
We're Back!

As Gil's body burned to ash a massive door of light appeared at the end of the tunnel. Joshua and Rena went inside and found themselves inside the treasury of the dungeon. Joshua opened the box on the pedestal and a black smoke engulfed him and forced its way inside of him.

He fell to one knee and coughed on the floor.

"That looked unpleasant." Rena said.

"Trust me it is." Joshua replied. "The exit should open now."

As Joshua said that another door of light appeared and as the two walked through, they found themselves in front of the village. At least they thought it was the village, when they left the area was covered in snow and all of the structures in the village were charred from the fires.

Now the grass was green and lush, with assorted flowers. There were no signs of char or battle anywhere and the frigid temperatures were replaced by a temperate climate. "Joshua, where are we?" Rena asked.