
Reaper: The Paranormal Adventures of Zach and Evelyn

A student by day and the Grim Reaper by night! Follow the paranormal adventures of Zach Reaper, son of Grim Reaper (the Grim Reaper) and the next in line to become Head of the Reapers, who doesn’t want to reap human souls. Instead, Zach works as a paranormal investigator, dealing with the occurrence of mythical and magical beasts in his hometown, Nestant Town, by reaping their souls. From ghosts, to Devils, to Supernatural Investigators after Zach’s bounty, NOTHING is off limits here in this supernatural action-comedy! Chapters every Monday/Friday at 4pm EST, starting January 1st, 2024!

Palewhale · アクション
49 Chs

Case #0-Intro

Ghosts, goblins, ghouls, and ghasts. Lurking deep within the surface of this normal-seeming world, exists strange phenomenon that science can not explain. Under the light of the day, humanity rules the world. But during the night, they come out to play. They with their supernatural abilities and inhuman appearances. They whom spark the creation of folklore and myths. They who few believe in, but majority don't. They who are known as supernatural creatures, beings who shouldn't exist in this world, but somehow they do. And in the small town of Nestant, their existence is impossible to dispute. Supernatural creatures who have claws, fangs, and horns. Supernatural creatures who prey on the weakness of humanity Supernatural creatures who oppose God. In Nestant Town -a town famous and feared for its unnatural amount of paranormal activity- within these inhuman monstrosities, exists a boy. A champion of humanity, yet not quite a human himself. A boy who yearns to be human, but will never quite get his wish fulfilled. In many different cultures, in many different languages, in many different arts all over the world, he is known by many different names. The Shinigami…the Death God…The Angel of Death. Armed with his sickle and skull mask, this boy is known as The Reaper. And wherever exists the wicked, corrupt, violent monsters of the underworld, he will be there....

And he will reap their souls.

"Stop that, you're scaring me!" A school girl squeals, causing her two friends next to her to laugh.

"Oh come on, you know that The Reaper isn't real! It's just some stupid myth that scaredy-cats made up to help them sleep better at night," one friend cockily replies.

"You really don't believe in the Reaper? He could be real, you know!" The other friend adds.

A shredded, absolutely jacked, sixteen year old guy passing by the two girls can't help but to listen in to their silly squabble. Their talk about "the Reaper" has clearly caught his interest. The boy is a little odd looking, with gravity-defying spiked black hair, and violet-colored eyes and yellow pupils with black lines around them which made the boy look as if he was always wearing eyeliner. But he wasn't. Oh, and did I mention that the boy was hot as Hell?

That'd be me.

My name is Zach with-an-H. Nice to meet you. Pull up a seat, and stay a while. Things are abouta' get fun.

"Oh, Zach!" One of the girls exclaims as she pops off her chair and rushes over to me upon noticing my passing. She's the girl who was defending the existence of The Reaper.

"Oh…hey, prez'," I unenthusiastically reply. This is Evelyn Thomson, Nestant Town High School's very own student council president! She's…alright in my book. I don't know much about Evelyn other than the fact that she's a huge nerd, always pressuring me about my homework, and what-not I'm sure that's what she's on to right now. She'd be way hotter if she wasn't.

"Hey Zach, do you have your homework?" Evelyn asks me. Bingo.

"Are ya' crazy? Of course I don't have my homework!" I answer.

"Jeez, Zach, you never have your homework!"

"What can I say, I'm a busy man with better things to do than school work."

"And what's with your clothes?! Torn jeans…hoodies…that dorky looking wallet chain…how many times do I have to tell you that what you're wearing is not school appropriate?!"

"Hey, don't cramp my style, prez'!" I reply as I grab either side of my unbuttoned school uniform dress shirt and hold it up to Evelyn. "I'm still wearing our uniform, ya' see!"

Evelyn lets out a sigh of distress and pinches the bridge of her nose. "You're hopeless, Zach…"

"I'm all good!"

"You won't be saying that when you can't get into any colleges because you don't do your work!"

"Whatevs, like I'm even going to college. I've had my future sorted out ever since I was born!"

"That's pretty much impossible! And besides, the teacher said that if everyone in our class hands in our homework, we'll get extra credit! You're holding us back, Zach!" Evelyn's pouting even harder now.

"Don't worry. Once I get kicked out of class for not doing jack, I won't hold you guys back any longer!" I cackle.

And with that, my smile of laughter turned back into its usual grimace as I continued my path onwards to my next class.


In the early afternoon, the bell rings, and it's finally time to go home.

"Yo Zach! We're going to the arcade tonight, wanna tag along?" Some dude calls to me as I try my best to flee school grounds.

"Nah, I'm busy, maybe some other time!" I call back.

"What, you got a gig or something?" Another other guy asks, motioning to my guitar case. As if there's even a guitar in there.

"Nah, I've got my after school job." Nothing bugs me more than guys fawning over me.

"Man, you're ever around!" The first guy laughs. 

Ah, that's right, it's Friday. The day when kids my age legally leave school in order to go out and party and make memories that will last them a lifetime...or until they go off to college or 'cancel' the friends that they were with. But not me. For me, Friday is just like any other day. And just like every other day, rather than hanging out with friends after school, I go to my afterschool job. Although I don't have friends, it's not like I can't make friends. It's just that...I'm so busy with my work that I don't have the chance to make friends. Apparently, I'm actually kinda popular and girls call me attractive despite the fact that I don't talk to anyone. Probably because of my fashion sense and badass eyes. But I don't really care. I live in a different world than them, anyways. Literally.

After leaving school grounds, I make my way over to a nearby cafe called 'El Coffee Café' and take my usual seat at the table by the front window right of the front door. I wasn't ordering anything, I just needed to check my laptop for something. I pulled my laptop out of my bag and flipped it open. After typing in the password to my laptop, H-A-R-V-E-S-T, I went to a website titled Reaper's Paranormal.

'Paranormal problems? We'll solve 'em! If you want to hire a supernatural investigator without breaking the bank, then call Reaper's Paranormal today!' The slogan reads.

"Let's see, let's see, who's my lucky little client today for today...?"

After searching through the website for a while, I find my next client. "Ah, that's right! Mrs Miller, she mentioned how every morning when she wakes up, one of her chickens is missing and she thinks that it's some sort of supernatural reasoning behind this, where there is, of course. Alright, time to make some cash!"

After figuring out my next client, I pack up my laptop and exit El Coffee Café. I then cross the street and turned into a back alleyway. The alley way is long, secluded, and dark. It was perfect. I look around nervously, seeing if anyone was here, and after seeing that I was alone, I slip off my guitar case and drop it to the filthy ground. I quickly undressed into my boxers as I open the guitar case, pulling some clothes out from within. I pull up a pair of purple joggers -not the most stylish, but good for moving in- and tuck them into a pair of white boots. I then zip up my pitch black and purple jacket. The jacket had a black hood which I pull up as well as a tall collar that hid my mouth. I then slip on a pair of white gloves for safe measure.

I then reach back into the guitar case and pull out a thick, brown leather strap that I pulled over my head. Dangling off of the left side of my hip of the leather strap is a messenger bag, and hanging off of the right shoulder of the strap is a huge, bladed weapon resembling a sword. But not just any sword. Rather than the sword ending in a straight blade, the end of the sword curves out in a huge, jagged scythe, perfect for shredding or chopping through every damn creature found in this world. And not found in this world. I call this baby…my "sickle-sword." Pretty cool, right?

For the final touch, I pull out a white skeleton mask with purple circles going around the eye sockets and mouth. I placed the skeleton mask on my head, converging my entire face except for my unnatural eyes and creepy black rings around them. And after getting dressed in my...work outfit...I pack up my clothes and shove them in my guitar case and head out.

Time to get to work.