

blackghost · ファンタジー
14 Chs

Chapter 5

[2 year later]

*wosh!!* turbulent winds moved through a dense forest knocking down trees before it suddenly disappears.

in the center of this forest was a well built child, his right arm extended forward as it was folded into that of a fist.

it was none other but john who was training, his eyes were closed shut as he pulled back his right arm to his side before shooting out his left fist in a slow manor, as his fist was completely extended a turbulence of wind stroke forward at the forest once more.

as he completed this strike the blue glowing triangle on his head slowly disappeared, he then open his eyes as beads of sweat rolled down his pale face.

he suddenly began to smile as he looked infront him which was nothing but destruction, trees were uprooted and those that were left standing were broken in half.

"this is what you call power" he mumbled as he looked at the forest.

"nope that is what you call the strength of a 2nd rank novice knight, for a wizard that is nothing more than a 1st level intermediate wizard" his mother spoke behind him as she watched her son practice.

john was feeling proud of himself before his mother spoke these words, in this world ones strength is measured by levels and each level have a total of 3 stages which are novice, intermediate and advanced, having the strength of a level 2 novice was nothing to brag about to john since he wanted to be the strongest in the world, his father is rumored to be a level 12 intermediate wizard which means he is 10 levels away from his father, it is said to pass through the 10th level is almost impossible for some, even making it to the 10th level is already hard to do.

"what level are you then mother?" john asked as he always had forgot to ask his mother this question.

"I do not have none and neither do you" his mother said which shocked john, he looked at his mother confused as he wondered if he was wasting his time all along.

seeing her son confused face she began to explain with a charming expression.

"you see john the technique we use uses the waste mana around us and not our own, we are neither knights or wizards for we do not use our own mana we don't even have a mana core which is the heart of mana for knights and wizards, levels are giving based on the breakthrough of your mana core in reaction to your power, as we know mana is only a energy source and wizards and knights use the mana to fuel their power, for example a wizard blessed with the power of fire control can control flames with nothing but their internal mana, while their levels decide how powerful a flame they can control and what they can do with it, your father can create fire out of thin air and set his whole kingdom to dust with just a simple wave" she said as she began to blush again as she mentioned John's father.

'this woman is obsessed' john thought as he looked at his mother who was deep in thought as her face became even more red by the minute.

'she is a lost cause' john thought as he shake his head in disappointment.

"eehhm" she regain her thoughts as she looked at john who looked at her in pity, "anyway with this technique you will only be able to fight against level 10 advanced knights and level 10 novice wizards when mastered to its full potential"

'huh, that's all, I read books that said that their are beings in this world close to God's that have reached a level close to 100 and I will only be stuck at 10 with this technique, I will be nothing more than a bug to them' john thought as he looked at his mother that was smiling from ear to ear.

"wait but something don't add up how were you fighting one on one with father if that is your limit" john asked as he tried to make sense of his mother's story, plus his father is rumored to be a wizard which is even more powerful than a knight.

"ohh that's because I poisoned him with mana reduction poison, he only could have used 30% of his mana because of the poison" his mother said as she told her tail.

"and you still lost" john was now even more disappointed in his mother, she not only had the upper hand in a technique that is based on stamina but she also reduced his mana to 30% and still lost, "could it be that she is just weak"

john spoke softly but in the next instance he saw his mother glowing blue before a sword appeared in her hand, she then barely took out the sword out of its sheath only a inch of the sword can be seen before she place it back into the sheath.

"what was that all ab..." john was about to speak before in the distance he saw the top part of a mountain sliding off the lower part, it then crash to the ground sending sand and rocks for miles.

"who were you calling weak" his mother said with a poker face as she watched her son who was lost for words.

"your father is just a monster blessed by mana, even though he is a level 12 his mana is almost of that of someone on the 15th level, I stood no chance at winning, and it's already a couple years I bet that monster is already on the 13th level" she spoke as though she was annoyed by this but her face told a different story, her red cheeks and her lust-full eyes showed her obsession.

john didn't bother to watch his mother, he closed his eyes and without breathing in blue particles of mana started to gather around him and enter his forehead where the blue tattoo started to take form.

'the mark of the demonic part is really handy though, but I think it's time to learn how to use my power'