
Rebirth in Against the Gods with The Ultimate System

In a modern world, a devoted cultivator sacrificed himself to save his beloved. Fate granted him a second chance as a shinigami in the "Against the Gods" universe. Equipped with the Ultimate System, he became Yun Che, a pivotal character. He now seeks not only personal power but also a way back to his love, defying the rules of the universe itself. Join him as he pushes the limits of power, challenges gods, and reshapes his destiny to reunite with his beloved.

Nora_Danish · ゲーム
191 Chs

Chapter 147: The Colossal Dragon

In the heart of the floating island beneath the Huan Clan's ancestral zone lay the ancient containment pyramid, a relic shrouded in secrecy and mystery for generations. This enigmatic structure held within it a force of unimaginable power, a being of legends, a four-eyed, golden-armored dragon. For centuries, it had slumbered in the depths of the pyramid, its existence known only to a select few of the Huan Clan's elders.

On this fateful day, an unforeseen cataclysmic event would awaken this colossal creature from its age-old slumber. The island, floating serenely in the sky, was bathed in the warm glow of the setting sun. But as the hours passed, an unsettling rumble grew beneath the very foundations of the clan's ancestral home. Whispers of doom circulated among the inhabitants, but none could have anticipated what was about to transpire.

Suddenly, with an earth-shaking roar that resonated through the very core of the island, the containment pyramid shattered into countless shards of crystalline energy. The world around it seemed to warp and shimmer as the dragon, colossal in stature and magnificent in its golden armor, burst forth into the open sky. Its four eyes, each gleaming with an otherworldly intelligence, surveyed the world it had been absent from for so long.

As the dragon emerged, it unleashed a deafening roar that reverberated throughout the island, causing ancient structures to crumble and fall. The once-stable floating landmass was thrown into disarray as the rubbles of the shattered containment pyramid and clan structures floated chaotically in the air. Massive earthquakes rippled through the ground of the floating island, sending shockwaves of terror among the people.

The four-eyed, golden-armored serpent-like dragon emerged with an aura of malevolence, boasting a truly otherworldly appearance that struck terror into the hearts of all who beheld it. Its monstrous visage was a grotesque fusion of ancient power and alien malevolence.

The dragon's head was its most distinctive feature, an enormous elongated structure resembling a grotesque skull-like visage. Multiple rows of piercing, glowing red eyes adorned its head, each eye emitting an eerie, otherworldly light that seemed to pierce the very soul of onlookers. Flanking the head on either side were two long, curved, horn-like protrusions that contributed to its menacing and alien appearance, almost as if they were the horns of a demonic entity.

The creature's body was colossal, segmented, and heavily armored, resembling an exoskeleton of mysterious origin. Covered in a metallic, chitinous material, its body glistened with an otherworldly sheen, reflecting a dark and foreboding golden hue. The symmetrical body featured multiple pairs of jointed, segmented legs extending from its sides, giving it the unsettling appearance of a massive arachnid or insect-like creature. At the tips of these razor-sharp, blade-like appendages adorned its legs, which served a dual purpose—propelling it with unnerving agility and serving as formidable weapons.

The dragon's menacing form was further augmented by numerous long, sinuous tendrils and appendages that extended from various parts of its body. Covered in the same metallic material as its exoskeleton, these appendages moved independently with eerie fluidity. These tendrils served various ominous purposes, including capturing and manipulating objects, and, when called upon, they transformed into formidable weapons, lashing out with deadly precision at any who dared to challenge the dragon's dominance.

As this nightmarish creature unleashed its terrifying presence upon the city, its eerie red eyes pierced the darkness, casting an unholy glow upon the destruction it wrought. It was a force of pure malevolence and cosmic dread, a harbinger of doom unlike any other in the annals of history.

With a sudden, fluid motion, the dragon lunged forward, its tentacles striking with deadly precision. Buildings were torn asunder, streets were reduced to rubble, and the very earth trembled beneath its wrath. Flames erupted, and a storm of debris filled the air as the city's once-proud structures were reduced to mere memories.

The people of the city, already terror-stricken by the dragon's emergence, now faced an even graver threat as it unleashed the full extent of its power. Panic and chaos reigned supreme as the populace fled for their lives, desperately seeking shelter from the cataclysmic onslaught.

The dragon's grunts and roars continued to reverberate through the city, a symphony of terror that served as a haunting reminder of the impending devastation. As it prepared to wreak havoc and destruction on an unprecedented scale, the city's fate hung in the balance, and the people could only pray for a miracle to save them from the wrath of this otherworldly serpent of golden armor.

Panic gripped the clan's inhabitants as they fled from the destructive force that had emerged from their very midst. Houses and buildings collapsed, bridges shattered, and the island's serene skies became a maelstrom of chaos. The Huan Clan, known for its resilience and honor, now found itself in a desperate struggle for survival.

The sanctuary leading to the floating central island had transformed into a makeshift refuge for the desperate people fleeing from the relentless onslaught of the dragon. The once-sacred halls and courtyards of the sanctuary now echoed with the cries and sobs of those seeking safety from the approaching cataclysm.

Amongst the chaos, Old Fan, the venerable head priest who had devoted his life to the sanctuary, stood at the heart of the trembling sanctuary with his fellow priests and priestesses. They knelt before the altar, their voices raised in fervent prayer to the Creator, beseeching divine intervention to halt the catastrophic events unfolding before them.

The priestesses, their faces marked with solemn devotion, echoed his prayer, their words joining in a chorus of desperation and hope. They knew that only a miracle, a divine intervention, could save them from the wrath of the dragon that now terrorized their realm.


"My word..." Yun Che floated in the air, his Bankai form shrouding him in a powerful aura as he observed the cataclysmic emergence of the ancient dragon from underneath the Huan Clan's ancestral realm. It was a sight that struck terror into the hearts of all who beheld it—a harbinger of death itself. Even Lin Xin, who had been clinging to her life moments ago, widened her eyes in sheer awe and fear as she feasted them on the monstrous, armored dragon.

"Wow, things really got out of hand," Jasmine's voice sounded in Yun Che's mind, her usual calm demeanor tinged with a hint of concern.

Yun Che's thoughts raced as he contemplated the dire situation before him. "I don't know, Jasmine. It took Xueli's sacrifice, and now it's gained the power it needs to break free. How in the world am I going to defeat a level 105 dragon?"

Jasmine's response was measured, "What about your full power?"

"Level 95 max, and that's it," Yun Che replied with a heavy heart. He had reached the peak of his strength, and it still fell far short of the dragon's overwhelming might. "What about you, Jasmine?"

"Sorry, Yuuki," Jasmine admitted, her voice filled with regret. "Just Peak Earth Profound Realm, and that's it. I can't help you more than this."

Yun Che cursed under his breath, his frustration and desperation growing with each passing moment. He needed a plan, a miracle, anything that could tip the scales in their favor.

"What just happened, man?" Kon spoke, his voice tinged with worry, as he held onto Yun Che's shoulder for support.

"Danna-sama! Are you okay?" Mio's concerned voice sounded from Cang Yue's white eagle, which floated before Yun Che. Lin Xin, still in his arms, appeared even more despondent despite just being saved by him.

Yun Che reassured his party, "Yeah. Is everyone all right?"

"We're all right," Retsu spoke, her visored mode now turned off as she appeared beside him to regenerate the lost time. Cang Yue nodded her head in agreement, her gaze never leaving the colossal, armored dragon that now threatened their world. The situation was dire, and they were left with no choice but to stand against the harbinger of death itself.

"What is this, Yuu-kun?" Retsu asked, her voice filled with shock and disbelief as she too witnessed the colossal creature emerging from the pyramid beneath them.

Yun Che took a deep breath, his eyes never leaving the dragon. "If my hunch is correct," he began, his tone grave, "this dragon was sealed by Huan Xuyi after Ares was sealed by her in her mind. This dragon might be the very tool that Ares needs for his world domination, the moment the Moon Empress met her end. She sealed it deep inside the island, but someone has managed to free it, and now its strength surpasses all of us combined."

As the weight of Yun Che's revelation settled in, shock and understanding spread across the faces of his companions. The true extent of the danger they faced became painfully clear, and the urgency of their situation pressed upon them like a suffocating weight. The fate of their world now hung in the balance, and they were the only ones who could stand against this ancient and malevolent force.

As well as rescue Xueli.

The four-eyed, golden-armored serpent-like dragon, amidst its chaotic rampage, suddenly paused, its attention shifting upwards toward the massive, shimmering barrier that enveloped the entire realm. Its piercing, red eyes fixated upon the mystical field with an eerie, calculating intelligence.

In a moment of awe-inspiring power, the dragon's body began to surge with energy, golden lightning crackling along its metallic scales. As it reared back its head, its four eyes blazing with determination, it released a deafening roar that reverberated through the land.

Then, with a tremendous release of power, the dragon unleashed a torrent of golden lightning that coalesced into a concentrated, searing beam of destruction. The beam crackled with untold energy as it shot forth, a golden lance of annihilation aimed directly at the barrier enveloping the entire realm.

As the dragon's concentrated beam of golden lightning surged towards the shimmering barrier that enveloped the realm, the very fabric of the sky seemed to tremble in response. Dark, ominous clouds gathered and swirled around the beam as if they were harbingers of doom, swirling in chaotic patterns that mirrored the impending cataclysm.

The air grew heavy with an otherworldly tension, and a hushed awe fell over all who watched, as if the heavens themselves were bearing witness to the apocalypse. The swirling clouds took on an eerie, otherworldly hue, casting an ominous, sickly pallor across the land.


[The dragon is attempting to breach Huan Xuyi's protective barrier. If it succeeds, it poses a catastrophic threat to the entire continent.]

[Huan Xuyi's protective barrier integrity - 98%]


Yun Che, alerted by a system notification, realized the dragon's malevolent intent. It was attempting to break through the barrier, and if successful, it would be released into the Profound Sky Continent with unprecedented power—a cataclysmic event that would surely spell the end of the world as they knew it. The barrier was only meant to stop at Grand Perfection Sovereign Profound Realm or level 100 at its best. If the dragon's cultivation is beyond that level means the barrier is easily damaged.

Anxiety gripped Yun Che and fear to those all who witnessed this terrifying spectacle as they understood the stakes at hand. With the barrier on the brink of being breached, the fate of their world hung in the balance. It was a race against time to prevent the dragon from escaping and rescuing Xueli at best for the consequences of its release would be nothing short of apocalyptic.

The four-eyed, golden-armored serpent-like dragon, in its quest to breach the shimmering barrier, revealed yet another horrifying aspect of its nightmarish form. Positioned on top and on each side of its head were mechanical tendrils, each adorned with three menacing drills. These appendages, seamlessly integrated into the dragon's monstrous visage, extended with a mechanical precision that sent shivers down the spines of those who witnessed them.

These drill tendrils, covered in the same eerie metallic sheen as the rest of its body, rotated with deadly intent, their tips glinting ominously. They were not mere decorations; they were instruments of destruction, designed to pierce through any obstacle in the dragon's path.

As the dragon continued its relentless assault on the barrier, the mechanical tendrils with their three whirring drills spun with ever-increasing velocity. The air around them crackled with energy, and it became evident that these appendages were an integral part of the dragon's plan to escape its confinement.

The sight of these lethal mechanical tendrils added yet another layer of terror to the unfolding catastrophe. With the swirling clouds, the ominous beam of golden lightning, and now these menacing drills, the dragon's malevolent intent was clear. It was determined to break free at any cost, and the world stood on the precipice of unparalleled calamity.

As Yun Che and his party floated in the air, their eyes fixed on the colossal, armored dragon, a tense silence enveloped them. The sheer presence of the ancient beast weighed heavily on their spirits, and even Little White, usually steadfast and loyal, was tempted to flee. But Cang Yue's commanding presence held the creature in check, as they all understood the gravity of their situation.

Yun Che's memories from his previous life surged forth as he gazed upon the dragon. Its menacing appearance reminded him of a colossal game boss from his former world - a mechanical snake with a skull-like visage, numerous deadly tendrils, and three menacing drills. The resemblance was striking, akin to the Alpha Ceph from the Crysis game series. However, Wrath far exceeded the already formidable size of the Alpha Ceph and was entirely covered in an impenetrable golden Isu armor. The familiarity of the situation only intensified the urgency of their predicament.

With a sudden and bone-chilling display of supernatural power, the colossal dragon wielded telekinetic abilities, raising someone from the depths below. The group, suspended in a state of disbelief, witnessed the emergence of Huan Ling, the once-powerful matriarch of the Huan Clan, who had been trapped in an underground chamber. Her current state was nothing short of pitiable, a stark contrast to the commanding presence she had once held. Her twisted arm and bleeding wounds bore testimony to the dragon's unleashed destruction, which had left her clan's realm in ruins. Despite the desolation surrounding her, Huan Ling remained inexplicably unperturbed by her dire circumstances.

A cruel, sinister sneer twisted Huan Ling's lips as she addressed Yun Che and his party, her venomous words aimed particularly at Lin Xin. "Hahaha... You should bow down before me before you even had the chance, you slut. If you don't, I'll have you killed, just like my son back then."

Lin Xin, who had been saved by Yun Che moments ago, found herself baffled and horrified by Huan Ling's words. "Killed? Your son?" she stammered, confusion apparent in her voice. Her son was her husband, and the mention of his death raised an unsettling suspicion.

Huan Ling's smile contorted into something far more sinister, and her voice dripped with malevolence. "Haha... Do you think he was killed by a beast back then?" Her tone took on a chilling edge. "Explain... What did you do to him?" Lin Xin's voice quivered with a growing sense of dread as she demanded answers.

With a malevolent grin, Huan Ling revealed the horrifying truth that Lin Xin had long suspected but never confirmed, the revelation piercing her heart like a dagger. "Easy... I had the bandits kill him. I wouldn't want his blood to taint my servants or trace anything back to me. This is the punishment for him, choosing you instead of his destined family."

Lin Xin's world shattered as the full weight of Huan Ling's heinous actions settled in. Her beloved husband had been brutally murdered, and it was all orchestrated by his own mother, a woman who was supposed to protect and love him. The humiliation and suffering Lin Xin endured at the hands of Huan Ling were a direct result of her husband's death. She had been isolated, beaten, and scorned by the very people who once revered her husband. Even her child had joined in the torment, all because her husband had chosen to be with her.

Tears welled up in Lin Xin's eyes as she grappled with the depths of her despair and the realization that the woman before her was not just cruel but utterly malevolent. Her life had become a relentless nightmare, and her child had lost a father, all because her husband had dared to love her, the devil's spawn in Huan Ling's eyes.

"You witch!!! I lost my husband and child!! What more can you take from me?! Is it not enough?!" Lin Xin's voice trembled with anger, despair, and grief, and she would have lunged at Huan Ling if not for Yun Che's restraining grasp.

Huan Ling remained callous, her heart devoid of remorse. "It will never be enough. Until you die!"

She turned her attention to the colossal dragon, Wrath, and shouted commands. "Wrath, get her and kill those protectors of hers."

To Huan Ling's shock and dismay, Wrath, the colossal dragon, remained unresponsive to her desperate pleas. Instead, an eerie and sinister glint entered Huan Ling's eyes, as if she were possessed by an otherworldly force. The dragon, using her voice as a medium, began to communicate its dark intentions.

"I needed that child," the dragon's words echoed through Huan Ling's trembling lips, its chilling voice cutting through the air like a razor. "I needed her to free me from that cursed prison by Huan Xuyi. Her energy core was the key I required to break free. Now, I no longer have to deal with this woman."

Yun Che's mind raced as he tried to comprehend the enigmatic being that inhabited the dragon. "Wrath," he called out cautiously, unsure of what he was dealing with.

Wrath continued to speak through Huan Ling's voice, revealing more of its intentions. "I need to find my master, even if it means destroying this entire continent. I will reunite with him once more."

Yun Che, realizing that Wrath was referring to Ares, the being he had once killed to save Chu Yueli, couldn't help but feel a deep sense of dread and responsibility for the current chaos.

"What are you?" Yun Che questioned, attempting to gauge the extent of Wrath's power.

"I am a revered dragon, captured and reborn by my master. He brainwashed my former self, granting me this immense power," Wrath replied. "You and that woman possess the power of my master's race. Why are you helping these low-level lifeforms? We can rule this continent together along with my master."

Yun Che's resolve remained unwavering. "Why would I ever submit to your master?"

"If you won't follow my master's vision, then you have no use to me," Wrath declared coldly. "Now, give me that thing to me." It pointed toward the Apple of Eden, which Yun Che had stored away.

"No way, this thing belongs to me," Yun Che firmly retorted.

"If you won't give it to me, then I'll take it from your corpse instead." Wrath's drills started to spin menacingly, and monstrous creatures with tendrils began to emerge from below, summoned by the dragon. Countless of them began appearing, and their sinister presence signaled impending doom. The surviving members of the Huan Family were the first to fall under the onslaught of these golden monsters, and it was clear that if they reached the inner zones of the continent, they would bring death and destruction to the innocent.

As the colossal dragon descended upon them, its malevolent presence casting a dark and foreboding shadow over the once-sanctified grounds, Yun Che and his companions knew that decisive action was their only chance. With lightning-fast reactions born of their training and determination, they sprang into coordinated action.

Yun Che, with unparalleled swiftness, unleashed a full-powered Getsuga directly at the dragon's skull-like face. The blazing energy surged forward with unrestrained force, while Retsu, never one to back down, fired a direct twin Sokatsui, their combined attack causing the dragon to recoil in momentary distress. The very air crackled with the intensity of their assault.

Not to be outdone, Mio emerged on the dragon's side, utilizing her mirror dimension. With a resounding fury, she delivered a powerful palm strike that complemented their previous attacks, doubling the stunning effect on the ancient beast. The dragon, momentarily disoriented and staggered, struggled to regain its composure.

Their combined assault had achieved its intended purpose - it disrupted the creature's focus, buying them a precious respite from the imminent danger it posed. In this brief moment, they had turned the tide, forcing the malevolent dragon to momentarily retreat and reassess the situation.

"Kon! Fireballs! Now!" Yun Che shouted.

Kon seized the opportunity and unleashed a relentless barrage of fiery projectiles, each fireball streaking toward the colossal dragon with fiery determination. Simultaneously, Yun Che pushed the limits of his speed, darting away from the immediate battleground. The dragon's golden lightning attacks crackled and descended upon them, now under Wrath's control, but Yun Che and his companions possessed the agility and speed to deftly evade the deadly bolts. They knew they couldn't risk Lin Xin and Cang Yue's safety by engaging in such an intense battle up close.

Without wasting any time, Yun Che led Cang Yue's white eagle, carrying his companions on board, away from the dragon's menacing reach. Their top priority now was the safety of Lin Xin. Their quick escape left Wrath unable to locate them immediately, allowing them to regroup and strategize.

Utilizing the system's tracking mode, Yun Che began to track the whereabouts of Huan Bei, relieved to discover that the old warrior was still alive. Huan Bei had taken charge of the remaining Huan Family's army, tirelessly coordinating efforts to save as many lives as possible. The outer zones of the floating island had already begun to evacuate, and the inner zones were preparing to do the same. The once-bustling city now stood deserted, its people fleeing for their lives after witnessing the dragon's horrifying emergence.

Yun Che's party landed next to Huan Bei, who was shouting orders to both the city's army and the remaining members of the Huan Family.

"Yun Che, what the hell is going on?!" Huan Bei's voice was filled with urgency as he juggled the responsibilities of saving lives.

With Lin Xin safely placed on the ground, Yun Che explained, "That old witch, Huan Ling, unleashed the dragon in an attempt to seize control of the realm, but that creature has its own sinister agenda. It absorbed Xueli and is using her as its power source."

Huan Bei struggled to comprehend the gravity of the situation, his mind weighed down by the overwhelming task of rescue and evacuation.

Yun Che continued, "I don't expect you to understand it all. Just now, it unleashed an army of golden shadow monsters, and they've already claimed the lives of those Huan Family members caught in the dragon's rampage. I need your army to prepare for battle; they've already started their approach." 

Huan Bei wasted no time. He quickly organized his troops, positioning them for defense. They also readied carriages to evacuate as many people, especially women and children, as they could.

Amidst the chaos, some men fled in fear. But despite the ominous dragon's presence, a group of determined civilians were willing to take up arms to protect their loved ones and their homes.

Then, he addressed his companions, "I plan to take Retsu, Mio, and Kon to engage that creature. This will buy you some time to evacuate the city and formulate a plan to rescue Xueli."

Retsu expressed her concerns as she saw it's level, "I don't know, Yuu-kun. That thing is much stronger than all of us combined."

Mio, however, was eager to assist. "I'll do my best, Danna-sama."

Kon, though hesitant, had no choice but to comply. "I have to go as well?"

Yun Che, with a firm tone, replied, "Your level is on par with us. So suck it up." Kon fell dejected much to his dismay.

Turning to Lin Xin, Yun Che spoke gently, "Lin Xin, I need you to board Little White. She will take you to the central island, the safest place for you. Trust me; we will rescue Xueli and bring her to you. She's still alive because the dragon needs her power."

Lin Xin, her heart heavy with grief and despair, finally chose to listen. "Yun Che..."

"Trust me," Yun Che reassured her, his determination unwavering. Their world was in chaos, but they would not give in to despair. They had a plan, a mission, and the will to fight against the impending darkness to rescue her daughter.

Then, in a moment that touched their hearts, Lin Xin did the unthinkable. She embraced Yun Che tightly, her arms encircling him as if to protect him from the impending danger. Her lips pressed a soft kiss to his left cheek, a gesture filled with warmth and affection, like a wife sending her husband off to duty.

"Take care and bring Xueli back to me," she whispered, her eyes locked onto his with unwavering trust. "I'm placing my whole trust in you. I won't get in your way; I'll focus on keeping myself safe. I'll be waiting for you to bring Xueli back."

Yun Che gently patted her head, a silent promise in his eyes, before turning back to his companions, Mio, Retsu, and Kon, who awaited him with concern etched on their faces.

"Danna-sama, how are we going to fight that thing?" Mio's worry was palpable as her gaze was towards the colossal dragon, her level 94 strength feeling insufficient against its might.

Yun Che, despite the odds, remained resolute. "First things first, we need to find a way to sever the connection between Xueli and that dragon. It's been using her to power itself up. If we can cut that connection, the dragon's strength will plummet to our levels, and we can finish it off. We'll have to give it everything we've got."

Retsu's gaze never wavered as she stared at the colossal dragon. The memory of Xueli being taken away by that monstrous creature fueled her determination. They had to rescue her, no matter the cost. Retsu knew that she might have to unleash her entire arsenal just to match the dragon's overwhelming power.

The stakes were higher than ever. If they failed, Xueli would perish, and the realm would crumble with her. If the dragon escaped, it would still lead to Xueli's demise, but it would take the entire empire down with it. Time was of the essence, and they couldn't afford to falter. 

Turning his attention to Cang Yue, Yun Che had a request. "Little Yue, I need you to go with Lin Xin to a safe place."

However, Cang Yue had other plans as she has seen the desperate situation among the normal people. "Yun Che, I'll stay here and assist with the evacuation. I can't help you fight the dragon, but I can help the people here. They need me."

Yun Che understood her determination and he won't talk her out of it. He handed her a vial of Divine Water from his inner world, a substance to remove mental fatigue caused by the after-effects of her Haoshoku No Haki awakening.

"You need all the help you can get," Yun Che acknowledged, retrieving the Apple of Eden. This time, he infused his Radiant Saint Force, his Isu energy, into the apple, extending the duration of the emergence to more than two hours. He pressed the button, and the six shadows that had protected Lin Xin earlier emerged, bowing before him.

"Protect her at all costs," Yun Che instructed, pointing toward Cang Yue. The shadows nodded and promptly took up positions beside her, a formidable guard detail ready to ensure her safety.

Retsu, now in her Bankai form, summoned Ignis and her Blood Hawk. She turned toward Ignis and gave her command. "Protect Cang Yue and assist her in any way you can." As for her Blood Hawk, she anticipated Cang Yue needing its assistance in the battle to come.

Yun Che reassured Cang Yue, "You can ask them to do whatever you need. As for Lin Xin, the island shadows will protect her. Now, let's hope we can stop that thing in time. Whether it's preventing Xueli's core from going unstable or stopping the barrier from breaking, we have to try."

With a final nod of determination towards Lin Xin and Cang Yue, Yun Che took to the air alongside his high-level companions. Their eyes burned with unwavering resolve as they faced the colossal threat before them. The odds were stacked impossibly high, but they knew that they had to emerge victorious, no matter the cost. Their mission was clear: prevent Wrath from escaping, keep Xueli's core from reaching meltdown, and stand firm against the malevolent dragon itself.


Yun Che and his companions, Retsu, Mio, and Kon, stood boldly before the colossal Wrath. With Lin Xin and Cang Yue out of harm's way, they could now focus on confronting the metallic dragon with their full power. Wrath's four menacing eyes fixated on them, its roars reverberating through the air as golden flames danced in its gaping maw while its lethal drills spun menacingly.

Yun Che wasted no time, unleashing the full might of his three unlocked Heretic God Arts and donning his hollow mask, harnessing every ounce of his power to ascend to the formidable Fifth Level of the Sovereign Profound Realm. He even tapped into the system's enhanced attack powers and critical strike buffs pills, ensuring that he operated at the peak of his capabilities.

Retsu responded with equal fervor, activating her essence of Yin and Yang to elevate her strength by an entire realm. In a moment of dire need, she tapped into her hollow's mask, which boosted her power by six additional levels, granting her the staggering prowess of the sixth level of the Sovereign Profound Realm. This surpassed even Yun Che's strength, a testament to her determination.

In their Bankai states, both Yun Che and Retsu experienced a remarkable surge in strength and agility. Their defenses had also been augmented, reaching a level akin to that of the Tyrant Profound Realm. They might trained tirelessly to harness their current body defense level and might try the dragon's attacks as a means to further enhance their defenses, but with the divine might of the Origin Realm, this strategy proved impossible to implement without dying.

Surprisingly, Retsu hadn't yet utilized the full extent of her Bankai's power. Such a feat would typically require blood points, obtained from enemies slain in battle. However, she hadn't amassed any, having never anticipated the need for them. Yet, the dire circumstances had forced her hand, driving her to harness every resource at her disposal.

Despite benefiting from the Beginner's Profound Realm Perk, which boosted their levels by ten from their current original levels. It still fell short of Wrath's Fifth Level Divine Origin Realm. Mio's strength had already reached the Divine Origin Realm with the perk, but it lacked the purification of divine energy and prowess. Even though her levels theoretically allowed her to contend with a Fourth Level Divine Origin Realm opponent, the lack of purification limited her to battling opponents at the Second Level Divine Origin Realm. This presented a significant challenge in facing Wrath.

In unison, Yun Che and Retsu nodded to their companions, a silent signal to commence their attack. Twin Blue Fire Crash Downs erupted from their palms, blazing toward Wrath's skull-like face with incredible force. Mio followed up with a spatial attack, her control over the dimension manifesting as a powerful strike to its side. Being unfamiliar with Darkness in this realm, she harnessed the mysterious power to augment her assault. Meanwhile, Kon manipulated the floating rocks nearby, hurling them at Wrath's face to serve as a distracting barrage.

Mio skillfully harnessed the forces at her disposal, combining her airbending techniques with spatial manipulation to conjure a raging storm around Wrath. The tempest roared with dark energy, and she used it to fashion a colossal, shadowy fist that struck the colossal dragon with all its might.

The impact managed to stagger Wrath momentarily, and for a brief moment, it seemed they might have the upper hand. However, Mio couldn't help but wonder how long their advantage would last against such a formidable opponent.

As they waged their assault, the enigmatic dragon retaliated with its face drills and tendons, all in a relentless bid to eliminate these bothersome adversaries. It harnessed its Heavenly Lightning Strike from the heavens, unleashing level 105 attacks that crackled with devastating power. The danger was imminent, and Yun Che issued a stern warning to his comrades, emphasizing the lethal nature of these attacks.

"Careful! Those strikes pack a level 105 punch! A direct hit would spell instant death!" Yun Che's voice rang out as they pushed their Kenbunshoku No Haki senses to their limits, straining to predict and evade the dragon's lightning-fast strikes. Thanks to their mastery of Kenbunshoku Haki, they possessed a future-reading level of perception, allowing them to anticipate and sidestep each impending strike with uncanny precision.

Facing a Divine Origin Level opponent, each of its attacks contained the power of thousands of Sovereign Profound Realm strikes, while Yun Che and his companions had only reached the threshold of the Tyrant Profound Realm. Yun Che knew that their attacks against the colossal dragon were like throwing pebbles at a fortress.




The system's notification sent a warning through Yun Che's mind, and he quickly shouted to his companions, "Girls, evasive maneuvers!" They had to dodge and weave as Wrath's drills spun, launching countless lightning bolts and sweeping tendrils at them.

Yun Che and his companions displayed extraordinary agility as they skillfully dodged the rapid onslaught of lightning bolts and the massive tendrils that Wrath hurled their way. This marked the first time they had utilized their future predictions to their fullest capacity. With their advanced Kenbunshoku Haki, they could anticipate the lightning strikes and the sweeping tendrils before they even occurred, allowing them to avoid the deadly attacks with incredible precision.

However, despite their remarkable predictive abilities, it became evident that constantly being on the defensive was not a viable strategy. They needed to shift from evading to launching powerful counterattacks if they were to stand a chance against Wrath.

"Way of Binding #61 Six-Rod Light Restraint!" Retsu's voice resounded, and in response, six binding rods materialized around Wrath's drills, preventing them from spinning any further.

"Way of Binding #62 Hundred Steps Fence!" Yun Che's shout followed instantly, and as he invoked his own binding technique, six massive binding rods emerged from the ground. They pierced Wrath's mechanical body, holding it firmly in place and immobilizing the colossal beast on the spot.

"Now!" Yun Che's voice echoed with fierce determination as he led the charge against the colossal dragon. Retsu pulled back, channeling her energy for a powerful Cero blast, while Mio deftly attacked the vulnerable spot behind the dragon's head. At the same time, Kon launched a relentless barrage of fireballs at the formidable beast.

With Wrath temporarily restrained, they launched a relentless assault on its metallic body. Yun Che initiated his ultimate technique, slicing the air to create a massive Getsuga that forced Wrath backwards.

"Getsuga!" He released the first strike before following with another, shouting, "Tenshou!" The two Getsuga strikes formed an 'X' on the dragon's chest. Seizing the opportunity, Retsu charged up her Tailed Beast Bomb and unleashed it at the centre of the twin Getsuga Tenshou, causing a colossal explosion that pushed Wrath further back.

The dragon roared in defiance, attempting to break free from the restraints they had imposed on it. Moments later, it deployed a shockwave bomb that sent them all flying before it managed to free itself.


[Ding… Xueli's power core is at 35%]


As they unleashed their furious attacks, Wrath suddenly tapped into Xueli's power to mend its injuries. The relentless onslaught they had just delivered became futile, not only did the dragon use Xueli's abilities to enhance itself, but it also employed them for rapid regeneration.

"Xueli, where are you?" Yun Che's inner turmoil was evident as even the system struggled to pinpoint her location. If they allowed this to continue, it was only a matter of time before Wrath overcame them or, worse yet, Xueli's core detonated, bringing them all down with her. The urgency of the situation loomed over them.

Exhaustion and frustration weighed heavily on the group as Wrath continued its relentless self-healing and deployed deflecting barriers. They were running out of time and options.

"Danna-sama, what do we do?" Mio asked, her voice filled with concern as she appeared beside the others.

"Teme, I'm starting to get tired, and this thing doesn't even break a sweat," Kon added, clearly drained.

"Yuu-kun... Have you found Xueli? If that thing continues to consume her powers, it will be impossible to defeat it. Both of our masks are running out of time, and Kido is proving ineffective," Retsu voiced her worry.

Yun Che shook his head, a deep frown creasing his face. "No, that armor of its is stronger than anything we've faced before, and even our full strength isn't enough. What should we do?" The situation looked bleak, and the fate of Xueli hung in the balance.


Below, Cang Yue found herself amidst the chaos, standing shoulder to shoulder with the Huan Family's remaining army and the city's own defenders. The looming threat of the golden shadow monsters had turned the once peaceful city into a battleground, and they had no choice but to fight back.

Cang Yue made a decisive choice to change her Nezuko's appearance, transforming her from a thirteen-year-old into a sixteen-year-old version. This change was essential to ensure she could effectively wield her swords, Shisui and Shusui, in the upcoming battle. Her sudden growth spurt was remarkable, and she now possessed a womanly figure with an alluring body.

In her new form, Cang Yue adopted a crude version of the Two Sword Style, a fighting technique that required precision and skill. It was only a week and it was not enough for her to learn all the Nitoryu moves bestowed before. Her pink kimono, fortunately, proved to be quite flexible and accommodating, covering her whole body comfortably despite her transformation. Now equipped to fight with her enhanced physique and deadly blades, Cang Yue was ready to face the challenges that lay ahead in defense of her city.

"Lady Cang Yue, we'll focus on defending this area. It is wise you get away!" Huan Bei's voice rang out amidst the chaotic battlefield, urging Cang Yue to retreat for her own safety. However, her spirit burned with unwavering resolve, and she firmly declared, "I won't leave. I'm here to fight with you all."

Contemplating her options, Cang Yue considered the new techniques she had acquired, albeit in a rudimentary form, over the past few days. She knew she wasn't fully prepared to wield them, and there would likely be consequences, but this was a life-and-death situation. She couldn't afford to hold back any longer.

Yuyun's voice of caution echoed in her mind, warning her about the potential mental and physical backlash from using techniques beyond her current capabilities. Disregarding the risks, Cang Yue's determination blazed even brighter. "I don't care about the pain, Yuyun. We can deal with that later. Right now, we need every ounce of strength we can muster."

With a resigned sigh, Yuyun conceded, "Very well, Little Yue. Prepare yourself."

Positioning Shusui above her head, Cang Yue summoned her inner strength, her focus unwavering. "Ittoryu…" She began to chant, her spirit undeterred by the impending consequences. The weight of her decision bore heavily upon her, but she knew it was the only way to buy some precious time in this dire situation.

With a determined swing, she brought Shusui down in one swift motion, unleashing the devastating power of the Ittoryu technique upon the shadowy foes before her. 

"Daishinkan! (Great Dragon Shock!)" 

As Cang Yue swung Shusui with all her might, a shockwave erupted from her, tearing through the approaching golden shadow monsters like a scythe through wheat. The colossal force of the technique reduced the creatures to mere dust, leaving a deep trench of destruction in her wake. The soldiers who witnessed this awe-inspiring display felt a renewed sense of hope and determination. With Cang Yue at their side, they believed they could stand their ground and protect their city.

However, the immense strain of wielding such a powerful technique without proper training took its toll on Cang Yue. She crumpled to the ground, clutching her head in agony as the mental backlash of the Daishinkan technique overwhelmed her. The pain was excruciating, as the technique was originally meant for someone of Emperor Profound Realm, and she had used it prematurely as a Spirit Profound Realm cultivator.

Ignis, ever vigilant, sensed Cang Yue's distress and quickly positioned itself to shield her from any potential threats. Yuyun's voice echoed urgently in her mind, expressing concern for her well-being.

"I am okay... I am okay…" Cang Yue gritted her teeth, trying to push past the overwhelming pain of the mental backlash. "I don't think I can do it again." The headache was excruciating, and it threatened to cloud her senses. However, she knew she couldn't afford to remain incapacitated for long.

Summoning her inner strength, Cang Yue assumed a combat stance once more, her resolve unshaken. She reached into her robe and retrieved one of Yun Che's vials of Divine Water, hastily uncorking it and taking a deep drink. The restorative properties of the Divine Water began to soothe her tormented mind, gradually alleviating the agony caused by the Daishinkan technique's backlash.

"Just fight normally," Yuyun advised, recognizing the toll this newfound power and technique had taken on her. "You need all the mental prowess you can muster. After awakening your mysterious power and using this technique, your mind couldn't take much more."

Cang Yue nodded, her resolve unwavering. "I know... This might be my last fight, but I'm prepared to fight until the end."

With Ignis by her side, she descended once more into the midst of the shadows, ready to defend her city and its people with every ounce of strength she could muster.

The golden shadow monsters, ethereal and elusive, lacked physical bodies. Each fatal strike from a sword or spear only seemed to crumble them into showers of golden dust, but they kept coming, relentless and relentless. Cang Yue could feel the weight of their presence, as if a never-ending tide of malevolence sought to engulf the city.

With determination in her eyes, she fought alongside Huan Bei, their blades slicing through the monstrous figures with precision and skill. The battlefield was filled with the clang of steel against shadow, the shouts of warriors, and the occasional cry of despair as someone fell victim to the relentless onslaught.

Cang Yue's movements were graceful and calculated, her combat skills honed through years of training. She knew that this battle was not just for their lives but for the very survival of the city. As they continued to fend off the golden shadow monsters, Cang Yue couldn't help but wonder about Yun Che and the others, who were facing an even greater threat in the form of some sort of colossal metal dragon.

The feminine golden shadows that Yun Che had assigned to protect Cang Yue swept through the battlefield with incredible efficiency, eliminating any threats that dared to approach her. Ignis, Retsu's loyal blood knight, joined the fray, unleashing its Peak Earth Profound Realm strength and the set of skills it had stolen from the Heavenly Mighty Sword Region. This combination further boosted its power, making it a formidable force on the battlefield.

Even Retsu's blood hawk, which had been circling overhead, descended into the midst of the chaos, its razor-sharp talons slicing through the enemy forces. These shadowy protectors worked tirelessly to safeguard Cang Yue, striking down anyone who dared to harm her.

The most comforting aspect of this dire battle was that Cang Yue's protectors possessed the uncanny ability to regenerate, no matter how overwhelmed they became. Their resilience and adaptability were unlike anything she had ever seen. However, the same couldn't be said for the human lives lost, especially the brave soldiers who had fallen victim to the relentless onslaught of the golden shadow monsters. Each casualty weighed heavily on her heart, a stark reminder of the grim reality of their situation.

Cang Yue fought alongside her protectors, doing everything in her power to shield the city's remaining residents and the valiant soldiers who continued to defend it. She knew that her own strength might not be enough to turn the tide of battle, but her determination to save lives burned brightly within her.

It was the first time Cang Yue had been involved in such a large-scale battle, and she was determined to assist in any way she could. While she might not possess the strength to confront the colossal dragon head-on, she was determined to save as many lives as possible. Deep within, she cursed her own perceived weakness, but in this moment, offering support and protection to the people of her city was the best contribution she could make. She understood the weight of human lives lost could never be replaced, and she was determined to prevent any further tragedy from befalling the people.


Lin Xin perched atop Cang Yue's majestic white eagle, her gaze fixed on the unfolding battle near the Huan Family's former courtyard from the island tomb. A maelstrom of emotions churned within her as she watched the relentless onslaught of the golden shadow monsters, the clashing of swords, and the steadfast determination of those fighting to defend their city.

She loathed her own powerlessness, the inability to stand alongside Yun Che and the others in their time of need. All she could do was wait, her heart heavy with worry for Xueli, who remained trapped within the metallic dragon's grasp. Lin Xin's fingers clenched the eagle's feathers as she yearned to be part of the fight, to contribute her strength to their struggle.

With a determined resolve, Lin Xin knew that if she could, she would find Xueli and point Yun Che in her direction. It was a glimmer of hope amidst the chaos, a way to concentrate their efforts on rescuing her. She prayed that Yun Che's unwavering determination and the combined strength of their companions would be enough to free Xueli from the clutches of the metallic dragon and bring her back safely. Until then, she clung to the back of the eagle, a silent witness to the battle that would decide the fate of their world.

As Lin Xin rode high above the battleground on the back of Cang Yue's white eagle, a newfound determination welled up within her. She knew that if she slowly awakened her latent abilities, she could harness them to their utmost capacity. With her eyes closed, she focused her mind, drawing upon the depths of her inner strength.

Pushing aside the pain and grief of her husband's murder, Lin Xin's thoughts were solely fixated on her beloved daughter, Xueli. She refused to let despair consume her; she understood that every moment counted in this dire situation. Her daughter's safety was paramount, and she was willing to do whatever it took to ensure her rescue.

With each passing moment, Lin Xin honed her newfound abilities, concentrating her energy into locating Xueli's presence amidst the chaotic battlefield below. She held onto the hope that her efforts, combined with Yun Che's bravery and the unity of their companions, would lead to Xueli's liberation from the clutches of the metallic dragon. Mourning could wait; right now, her daughter's life hung in the balance, and Lin Xin was determined to see her returned safely.


[Ding… Outer barrier's integrity has reached 70%]

[Ding… Xueli's power core is now at 30%. Warning.... Warning…. If it falls below 10%, it will initiate a core meltdown as the remaining power is not able to sustain it anymore.]


Suddenly, Wrath unleashed a blinding golden beam aimed directly at Yun Che. In a heartbeat, Retsu sprang into action, deploying a series of protective Kido barriers to shield both of them from the impending devastation. She even utilized barriers made from her three tails. The golden beam bore down on the barriers, shattering them one by one, and continued its relentless advance.

Refusing to yield, Yun Che raised his own defenses, erecting Heretic God barriers and the Quincy Blutz barrier to safeguard themselves. Together, Yun Che and Retsu channeled all the energy they could muster into maintaining the barriers, but the force of the golden beam proved to be too much. The barriers crumbled, and their combined power was drained away as if it were mere glass.

The impact of the beam sent them hurtling backward, several kilometers through the air, until they collided with a floating rock in the distance. Instinctively, Yun Che wrapped his arms around Retsu, using his own body as a shield to protect her from the worst of the hit. The incredible force of the beam overwhelmed them, causing their bodies to ascend to the sixth level of the Sovereign Profound Realm in a single, agonizing surge. A single hit levels their body by six times. The overwhelming experience brought with it unbearable pain, severely injuring them both.

"Danna-sama!" Mio cried out as she watched both Yun Che and Retsu being thrown into a floating rock by the force of the dragon's attack. She desperately wanted to rush to their side, but before she could react, Wrath unleashed a ferocious Onslaught against her, pushing her away from her sister and fiancé. The assault was relentless, and Mio couldn't concentrate enough to conjure the Mirror Dimension for an escape. She could only hope that both Yun Che and Retsu were okay. Transforming into her spider form wouldn't do much damage to the mighty dragon, and it would make her an easy target. She couldn't help but worry about the two of them.

"Yun Che! Retsu!" Jasmine's voice resonated within, as she observed their health bars plummeting to a critical state. They had failed to teleport to safety, and the beam had shattered the barriers instantly. While Yun Che had managed to use the beam's force to push them away from its direct path, the ordeal had taken a heavy toll on them. If only she had her Divine powers, she could have easily crushed the dragon, but she felt utterly powerless. Her other spirits, too, were shouting and crying out, as they were unable to assist Yun Che and Retsu.


[Ding…. Both hosts' health is now at a critical limit.]


"Man, that hurts," Yun Che muttered as he slowly released himself from the rubble. The system automatically activated his Status Recovery mode, restoring him to full power, but he knew he had depleted his daily usage. He would have to consume health potions one after the other to recover. His Bankai outfit was entirely gone, and his body was exposed, revealing the wrappings on his stomach and his half-destroyed Hakama.

Retsu, on the other hand, was unconscious and bleeding all over, including her ears and tails. Her state reminded him of when she was killed by Zaraki Kenpachi. Panic washed over him as he quickly removed her destroyed Shihakusho, exposing her wrapped chest. Their appearances were nearly identical, even down to their sandals, which had been destroyed. Yun Che reached for a piece of the "Cheese" he had acquired from the system, tore off a chunk, and fed it to Retsu. The cheese instantly restored her HP and MP to 50%, healing her injuries. He poured some of the Divine Water into her mouth, bringing her strength back to 100%. Their masks had been entirely destroyed, resulting in a significant loss of their full power. Retsu slowly regained consciousness in his arms and met his teary eyes. He hugged her tightly, unable to hide his relief.

After a while, she looked into his eyes and said, "I am sorry, Yuu-kun."

"It's okay. This is the second time you shielded me," Yun Che replied with a smile. "I was supposed to be the one protecting you. You scared me, you know. I thought I had lost you." He hugged her again, grateful for her selflessness.

Retsu let out a surprised squeal as Yun Che enveloped her in a tight hug. However, the moment she saw the tears in his eyes, her expression changed. While she had wanted to protect him at all costs, seeing him cry over her well-being caused her to make a mental note to be more tactful in the future. She realized that her actions of getting hurt might risk him feeling such distress, and she resolved not to let that happen again. However, it didn't mean she would let him get hurt to protect her either.

But soon, a warm smile graced her lips. Despite the chaos and danger, her love for this man continued to grow. It was clear he loved her deeply, and his genuine proclamation of affection meant more to her than any wound she could endure. In that moment, she cherished their love more than ever before.

"Ehee~You protected me as well, right? That makes us even, Yuu-kun." Retsu said with a warm smile before Yun Che kissed her tenderly and held her close. Despite everything they had been through, both Yun Che and Retsu smiled as they held each other's hands.

"Hate to interrupt your moment, lovebirds," Jasmine's voice sounded within their minds, "but we have a dragon on the loose, and both of you have the time to flirt with each other." Her tone carried a mixture of annoyance and worry, as both of them had nearly perished. Yun Che had forgotten that if Retsu's health reached zero, the system would take her to the inner world to recover, but seeing her in such a state, he panicked, fearing the worst.

Standing barefoot on the floating rock, their appearances were in total disarray. Retsu's long hair billowed in the winds as she wore ragged hakama with her breast bindings visible, while Yun Che had his stomach wrapped in bindings, his hakama in tatters. Both of them still retained their Bankai forms, but they bore the marks of surviving a devastating blow. Yet, their determination remained unwavering, and neither of them was willing to yield to the formidable foe before them.

"Retsu-chan!" Mio suddenly emerged from the Mirror Dimension and went into Retsu's and Yun Che's arms, hugging them tightly. Despite once being a beast herself, her tears of happiness were evident in her eyes.

"Mio-chan," Retsu smiled warmly as she embraced her flock sister.

"Mouu!! You and Danna-sama scared me," Mio exclaimed with worry.

"We're okay, Mio," Yun Che assured her, patting the spider girl's head affectionately.

"What about me? No one worries about Kon-sama," Kon grumbled as he emerged on Yun Che's shoulder.

"Who in their right mind worries about you?" Yun Che teased, earning a plushy punch from Kon.

Despite their lighthearted banter, Wrath continued to power up its deadly beam shooting towards the heavens, dismissing the four of them like mere flies and didn't even bother with them. With determination burning in their eyes, they renewed their attack. Yun Che and Retsu struck from the left, while Mio and Kon attacked from the right, united in their relentless assault on the colossal dragon.

Both Yun Che and Retsu found themselves at an impasse. They had exhausted every tactic in their arsenal, but the dragon's formidable armor remained impenetrable. Ares had truly outdone himself in creating this monstrous creature, boasting a level of power they had never encountered before. Despite managing to whittle down a mere 5% of its health, the dragon used Xueli's core to quickly repair itself, rendering their efforts futile. It was a disheartening and seemingly unfair battle.

Then, as they racked their brains for any alternative strategy, a voice unexpectedly chimed in. It was Retsu's inner hollow, Yachiru, who spoke up.

"Retsu-chan, mind if I take over for a moment?" Yachiru's voice echoed within Retsu's mind.

Retsu was taken aback by the suggestion. "Yachiru? Why?"

Yachiru's inner voice carried a mischievous tone as she observed the dire situation outside. "Mou… It hurts you know getting hit like that. I can feel as if Zaraki was whacking me all over again. Ufufu~~ Don't worry, honey. I just want to have a little fun. It's been a while since I let loose. Just for a moment, dear."

Reluctantly, Retsu agreed, fully aware of the consequences of letting Yachiru take over. It meant reverting to her original persona, the Kenpachi named Unohana Yachiru. The system issued warnings about the potential repercussions, but she acknowledged that she needed Yachiru's assistance to have any hope of facing this formidable opponent.

At the same time, a voice entered her fiancée's ears.

"Yooo King…" Hoyuu's haunting voice resonated within Yun Che's mind.

"What do you want?" Yun Che responded, sensing that Hoyuu's sudden communication held significance.

"Oi, you look like you're in some sort of trouble. Mind letting me tap in?" Hoyuu's hollow voice suggested. It made Yun Che realize that Hoyuu had previously helped him close the gap between himself and the fire dragon guarding the Seed of Fire. Now, he might need Hoyuu's assistance again.

Recognizing the need for external help, Yun Che agreed. "Fine, I do need your help with this dragon. It's far too strong."

Amid this unfolding chaos, the system sounded warnings about an impending takeover, indicating it was on the verge of granting them the green light to proceed. The term "impending takeover" was all too familiar; it meant that they would yield their bodies to the hollow instincts residing within them. This would undoubtedly grant them unimaginable power, albeit at the cost of potential collateral damage afterward. The moment of decision had arrived.

In sync with these fateful warnings, their bodies began to shut down, plunging them into a state of ominous uncertainty.

Both Mio and Kon fought valiantly, but the dragon's impervious armor proved to be a formidable barrier. Even Kon's attempts to pierce it with his light streak mode were futile; the dragon effortlessly pushed his attacks aside. Kon resorted to throwing rocks using his earth-bending abilities alongside fireballs charged with his Haki. Yet, these efforts barely scratched the dragon's health.

"By the heavens, what is this creature made of?!" Kon cried out in dismay, aghast at the behemoth before them. His brave lion form was shattered as a colossal tendril struck him, leaving him to revert to his defenseless plushy self. He could only howl in agony, the ringing of the blows echoing through his stuffed head.

Mio wasn't spared either, despite her spatial barriers. The other massive tendril struck her with incredible force, propelling her several kilometers away before she managed to regain her composure. The echoes of her body's defense mechanisms continued to resound in her mind, evidence of the tremendous impact of the attack. She shuddered, realizing the sheer weight of the blows – blows that, were it not for her spatial barriers, could have caused severe injuries.

As Wrath observed both Retsu and Yun Che fall into a sudden, eerie silence, as if they had accepted their impending defeat, it seized the opportunity to intensify its assault. The colossal dragon revved its drills and drew nearer to them, a menacing intent to shred their bodies apart. Closing in on Yun Che and Retsu, Wrath's deadly approach left them with little room to maneuver.

In the midst of this dire situation, Mio, brimming with concern, attempted to rescue them as she was worried something like before happened again, her voice fraught with anxiety. "Danna-sama! Retsu-chan! What on earth are both of you doing?"

Before she could reach them, a blinding surge of bright light enveloped Yun Che and Retsu. Dark-red auras with black linings and black auras with red linings burst forth from their bodies. Mio and Kon watched in awe as these auras solidified into a massive slicing attack that surged towards Wrath's face.

The colossal dragon howled in agony, and Mio and Kon couldn't believe their eyes. It was the first time they had witnessed the dragon taking significant damage, but that wasn't the only shock. Yun Che and Retsu's auras had transformed into something else entirely—something immensely powerful and devastating, as if they had both become entirely different individuals.

"Witch, I was the one who hit him first," a hollowed voice chimed in, followed by another hollowed voice, this time a woman's. "Ufufufu~ Keep blabbing around, you sour puss."

Mio and Kon's eyes widened as Yun Che and Retsu seemed to have entered an altered state, unleashing a newfound strength and potential that left them in awe and anticipation of what would come next.

The Hollowfied Zanpakuto – Zangetsu or Hoyuu, and the Former Kenpachi – Unohana Yachiru, had taken control of Yun Che and Retsu's bodies, respectively. It was an astonishing transformation as they slid their new masks aside, revealing their fearsome visages and bright yellow eyes. The contrast between the two pairs couldn't be starker, with Yun Che and Retsu representing love and unity, while Hoyuu and Yachiru were a bickering duo, typical of Hollows.

Hoyuu spoke in his hollowed voice, swinging Tensa Zangetsu by its chain. "Think you're stronger than me? Think again, woman."

Yachiru, now possessing Retsu's body, chuckled ominously. "Ufufu~~ If it weren't for my beloved Yuuki, I would've killed you right now." Her creepy visage bore a smile that only belonged to Unohana Yachiru.

"I can beat this thing with one hand tied behind my back, don't need some chick to assist." Hoyuu boasted.

"Bastard, you think you can do better than me?" Yachiru retorted with a challenging tone.

"You wanna fight? I heard about you from before," Hoyuu taunted.

"Oh, you heard less," Yachiru countered, fueling their banter as they prepared to confront the formidable dragon.

Mio and Kon stood in stunned silence, witnessing the dramatic shift in their companions. The stark differences between their personalities and relationships were striking. Nevertheless, the dragon staggered before them, and both Yachiru and Hoyuu seized the opportunity to engage in battle. The system had granted them only three minutes to fight, and they intended to make the most of it or most of all, to have fun.

"Ufufufu~~ Hope Retsu won't mind if I push this body a little," Yachiru declared with a mischievous grin as she stood before the dragon, unleashing the full extent of Retsu's powers combined with her own.

Hoyuu chimed in, bits of hollow reishi converging on his face, indicating his infusion of power into Yun Che's body. "Yo, King, if you feel the pain later on, serves you right."

Zamgetsu, now host to Yun Che's body, welcomed the opportunity with enthusiasm alongside the excited Yachiru. "Don't mind if we do!"

With the might of Zangetsu and the formidable strength of Yachiru, they stood ready to confront the metallic dragon, determined to create chaos and hopefully find an opening to rescue Xueli.

Sorry, it's a bit late for this chapter. Here it is, have you checked the new mid-story chapter?

Current fixed chapters: 82

New Mid-story Chapter - 79 - Clock Blockers Takedown = a chapter about Xiao Lingxi and her rival. Check it out if you haven't.

Nora_Danishcreators' thoughts