
Rebirth : Fixing up Love

How does it feel when the path you believed would lead to unimaginable delight and happiness turns out to be a cunning trap with lures of love, fame, and wealth? Who doesn't want that, on top of a person who never had these? Samia Campos was adopted by one of the wealthiest families in the country. Despite having everything one could want, she was never content. Everyone spoke politely to her, paid her attention, and showered her with gifts. She made friends who wished her well or maybe she believed. Everything seemed perfect yet not at the same time. The more people smiled at her the more stifled she felt like that smile was never genuine. But then again, what does a real smile feel like? It turned out that while behaving how others wanted, With all those polite and fake smiles she lost herself. Now being given a second chance at life, she swears to never entangle herself in the upper society and to live happily. Not knowing that life has other plans for her.

Altansarnai · 都市
43 Chs

Night Date

"He's also my boss, Felix. And he is a really nice person. He might have a good impression of mine now, but I don't know what he'll think of me in the future. We have become good friends, you know. I don't want to break that." Samia confessed.

"Sam," Vivan said, making her look at his face. " Since when did you start hesitating on something? The Sam I know always did her best to not have any regrets. We never know what might happen in the next moment. I just don't want you to regret it later.

And you know I will always be by your side."

Samia nodded. Since her rebirth, she has been scared of every step she took, that it might lead to something else. Where she doesn't want to go.

Samia thought about not telling Vivan about her rebirth for now. She could tell him like she told Abigail that she had a dream.

Samia felt that even if she told him the truth he would believe her. But he just came back, she don't want him to worry over her.

"What are your plans now that you came back?" Samia asked.

"My professor recommended me to a hospital here. I'll try working there for a while and see how it goes." Vivan said.

"You should go now. You have already made him wait for so long."

Only when Vivan reminded Samia, that she recalled, that she came with Felix today.

She stood up hurriedly and said her goodbye.

"Since you are already here I will be leaving children in your care. Tell me if there's something you need in the city. I can help you." Samia said.

"Ok now go," Vivan said.

Samia quickly went to see Felix only to find him in the backyard.

Felix came here to suppress his emotions. He can't lose control here, or even in front of Samia. He doesn't want her to hate him. Just the thought of that makes him feel stuffy.

He initially came here to cool his mind but these thoughts created more mess instead.

He was on the verge of breaking down.

"Felix, you must be waiting for a long time." Samia's voice came from behind soothing his nerves.

He didn't know since when she had this effect on him. To influence his emotions.

"No, it's fine. You must have wanted to catch up with your long-lost friend." Felix said after composing himself but the sourness in his voice could not be hidden.

Samia contemplated if what Vivan said was true and if he was really jealous of him because it couldn't be more obvious after hearing Felix.

"Yeah." Felix's face dropped after hearing her, but instantly lit up after hearing her next words." He is like my big brother. Though we are not biologically related, we are closer than biological siblings."

Samia would have laughed at this moment if she didn't want to make him feel embarrassed. His emotions were written on his face. He had a sour face just a moment before and now he was smiling like a fool.

'Ah, he's looking too cute.' Samia thought.

They stayed there till 11 and headed back. The kids insisted them to spend a night there but Samia rejected saying that they need to go office tomorrow and the orphanage is quite far from the city.

Back in the car, they both remained silent along the way.

The car wasn't going in the direction of any of their apartment but Samia was so drowsy to care about that. She dozed off after just a few minutes they took off.

After an unknown amount of time, Samia woke up, only to realize she slept in Felix's car.

"You woke up." A deep voice sounded above her head. Samia looked up, only to find herself lost in Felix's deep blue eyes.

"Yeah." She quickly composed herself.

Samia looked ahead only to find that their car was parked near a beach.

She could see the sea right before her eyes. The waves crashing against the shore. It was beautiful.

While Samia was immersed in the beauty of the sea, the car door was opened by Felix.

"You can admire it after coming down from the car ." He paused for a while and said. "Or do you want me to carry you out?" Felix still remembered the last time he carried her when she was unconscious. how weightless and soft her body felt in his arms.

Samia flushed at his statement. She quickly got out of the car.

They walked barefoot on the sand, side by side enjoying the night view.

The sound of waves, The bright shining stars illuminate the sea.

"It's beautiful." It felt peaceful. Like she could do this for hours. The sea calmed her nerves. She discovered something new about herself today.

"Yes, it is." Felix was not looking at the sea but at her. She was looking gorgeous. Shining brighter than any star in the sky. Lighting up his dark paths.

"Sam" Felix called out softly.

Samia turned around to look at him "hmm..?"

She couldn't utter anything more than that. Her heart was in a mess by the way he called her.

It was the first time he called her by her nickname, but it felt different and intimate coming from him. She was afraid that at this rate she might do something to him. She still wasn't completely sure about his feelings.

Felix's hands were shaking slightly as he took out a box from his pocket.

Samia saw a blue jade necklace when he opened the box. It was absolutely stunning.

"Can I put it on you?" Felix was tongue-tied. He didn't know what he should say now Should he wish her Happy Birthday, Should he tell her that this was the birthday gift he wanted to give her? His Mother's necklace.

He wanted to say so much but nothing came out of his mouth.

Samia nodded blankly. As Felix, she was also unable to use her brain right now. She flinched when Felix's hand touched her neck as he helped her in putting on the necklace.

"You look stunning." Felix praised.

Samia knew even without looking in the mirror that her face would have been as red as a tomato by now.

So What do you think??

I am quite busy at work these days. I'll try to upload regularly though.

Thanks for your support!!

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