
Rebellious wife of President Wang

"Brother Wang please be my boyfriend!" "No!” “pleaseeee.” “No.” “Brother, I beg you.” “No” “Brother you don’t love me anymore? You dote on me the most.” NiNi show her ultimate comic-sparkling-eyes moves. “hmm.. still no.” he smile stiffly at NiNi “Why brother don’t want to help Xiao Ni, Xiao Ni is sad. Heung heung…” “Whatever, I’ll just said to aunty Wang that I want to be you wife.” He said he don't want to be my boyfriend, but then he said “what fake boyfriend, I don’t like fake things. Either be boyfriend or not at all.” Edited and newest version on Good Novel apk

Snat · 都市
147 Chs

I prefer the black one

If there is someone who understands Xiao Ni's childishness, it's Wang Kai and Guan Xian.

Guan Xiao Ni's mood is very unpredictable, yet her movement is very predictable. Wang Kai and Wang Ru have discussed the matter with Song Qian. They also have arranged the best way to deal with this problem.

One way to solve all of it without raises other problems. Not because he has sentimental feelings for Song Qian, or whatsoever. But because it will drag Wang's fashion reputation.

The preparation is almost complete. But now Xiao Ni's got very agitated with Song Qian. Wang Kai has made a list of several possibilities Xiao Ni will do.

Wang Kai is very positive Xiao Ni is up to something bad.

Especially when she shut him off every time he bought up the topic with a grin and said, "Don't worry, I can handle it myself."

It was Thursday morning when Wang Kai moves his arm to his left to hold his wife to sleep. His hand actively searching for a tender, soft, warm body.

After trying for a few seconds, Wang Kai opens his heavy lids forcefully. An immediate frowns plastering his handsome, sleepy face. He groaned and kicked away the quilt.

"Guan Xiao Ni where are you?" He said with a sleepy voice, but loud enough to reach the whole bedroom.

He waited several times, but the answer never comes.

Displeasure and worried make him sober right at that time. Before he completely climbs out from their bed, he glances at the digital clock beside the bed. His eyes turn bleak.

"Guan Xian Ni, where are you?" he repeated himself, louder this time.

He checked the bathroom, the balcony, but she is nowhere to find. Wang Kai has placed his hand on the door handle when he heard a noisy sound from the closet room.

He fastens his pace to Xiao Ni's practically second bedroom and opens the door without hesitation. When the white room filled with wardrobe come to his vision, he is left dumbfounded.

There is a big pile of dress, forming a hill in the middle of the floor.

When he opens his mouth fo call Xiao Ni, a sheer white fabric fall on his face. He closed his eyes for a moment, trying to compose himself. After calming his brain, his hand take the thin fabric away and tossed it to the pile of clothes in front of him.

"Guan Xiao Ni, what are you doing at five a.m. in the morning?" He said with a monotonous tone, trying to hide his confusion behind.

"WHAT?" He heard Xiao Ni's answer but could not find the person.

"Where the hell are you?" He said with a louder voice. He looks at the big mess inside and hesitating to come in.

"Uh... I'm inside," Wang Kai hears her mumbles from the right section of her walk-in closet. He is determined to find Xiao Ni, but the problem is how the heck he can walk inside?

The whole floor is cover by clothes.

Wang Kai gritted his teeth and began to pick up her clothes to make his way. "Guan Xiao Ni, how could you even fit everything in one room?"

"Well, there is a simple technic, called folding." Xiao Ni's voice getting louder the more he walks inside. He keeps picking up clothes and tossed them into one of the big piles until he saw Xiao Ni's cute but inside a pull cabinet.


She amazingly looks like a little bunny tucked into a hole. Wang Kai's grin rose, and his hand moves on its own to smack her butt without his realizing.


The sound vibrates over Xiao Ni's walk-in closet as the pain slowly spreading on Xiao Ni's butt. Xiao Ni widens her eyes before turning her head to look at him and screams, "HEY!"

Of course, her death glare did not make Wang Kai felt intimidated at all. Instead of running away, he laughed hard. Xiao Ni huffed and jumped out from her mini dress drawer.

"Grrr, Have enough fun yet?" She hissed at him. Wang Kai looked at her beautiful angry face and decided to stop laughing. But damn, it was so hard to do so.

"Sorry, I can't help it." Wang Kai shrugged his shoulder lightly. Xiao Ni clicked her tongue, seems like she wanted to say something. But Xiao Ni changed her mind the next second. Instead of wasting her time fighting with Wang Kai, she decided to finish what she got to do.

Wang Kai did not make a fuss of her ignoring him. He decided to stand behind him and annoy her with loads of questions.

"What are you doing here?"

"Is this even a dress? so short." He snorts.

"Guan Xiao Ni, give it away to somebody. This skirt is hideous." He throws a mini skirt. Perfectly landed on Xiao Ni's head.

"Can you shut up?" Xiao Ni snapped at him. Wang Kai raised both of his eyebrows lightly and ignore her warning. He keeps asking things whenever a question pops up in his mind. Sometimes he would also give his comments on several clothes.

"Baby, I remember you wear this yellow dress the day you asked me to be your boyfriend. Hmm."

"You wear these shirts on the day you confessed to me. Touching."

"Hey, this is the suit you wear the first time you kiss me. I like it."


Xiao Ni is well prepared for stuffing his mouth with one of her scarves. Also, he is uttering so many hoaxes!

"Oh, I like this dress. You look sexy wearing this." He said, then tossed it around to pick another suit. It was a working suit, but the cut is too deep. He frowned and quickly hide somewhere so Xiao Ni could never the damned dress to the office.

The more he went through her clothes, the more he got stressed. There are so many lacking of material clothes that could make him enraged just imaging Xiao Ni wearing them.

"Ho! Guan Xiao Ni, I don't know you prepare so well for me. Why did you never wear this?" He looks amused when he open one of the cabinet Xiao Ni never open.

Xiao Ni's eyes flare open when she looked at him. Forgetting whatever she was doing, Xiao Ni runs toward the cabinet.

Close it! Close it! She needs to close it!

That cabinet filled with indecent things! She better death than reveal her dirty little secret to Wang Kai.

"Why did you touch my stuff without my permission?" She snaps at him the moment her back push closing the cabinet.

But Wang Kai has seen everything. His usually unfathomable eyes are clear right now, telling Xiao Ni what though he had on his mind. Xiao Ni turns her face away with restless faces when she saw his smirk.

"I-" Wang Kai has yet said his second words when Xiao Ni covers his mouth with her dainty palm.

"Speak one more word, and you are going to sleep in the living room." Xiao Ni threatened him.

Although it was obvious Wang Kai is not falling for her threat, he played along and nodded his head slightly. His dark eyes burning with amusement for her right now.

Xiao Ni nods her head to confirm their deal carefully.

Wang Kai nods his head as his agreement.

Slowly, Xiao Ni pulls her hand away from his mouth. They still stare at each other as if there is a red string between them. After a long pause of silence, Xiao Ni tilted her head and declare, "I need to find my dress. Don't be noisy again if you don't want to help."

Wang Kai nodded his head like an obedient puppy. Her cute reaction somehow makes Xiao Ni's heart soften. She pressed her lips to hold on to her laughter. But a better idea crossed her mind.

Looking at the cute Wang Kai, she smiles and pulls her hand up.

Up to pat his head.

She grins and looks at Wang Kai's face for a moment. Her nose flares open as terror fills his face. He hold her hand to stop whatever she is doing while forcing a smile on his face.

"What are you doing woman?" He said through his gritted teeth. Xiao Ni sees his jaw clenching. His angry face looks even cuter in her eyes. His distress and interdiction make her wanted to do it even more.

Xiao Ni shows her dimples as she crescents her eyes.

Wang Kai shook his head, blow a cold chuckle. "No, don't you dare do that to me."

"Sounds like a challenge?" Xiao Ni's smiles grew wider.

"Oh, ho ho ho. My Litte wife, I recommend you not to take the challenge if you don't want me to do you. Now. Here." His deep voice changed into a whisper on her sensitive ears.

Xiao Ni takes a big gulp and quickly retracts her hand. She wandered her eyes all over the place before playing dumb. "Where is my Diar dress?" she asks while she slowly runs away from him. Hiding her with a scarf she picks up on the floor.

Wang Kai is rooted in his place and let her walk away. Surprisingly.

5 minutes pass and he no longer threw a fussy comment or question to annoy him. But Xiao Ni found his silence is more frightening. She wanted to peek at what at him doing, but she is scared.

Alas, curiosity killed the cat. To the damned with his threat, she wanted to know what bad he is up to!

Lucky her, she did not have to find his mischievousness after all. Just when she wants to turn at him, she heard him calling her with tenderly "Wife."

Xiao Ni tries to act indifferently. She makes her hand busy running through the clothes. Looking disinterested when she actually has sharpened her ears so she could catch every single thing he said.

"Baby," he called again, even more, gentle this time.

"Hm?" Xiao Ni answer. Her heart just flipping out every time he called her baby so dearly.

"Darling," He calls with endearments for the third time. This time Xiao Ni gave up her cool act and turn her head to look at him. When their eyes meet Xiao Ni saw his innocent little smile and her heart melted.

Wait, what? Wang Kai and the innocent word did not belong in one sentence.

"Well, If I did not annoy you again, can you use one of your collection tonight?" His eyes look shy in the first layer. But Xiao Ni has seen it all, she has seen through all the layers.

And beneath all of it all, there lay great wickedness behind. Xiao Ni holds her breath, trying not to hide forever inside the closet.

"I prefer the black one though. Especially this one." He lifted up a thin garment of black lingerie. Xiao Ni suddenly did not want to live anymore :)