
Rebirth as a Shadow Raven

Long time ago Earth was invaded by otherworldly creatures - monsters. The human population was almost decimated and most succumbed to despair. Luckily with monsters came a foreign new Energy, 'Mana'. Humans started to awaken, gaining strength beyond belief and managing to push the monsters back, creating a continent for humans to reside in. Abandoned by his family, betrayed by his friends and killed by the monsters... It was a short yet painful life of Kai Steele, a person who was regarded as one of the weakest humans. However, for some unknown reason his conscience was sent back in time. " Why is it I who gets something so powerful, yet lame? " A new adventure of Kai, the Black Death begins!

Gurdon · ファンタジー
68 Chs

Throne Room

Kai carefully observed the room below him.

The room was large and imposing, with a high ceiling adorned with ornate carvings depicting scenes of goblin conquests. The walls were lined with banners bearing the goblin king's symbol, a crown with jagged edges.

In the center of the room was a large, raised platform upon which the goblin king sat upon a throne made of obsidian. The throne was adorned with gems and gold, and the king himself was a sight to behold.

He was a hulking figure, with a massive frame and a thick, muscular neck. His skin was a deep green, his eyes were glowing red, and his fangs were long and sharp. He wore a crown of obsidian spikes upon his head, and his body was covered in intricate tattoos that resembled the symbols Kai had seen etched into the walls.

Kai could feel a powerful aura radiating from the king. It was an aura of power and dominance, an aura that made Kai feel small and insignificant. The king was an Earl-Rank monster, a creature of immense power and ability.

There were also a number of guards stationed around the throne room. They were armed with swords, axes, and spears, and they were all alert and vigilant.

Kai knew that there was no way he could barge in and just kill the king. It was too strong and there were too many guards stationed in the room. He needed to come up with a plan.

Kai thought for a moment, his mind racing. He needed to find a way to disable the guards and separate the king from them. Then he could kill the king without having to fight his way through a horde of goblins.

After careful consideration, Kai devised a plan. He would create a distraction that would draw the guards away from the throne room, giving him a chance to confront the king alone.

But what could serve as a distraction powerful enough to lure away the guards?

Smirking, he began slowly going back to an air vent.

Kai carefully maneuvered his way through the pipes, his muscles aching from the tight confines. He had been exploring the goblin king's fortress for hours, searching for a way to distract the guards and give himself a chance to kill the king.

He had finally found the perfect spot: a large storeroom filled with flammable materials. Kai slipped out of the vent and into the room, his eyes adjusting to the darkness. He was standing in a vast chamber, filled with crates, barrels, and sacks of grain.

Kai crept through the room, his senses on high alert. He didn't want to run into any guards, but he also didn't want to waste time. He had to set the fire and get back to the throne room before the guards realized what was happening.

He found a pile of oil-soaked rags in a corner of the room and began to spread them around. He then willed the Mana of his Mana Ring to ignite the rags, causing flames to dance and flicker across the storeroom.

The rags caught fire quickly, and Kai quickly retreated to the air vent. He climbed back in and closed the grille behind him, then started to make his way back to the throne room.

He was halfway back when he heard a commotion below. The guards had discovered the fire and were shouting orders to each other. They were too busy trying to extinguish the flames to notice the vent above them.

Kai smiled to himself. His plan was working perfectly.

He continued to climb, his heart pounding with excitement. He was so close to his goal.

He finally reached the throne room and peered through the grille. The king was still on his throne, oblivious to the chaos below. The guards were all gone, rushing to put out the fire.

Kai seized his chance. He grabbed his spear and climbed out of the vent, landing silently on the floor.

The king turned to see Kai, his eyebrows in surprise.


It growled something in a deep, throaty voice, but Kai couldn't understand its language.

Kai didn't waste any time. He raised his spear and charged at the king, his heart pounding in his chest.

The king saw him coming and let out a roar, raising his claws to meet the attack.

Kai parried the blow, the clang of metal echoing through the silent chamber. He swung his spear again, but the king dodged it easily, his movements surprisingly agile for his size.

Kai was impressed by the king's skill, but he knew that he couldn't let the king get away. He had to kill him now, before the guards returned.

The two of them circled each other, their eyes locked in a deadly dance. Kai knew that he had to be careful. The king was a formidable opponent, and one misstep could cost him his life.

He waited for an opening, watching for a chance to strike. The king was relentless, attacking with a flurry of blows that Kai barely managed to deflect.


Kai was starting to feel the strain. His muscles were burning, and his breath was coming in ragged gasps. He knew that he couldn't keep this up for much longer.

"Earl Rank monster sure is strong..."

Backing away Kai muttered to himself. Gripping his spear tightly, he began to channel his mana throughout his body.

It was time to get serious.