
The circus

The next day Rose and Dante had off so they went shopping for things . The first place they went was a book shop . The book shop had all kinds of books . Rose and Dante walked around the shop . They both a few books and left . They both many things and went back to the door." Rose we actually never talked since you arrived at the dorm ." Dante said looking at Rose with a sad look." Oh I didn't realised." Rose said with a smile." Rose can you tell me a little bit about yourself ?" Dante asked Rose with a sad look. " Ok when I was little my family was killed and then I was adopted by a wonderful family but they died and it went so on until I was adopted by the family that I have now ." Rose said without realising what she just said." So your life was hard when you grew up ." Dante said looking at her with a sad look." Yes and what about you?" Rose asked Dante still not realising what she just had said." I am the youngest of five brothers and sisters and my family always ignored me ." Dante said with a sad look in his eyes . " So that is why you always look sad Dante." Rose said with a sad smile. " Yes." Dante said with a sad look.

It is the day of the circus . The guys and Rose got ready to go to the circus. Rose wore a black dress and her long black hair with purple tips were loose . The other guys was just dressed normally and the went to the circus. They got back seats and Rose was sitting next to Shingo and Shenzhen . The show was just as Rose could remembered . Later Rose went to the bathroom that was out side the circus tent . She was about to head back when someone called her." Hi Rose can you remember me? " A girl with a circus outfit asked Rose." Uhm sorry but I have never seen you or met you ." Rose said trying to hide her face ." You can remember me that is why you are hiding your face, but incase you forgot my name it is Megan." Megan said angrily. Rose went back to the guys and continued to watch the show. " I want a volunteer would anyone like to be a volunteer?" A circus guy asked the crowd . The girl of before is also there with the guy . Rose tried to hide behind Shingo. " Rose are you alright?" Shingo asked her. " They know me ." Rose whispered . " Ahhhh you lady the one that is behind the guy there in the back." the circus guy said . Megan walked to Rose and showed her to go to the guy . Shingo tried to helped her, but Rose was already being dragged to the guy . " So young lady what is your name?" The circus guy asked her." You already know it." Rose said angrily and soft."What was that ?" The guy asked her like he didn't get what she was saying." My name is Skarlet Rose." Rose said angrily." Today this volunteer will be a part of the dangerous stunts ." The guy said." Do you Skarlet Rose think you can do it ?" the guy asked her ." I think so. " Rose said angrily. Then Megan helped her clime the lader to the rope walk. " So Rose do you want the safety strap thing or not?" Megan asked her." No I can walk it without it ." Rose said angrily. Then Rose began to walk the rope like it was a normal floor. She didn't even lose balance. When she was near the end she jumped off the rope and landed on a nearby trampoline . "There can I go back to my seat?" Rose asked them angrily. The guy nodded and Megan showed her to her seat." Rose you and your new friends meat us at the back of the circus tent when the show is done and you must come." Megan said angrily at Rose. Rose sat down and then she puts her head on Shen's shoulder so that the dizzy feeling can go away. " Hi Rose are you ok ? " The guys asked her looking concerned at her ." Yeah I just need to get the dizzy away." Rose said with a small smile. When the show ended the guys were about to leave the place when Rose told them they needed to go to the back of the circus tent.

" We are not allowed to go there ." Shingo said." I was told I need to go there you guys can go or came with me ." Rose said angrily. The guys followed her until they were stopped by a big scary guy ." Hi there Tiny how was the circus when I left is everything still the same?" Rose asked the big guy." Oh it is you my Rose I missed you and no Rose the circus change allot just like you ." Tiny said." can I go say hi to the others Tiny?" Rose asked him." Yes, but they are not allowed to go with you." Tiny said pointing at the guys." Tiny they are my friends and they are here to help me if I get in trouble." Rose said looking at them. Tiny let's them go . They end up infront of the circus guy of before." Oh Rose you are not the same as before, maybe we can settle things now you tiny girl ." the guy said angrily at Rose." You are right, I will always blame you for killing them." Rose said angrily at the guy." Oh that is right you were adopted by the circus family ." The circus guy said angrily." You know what Merwin you will never be able to win because I learnt a lot from that day." Rose said angrily while smiling insanely. The guys just stood there not knowing what is going on." Oh Megan while me and this guy fight could you explain to my friends what is going on?" Rose asked Megan but she ignored her ." Fine I will tell you guys when the time is right." Rose said to the guys.