
Chapter 98

Chapter 98 Xiao Gui Cao Sui

The passenger plane hovering at the Houston airport slowly landed on the airport. Gallo, who was sitting next to Song Yang, twisted his body, winked and said to Song Yang, "Song, I heard that Jim Clark and Mark Anderson are both Start buying your own private jet!"

  When Song Yang heard this, he didn't know what Gallo wanted to say, so he couldn't help but rolled his eyes, not wanting to talk to this guy.

  Who the **** doesn't want to buy a private jet, but with Song Yang's current situation, the stalls are too big, and now he has to support Arkady Voloz and Yeadex's actions in Lao Maozi, spending money like water.

  Now, Song Yang has the idea of ​​selling that Ferrari F50 for money, let alone a private jet.

  However, people in the Internet industry are not fundamentally different from other industries. After they have money, they basically buy and buy. Don't talk about Bill Gates collecting something unique, such as the periodic table of elements.

   That thing is Bill Gates. Private jets, sports cars, yachts, villas, islands, these men's large toys, Bill Gates has already bought them, and then he began to improve the collection quality.

  The same Mark Anderson and his group are also doing the same thing, and now they are also engaged in yachts and private jets. This trend is expected to sweep the entire Silicon Valley and the Internet industry in the near future.

  Song Yang feels that it won't be long before the media will rank the private jets of Jim Clark and others, in order to speculate on the power and status of the owners of these large toys in the industry.

   Similarly, if one day they start selling these gadgets, it means that they have already begun to lose power, and Hollywood is playing this way.

As for Song Yang, in a short period of time, it is estimated that he will not have the time to fiddle with private jets. In the same sentence, Song Yang's stalls are too big, and they are all big money burners, but after a few years, wait for Song Yang. When the property in Yang's hands starts to repay, then Song Yang doesn't mind giving a surprise to his colleagues!

  As soon as he got out of the airport, Song Yang heard a cry, and then a figure rushed into Song Yang's arms, feeling the big cream cake in his arms, Song Yang felt that this mountain seemed to be a little bigger!

It was Haili and Jenny who came to pick up Song Yang and Gallo at the airport. Seeing Jenny who threw herself into Song Yang's arms, Haili gave Gallo a blank look, and the latter put his luggage on in a hurry. car.

  Jenny and Song Yang had a rough time before getting into the car together, where Haili was questioning Gallo.

  Gallo pointed at the sky and screamed, "I have too many things to do in San Jose, and now I have to help Song manage the new company. How can I have time to meet other women? Song, you can testify to me!"

  Song Yang didn't want to testify for Gallo, but looking at Jenny who was looking at him in his arms, Song Yang reluctantly agreed to prevent Jenny from burning him.

  Hailee glanced at Song Yang and Gallo suspiciously, and then her attention was attracted by the new company that Gallo said.

   "Are you also managing the new company now?" Haili was naturally very happy to hear that Gallo had also become the person in charge of the company.


Gallo patted his chest and touted "Blackwater Company". Hearing that it was a security company, Hayley lost all interest immediately. As for what became the largest security company in America, he would bring the security business to Capitol Hill in the future What, Hailey doesn't believe it anyway.

   Seeing this, Gallo said to Haili, "Blackwater, the training base will be built soon, and you will be able to see it then!"

  Song Yang didn't ask too much about the Blackwater Company. After hearing Gallo's words, Song Yang asked Gallo, "Are you working with that Prince?"

   Gallo nodded, and couldn't help complaining, "That Prince is a lunatic, but he is really capable!"

   Through Eric's introduction, Gallo "contacted Prince several times, and Prince also supported the idea of ​​establishing Blackwater, and joined without much hesitation.

And Gallo's impression of Prince is probably an adventurous lunatic. He is a die-hard supporter of the Elephant Party. Prince's family was closely related to the most conservative family in America in the early years, that is, the founder of Amway. One of the family marriages, one can imagine what kind of personality Prince is, conservative, proficient in weapons, has been in the army, and likes to take risks. These add up to Prince's character. Where there is war, he likes it. where to run.

   "Prince wants to establish a professional training base belonging to the Blackwater Company in North Carolina!"

  Prince's mobility is much higher than that of Gallo, and now he has started to look for a training base, and he is preparing to recruit troops.

  Song Yang listened to Gallo's words, and said to Gallo, "If you have time, bring Prince over to meet him!"

  Song Yang still feels that it is good to have a three-term contract with Prince. Song Yang does not want to be led into a ditch by Prince, and it is better to say some things in advance.

  Hai Li, who was driving the car, listened to Song Yang and Gallo's words with pricked ears. Song Yang could value her. Hai Li couldn't help thinking that this Blackwater company might really develop.

   Looking back at Gallo, Haili looked up and down, thinking to herself, is it possible that this guy may really become a big shot in America in the future?

  If Gallo knew what Haili was thinking, he probably wouldn't be so happy at this time.

   Instead of going back to the villa area, Song Yang and Jenny went back to the small apartment next to the Harbor Building.

  After a lot of darkness, Jenny climbed up from under the quilt, looked at Song Yang and asked, "University of San Jose, is there any **** pestering you?"

Hearing this, Song Yang shook his head immediately, never mentioning Belia's name, "I didn't even join the fraternity at San Jose University, I have too many things to do, how could I take care of these, besides, I already have You Pearl of America!"

Jenny was very satisfied with Song Yang's words, and got under the quilt again. After staying in the apartment for a long time, and after spending a long time with Jenny, Song Yang sent Jenny home and returned. Over there at the villa.


"elder brother!"

  For Song Yang's return, the villa was noisy again. Daana and Millia were naturally very happy about Song Yang's return, and Daana specially prepared a Italian-style meal for Song Yang.

  After resting in the villa for a night, Song Yang went to the office of the Harbor Building the next day.

  The office next to the Harbor Building is now mainly used as the headquarters of Double-click, as well as the headquarters of the Hotmail mailbox.

  When Song Yang came to the office building, he saw the office space belonging to the Double-Click Company. It was still a busy scene just like before he left, but there were obviously a lot more office workers.


Hearing Song Yang's arrival, Irene immediately came out to greet her. Now Irene is wearing a white lady's suit and even put on a light makeup, which made Song Yang take a few more glances. Irene no longer needs to use the original The old-fashioned makeup to set off her maturity.

The secretary of the board of directors of Double-click Company, the acting general manager of Hotmail, the chief secretary-general of the American Interactive Advertising Association IAB, and more titles will appear on Irene in the future. She is now the most famous woman in the American Internet industry One of, and perhaps in the future, one of the most powerful women in the American tech industry.

  These titles added together naturally don't need her to use some exterior decorations to set off herself.

  Seeing Song Yang's eyes looking at her, unlike before, this time Irene's eyes were slightly fiery towards Song Yang. Facing Irene's eyes, Song Yang couldn't stand it for a while.

   Coughing, Song Yang entered the office, looked at Irene and said, "Double-click the emails from the company and Hotmail, I have read them, you did a good job!"

Now Double-Click Company is basically divided into two parts. The Houston side is the headquarters, and the New York side is the branch. Although it is a branch, the double-click New York branch company managed by Kaiwei Lane has already approached the headquarters. Here it is more than three times.

  The Big Apple is now the economic center of America, and even the world, where all the world's well-known brands and companies gather, there is no doubt about it.

  Although all the affairs in Houston were sent to Song Yang by email for review, Irene still reported some affairs to Song Yang in person.

   "Now double-click the staff at the headquarters, there are more than 200 employees, and the monthly revenue has exceeded 3 million dollars!"

Irene looked at Song Yang and said, even if it is not as good as New York, the speed of development is already quite fast, "According to Song's request, next year, Double-click will enter Canada, England, France, Japan, Singapore, Bangzi As well as the mainland and other markets, the headquarters is currently selecting suitable partners!"

  As the person in charge of the double-click headquarters, what Irene has to do is not only responsible for advertising, but also making plans for the double-click company.

Double-click will enter the overseas market next year. Like Hotmail, Double-click will directly operate and manage markets in some regions, but in mainland China, Japan, Singapore, Bangzi, and the Middle East, it will choose a partner agent and delegate power to the local market. Man manages double click branding.

   Song Yang listened to Irene's words, the Internet is a new industry, there is no reference in this industry, the so-called experience does not exist, every step is creating history, and it is also a way for the latecomers.

To put it bluntly, the digital advertising companies in America and even the whole world are following the double-click company, just like a certain rabbit crossing the river with the bear and the eagle sauce, and the eagle sauce is almost bald. .

"In addition, the advertising email system on Hotmail has been completed. It is expected that the advertising email business will start next month. The daily volume of advertising emails will exceed 200,000. In the future, we may increase the delivery of advertising emails based on the effect of advertising. quantity!"

How to make money from e-mail, of course, is to send advertising e-mails. As for the effect, it is unknown. Anyway, everything is being explored now. As the leader of the global e-mail industry, no one will tell how it should be done.

  (end of this chapter)