
An Air Of Pride

編集者: Henyee Translations

The four of them were dressed in the same way. Even the way they tied their shoelaces were the same. They were neat, clean and manly - all distinguished men.

From a visual point of view, they were like a banquet. Coupled with a towering aura, they exuded brilliance when they stood on the side.

J5 was intelligent and articulate. He had a faint smile at the corner of his mouth, which suited his demeanor as an instructor. He looked even more like a civilian staff member.

K7's eyes were cold and his face was thin. His facial features had the shape of a Caucasian. Dressed in a solemn suit, he looked like a surgeon that walked out of a conference room, indifferent and hard to approach.

He was indeed the leader's accompanying doctor.

Q King's murderous look was heavier than the rest. His facial features were harsh and cold like metal and his limbs seemed to be made of steel. He had a mighty and unyielding disposition and aura.