

blackghost · ファンタジー
14 Chs

chapter 13 - friend or foe

"yes I am" the man said as his daughter whispered in his ears, after a few minutes she withdrew herself from her fathers ears and went to play with her snake by the side.

"so you are from RoseCrown, I find that interesting, the last time I checked RoseCrown was a human kingdom" he then licked his lips as he leaned forward to look at john, john began to smell that of the stink of alcohol stained in this man's breath, his cheeks were rose red as his eyes seemed full of life

"why would a white demon of the western continent be this far in the northern lands" the king of the bandits said as he began to inspect John's body.

"white demon?" john mumbled as he was confused, his mother told him stories about her tribe but she did not tell him anything about being a white demon.

"ohh so you don't know, well by the looks of it you are more of a half breed, you have both human and demon blood in you, but I will enlighten you, in the western island across the devils sea their are powerful clans of all types of beings, you are apart of one of these powerful clans they are known as white demons and their clan leader is a level 50 powerhouse, well now that I think about it someone as powerful as that would have his DNA spread all over the world by now, they say he lived for 3000 years so it's understandable why their is a halfbreed with his bloodline all the way in the northern lands" the man sighed, he thought of this as a good opportunity to befriend a powerful clan but john was nothing more than a descendant of this clan.

"whats your name kid?" the bandit king asked as he looked at john.

"john" he answered as he was interested in the information that the bandit king had about his clan.

"well jon.." the bandit king called his name lazily before he sat down near to the cage, his back was turned to john and he searched in his coat and took out a large jug and placed it to his head.

he gulped down the silver clear liquid like that of a pig as it drooled from the sides of his mouth and into his beard.

"you see Jon.."


"my information is not free, everything in the bandit Kingdom have a price, and since information about your race is really valuable and I alone knew what you were, I think that the price is to be 1.."


"as I was saying I think the price of my information is to be 1 level 6 monster core" the bandit king said as he smiled bitterly.

john felt his heart sank, he was no where close to defeating a monster of that level, he ran from the rat king that was just a level 5 monster, how would he ever have the guts to fight against a level 6, he was just a level 5 intermediate.

but before john could say anything the bandit king smiled deviously and began to speak again after taking another gulp from his jug.

"alright I'll make it easy for you, I'll give you two other options, you can give my daughter the two wolves and we will call it even..."


this was the opportunity that john was waiting for as soon as the bandit king hiccup he dash forward with amazing speed, he then grabbed the bandit king by the throat and forced his body to come in contact with the ore that made up the cell, he then placed a sharp object to his throat that almost resembled a piece of a knifes blade.

princess ria looked over at the commotion, she had no expression on her face, she went back to playing with her giant snake and ignore her father and john.

"hey!!" john shouted in her direction.

"let me out of here our I'll cut his neck wide open" john spoke, ox and max stood besides him and growled heavily as they mixed the atmosphere around them with large amounts of killing intent.

the bandit king took a glimpse at ox claws and realized that one was broken and bleeding.

"such loyalty and strategy, to think you would use your own wolf claw as a weapon" the king was amused.

john was holding the broken claw of the wolf towards the neck of the king like that of a knife.

"but kid sorry to burst your bubble of hope but am a knight, my body defense and strength do not always rely on mana, my physique is 3x that of a normal human" the king said as he grabbed the blade with his hand at an abnormal speed, and then crushed it with nothing but his grip strength.

john was about to back away when a hand grabbed his hair and pulled him towards the cage.

"you see kid don't mistake me to be weak, I congratulate you for being a level 5 intermediate that's why am giving you this next option" he smiled as he dragged john against the ore bars.

ox and max could not stand it a growled intensely, but the bandit king only glared at them to instill fear, the wolves did not dare take a step forward.

"as I was saying, before your mutts interrupt me, how about being apart of the bandit Kingdom for 5 years , after the 5 years are up you are free to leave"

"5 years!?" john felt as though this man had already came up with this scheme from the beginning.

"I'll take that as you agreeing, I got the perfect place for you to work, you will be apart of our assassination guild, it's runned by my sweet little sister so she will take good care of you" the bandit king said as he dropped john and went to his throne.

"and don't think of escaping that thing I placed on your neck is a specially made slave collar you try to run away or do anything to harm my kingdom and it will go boom" the bandit king said as he pointed at John's neck.

john realized that there was a large black collar on his neck, it had a red gem embedded into it, and from it he can feel a large amount of uncontrollable mana inside ready to blow his head off.

"I already told her to come pick you up, she supposed to be here soo...." the bandit king suddenly went quiet as the air in the tent began to get cold.

john began to see the large fluctuation of cold mana, the temperature dropped to amazing levels to the point at which he can see his own breath.

"so this is how you pay your debts, bandit king?" suddenly a soft voice echoed in the tent.

john however was looking around the room, but it was not because of fear, it was because he was seeing something moving, he was seeing a silhouette of blue mana moving through the ground and walls of the tent, suddenly it vanished.

"hmm, interesting"

john suddenly felt a cold little hand on the back of his shoulder, turning his head he saw that of a translucent little girl with that of a scythe and large amounts of uncontrollable killing intent.

it was almost as though he was looking at the grim reaper.