
Rebirth: I Have Doomsday Supermarket

How does it feel to be pushed into a pile of zombies by the closest and most trusted person? The reborn Hua Mi said: The first priority of survival in the last days is to have enough supplies, stay away from the crowd and that white lotus, and survive until the end. Rolling up your sleeves and preparing for a big fight, suddenly activate the supermarket space and cashier system? ! Tsk, what more struggle is there in life, you can win until the end by lying down! But looking down at her growing belly, Hua Mi held milk powder in her left hand and a machete in her right. Where did this baby come from? ! The plan was a bit different, the first priority of survival was the smooth birth of the cub, and being vigilant against the man who stared at her stomach all day long. Man: Wife, why do I feel that you have been eating more and more fat recently? Looks like she's pregnant. Huami: Not like...

Yanyan_Angeles · SF
425 Chs


 To deal with a surprise attack of 100 people, Tang You's side is already considered heavy firepower.

  The price of heavy firepower is that each garrison carries 7 guns, which is a bit heavy.

 When the vanguard rushed over, they happened to bump into several city A garrisons covered in blood.

  They were being chased by Chen Hu's men, while blocking Chen Hu's men, while leading Chen Hu's men to run all over the mountains and plains.

  Just don't go to the supply warehouse in City B.

  Seeing Tang You approaching, the leader of the City A garrison was still carrying a baby in a baby sack in his arms.

  He breathed a sigh of relief, "Brother, save people! Our Captain Liu is in Chen Hu's hands."

  After saying this, he fell back and was caught by Tang You.

  Hua Mi originally wanted to go to the vanguard, but Tang You received Gong Yi's order and refused to let Sister Hua go.

  Gong Yi personally ordered Hua Mi to be assigned to the logistics rescue team.

  Pregnant woman wants to pull out a gun? That's impossible, even if Gong Yi chopped off his own head, it's impossible for Hua Mi to bring his two daughters into the vanguard.

  So when Hua Mi saw the garrison in City A, the garrison in City A was about to die.

  Tang You led the vanguard to attack the group of raiders. Hua Mi also knew from the logistics team that the raiders were Chen Hu's people.

  Originally, Chen Hu planned to send a garrison to rob City B's supply warehouse, but the garrison in City A was called upon by Gong Yi, and only a few dozen people in Liu Shengyuan's hands were left.

  Therefore, these dozens of garrisons were also sent by Chen Hu in the name of the commander of the garrison in City A to rob the material warehouse in City B.

  At this time, Chen Hu was only doubtful about the loyalty of the garrison in Liu Shengyuan's hands.

  He was using the task of "robbing City B's material warehouse" to test Liu Shengyuan and others. If "robbing City B's material warehouse" was successful, then Liu Shengyuan and dozens of other garrisoners could continue to use it.

  On the contrary, it's okay to let Liu Shengyuan and others die in the hands of Gong Yi.

  Originally Liu Shengyuan thought it was fine, Chen Hu had Chen Hu's plan, and he also had his own plan.

  Liu Shengyuan planned to send dozens of garrisons outside the material warehouse of City B. After surrendering, he had no intention of robbing the material warehouse of City B at all.

  But before leaving, a secret order from the "Commander of the Garrison of City A" suddenly came out, asking the garrison in Liu Shengyuan's hands to be responsible for other things.

  A total of just a few garrisons, together with hundreds of Chen Hu's minions, re-executed this robbery mission.

  From that moment on, Liu Shengyuan knew that his plan had to be changed.

  In order to protect City B's material warehouse, Liu Shengyuan decided to resort to tricks. He asked the assigned garrison to still carry out the task of "robbing City B's material warehouse". They betrayed them midway and used it to remind Tang You of City B's material warehouse.

  Someone is coming to rob, so hurry up and defend.

  Liu Shengyuan took dozens of other garrisons to attack Chen Hu.

  After listening to the logistics team, Hua Mi lowered her head and rubbed the center of her brows, "This Liu Shengyuan is really stupid. Obviously Chen Hu has already suspected him, and he led dozens of garrisons to die. Why?"

  A city garrison , took out a bloody baby from the shawl in his arms, and said weakly,

  "Because Captain Liu wants to rescue our commander with the smallest sacrifice, and at the same time weaken Chen Hu's power on behalf of Commander Gong."

In fact, this plan does not need to be elaborated. As long as it is a garrison, it will be such a choice.

  After sacrificing dozens of garrisons like Liu Shengyuan, it would be much easier for Gong Yi to deal with Chen Hu again.

  Hua Mi looked at the few members of the garrison rescue team in front of her, and then at the baby in the arms of the garrison in City A opposite.

  Those of them who were responsible for reminding Tang You of the city A garrison had only one body armor in total, and they didn't know where they got it, so they used it to wrap the baby.

  Hua Mi reached out to take the baby, and looked down, the baby was fine, the blood on his tiny body was from city A garrison.

  "Hold on, brother!"

  The city garrison in charge of medical treatment, holding a medical kit in his hand, applied hemostatic gel on the body of the garrison in city A who had been shot.

  However, the garrison in City A obviously couldn't hold on any longer, and his vitality was rapidly draining.

  The medical garrison stuffed the bloody man with painkillers.

  But there is no way, he was injured too badly, the reason why he can survive until now is only because he wants to send the baby in his arms to a safe place.

  Once he was sure the baby was safe, he also used up all his life force.

  Hua Mi looked at the garrison in City A who was being rescued urgently but could not be rescued no matter what, she sighed and hugged the crying baby boy in her arms.

  She don't know whose child this is, and why the garrison is desperately trying to send this baby boy to the material warehouse in city B. She asked the medical garrison who rescued her next to her, "How is it?" The medical garrison in the material warehouse in city B shook his head,

" He has done his best, and we have done our best."

  No matter how miraculous Hua Mi's medical supplies are, no matter how miraculous the medicine is for a person who has lost his vitality, no matter how miraculous the medicine is, it won't work.

  Hua Mi's heart suddenly felt heavy, and she suddenly remembered the hundreds of trillions of [Energy Light Groups] in her level 17 storage.

  She knew before that this [Energy Light Cluster] could be used by ordinary people.

  As long as ordinary people use the energy light group, they will not need to eat, drink and sleep, and they will also be full of energy.

  So now it can be used for the garrison of the dying city A, can it be the same?

 As Hua Mi said, she held a ball of [Energy Light Ball], hugged the baby boy, and threw it at the bloody City A garrison.


  The soldier,which had his last breath , suddenly moaned.

  The surrounding medical guards immediately gathered around him, and someone hurriedly attached a stethoscope to him,

  "Quick, he seems to have some strength, hurry up."

  There was just a hint of breath, still very weak.

  Hua Mi thought for a while, stood behind the medical garrison, and threw several [energy light groups] to the guy.

  "Oh, oh, ah, ah, oh oh oh, oh oh oh, ah ah ah~~" The city A garrison on the ground opened his energetic eyes on his bloody face.

  He struggled up from the ground,

  "I have to save Captain Liu, I can still do it."

  The surrounding medical guards were shocked. What kind of medical miracle is this? A man who was about to die could suddenly stand up and hold a weapon. Still have to go to war.

  Everyone reacted and hurriedly stepped forward and pressed his hands and feet.

  "You can't move yet. Calm down.We haven't taken out the bullets yet."

  "Let me go, let me go. Now that I am full of strength, I am going to save our Captain Liu!"

  Their Captain Liu is afraid that he has already taken action at this time. Dozens of people are stationed there to raid Chen Hu's villa complex. The chance of success is so low.