
Chapter 183: Last Battles of the Day (II)


Blue Wind Imperial Family – Unohana Retsu ----vs---- Wu Clan – Wu Fei


"Wu Clan..." Yun Che's voice cut through the tension, causing both Retsu and Cang Yue to cast a wary glance at the name displayed on the profound announcer. Memories of their tumultuous encounter with the clan during the banquet at the New Moon Profound Palace flooded back, particularly the haughty Elder Wu Ya's attempt to capture Retsu due to her Destruction Spell. Now, to see disciples from the Wu Clan participating in the tournament ignited a sense of caution within them.

The crowd erupted into cheers as Retsu prepared to face off against the strongest cultivator in her group, an eighth-level Spirit Profound Realm opponent, while she herself stood at the peak of the True Profound Realm. Even Yun Che, with his strongest opponent, Xiao Zhen at the Ninth level of the Spirit Profound Realm, recognized the challenge ahead.

"Retsu," Yun Che's voice was calm but determined as he addressed her. "You know what to do."

Retsu nodded in understanding, her gaze unwavering as she kept a watchful eye on Wu Fei. If these individuals were indeed from the Wu Clan, she knew she had to be prepared for any sudden power-ups or surprises.

Wu Fei stood confidently on the stage, a formidable presence amidst the rising tension. As revealed by the system, the Wu Clan was shrouded in mystery, supported by the Mighty Heavenly Sword Region and known for their utilization of beast essence to enhance their cultivation. Retsu couldn't help but be impressed by her opponent's stoicism, noting with interest his choice of weapon – bladed claws, a rare and formidable choice indeed.

"Bladed claws? A rare weapon of choice," Retsu murmured under her breath, her senses sharpened as she prepared to face off against this enigmatic opponent from the Wu Clan. The stage was set for a battle of skill and determination, and Retsu was ready to meet the challenge head-on.

The arena fell into a hushed silence as Wu Fei, adorned with bladed claws that gleamed menacingly in the light, faced off against Unohana Retsu, her elegant parasol held with unwavering confidence. The tension hung thick in the air as the spectators waited with bated breath for the clash to begin.

"Battle begins!"

With a sudden burst of speed, Wu Fei lunged forward, his claws slicing through the air with deadly precision. Unohana Retsu's parasol blurred into motion, transforming effortlessly into a shield to deflect Wu Fei's initial onslaught. Sparks flew as metal clashed against metal, the sound reverberating throughout the arena.

But Wu Fei was relentless, his attacks coming in a flurry of strikes aimed at overwhelming his opponent. With each swipe of his claws, he sought to breach Retsu's defenses and land a telling blow. Yet, Retsu moved with a grace and agility that belied her serene demeanor, effortlessly evading Wu Fei's assaults with nimble footwork and swift parries of her parasol.

Undeterred, Wu Fei pressed on, his determination fueling his relentless assault. Sensing an opening, he unleashed a series of rapid strikes, aiming to catch Retsu off guard and break through her defenses. But Retsu remained calm and composed, her movements fluid and precise as she countered Wu Fei's every move with calculated efficiency.

Seeing his efforts are in vain, he pressed his hands together activated a dormant power inside him.

As the battle between Wu Fei and Unohana Retsu reached its climax, a palpable tension filled the arena. Wu Fei's determination burned fiercely within him, his resolve unyielding despite the relentless onslaught from his opponent. With a fierce growl, he tapped into the depths of his inner power, channeling the primal energy that lay dormant within him.

In an instant, black flames erupted from Wu Fei's form, swirling and coalescing around him in a vortex of raw, untamed power. The air crackled with energy as the flames engulfed him, casting his silhouette in a haunting glow against the backdrop of the arena.

The spectators watched in awe as the flames took on the shape of a majestic panther made from flames on his body, its ears twitching with anticipation and its tail swishing back and forth with lethal grace. The panther's form, crafted from the swirling black flames, seemed to pulse with a life of its own, radiating an aura of primal ferocity that sent shivers down the spines of all who beheld it.

But it was not just the panther's form that commanded attention. Intertwined with the black flames were wisps of grey fire, flickering and dancing around Wu Fei's silhouette like ethereal tendrils. These grey flames took the shape of the panther's ears and tail, adding an otherworldly aspect to the scene as they pulsed with an eerie, otherworldly light.

As the transformation reached its peak, Wu Fei stood at the center of the arena, a primal force of nature incarnate. His eyes gleamed with feral intensity as he prepared to unleash the full extent of his newfound power upon his unsuspecting opponent. And in that moment, he became more than just a fighter—he became a living embodiment of the untamed wilderness, a predator poised to strike with deadly precision.

"Fei'er activated his Beast Mode," Wu Lie remarked to his partner, his voice tinged with concern as he watched the transformation unfold before them.

"Let's hope he can control it properly this time," Wu Xingwu responded, his gaze fixed on Wu Fei as he braced himself for the inevitable clash that would follow.

Yun Che turned to the system for answers, his curiosity piqued by the sudden surge of power emanating from Wu Fei. "Is this a partially controlled power?" he inquired, his eyes narrowing in concentration.

The response came swiftly from the system, a note of caution underlying its words.


[Ding… Yes, apparently, the Wu Clan has managed to break through and allow beast essence to be easily controlled without the use of pills anymore. However, the System detected that it is still in the experimental stage. The user could go feral at any time.]


Retsu's eyes narrowed in curiosity as she observed the swirling flames coalesce into a panther-like silhouette around Wu Fei. Despite the spectacle before her, she maintained her composure, her focus unwavering as Wu Fei's movements suddenly became swifter, akin to the agile grace of a hunting panther.

The entire arena erupted into murmurs of surprise at Wu Fei's newfound speed, his movements leaving even the most seasoned spectators in awe. With lightning-fast reflexes, he launched a barrage of claw attacks towards Retsu, each strike aimed with deadly precision.

Undeterred, Retsu remained calm and collected, her parasol transforming effortlessly to meet each of Wu Fei's attacks head-on. With precise timing and expert technique, she deflected his strikes with ease, her movements fluid and graceful despite the intensity of the battle unfolding around her.

As the clash of steel echoed through the arena, Retsu's steely resolve shone through, her determination unyielding in the face of Wu Fei's relentless assault. With each block and parry, she countered his attacks with calculated efficiency, her focus never wavering even as the pressure mounted.

Wu Fei's onslaught was relentless, his bladed claws slicing through the air with astonishing speed as he tapped into his beast mode, channeling the primal energy of a panther to enhance his abilities. Despite Retsu's skill in blocking his strikes, the sheer speed and hit-and-run tactics left her frustrated, unable to unleash her full potential with her parasol.

With a determined grimace, Retsu countered Wu Fei's attacks, her movements fluid yet strained under the relentless assault. She knew she could block his strikes, but she couldn't afford to let him dictate the pace of the battle any longer.

Retsu increased the force behind her strikes, her blade connecting with Wu Fei's stomach with a resounding thud, sending him hurtling across the arena.

A satisfied smile tugged at the corners of Retsu's lips beneath her veil as she regained her composure. Wu Fei had managed to keep her on the defensive in this tournament, a feat that few could achieve. But now, he deserved a reward from her.

Positioning her parasol in front of her, Retsu drew upon its hidden functions with a twist of the handle, revealing a sleek blade hidden within. With a smirk of anticipation, she brandished the short sword, its blade slightly smaller than the standard cultivator sword but no less deadly.

Now armed with a weapon capable of matching Wu Fei's ferocity, Retsu's confidence surged. With a graceful flourish, she prepared to show him the true meaning of speed and precision in combat. The arena crackled with anticipation as Retsu poised herself for the next phase of the battle, ready to unleash the full extent of her skill with her newfound weapon.

"She... she's hidden a sword inside a parasol," murmured an intrigued audience member, his eyes widening as he observed Retsu's unique weapon.

"Is that a short blade?" another disciple queried, noting the size of the sword concealed within the parasol.

"That sword looks fragile. Can such a small blade even be used effectively?" another voice chimed in, expressing skepticism at the practicality of such a weapon.

Cang Yue's eyes widened in surprise at the revelation. "A parasol sword?" she turned to Yun Che, seeking clarification. "You built a sword inside a parasol?"

"Yup, a parasol sword is the second final function of the parasol. It was famous during the 19th century of the Victorian Industrial Era," Yuuki explained, offering some historical context.

"Victorian?" Cang Yue looked puzzled.

"It's nothing, just a random fact," Yun Che chuckled, deciding not to delve into historical explanations.

"So, Retsu can use combinations of weapons?" Cang Yue marveled at the versatility of Retsu's parasol.

"Yup, a sword club combo, a sword and shield combo, or even a sword air gun combo," Yun Che elaborated on the various functions as Retsu's former name as the original Yachiru will easily make her master in those ways.

"What about the final function?" Cang Yue's curiosity was piqued.

Yun Che pointed to the tip of the parasol, where a bladed spearhead now protruded, covering the barrel of the air gun. "It's a short spear mode. Looks like Retsu wanted to test the last two functions."

As Retsu positioned the parasol spear in one hand and the sword in the other, preparing to unleash a devastating combination of attacks, Yun Che sighed in resignation. "That guy is toast now. Retsu drawing her sword is like signing a death warrant."

"Ret-chan didn't even bring Kitetsu with her," Mio remarked, her tone filled with amusement.

Yuanba, shocked by the revelation, exclaimed, "Then, sister-in-law is not even serious?!?"

"You don't want to see her serious, Yuanba. You just don't. Do you remember the meaning of her name?" Yun Che asked solemnly, a hint of caution in his tone.

Yuanba nodded slowly, recalling that Retsu had once mentioned that her name meant "Violet Flower." The realization dawned on him - his sister-in-law was not only sweet but also potentially deadly. The thought sent a shiver down his spine, causing him to swallow nervously as he contemplated the true extent of her power.

"You draw your sword? So what?" Wu Fei's taunt cut through the tension, his voice dripping with confidence.

Retsu wasted no time, closing in on him with lightning speed, her attacks a whirlwind of precision and power. Wu Fei's eyes widened as he realized the true extent of her sword skill. His claws felt like a feather in his hand compared to the deadly efficiency of Retsu's strikes.

Desperately, Wu Fei attempted to counter her assaults, but with each passing moment, Retsu's speed only seemed to intensify. His defenses crumbled under the relentless sword stab barrage, her blade finding its mark with alarming accuracy as it began stabbing his body. He realized his blocks were useless in front of Retsu who looked like she was toying with him.

With a desperate leap, Wu Fei sought to evade further injury, channeling his profound strength as he prepared to retaliate. But before he could strike, Retsu transformed her parasol into a shield, deflecting his blow with ease.

In the blink of an eye, she shifted her stance, her spear-mode parasol morphing into an air gun. Wu Fei barely had time to react before a blast of compressed air slammed into him, sending him hurtling towards the barrier. Though the impact was brutal, Wu Fei refused to yield, his determination keeping him conscious despite the pain.

The crowd watched in awe as Retsu seamlessly switched between a myriad of deadly techniques, her mastery of the sword and parasol leaving them breathless. In that moment, the arena crackled with energy, each exchange of blows a testament to the skill and resolve of the combatants locked in battle.

As the battle between Wu Fei and Retsu raged on, the arena became a whirlwind of clashing steel and swirling flames. Despite Wu Fei's enhanced speed granted by his panther beast mode, Retsu's skillful swordplay and swift spear strikes proved to be a formidable challenge.

With each clash of their weapons, Retsu's precision and technique began to wear down Wu Fei's defenses. Despite his increased agility, he found himself struggling to keep up with her relentless assault. Retsu moved with grace and finesse, her movements calculated and precise as she exploited every opening in Wu Fei's defense.

The crowd watched in awe as Retsu's sword and short spear combo attacks danced through the air, each strike landing with deadly accuracy. Wu Fei fought valiantly, his claws flashing as he attempted to fend off her relentless barrage, but he was slowly being pushed back by the sheer force of her onslaught.

With a swift motion, Retsu tossed Wu Fei into the air using her short spear as if he were nothing but a mere puppet on strings. As he soared through the air, she continued to juggle him effortlessly, exploiting his blind spots with precision and finesse. As she she was vanishing from his line of sight as she attacked him.

Wu Fei found himself unable to fight back against Retsu's onslaught, his movements hindered by her relentless assault. Each stab from her sword and spear was not intended to inflict wounds, but rather to keep him suspended in the air, helpless against her onslaught.

Retsu's mastery of the sword and spear combo was on full display, showcasing her impeccable skill and flawless technique. With each seamless transition between strikes, she demonstrated her unparalleled ability to control the flow of the battle, leaving Wu Fei at her mercy.

The audience looked on in astonishment, their eyes widened in disbelief at the spectacle unfolding before them. It was a testament to Retsu's unparalleled combat prowess and her ability to dominate the battlefield with unmatched finesse and precision.

Yun Che nodded in understanding as he observed Retsu's approach to the battle. He couldn't help but notice a similarity between her tactics and those of Yachiru, a tendency to play with her opponent rather than swiftly ending the fight. While Retsu typically preferred to conclude battles with ease, Yun Che realized that she had no intention of doing so when it came to Wu Fei or the Wu Clan.

Understanding Retsu's motives, Yun Che surmised that she saw this as an opportunity to practice her parasol combos against a formidable opponent. He knew that Retsu harbored a deep-seated resentment towards the Wu Clan for their attempts to exploit her abilities back in New Moon Profound Palace. As such, she seized the chance to use Wu Fei as a training dummy in real life, honing her skills and perfecting her combo techniques while exacting a measure of revenge against her adversaries.

As the battle wore on, it became clear that Wu Fei was losing ground. His movements grew more frantic, his attacks becoming increasingly desperate as Retsu's relentless assault showed no signs of slowing. Despite his best efforts, he found himself unable to match her skill and precision, his panther beast mode proving to be no match for her mastery of the martial arts.

As the battle between Wu Fei and Retsu intensified, a subtle but ominous change began to take hold. The flames surrounding Wu Fei's transformed body flickered erratically, casting an eerie glow over the arena. His movements, once fluid and precise, became increasingly erratic and unpredictable, as if the primal instincts of the beast within were beginning to take hold.

The sect masters, elders, and the referee sensed a sudden shift in the atmosphere as Wu Fei's demeanor underwent a drastic transformation. His body began to radiate an intense aura of profound energy, causing his eyes to glow with an unsettling light. It was as if he was teetering on the edge of losing control, his once-calm demeanor giving way to an overwhelming surge of primal instinct.

"No, not now!" Wu Fei's agonized scream echoed throughout the arena, sending chills down the spines of those who witnessed it. While the audience may have interpreted it as a battle cry, those with keen senses could discern the truth lurking beneath the surface.

As Wu Fei succumbed to the primal forces raging within him, his transformation into a feral and uncontrollable being became apparent to all who bore witness. The air crackled with tension as the spectators watched in awe and trepidation, realizing that they were witnessing something far beyond the realm of ordinary combat. It was a moment of primal chaos, a stark reminder of the untamed power that lurked within the depths of the human spirit.

Retsu's eyes wary as she watched Wu Fei's transformation unfold before her eyes. Despite her relentless onslaught, he seemed unaffected by the pain, his once-calm demeanor replaced by a primal intensity that sent shivers down her spine. With each strike, he grew more aggressive, his movements fueled by an untamed ferocity that bordered on the animalistic.

Once again, Wu Fei launched his feral assault against her, his primal instincts driving him forward with unbridled aggression. In response, Retsu swiftly drew her sword, meeting his onslaught head-on. With a powerful strike, she sent him hurtling through the air before launching into a mesmerizing display of martial skill.

The audience watched in awe as Retsu unleashed a relentless barrage of strikes, her short spear and sword becoming a blur of motion as she juggled Wu Fei in mid-air with astonishing precision. Each strike landed with calculated accuracy, creating a bloody spectacle that held the crowd in rapt attention.

With each graceful movement, Retsu demonstrated her mastery of combat, weaving through the air with effortless grace and fluidity. The sight of her skillful maneuvers left the audience breathless, captivated by the sheer spectacle unfolding before them.

As Retsu continued to rain down blows upon her opponent, the arena was filled with the sound of clashing steel and the echoes of Wu Fei's pained cries. It was a spectacle unlike any other, a testament to Retsu's formidable skill and unwavering determination in the face of adversity.

The arena floor was slick with blood, a grim testament to the brutality of their one-sided battle. Retsu's concern deepened as she realized the extent of Wu Fei's transformation. It was clear that he was losing control of his beast mode, his humanity slipping away as the primal instincts of the creature within took hold.

Determined to end the confrontation before it spiraled further out of control, Retsu unleashed a devastating 'X' strike with both her sword and spear aimed squarely at Wu Fei's chest causing blood to burst out of him. The audience gasped in horror at the sight of the brutal attack, but to their astonishment, Wu Fei remained standing, his determination to kill her evident in his snarling expression.

As Retsu surveyed the scene before her, a grim realization dawned upon her. Despite the bloodshed and the injury she had inflicted, Wu Fei showed no signs of faltering. It was as if the feral beast mode had rendered him impervious to pain, his senses dulled by the overwhelming surge of instinctual aggression. In that moment, Retsu knew that she was facing a foe unlike any other, one whose primal strength and tenacity threatened to overwhelm even her formidable skill.

Wu Fei's transformation had reached a tipping point, his once-controlled beast essence now spiraling into unbridled ferocity. Yet, Retsu's resolve remained unwavering; she couldn't afford to let him run rampant in the arena.

"Shall I end this?" Retsu's voice cut through the tension as she deftly evaded Wu Fei's clawed strike, her movements fluid and precise. With a swift thrust, she landed sword stabs on Wu Fei, her speed increasing with each subsequent attack.

As Retsu rained down a flurry of stabs upon him, Wu Fei's feral state rendered him impervious to pain, but the sheer speed and relentlessness of the assault sent shockwaves through the audience. Each strike may not have been lethal, but the terror of being pierced repeatedly at such a rapid pace was palpable.

With a final surge of determination, Retsu drove her parasol into Wu Fei, channeling her energy to blast him away. Then, in a display of graceful precision, she leaped into the air before diving downwards with her parasol poised for a blunt attack.

"Tawamure (Caprice)!" Her voice rang out with smile as she drove the parasol into Wu Fei's stomach with devastating force. The impact shattered the arena floor beneath them, sending cracks radiating outwards like spiderwebs and blasting large chunks of the arena floor into the air.

The crowd gasped in awe as Retsu's single strike obliterated the very ground they stood on, her technique as precise and lethal as any sword strike. Even Yun Che himself couldn't help but be impressed, acknowledging her prowess with a wry comment.

With a satisfied chuckle, Retsu leaped into a stable ground as she sheathed her short sword back into her parasol, the crowd's stunned silence a testament to the power and finesse she had just displayed. In that moment, she had not just defeated her opponent, but she had captivated the entire arena with her skill and strength.

"Who are these people?" a bewildered audience member exclaimed, his eyes wide with astonishment as he witnessed Retsu shatter the arena floor with a single strike, reminiscent of Yun Che's impressive feat of breaking multiple barriers with a single flaming kick.

"Indeed, their prowess is extraordinary," another spectator murmured in agreement, nodding in awe at the display of power before them. "With fighters like the Blue Wind Imperial Family, the competition just got a lot more interesting. They defeated the Xiao Sect and the Wu Clan."

"I can't wait to see what Princess Cang Yue will bring to the table," a third voice chimed in, anticipation evident in his tone. "If Lady Retsu and Yun Che have set the bar this high, she'll have to pull out all the stops to impress."

Meanwhile, whispers rippled through the crowd as rumors spread about the mysterious parasol Retsu carried with her. "What kind of treasure does she possess?" one curious onlooker pondered aloud. "That parasol seems to have endless capabilities—shield, club, air blast launcher, short spear, and even a sword! I wonder what secrets lie within its folds."

"It's certainly a weapon worth coveting," another replied, his eyes glinting with intrigue. "I wouldn't be surprised if the other sects are already scheming to get their hands on it."

Ling Yun found himself wrestling with his desires as he watched Retsu's graceful prowess unfold on the battlefield. If only he could harness such control over his own urges, perhaps he could find a way to tame her just like how his mother was tamed by his father.

Meanwhile, Little Fairy sighed in exasperation, finding both Yun Che and now Retsu to be too much of a handful. Xia Qingyue observed the unfolding spectacle with keen interest, knowing that she might face Unohana Retsu herself later in tournament. She wondered if she could muster her hidden strength to emerge victorious against such a formidable opponent, knowing that Retsu concealed far more than met the eye.

Fen Juecheng watched with widened eyes, recognizing Retsu as the woman who had unleashed a devastating blast that had decimated their soldiers back then. They knew she would not be easily subdued in this tournament and Yun Che defeated the Xiao Sect. His rise was unstoppable. Maybe he'll find a way to get the strongest swordsman to target Yun Che. He started to scheme as he might need to find that swordsman child and frame Yun Che for hurting her.

Meanwhile, Ma Tsu observed the battle with keen interest, his attention drawn to Retsu's parasol blade. He marveled at its durability, noting how it survived the intensity of battle and even managed to easily shatter Wu Fei's claw blades. He yearned to examine the blade up close, intrigued by its exceptional craftsmanship.

As Retsu made her way through the sea of disciples, her magical parasol serving as a sunshade once more, expert weaponsmiths couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement at the opportunity to study such a remarkable weapon.

Above, Yun Che smiled proudly at Retsu, patting her head affectionately. With twenty-four victories under their belt, both Yun Che and Retsu had earned a well-deserved day off tomorrow and secured her place in the next round. Together, they decided to watch from above, knowing that all eyes were now eagerly fixed on Cang Yue's arena, awaiting her moment to shine.

Both Yun Che and Retsu are greeted by the so-called swordsmith Ma Tsu. The one tried to scam Cang Yue's swords from her.

As Ma Tsu bowed before her, Retsu regarded him with polite but unwavering resolve. "Lady Unohana Retsu," he began, "I was observing your battle and couldn't help but be impressed by the quality of your parasol sword. This old man will cut to the chase. Will you do me the honor of inspecting your short blade?"

Retsu's response was swift and unexpected. "No," she replied firmly, bowing respectfully. "Good day."

Ma Tsu was left speechless, stunned by the blunt refusal. No one had ever denied his request before, and to be rejected so outrightly left him feeling utterly deflated. He considered pressing the matter further, but a glare from Mio, Retsu's companion, quickly put him in his place. The intensity of her stare was enough to send shivers down his spine, and with a sense of shame, he retreated in silence.

"Yatta! A day off for me," Retsu exclaimed victoriously, raising her hand in triumph. Both she and Yun Che had successfully advanced to the second round of the tournament which will be held the day after tomorrow.

It means they can have a day off tomorrow if Cang Yue won her last match.

However, their moment of celebration was short-lived as Yun Che noted the unmistakable glares emanating from the Wu Clan's seating zone. It was clear that they hadn't taken kindly to the recent altercation by Retsu, likely having learned about their skirmish in the New Moon Profound Palace.

As the final match of the first round of the tournament loomed, a multitude of disciples gathered around Cang Yue's arena, eagerly awaiting the outcome of her impending battle later. The air buzzed with anticipation, the tension palpable as the crowd braced themselves for the culmination of an exhilarating day of competition.

The second part...

Nora_Danishcreators' thoughts