I told you to join her because of her expertise like i care about anyone now I got like 100 ways to fight and escape

so how did it go I asked kagura

it went well but she knows that iam here for that and there will be definitely some introgation

you know nothing of my plans and even my plan is half assed plan so even if they search you mind your safe and I told you ,you are will be going as disciple of Tsunade not become ninja you can learn seals and jutsus and chakra control everything is in the scroll I gave you as per your affinity water so there is nothing more the village needs from you work at hospital some time for experience and also learn how to make pills like basic alchemist and also herbology take all the knowledge that you can when I revive our clan that will be useful we lack money that I will take car of and all the other worries don't think about it I will make sure we get a safe place even if we don't occupy our parents land it's still uzumaki people land sooner or later we will take back what is ours so now seems like a guest has come to my place (kurama notified him)I will be back saying that Alex jumped from roof to roof only to see a old man

jiraya :it seems like you are mysterious like the village says

Alex scoffed off and looks like there is more than meets the eye of a pervert and supposed to be my god father what business do you have with me Mr jiraya

jiraya was amazed and taken aback why he is hostile to him it's the first time they met but didn't get angry at him he want to probe his students son he understood that the meeting they got now is a fluke as the boy has some business with Tsunade

so tell me old man what brings you here and it seems like you bought my brother along with you

jiraya was again amazed as how Alex knows that it's a secret mission still he stood silent and began to talk

let me guess the hokage was dead and you want tsuande to become next hokage and another secret mission danzo have you find Alex uzumaki and bring him back to konaha as his root is like flying around everywhere but has no clues and used you the spy master of konaha as last resort

jiraya was completely shocked

Alex smirked seems like I was right how predectable no wonder they play you like fools and the due to having alliance our clan has been wiped out and God knows what happened to them

even jiraya was a little tense seeing the kid before him and want to say something

now you want to ask me why you escaped and how do you know all these and I won't say anything so let's have a normal talk so I heard that you are looking for world peace isnt that right says Alex and gazed upon the sanin

that's right kiddo who told you

like I said less nonsense and I want to ask you something what is the village in your opinion

jiraya was surprised by Alex question he thinked a bit and answered a village is a place where people must be having the feeling of a home and feel safer from the outside people when they rest so the next generation smiles can be seen on the face of them and also where people can find happiness

oh my never I thought someone could lie so easily like you her kurama did you listened to him hahahaha even jokes has some limit hahaha

so to create this so called village how many homes did your so called village ruined .let me tell you almost cannot count for money you so called village did not hesitate to even kill a child who was an infant and some people who doesn't even born yet so tell me something why is your so called love to the village means destruction of everything and everyone else and you dare to preach that you want peace to the world my hand is so itching to slap your face so bad you don't even know .

jiraya face also changed for this accusations and he got angry

so you got angry means what I have told you is the bitter truth you cannot accept isn't it sneered Alex

as for why I don't want to be in the village it's simple I don't plan on staying with murderers who killed my family and torcherd us for years you already have my foolish brother that's more than enough if it isn't for my father I would have wiped you leaf of the face of this planet

jiraya got even more angry and asked what do you mean by that murdered your family

oh my I didn't think jiraya San would be that foolish it's as simple as this the fall of uzumaki is exactly because of konaha if it isn't for ungrateful allies like you people all my mother family would have still been alive and the reason the leaf didn't help is simple all uzumaki wealth and knowledge will fall into the hands of konaha if the uzumakis fall and also we are direct threat to you even knowing the information about the assult you did not do anything ,shhh the past is past I cannot do anything neither can you because you are at most a tool used by konaha I don't have hate nor love for the village I only care about somewhat about my brother as he is under your care now at least I don't have to worry about him and do yourself a favor leave me alone and give danzo a message it's not as easy as to kill uchiha by blackmailing Itachi of I see his hand anywhere that related to me

as I used particle style to erase some land Faraway with the tip of my finger tell him I will erase him just like this

jiraya was shocked and asked did you join rock village and what do you mean blackmailing Itachi

I turned to him and sneered if I have a justsu that doesn't mean iam from rock I have even wood style as I did a wood clone

jiraya was sweating to see wood style and asked how can you do it

oh it's easy IAM part senju and uzumaki and namikaze it seems like got all good things from my family .hmm as per this conversation it never happens only bring a different version of what happened to him and also you can tell all that I can do to him but then he would want me more so I will have to join with another village to deal with you people so be careful of what you do I won't come back I have the whole world to explore not to sit and wait for your wars just so that I could get killed so nice meeting you so called God father just a piece of advice kill danzo as soon as possible he is like a venom to the village who knows how many kids that were in hell because of that bastard saying that jiraya was about to stop him but Alex let out his pressure including with kurama that stoped jiraya as there is no way that he could stop him he is sweating like a pig now

like I said if you want to bring a fight to me at least bring me your master you are not worth it that being said there are so many things to do so good bye may we never meet again and don't tell this to my brother I will meet him when the time is right saying that Alex vanished jiraya was again shocked that's flying rigin his students jutsu

kurama:brat you must have not showed yourself it's too early

no they must not pester my plans he has family love for me so he wouldn't be reckless as we know the rest of the story we are done here it's a good thing I was leaving marks all over the world traveling would be easier for us