
rebirth as a Justin Bieber

"Just a normal dude who tried to save a kid from an accident, and he got three wishes. He was then drawn into the body of Justin Bieber in 1990. As a kid, he created his own legends." "On a 5-month vacation, bored in the house, creating novels for the first time, having wars, and yawning. Vinny, if you have any suggestions, just comment. I will read them and try to correct as much as possible. And if there is a problem or mistake, please point it out. Don't give me one star, please. "The story is full of romance, humor, and songs. Recommend as many songs as possible."

Ilesh_Saru_2157 · セレブリティ
24 Chs

(1992 to 1996)

Justin's move to Los Angeles marked a new chapter in his young life, one tinged with both loss and hope. At the age of 2, amidst the whirlwind of changes, his mother Pattie and Grandma gifted him a drum set—a beacon of joy in uncertain times. The vibrant colors of the drums contrasted with the muted hues of their modest apartment, where every beat seemed to echo a promise of better days.

Pattie, with her warm smile and gentle hands, encouraged Justin's budding interest in music. She would sit beside him, tapping her foot to the rhythm as Justin banged away with childlike enthusiasm. Grandma, ever watchful and protective, would often join in, her aging fingers brushing against the drumsticks with a tenderness that belied her years.

As Justin turned 4, his drumming skills caught the attention of a local band rehearsing in a nearby garage. The band members, a mix of young musicians and experience , welcomed the curious boy with open arms. Jake, the band's guitarist and unofficial leader, saw something special in Justin—a raw talent waiting to be nurtured.

"Hey there, little drummer! You wanna give it a try?" Jake's voice was gruff yet kind, his eyes twinkling with curiosity.

Justin looked up with a mixture of awe and determination, nodding eagerly. Pattie and Grandma exchanged a glance of cautious optimism as Justin tentatively approached the drum set.

With a gentle nudge from Jake, Justin began to play. His small hands found their rhythm, each beat resonating with a clarity that belied his age. The band members exchanged impressed glances, nodding in silent approval as Justin's confidence grew with each passing minute.

From that day on, Justin became a regular visitor to their garage rehearsals. The band, impressed by his dedication and natural talent, offered him free drumming lessons.

Also Justin acted mature and ask many questions about music were they treated him like their own younger brother.

Grandma, her wrinkled face softened by a rare smile, accompanied Justin to every session. She formed a bond with the band members, swapping stories over cups of steaming tea as Justin practiced with unwavering determination.

"Hey AI, why do you think they like me playing drums so much?" Justin asked one afternoon, his cheeks flushed with excitement.

"They see your dedication and how well you connect with music, Justin," the AI responded in its soothing voice. "It's rare to find someone your age with such natural rhythm. They admire your maturity and passion."

Justin beamed with pride, his small chest puffing out ever so slightly. "I like making music with them. It feels like we're a team."

"And you are, Justin," the AI affirmed gently. "Music has a way of bringing people together, creating harmony where there was once only noise."

By the time Justin turned 5, he had enrolled in a public elementary school renowned for its music education program. His days were a whirlwind of drumming lessons, academic studies, and the occasional adventure with Pattie and Grandma.

One sunny afternoon, when Justin was 6 years old, he and Pattie walked home from school, their laughter mingling with the sound of distant traffic. As they approached a busy crosswalk, Justin's sharp eyes caught a glint of something shiny on the ground. Stooping down, he picked it up—a small, weathered coin that sparkled in the afternoon sunlight.

"Mama, look! It's a penny," Justin exclaimed, holding it up for Pattie to see.

AI widened with recognition. "Justin, this isn't just any penny. It's a 1943 penny, one of only 20 ever minted during World War II. It's incredibly rare and valuable."

Justin's mind raced with excitement and uncertainty. "Should we sell it, AI? We could use the money to help us."

The AI, always present in Justin's thoughts, responded calmly, "Selling it might bring unwanted attention and put us in danger, Justin. It's best to keep it safe and seek a discreet way to manage its value."

Justin nodded thoughtfully, his fingers tracing the intricate details of the penny. He tucked it safely into his pocket, a secret treasure that reminded him of both luck and caution.

Months passed, and Justin continued to excel in both drumming and academics. His talent blossomed under the guidance of the local band and the supportive community around him. The AI, with its vast knowledge and steady guidance, became a trusted companion in navigating the complexities of Justin's young life.

When there reach home Pattie started to cook for Justin due to Justin learn music in school after school time were Justin mother will pick up Justin for school to home sometime grandma.

Pattie works many hours for justin to go good government also so support but it's not enough for 3 people.

Justin's days were filled with the rhythmic cadence of drumming and the comforting routine of school. Amidst the melodies and lessons, he also found joy in simple moments with his mother, Pattie, who worked tirelessly to provide for them both. Her long hours at work often left her exhausted, but Justin, now 7 years old and wise beyond his years, sought to ease her burden in any way he could.

"Mom, can I help you with dinner tonight?" Justin asked one evening, his voice small but earnest.

Pattie paused, her weary eyes softening with love and gratitude. She smiled warmly at her son, her heart swelling with pride at his thoughtfulness. "Of course, sweetheart. That would be wonderful."

Together, they stood in the cozy kitchen of their small apartment, the aroma of spices and warmth filling the air. Justin, standing on a step stool to reach the counter, eagerly helped Pattie chop vegetables and stir the bubbling pot on the stove. His small hands moved with a careful precision, mirroring his dedication to drumming.

"AI, do you think Mom will like the dinner we're making?" Justin whispered softly in his mind.

The AI, always attuned to Justin's thoughts, replied, "I'm sure she'll love it, Justin. Your effort and care mean more to her than anything."

As they worked side by side, Pattie shared stories of her own childhood, her voice tinged with nostalgia and love. Justin listened intently, soaking in her words like melodies he could replay in his mind. He cherished these moments, where time seemed to slow and their bond grew stronger with each shared laugh and quiet conversation.

"Mom, what was your favorite song when you were my age?" Justin asked, his eyes sparkling with curiosity.

Pattie chuckled softly, her gaze drifting to a distant memory. "Oh, there were so many. But I think I loved 'Imagine' by John Lennon the most. It always made me feel hopeful, like anything was possible."

Justin nodded thoughtfully, his mind already racing with plans to find the song and surprise her with it one day. For now, though, he focused on the present moment, relishing the warmth of their shared kitchen and the simple joy of making his mother smile.

As dinner simmered on the stove, Justin set the table with care, arranging plates and utensils with a precision that mirrored his drumming practice. Pattie watched him with pride, her heart overflowing with love for the thoughtful boy he had become.

"Thank you, Justin," Pattie said softly as they sat down to eat. "For helping me tonight, and for being my little chef."

Justin beamed, his cheeks flushing with happiness. "You're welcome, Mom. I like helping you. It makes me happy."

Pattie reached across the table, squeezing his hand gently. "You make me happy too, Justin. More than you'll ever know."

Justin most the time when Justin is free in Living room justin cartoon also MTV song were they will play top 20 song .

And biography of many famous singers.

That evening, as Justin lay in bed, his mind wandered back to the penny tucked safely away in his drawer. "AI, how can we safely cash out the money from the penny when the time comes?" he wondered aloud.

The AI's soothing voice echoed in his mind, "I've researched safe and discreet methods, Justin. When you're older, we can consult trusted professionals who specialize in rare collectibles. They'll help us navigate the process securely."

Justin nodded thoughtfully, comforted by the AI's assurance. He drifted off to sleep, his dreams filled with the rhythmic beats of his drum set and the promise of a future bright with possibilities.

Author note

I am trying to make interesting the story and fast with some emotion in the story.

By the penny part is real, I founded short video and replace lottery thing in the story put realistic stuff.

If there's any mistake in grammar in that story make sure to correct me.

By the way Justin is just only learning the drums though this band and not joining any band.
