

blackghost · ファンタジー
14 Chs

Chapter 7 - Knight

[blood analyzed]

[RoseCrown blood detected]

[ Name- John RoseCrown]

[ Level- level 1 intermediate]

"hmm and I thought that in this life I have seen all surprises" his mother said as she leaned over his shoulder and watched the data that was showing about her son.

"so you already at the intermediate stage of level one, although this means that your a rookie and weak in this kingdom but a child of your age would be considered a genius, it is hard for one to form their mana cores and some fail to do so making them unable to use their power for the rest of their life" his mother said while she praised her son.

"what age do mana cores form?" john asked as he was interested in seeing how far ahead he was from his peers.

"well for humans, the age is normally 10, for demons its 15 since most demons focus on strengthening the body first, for elves however they are blessed by mana so some are actually born with mana cores" his mother said as she spoke of the three great races.

'so that means that for humans am far ahead, I wonder how far I can push that distance' john thought as he went outside, he was in his pajamas but his muscular figure was still evident as the pajamas seemed as though they were about to rip apart by how tightly it fitted on his body.

john looked around before walking towards a water source tree, he then placed his hands on the oversized bark, he closed his eyes and tried to concentrate, he was trying to move the water inside the tree, but he found it difficult as sweat rolled down the sides of his face, john was like this for a couple minutes, his arm was shaking and veins started to show on his arms that were touching the tree.

'shit, I can't believe am already out of mana and I haven't even made a single movement of water in the tree' john let go of the tree as he was exhausted, he was breathing heavily as his pajamas were soaking wet by his sweat.

but john smiled as he had found the perfect challenge to raise his power.

john continued at this for weeks, while doing this he came about an epic piece of knowledge that could shake the whole world if they knew about it, because of the mark of demonic path he was able to flow waste mana directly to his core, this waste mana would then be turned into innate mana as it is processed by the core.

this left john with an abundance of mana to his disposal, as long as the mark of the demonic path is active he would have unlimited mana at his use, but this came with a cost which was a unbelievable amount of fatigue after a hour of use.

he would only use his Trump card as a final resort, so he did not care about the drawbacks.

a few days later john can be seen throwing two water disk from both of his palms, he moved his finger to control the direction of the disk it was almost as though his finger was a mouse for a computer, he controlled the disk every movement.

he then pointed at the water source tree, the two water disk flew at the tree and made impact, this time however they did not disintegrate immediately, the disk cut at the tree like little saws as they became smaller and smaller before they vanished.

john can be seen sweating heavily as it took alot out of him to perform this technique, he was slowly perfecting his use of his water ability.

the water source tree bark was full of scratches and marks, as they were not powerful enough to damage the tree.

john had also advanced to a level 1 advance stage, he was close to a breakthrough to level 2 as his core have recently began to have cracks and large amounts of power was leaking out of these cracks.

'hmm since I started using my power I have only been using it in the ways of a wizard, I wonder how to use it as a knight' john thought as he placed his hand on his chin

a knight uses power is mostly based on physical improvements such as super strength or the ability to regenerate, because of this knights normally lose against wizards of the same level, john asked for his power to be both knight and wizard making it a dual class, but doing this john thought it would have turned his body into some type of water monster that was fully made up of water, that way he would be invincible, but something like that would require large amounts of mana.

but suddenly an idea came to john, john smiled as he continued to practice, this time however he was training in his family sword technique.

a couple hours later john was full of sweat as he was soaked from head to toe, he was panting heavily as he tried to catch his breath.

"alright let's see if this work" john said as he began to grin, he closed his eyes as he tried to focus on his mana, soon he opened his bright blue eyes.

"yes I can do it" john mumbled soon the sweat on John's body began to move weirdly around his body.

"wet armor" john spoke softly, as to his command his sweat formed into a translucent armor that was thin and extended all around his body even his sword was coated by his sweat, it was almost as though he was in a bubble.

john didn't hesitate as he then thrusted his sword forward in the direction of the water source tree.

at the same time his mother was looking at her son through the window, she saw him perform the move and was surprised, but then she thought that it had no use as water can never be used as defense, but as she saw her son thrust his sword forward her sharp eyes saw something else, a tiny drop of sweat darted forward at the tree.

but nothing happened afterwards as it disintegrated on impact with the tree, her son who was exhausted finished his training for the day while she went to prepare a meal.

but on the water source tree however a tiny hole was made in the bark no larger than the tip of a pen, little drips of water can be seen leaking out of this hole.