
Reawakening of the Nameless Dragon

Nameless, Unknown, Forgotten in the passage of time. A man suddenly awakens inside a dark place, crawling out from a suffocating Coffin. With no memories about his past. Driven by an unyielding determination to survive, the man sets on a journey to recover his memory. With each step, revealing a fragment of his forgotten and dark past with the help of a being inside him contently speaking inside his head, and the people that he meets in his journey. A journey that will change the shape of the world because the man Knows one way to answer any problem. Wrath and destruction. *** Hello everyone this is Pride from Shadow Library. First I just want to tell you all, that this is my first novel and English is not my first language so there will be some mistakes. second. I hope you enjoy the ride with me as we delve deep in the story. my goal is to write a story I want to read later and I hope you share this passion with me as a reader, and always remember: The only thing that matters is a good story. One more thing, the story sometimes delves into dark themes, especially when the MC displays his brutality, so please read with caution. *** Discord: https://discord.gg/g5MxH7mkAB Contact Instagram:@Shadow_library_ Support the author: https://www.patreon.com/ShadowLibrary

Shadow_Library_ · ファンタジー
169 Chs

Chapter 148: Unexpected Encounter

[...*What the HELL! Seriously? Why does every woman want to get under your pants?*...]

[M-Master, I apologize for the behavior of my other self, he's—]

[...*OH! Shut up! And let me…let me…this isn't JUST! Why I must stay here inside your mind while you go around having fun with women*..]

[...*I want my fun TOO!*..]


Aron was speechless at the sudden and unexpected proposal. He blinked, trying to process the situation as his mind raced to come up with a response, and the system's other personality didn't help either.

"Um... I..." Aron stammered, his mind struggling to form coherent thoughts. His gaze kept focused on the young woman in his arms.

The young woman seemed to snap out of her daze, her cheeks flushing crimson as she realized what she had just blurted out. "I-I'm sorry," she stammered. "That was... that was—" Her words were cut short by sudden heavy footsteps coming from the other entrance of the street.

The woman shifted her gaze to the back trying to see the source of the heavy strides, but her vision was obstructed by the collapsed carriage; fortunately, the window of a store to her left allowed her to see. When she saw men in heavy armor heading towards the carriage, she swiftly turned to Aron urging. "We need to go."

"Huh?" Aron was still gazing at the young woman in confusion, unsure what to do.

"NOW!" she exclaimed.

The urgency in her voice snapped Aron out of his daze. Without hesitation, he carried the woman in his arms like a princess and dashed in the opposite direction of the carriage.

As he ran, the young woman kept giving him direction, leading him through winding alleys and hidden passageways to evade their pursuers. Aron's heart raced as they darted through the labyrinthine streets, the sounds of heavy footsteps echoing behind them.

Suddenly, he reached a dead-end. A brick wall obstructed their path, with no second thought Aron attempted to retreat, trying another alley when the woman suddenly spoke.

"Bring me close to the wall."

Aron paused for a moment, uncertain of the woman's request, but he approached the wall as she had instructed, bringing her close to it.

As they neared the wall, the woman reached out, her hand brushing against the bricks as if searching for something. Aron watched intently, curious about her actions amidst the chaos of their escape.

Then, to his surprise, he noticed a faint outline in the wall, barely visible in the dim light of the alley. It was a small, concealed door, cleverly hidden from view.

With a sense of urgency, the woman pressed against the hidden mechanism, and the door creaked open, revealing a narrow passageway beyond.

"Quickly inside!" she urged, gesturing for Aron to enter. Without hesitation, he stepped through the doorway still carrying the young woman.

The passageway was short and narrow, with just a few steps Aron found himself in a beautiful green garden with a small crystal blue lake in the middle. The air was filled with the sweet scent of blooming flowers, and the sound of birdsong echoed through the peaceful surroundings.

The young woman let out a sigh of relief as they entered the garden, her tense posture relaxing slightly. "We should be safe here for the time being," she said, her voice soft and reassuring.

"Thank you," she said, meeting his eyes with a smile of gratitude.

Aron returned the woman's smile. "It was nothing," he replied modestly. "I'm just glad I could help."

"Mm" The young woman nodded, shifting her gaze back at the garden. It appears that she has no intention of leaving Aron's arms.

Aron chuckled softly, saying, "Are you enjoying the ride?"

The young woman blushed slightly at Aron's remark, but a playful glint danced in her eyes as she looked up at him. "Well, of course, it would be a waste if I don't," she replied with a teasing tone. "I must admit, being carried like this does have its perks."


"Go that way," she pointed at a certain discretion, "there is a small bench."

Following the young woman's direction, Aron walked towards the discreet bench she had pointed out. As they approached, he noticed the peaceful ambiance of the garden enveloping them, offering a brief respite from the chaos of the outside world.

Once they reached the bench, Aron carefully lowered the young woman onto it, ensuring she was comfortable before sitting down beside her. The serene beauty of the garden provided a calming backdrop, and for a moment, they both simply sat in silence, taking in the tranquil surroundings.

At that moment Aron had the chance to observe the young woman. She had emerald eyes, Her skin was smooth and milky-white, and a long strangely colored blond hair cascaded down her shoulders in waves.

'A dye maybe?' he thought, his gaze drifting down to her attire. She wore an elegant dark red dress with intricate golden details, the fabric flowing gracefully around her slender frame. A pair of long, thin red gloves adorned her arms, reaching up to her elbows and adding a touch of sophistication to her ensemble.

But it was the unique earring adorning her ears that caught Aron's eye the most. Shaped like a tear, the left earring was a vibrant shade of blue, while the right one was a delicate pink.

"Hehehe~do you like what you see?" the young woman giggled softly playing with her pink earring.

Aron couldn't help but feel captivated by the woman's playful demeanor as she giggled softly, her eyes sparkling with mischief. Her question caught him off guard, but he couldn't deny the allure of her enigmatic charm.

"Uh, well, yes, I mean... everything about you is quite... intriguing," Aron admitted, his cheeks flushing slightly as he struggled to find the right words.

At that moment he sensed something strange. His heart began to beat faster, a heat spread throughout his body and the worst thing was his little brother started to wake up.

 Aron found himself unable to think straight and all he could do was to fix his eyes on the young woman next to him.

'What's happening to me?' he asked inwardly, struggling to think, but that process was cut short when the woman suddenly turned to face him.

"You didn't answer me," she said.

"Eh?...about what?"

The young woman pouted, puffing her cheeks like a squirrel.

'Cute…damn focus Aron'

"About my proposal," she brought her face closer, "would you marry me?"

'Close…Close' Aron barely was able to hold himself, seeing her mesmerizing emerald eyes and her small pink lips was too much for him.

'System, what's happening to me?' he asked inwardly.

[You're aroused Master, don't worry it's a natural reaction to being close to an attractive female]

[...*Why are you acting like a virgin all of a sudden? Drop the woman on the ground, she is asking for it, can't you see?*...]

'SHUT UP!' Aron exclaimed inwardly 'This is not a natural reaction, Kasumi is a hundred times more attractive than this woman and I didn't have a reaction like this'

'Systeme perform a complete checkup on me' He ordered.

[Understood, this will take a few minutes]

"Why are you not answering me?"

The young woman's voice snapped Aron out of his inner turmoil, bringing his focus back to the present moment. He blinked, trying to gather his thoughts as he met her gaze, her emerald eyes searching his for a response.

"Don't you think that you're in a little rush, trying to marry someone you just met and don't know anything about him?"

"I see," she took a moment to think, then suddenly brought her face again close to Aron, this time her face was so close that if Aron moved slightly forward, their lips would meet.

"So you're saying if I took the time to get to know you, you'll agree?"

"huh?...Wait hold up—"

"Alright, let's start right now," she jumped out of the bench, she faced him pulling her dress with the tip of her fingers and offering a noble-like bow her movements fluid and elegant, like a character from a fairytale.

"Let me introduce myself, my name is Octavia Beaumont," she introduced herself with a flourish, her voice carrying a hint of mystery and intrigue. "And you are?"

Aron watched her with a mixture of fascination and confusion, unsure of how to respond to her sudden change in demeanor. Her graceful movements and regal mannerisms seemed out of place in the tranquil garden setting, and he couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to her than met the eye.

"I-I'm Aron," he replied, his voice slightly hoarse as he struggled to find his bearings. "just Aron."

'Damn it!...I gave my real name'

Octavia's lips curved into a smile at his response, her emerald eyes sparkling with amusement. "Alright just Aron, heheh~...we introduced ourselves so that means we know each other now, let's get married."

"HOLD UP! Young lady," Aron quickly raised his hand, he got a feeling that Octavia was about to jump in his arms. "Knowing the name is just the first step in getting to know someone," he continued, his tone firm but gentle.

"Marriage is a serious commitment, and I don't believe we should rush into it without truly understanding each other."

'WHAT! Am I seriously thinking of marrying this girl?...System HELP!'

[Two minutes Master]

Octavia's smile widened slightly at Aron's words "I see, you want to know me more, good" She jumped back on the bench sitting next to him. "Well? I'm nineteen years old girl, I like to read, sleep, eat, wear nice clothes, and play with dolls."

"Pfff…Dolls?" Aron couldn't help but chuckle at Octavia's mention of playing with dolls. "Aren't you too big for playing with dolls?"

"Humph.." Octavia pouted, shooting Aron with a death glance, "Yes dolls, mister old man just Aron."

Octavia's playful retort brought a grin to Aron's lips. "Well, excuse me, Miss Octavia," Aron replied with a chuckle, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "I suppose there's no harm in playing with dolls."

"Of course, I'm limited on things I can do to spend the time," she suddenly lowered her head glancing at the ground, her playfully demoter changed. "My brother likes to keep me in the palace saying it's for my safety."

"Palace?...Brother?" Aron caught these two words and he quickly asked.

Octavia nodded, her expression growing somber as she spoke. "My brother is the lord of this city, Theodore Beaumont."

"Oh! Interesting," a wide grin found its way to Aron's lips.

'Theodore's sister, that changes things' he thought for a moment 'I can use her to get inside the palace or draw Theodore out, he seems to care for his sister'

[Master, I found traces of aphrodisiac in your system.]

'Aphrodisiac? How?'

[Yes, I failed to sense it since it has no smell, and it was mixed in with the air.]

Aron glanced around, scanning the area. His mind raced as he processed the revelation about the aphrodisiac in his system. It explained the sudden surge of arousal and confusion he had been experiencing.

'It all started when I entered this garden.'

[Master, this aphrodisiac is powerful, and you need to get it out of your system immediately.]

'Get it out? How?'

[...*What do you mean, how? Just go and bang some chicks*...]


'SHUT UP!... I don't take advice from someone who was absent for more than two weeks.'

[...*it your fault*...]

Step!. Step!

"My lady!"

"Huh?" a voice cut through the silence, drawing the attention of Aron and Octavia. They saw a middle-aged woman in a maid outfit running toward them.

"Ugh, she found me." Octavia's expression shifted from surprise to annoyance as the maid approached them. She turned swiftly, planting a soft kiss on Aron's cheek.

"This is your reward for saving me. I must go home now. Meet me here in two days; I want to hear your answer."

Octavia's sudden kiss was like an electric shock spreading to every fiber of Aron. His skin was extremely sensitive because of that aphrodisiac. He didn't get the chance to reply. Octavia quickly made her way to her maid and disappeared from sight, leaving Aron standing in the tranquil garden, still reeling from the unexpected kiss.

"UGH!" Seconds after she left, Aron began to feel a slight pain in his chest that was slowly spreading.

"I need to leave this place." Immediately, he left the garden from the same hidden entrance, heading back to the hotel. However, halfway through, the pain suddenly doubled, and Aron's skin began to release a stream of heat, still not visible to normal eyes yet.

While Aron was struggling to find a solution, a building caught his eye. A public bathroom. Without a second thought, Aron burst into the building. He found a man still at a desk writing in a notebook.

'Probably the owner,' Aron thought, pulling from his inventory a small pouch filled with gold coins.

"I want to hire this establishment for the day. Fill your biggest pool or sink with icy water."

Aron's urgent tone caught the attention of the man behind the desk, who looked up from his notebook with a mixture of surprise and curiosity. When he was about to say something, Aron opened the pouch, letting all the gold coins drop on the desk.

"!!!" The man's eyes lit up with excitement; he quickly stood up offering a bow. "Right away, sir. Please wait for two minutes."

Aron didn't say anything, just watched the man as he ran to the back. Two minutes later, the owner came back with visible sweat on his forehead.

Aron followed the owner to the back of the building, where he was led to a large, spacious room with a massive bathtub in the center. The tub was filled with water and blocks of ice.

"Well done"

The owner beamed with pride at Aron's approval. "I'm glad you're satisfied, sir. Is there anything else I can assist you with?"

Aron shook his head, his mind still reeling from the effects of the aphrodisiac. "No, this will be all. Thank you for your assistance."

When the owner left, Aron quickly removed his armor, jumping naked into the icy water. Sadly, the icy water did nothing to calm him; in fact, the temperature of the water began to rise, all because of the heat emitting from Aron's skin.

Minutes passed; Aron meditated in the middle of the massive bathtub, trying to cool down the heat radiating from his skin. He focused on regulating his breathing and calming his racing thoughts. Yet his rock-hard member, standing proud between his legs, was in no way near calming down.

As he was meditating, the door suddenly opened, and two young women stepped in.

"Master, you're here," Kasumi asked, accompanied by Viper.

When Aron heard her voice, his heart skipped a beat. 'Shit! This isn't good; I can't control myself.'

"Hum…hum." The corridors of the palace echoed with the soft melody of Octavia's humming as she made her way through the grand halls. Her steps were light and graceful, her mind lost in thought as she navigated the familiar surroundings with ease.

"You're late," a male voice echoed ahead.

Octavia turned to find her brother, Theodore, striding towards her with a stern expression. She swiftly composed herself, straightening her stance and offering a polite smile.

"My apologies, brother," Octavia replied, her tone respectful but tinged with a hint of defiance. "I was delayed by an unexpected encounter in the city."

She inclined her head slightly and attempted to resume her progress. However, Theodore promptly clasped her wrist, halting her in her tracks.

Theodore's grip was firm, his expression serious as he looked into Octavia's eyes. "An unexpected encounter?" he repeated, his voice low and controlled. "Do you take me for a fool, Octavia?"

"..." Octavia maintained silence, the smile on her lips vanishing as she murmured in a subdued tone without turning back, "Release me, brother. You know I dislike being touched."

Theodore's grip tightened slightly, his eyes narrowing as he studied Octavia's face for any signs of deceit. "I asked you a question, Octavia," he said, his voice stern but tinged with concern. "What happened in the ci–"

He didn't get the chance to finish his words when Octavia suddenly turned, seizing his throat. She even managed to raise him high in the air.

"You forgot your place, Brother," she said, her voice dripping with disdain. "Do you want to spend a night with my dolls? They missed you."

"!!!" Theodore's face paled, and his eyes widened in shock and fear as Octavia's grip tightened around his throat.

"O-Octavia..." Theodore choked out, his voice strained. "Please... release me...sorry."

Octavia's lips curled into a cruel smile at her brother's plea, but before she could respond, she kept tightening her grip until he was on the brink of losing consciousness, then she relinquished her grasp.

Theodore gasped for air, clutching at his throat as he stumbled backward, his eyes wide with fear and disbelief. Octavia watched him with a cold, calculating gaze, her expression unreadable as she observed his reaction.

"Remember your place, dear brother," she said icily, her voice laced with venom. "And to satisfy your curiosity, I went out to get new dolls."

Her face suddenly shifted instantly from cold and cruel to playful and innocent. "I found a lovely, beautiful doll for my new collection."

yO sup?

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